HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-18 ~ Rcce-:.pt !i 'f t>1ffrf5' ~. .. RESID~T1AL" " SPRINGFIELD ".;t , , APPLICAT ,/PERMIT ~ I 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building, Division \ 726-3753 ' 9. G-c..v ~a.. ~,../' "I .' / ~ J~/ ~ Job Location: L/:-S;),. Loc..MJ ~ As.ee.ors Map # JLI-4 \"\ O'6'd/\ \~ Subdivision: Locflll VC,v Lt?-t Lnrh~~~ P~r+#~~ / / q q N, '1't',tz/2...1_ , E v...; ." A/~ I lJ~ Ho~ .J; z.-c:.. .:li G..cc....-w, y-" ~ ~ PkP,"""" '7"~~, Uobi ls Homa . (f lA "'.,r\....' Data of Applicaticn >'.., ,H(;li.(.~alua ~, 4Cf4 t>.o Contractors Address . -Lisc. /I Bldrs . General EJ-p)( ~&,p'< t...I4i1o MC)V<:~ /". '-1/4'1"1 i Plumbing '{'~~r-t.U,^" ~l,-".d;,.vj- i3677 ~"P jl1echanical :; 'f(.v hLl.~" 1'" S"';2..'n '7 IEJ,ectrical (~AinA 8,rtn./YV_ :J.b-;:2n~4s-s ISuoerv~~ing Electr~cian ~v ~ v , ' , It is the J'ssponoibil/f.ty of tM psrmit hoZdsr to 888 that an inopeationB are mads at tM pl'OpU tim~J t}-.at QC.ch :;ddrBBB is readabLe from ths stJ'Bst, and that ths permit oa1"d is located at the fl'071t of the property. I ABuilding Diuicior: apprcn:ed plan shaH remain on the BuiZding Sits at alt. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R.s:.QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your Cit1.iesignated job1nun-.ber, job address/'type of,in3pec~icn.' rsquestcd ar.d when you lJi1.l be ready for inspcction, Contractors or C\Jners name and phone number. Requests l"ecsil:ed before '1:00 C':2 :.JiZZ' be made the same day, rsqussts made after ?:OO tmJ witt be made the nczt :.Jerking day. Rq I rR f!JJ CUnel": Address: City: QN"""'" I \ n n n Addition Remodel ~"'.rA T...."t..,.......I:..~r....q D' SITE INSPECTION: To be m:zde after excavation, but prior to sst up of ,fo1."ms. O "UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any ~ z:: :o::::~TION: "T~ be nr2de lk1'~~~~ trenches al"e e:r:cavated and forms are erected, but. prior to pouring concrete. . ' r:-l~ERGROUND PLUMEING. SEWER.'W,1TEI1 ~: DRAINAGE: To be ma.::1e prior to f'fl- .Ur.g trencMs. D: UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . 'To be made prior to inl:ltaHat'z.on. of floor insulation or decking. O POST ANO BEAM: To be mad. priar to installation of floor insulation or . decking. D /JOfICH PLUMBING, EJ,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to ,bc covered " ~til. thcss ~nspect.ions ha~s beer. . mads and approve.:!. O FIREPLACE.: Prior to pZaoir.g faci;.g materials and bt:fore framing inspec- I ~~NG: Mue~ be requa.ted after approval of rough plurr.bing, alectri- .cat & mechanical. All. roofing . bracing d chimneys, "to. must b" :',conrpl.etod. No work is :to be con- .'" ...,cealed until thio inspection has ',~,b6~~ made and appl'Oved~ Taz Lot # 1<+ BlecK ;;L " ' . \,:~ i I Plume: t:.H- 9/)..3 4140 :l- ~ \ I & "YCJV " " ~ . ."., \ I' Zip: Descroibe rl'ork: ~5b l\ l> I. , , f;iimed:d W a '). Data: .~O -/ R:':'PJ~ - ~ Board Reg. , , \ O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To ba made after all drytJaU is in place, but prior to any taping. 0, MASONRY: Steel location, bo1ul beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section Z415. O WOODSTOVE: : After installation is ccmpletsd. . D CURB & APPROACH APRON,' Afte..... forms are erected but prior to pouring conarete. r,-::t SHJEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- L::J crete paving within strect right- of-way, to bc mad6 after aU e:r:ca- f : .vating'ccmplste &'form wrk & sub- , base material in pl..aae. ; D PENCE: When complete -- Provide.. Er~~~e~ Expires ;z. ~ )-"JO , d;:'7'3 .1P /-90 PI,onp 6,f,f- f?{f..'I ?4?_ c4SZJ6 , 3W- /X-rz> Your City' Deoignated Job Number Io: , '. , -; " ',1 D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: - DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS To be made after all. insulatian cr'.d .:....., ,required vapor ba:rriers are in plaoe ---, Sani:tJIoy Sf!'.Jer capped :It propo::.rty Line ':.'.::' '~but betor9 any lath, gypsum board or'---.J. . - . .' , ' t.Xllt covering is app'Lied, and before ---, ''septic tank y.orrpsd and fill2d z.Jith ;;ra;;el 'JD1.y inoul.ation is concealed. .......:..J. .' -..'._'- I Final - r/hen ah...-ve items are ccrrrpleted ~ ar~ when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Homes ~ocking and Sat-:4p yumbing co~necti,?n8 -- saJer and watel" ---, Elcgtrical Connection - SZocking, set-up ...:=:hind plumbing conr.sctions rrr..tst 1;e approved '\ before requesting elec:rical inspection :=J Acco6ssory Bui lding --:J...