HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-2-28 . -- RESIDENTlAL-- .~ APPJ'JCATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Stpeet Springfield, Ol'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ./ /.0 /2vl/2M /-P2~~ #7 J-6W~~h!ono: Job Loaatiorl: Of~ ASDcaGOl'= Map # Subdivision: DuneI' : Addresa: City: n n n n Nm,' Addi ticn Remodel Cult (}.A#~ Tax Lot # ?2h -~S3 / Zip: Deacribe rl'ol'l~: -) I ,~!obi Ie Hom~ d- ~f - f'l VaZue 11()1) Dcr'to of Application Contractors General Plumbing i t'lechanlc:J 1 I El~c t r.l.ca 1 Supervt~if!I:L t~le('lr:(c i;nl . Rccef.pt .'1 ( "3 ;J~ J # / tOIL- Siqr:ed: Date: QC :;2- ~R' -\( '1 Address LisCo II I BIdrs Board Req, Pbonp Your City Dcoigr.ated Job Nwnber Io: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be mrlde after all insulation a~4 required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board 02" wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. Expires It is the responsibility :o)' the permit holder to ~ee that aZZ inopections are made at the proper timel tf.at D~ch ~ddre83 is readab:e f1'om the street. and that the PC1'rrrit oaN is located at the front of the property. .!Juilding Dividor: approved plan s1u:.ll remain on th2 Bu::.ldblf~ sit;; at all times. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTIOI{'::.Rs"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state yOUI' City designated job nw::bel'. job address. type of inzpec;ic1i 1'equested a~d when you will be ready for inspection. Contractors or OWners ncme end phone number. Requests receive~ befere 7:00 ~. ~ill be madc the Bame day. requests m~dc after 7:00 am will b~ made the next ~rking day. ROUCH PUJ,'!RmC. E!.ECTR!CIE ,~ UF.CU- D SIm;;lrALK & DRIt'Efr/'.Y: For all con- ANICAI.: No :JOl'k -it;' t;o lic eOl..'(H'cd Cl'ctc pavitt!! within strect r>ight-" ur:til th(!!u~ in:Jpeetior.:; havA hrtm; of-!.X.:y. to he made aj'teI' all exca- made wul appr'ove:!. vating ccxnpletc & j'OPi./ work & ::':ub- FI.r?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing OO!JC mater"ial in pla:Je. materialn and before fl'aming innpec-~ tior.. - J I'ENCE: flher. compl;;te -- Provide FRAJ.JNC: Must b,e 1'eque~ted after . gateG 01' movable sectiono th1'ou h appl'oval of rough plwr.b1.-ng. ~lectl'1.-- - P U E g 001. & mechani:Jal, At! roofing . ... bracing & chimn;:ys. 'et.::. rrr.wt be D completed, No w~rkir. to be con- cecled until thi~ inspection has . been made and appl'oL'cd, .!?(!f1!n:"('Iul TP'I~r.t>(!t1:rm~ O SITE INSPEC'!' ION: To be rrade after excavation. but prior> to set up of forme. D UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, _ ELECTRICAL ,ll MECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any lJOl'k is .::ovcred. ' D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after tl'eHchas Ql'e excavated and forms are erected. but prior to poul'ing ccncret;;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC; SEWER, W:1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made priol' to fiZ- lir.g trenches. D o UNDERFLOOR PUJ!..'BING I, MFX!lANrCAL: To be made prior to',itwtallation of f100r in~ulation or dccking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prio"]' to instaZZatio'l of floor insL;latior. or decking . o D D D D DRYW1LL INSPECTION: Te be made alter' all dl'YLJaZZ is in place. but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location. bond beam:>. grouti11g or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. f{OODSTOVE: After installation iB l..'Cmpleted. f9()/51 I DEUOLITION OR ;',:OVED BUILDIiIGS :=J Sani tal'Y BeJel' :.!apped at p~op;:rti1' lir:e :=J Septia tank p"~~cd and filled LJith ij1'a:.JeZ :J Final - h~en above items are completed and' when demolition is complete or st:'u.:- ture moved and pl'emi3es cleaned up. Nobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Sat-up ::J Plumbing ~onneetions sewer ar~ water ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking. set-u:; and plumbing connections nr~st be app1'~v2d before requesting elec:rical ir.s?ec;io~ ~ Acae8~ory Building :J Final - Aftal' p'l'cr.es. 8ki~ting. decks. etc. are completed. o All p~oject conditions. auch as the installation of stl'eet trees. c~~leti~n of tile 1'equired latulscapir.{J. