HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-9-9 (2) .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICAeN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Looation: '197 ~c..A",v-r."; Av.... AB.ee.orD Map # '}(/.J~ ~ i' -', Ta:r: Lot # Subdi viBion: I .-. J.. A J ... V LD T "'-'I. CUnero: LD~hAV<-O) PArnl-ef,S II "19 AI r....".\"'J- I!'U" -t. rJe.- Address: I Citlp j. . n n n ,,I,,,, /fI/,." ')''''7' IJ../~It' 3 --- ~ Pr.~ 'U- "'l.. 99 Z'~- ,,~ -- t.p'~",,:,, Addi ticn N'\Dbi\~ \{CW'l\~De~~~:::p. Q.o.u~ ,gn-'ua e.-s c:t..cc.~s:.:>r1~: SG!J!.. Pic. ()~~ I mJ< y,/ \ ..,; I.,a:/'D v", 4.oCI.. 4. Nm,J Remodel ra:::r-"-fobi Ze llQm3 Data of Application Contractors '1-1-1'( ~.." - Value .:?3, g<J S' - Add:res3 General @Ltn'~ 'f...<i-..... 's 4190 Plwnbing ~ e: tV .e V"z> L Eleotrioal Q., _....\ (' '^ '" 'C.QW.2.. J l:J.'V"l Meohar:ical r"""... r-~d c Y..~ .... ..rlld-t ,)\..I Constl"Uction Lender' 40~:l (~C 111;':),,'1' Ln I W. 8 f1!:l :::r: IlC.. . Rcce-:pt fi I -z,. -z-( 0 . '2., \ \ ~ )\\0 'V\ ......'q/ fY' , tY {!,~ 1-fi-Y{Y Siqr.ed<~...~J. ;I- , Datc.>-f_I_t ~ ,. "1"11' . ~. "lDYYI.f,S fV.J Lise. II ~ Exvil'C1S Phone ..j-::J:).-bY t,Xff-8'3t.f ~'i ~<.I</-J5:'DO It i.s the l'espontJibiZity of ths permit holder to see that aZt. incpeetions ar'e made at the proper timc~ that l:c.ch .=ddress is l"ea:ici::.? froom ths street# and that the permit card is located at the front of the prope:rty. ABui!.ding [){.lJi=io~ approL'ed Flan s1u:'Ll. remain on ths Bu-:.lding Sit:; at a'Ll. times, PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIOll RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccome:rJ state your City designated job nur.:ber3 job adCrcss, type of ir.3pec~ic1. :raquestcd ar-.d lJhen you wiZl be ready for ir,spcction, Cantt-actors or OZJners name c:nd phone number. Requests received before 7:00 c::-:. :..'iZZ be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wiZZ be made the next :.JOrking day, Reoui~~d Jnsop.cticns O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be m::z.de after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. D UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,lL & l-!ECHA,'JICAL: To be made before any work is covcl"ed. d... ?) i V I FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TICN: To be nnde I r after trenches are BJ:cavated and forms are el"ected, but prior to pouring ccncret.z,. (' .', I ~".) ,) ..1\ .J\..... ;'- : X I W.'DERG.T?OUND PLUMBING/, SEWER, W.1TE.t DRAIl/AGE: To be roo.:ie prior to fil- Zing 'Crenchee, [] UIIDERFLOOR PLWBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of 12001' insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be TT'.adc prior to instaZlation of [2001' ins~lation or dscki"{j . R(JUGH PLU!!BI!lG, ET,ECTHICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOt.'ered ' until these inspectiOr.s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Pr1.o:r top7.acir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRAf-fINC: Must be requested after approv..:;,l of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cal & mechanical. AlZ roOfing bracing & chimneys, etc. 17t'..lst be . completed. !lo L)Ork is to be con- ; cealed until this inspection has 'bsen made and approved. [] ::J .~ =:J Your City DeGigr.ated Job Number Ia: U INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul;:;twn CL"'.d .. required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypswn botU'd or LXlZZ covering is applied, and before any in.3uZation is concealed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after all. d.:rywll is in place, but prior to any taping. ~o ~'1/} DE/.10LITION OR ;.,!Ovr:; 3UILDI;;CS =:J Sani ~ary se'..1er capped :::t p:.opo:.rr:i Zine ~ Septi,:) tank p:.i:?~d and filled uith gra:JeZ :J Final - r{her. ab...""Ve ite.":ls are c~leted and when demol-:.tion is complete or st~~- ture moved and pr~8es cleaned up. O MASONRY: s:~el beams, grou..1.ng accordance with 2415. location, bona or vertica ls in U.B.C. Section Nobile Hcmes 2.l Blocking and Set-:.lp =:::l) Plumbing connections -- scwer ar"d watel' , -;, Electrical Ccm:ection - BZockir.g, set-u;; ! ~ and. plumbing connections 11T~st te G??roJ:G.i : before request~ng elec~rical inspec~io~ I SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all cori- crete paving within street right- ~) \ Ll A~cesso1"':i BuiZd-:.ng of-wc.y, to bc made after aU exca- vating c~let~ & form txlrk & sub- ""7l Final _ AftOJl' p:Jrcr.es, base matert.al 1.n p'la::!e, c, (,- ~ etc. are comple~~d. ._l - I skirting, deck33 D AZl pl'oject condition83 such as the installat-:.on of street tl'eeS3 co~ZctiDn of the l'equil'ed landscaping, etc., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDIl,'C FINAL can be raquese.zd. D WOODSTOVE : completed. After installation is?;,U q CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms-,.... are erected but prior to pouring ~ / .:!OnCre te. ~ FIliAL PLUMBIIIG .