&htal - Iift:Jr p~rc1:es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are complet~d. D ,. , , ',- . \-l Al.l. project conditions, such as the -i.nstallation of street trees, 'co."71plotion of tM, requ~red landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied bcfore tfo.e BUILDING FINAL c~n b~1 requested: , " '-- i .'. ~ ~NAL BUILDING: The Final. Building Inspection must bl3-requeoted after the Pinal PLumbing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectionn haVI3 been made and appl"ov2d. . . '. . " ,'" - '- .) o FIliAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o \ 'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I/UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI1f~T TO BE ilADF{ AT 110 COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 ,\ JOB NojyCfA.t:Rl SOLAR ACCES! R;Q,- Zone: I ~y. ) f( ./ Occupancy Grou_ IV ,""1 Lot Sq. Ft{;. WT TYPE ~; 'I Lot Faoee - , I Setbacks S ,,' lot CJtJel'O.g~ Interior I P. L, House. Caroqe f of StOM-OS Co/"'ler INol'th Total Height Panhandle lEast , .' ISouth Topography CUt-de-saa IWeet -- Faes -- I I 4-rJ(y) I I I -~ ,Y.. I -' l.JJ '70U I, 1.5:t: lva'Uc;{)l.fj 4441 44~.411' , 'f ~,50, 3. t:~ lJ,S.Lo31' I CHARGE I ,clIl/,"S~ I 1 J-()U,CP I Ir?;.OQ. J2 ' QU liJ~,rol I ;~,so I I '7'?> .sol. CHARGE I ~~,OCl I \3 "S.L. Electrical Permit I c-,..... + bops Soots La1J requiroBs that the electr>ical work be done by an Eleatn.cal .-.t J ContraatoI'~ the electrical, portion of this pel'mit shall. not be valid until l ~ .. the Zabel has been aigned by the Electrical Contractor. Il~,oO 130 00 I 1,50 131 .SO' I lITEM :::ae or14').JJJ I Cal'"OOl't 1) ~ x , I Value. SQ.FTG ACCeS801'U TOTAL VALUE Is. D.C. Building Pel*r11i.t State Surcha:rge Total C1o.nrges ITEM , I NO, ' , FEE .,~._.o, \IJ\" ~1' . .' " " '" -;-~~.\."'\ ....11> Resident'.,:al' (J bath) , I Sani ta:l'Y Sewer' I I I 13Jrtiv J'f) I _I Plumbing Pern:i t State Surc1-.a:rge Total. Charaee I NO., ~~__ m N I-\- I :r;o~arlii10 : ':1; I \ El.eatrioal Permit V State Su:rcharqe FEE ,lITEM Ro' N81J/Extend Circuits Tota l. Ch.mot;es ITEM NO. FEE C/lARCE Furnace ETU' S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan lI00dstove Permit Issuance I I I I ' ) Into-. Me::hanical. Permi t State Surcha:rae 'I'nt:a I CIYrrGlm -- 8NCROACHMENT -- Securitlt DepOsit Storage MaintenaMe Perrrrit h YLJ t:l--1 . n.( (L./ I lq 60 I I 6li3,~~ I 1Ff{.:1) I 115.1<)1 I 5,;:r:-S I f}4/J~CJ I. Total. Chal'ac~s CUrbcu~ Sidewalk (nn~ Feru:e-:~ . El~,('."'J.~ez,-O lio t'r Mobile Home I ~t-~ , " ?=-.,o/l) 'rOTIlL AMOUNT DUE:" L-COG-ll.' . Bedrooms: ,- ;OS Energy Sour!Jld' /" ~ I ..n Heat . ~r _ Access. I .7 Water> !/~Qtt?r> I r-- R$!"!Ie I T Fi1'6Dlace I Wood:.J tot:e I, T140e .. T'!fpe/Cor.st: Building Value & ." 1 Permit This permit is gronted on the express condition that tho sa'id constMlction shall# in all respccts# conform to the Ondinance adopted by the City of Springfie1.d# including the Zoning ardinance# regulating the cGnstMlcticn and UDe ofbuildings# cmd m:zy be sUlJpended or revoked at cny timo upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. l Iplan Check Fee: . / r,N!- ~ - I Date Paid: I Reodpt #: ISi~ Plumbing Permit No per>Bon Dhatl construct# instal.l# alter or change any nBW or existing plumbing 01' drainage system in whole or in part# unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license# except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned# leased or ope~ted by the appli- cant. 8 ~ ,LD~ Mechanical Permit \H)(l) fuoQUf ) PLan li:t:amtner I \ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the oompleted applioation for pern>it, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and COl'l'Dct# and I fUrther certify that any and all work perfoP.ned shall be db~e in accor- dano. loJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfiold, and the La:J. of tho State of' O'reg:m pertaining to the tJOrk described heri;l'~n# and that NO OCCU- PANCY i.1ill. be rrnde of any st1'Ucture without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fu1"thol' c81'tify that only contractors and e:npkJyees who arB in compliance with ORS 701.055 wilt be used on this project lQ' n-<6~ . ~vu. Sign2d o '(LL,Q ~(-t /1J-IP-~9 Date -