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be r2questcd. o FIIlA~ PLUMBIIIC D FINAL MEC'UANICAL D FINA~ EU'CTHIC!.L o o FINAL BUn,DING: The Final Building Inapecti01I must be reqI4eated altoI' Electl'ical. and Mechar.ical Inspectiono have been made and appl'ov2d. th~ Final Plumbit~ D D D CURB & APPROACH APRON ~ After> forms az'e :Jrected bu t Pl'ior to pouring .:!on:Jre te. *AlJ, NANIlCr,ES AND Cu"ANOUTS JJl!ST BE ACCESSIBLF:. ADJUST!fENT TO BE ftf.~nE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa,," I on I rage ~ I JOB No,((c/OI51 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- I Zone: Lot Sq. Ft;;. s ~f lot C3Verage II of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM I,\bin Occur;anClj Grouv: SQ. FTG Gc:I'aaa Ca1'DOpt Acacs80Pu I i IS.D.c. TOTAL VALUE --rvC'lUeJ 1.5 ::r Building Pcrnrit State Su.Pcha:roge Total Cha:oges LOT TYPE Inte1'ioI' COl'neI' Panhandle CUl-dc-saa x Value FEE CHARGE lITEM Fi.rtureD / Residential (1 I Sani taroy Sewer> bath! Wate1' Plumbing Pem t State Supcr.a1'fJe Total. Chalt(UJS NO'I I I I I F/:.E CHARGE ,lITEM I Res. So. fta. I NinJ/Extend Cil'cu.i ts Tenrpol'ary 5e~ice Ele~tl'ical Permit State Sur~ha.rQe Total ChaI'qes IITSM EUrn:zce ETU' S E%haus t Hood I Vent F'CD1 I WOodstove I Perrrrit Issuance Me::hanical Peromit State Surcharae I NO., I I I I I I I NO. I FS8 Tota l Cha1'ae8 ._ . 6 -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secu.roit1l Deposit _ Storage I Maintenanae I Permit 1 Total ChaNcs Curbcu.t sid_lk I Fen::e l Electl'ical Lobel CllARCE s,oo I I 5.0 L-cod'l< Tyee/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I LOt Faces - Setbaaks I P. L.I HouBe NOl'th ~ !SoUtli .1 IWeBt I I Enerou SOUl'Ce8 I Heat Access. I Wate1' .'hmtp.,. I Range I Firee lace j I Wooct3tOVB It Tuve Camqe -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io gmnted on the e:rp1'688 condition that the saoUl constl'Uction shall~ in all 1'e8pccts~ confol'm to the Ol'dinance adopted by the city of Sp1'ingfield~ including the Zoning crdinance~ regulating the ccnstru~ticn and uDe'of building8~ and m3Y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic- latio~ of any p1'avisions of said Ol'dinance8. t ' , Plan Check Fee: Datc Paid: I Reoeipt #: ) Signed: Plumbing Permit No peI'con chall construct~ in8talt~ al.ter or change any new 01' e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such pel'son ia the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license~ e:rcept that a person may do plwnbirtg LJ01'k to pl'operty which is owned~ leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. I I, I 1 I I I I I I, Electrical Permi t WheI'e State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~tI'ical Contl'act01'~ the ele'ctrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been nigned by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit , Plan E:rcnrz..ner va<< I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fop pel'mit, and do heI'eby cel'tify that all information hereon is true and corl"cctl and I f.lrther ceI'tify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall b6 done in aaaol'. dance lJith the Qr>din:mceB of the City of Springfield. and thz l<r~B of tho ... State of Ol'eg~n pt':rtaining to the LXJrk descM.bcd heI'6in~ and that NO OCCU- PI:NCY LJill be roode of any structupa LJithout parmission of the Building [)i. vision. I further> certify that tmly contractors and e71pl.:Jyecs who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 witl be used on this pl'Oject. 47/~Jf; ;2. --- ;r5 -f( 1k>te _ ~ H" - - ____ __ ___ __n :t--- .. -- -- - - -~ ~ . - --.. - -- ----- --, ---- ---- , ,. Lff? j~' '.' .. -------60r*--, ::jT h~ ---~ - --- -~- .;. -- ~ u~, ~ n __ =_=____=\--____ _~~u--_-=--~_-_ .:t' --, - ----- - - -- - --- ---'-- 11- --- ---~ ------- =- -- ~ - - - ------ - - - -------\ ---- -- - ~ -- ~ - ------------ --'--~ ----- ~" - ~,- ----- ~ _____ _ _ nn ~ ~__ ~_-- _~__ _ - _uu~ - ---- ::t-....... ,--- d_ ;-- ~;) I - ___ ___ __ I ..b --- -! ~-- -- ~ -" I W~-::---' - _- -, -_~ -- -l~~n L_ - ]~---- i - --- - --,-- ,-----~' ~ --~. . _. - -- . f- -- __ _.- - -_ --- -. -- --_ " c::Jf(&~ ?~#ccA?~ 1& ~q ~~5:2~__ ~=-:;:g>-~/ -~- 7\ 1\- ^'" ----- -- ,-- ,- I \L '\ ---- - -- - _ _- __: -_~-___ _-~~ -J-. ~----- I '00 P-f/- ~e u--=----_---~_=_