=J FIliAL I1ECHA,'IICAL .=J FINAL ELECTRICAL :=J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be re<?}J.eoted alter tho: Final Plumbina Electl'icaZ, and Mechanical Inspectiono have been made gnd appl'ov.:d. D o D E'ENCE: Wher: compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D Ipat=e ! . ,~.~" . ", !fALL MAl/HCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!IE,"'! TO BE f.:.1DE l..T [,'0 C;JST TO CITY of <: . "J I JOB NO, g((J '/71 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- Zono: LaP/-? ~N< Lot Sq. Ft:;. S of lot Coverage !I of Stories TotaZ Height Topography OCcuoa7IC" G" ~R/t:.~~ T;pe/Cor.st: LCT TYPE I Lot Faoes - H6;a;rA1- W Interior I Setbacks L ~ I P.L. House I~~ Access. COl'ner INorth /~ /& Panhandle lEast ~ i ISouth I IWest I 1>' I ITEII S~.FTG Main Gc:raae Cal"'oort 4I6Y "7~ Acccssol'U r~r/_S TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (vat.uc) 1.5 '" Building Permit State Surcharge Tata l Cha......gea I I~EN " I NO, I FEE I-s<-,,~~IJ I I Residential. (1 bath) I I I Bani tary S"",er I / I I Water II I ' ;?/'2$R/>> ~'N~"~~ Plwnbing Pe=it Stats Surcr.lll'fJe Tota Z. Charaes ,lITEM NO. I FEE i I 1/1 1/ I Res. Sa. fta. NOU)/Ertend Cil'cuits I~ u' _-'-" Service Ih~~ EZe~tricat Permit State Sureharqe Total Charces lITEM Il/C, I FEE I Pl.a"n.::zce ETU'S I I E:::haust Hood I I Vent Fan I I IIIix>dstooe I I I I Permit Issuance Mechanic::l Permit State! Surcharae Tota l CharaIUJ , -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC".J.ntt/ Deposit I i Storage , i Maintenan::e I I I I I I I ~Z>G;;: I 7'- ~~ I i Permi t ! Total Chat'Ocs Curbcu~ Sid"""Lk Pen:Je Electrical Label Mobile Home -,'7/..~'~71( ~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" I I I I I~.- I I I "'?$"&4'3jrJ-? ~~r'ii'0s" I 1-) f{,OU I , ' Cul-de-sac x Value ~~ /. ?.:? ::z? 89 CHARGE /5: cR> I ,::<,~-I I /5:-1 I .2~--1 I ~-1-3\ I - "!5~Se> I I 73':5"0 I ' I CHARGE I I I 16-1 I ~"2"1 I ~. <=e> j-'-:,"') I /-~I I '3'/-SO' , CHARCE I ' I I I f I l' I I I I -::;s:--i-, (1 /./,51 I I ~D~$.<9/ I L-COG~ . II Eneroay Sources Heat f I Water .'!tmtp.l' I I Range I I I Fireplace I I Wood3tove II I, Tut's Bedroor.:s: -- Fees I I I Building Value & Permit This- permit io granted on the express condition that the sdid construction 8hall~ in all respccts3 confoPm to the Or'dinar.ce a.dopted by the City of Sproin.gfield, incLuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstr',,{.:ticn and use of buildings, and may be 8~spended or .revoketi at cr:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. . !- Iplan Cheok Fee: . ,( g-! 2-0 Cate Paid: 'f -;;L -,1-8" !Reodpt #: ('2.. -z. 5 '-I I Signed: c.c. Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, aLter or change any new or e=isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessop of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property tJhich is cnmed, leased or operated by the appli- cant.. . Electrical Permi t Where State LaJ.J requires tr.at the electrical tJOrk be done by an Eteetrical Contractor, the electricat portion of this permit shatt r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit 4~r~~-7 -:?-.!C g. 8 uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'1INED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:fo=r.o.ation hereon is true and correct, and I f".lrther certify that any ar.d all IJOrk per.'ornled shall be do':1e in ac~or- dance :.lith thoa Ordinances 0.' the City of Springfietd, and th:: Lt;r..;s of the State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wi II be mae of any structU1'2 wi thout pel'missio:1 of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o':1ly contra~tors ar~ ~toyee8 tJho are in ca:rpliance tJith ORS 701.0SS tJill be used on this project ~E~ q-q~ ~~' Signad lklte