HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-6-8 .. RESID"IAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job !.coati-on: t/sz ~ AODCBoor.: Map H SubdiuiDion: ~ CUrter: ~.I'~ 1/91 N ~ ~~iT I Addrao3 .. City: n NP1J n Additicn n Remodel m .'.Iobile lIoma ~ Date of' Applicaticn Contractors . General : Plumbing I. ~lechanical El.ectrical I Supet''\Ii9in~ ~.~ Elec'cr.iclan Tc;r: Lot # ~, U 1St \4- lcftJ 1 '-) ~v .., ,', ..... Phono: b~ - G:, G, H zip: Descroibe fl'o'l'l~: ~ ~ '1'10 ~ .'-, - .,. ..'.\....i ... " o.-.z,). Value , .. , , . ~.: ", . .. ~ .- " " '~ . .....~.. Siimed: Date: ~_L (Q)'t,! xrJ ( ~ Address. Li~e. II 'Bldrs Board R~ga Phnnp' ~ , .:20 '.+/:,c .. 4'3'11,,'(- EXDlr,es ,.' ..' /tJ/rrT '3 '1<{ -IS <llJ It i. tho rBDponoibi.Uty of- th8 permit holds,. to 806 that at%. inOpBotionB a:rtl mad. at th. pl"OplU. time. that I1-c:ch ~..tJ is :rO~aab:B }rom thn 8treet, and that the pCl~t oard is located at the front of tho prope~ty. 48ui.~i:~ Divi=io~ ap?ro~cd:Flan shell remain on thz Building $it~ at all times. PROCSDflP.E Fon tllSPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (1"ccorder) state !t''!ur City des~gnat(/d job nun-.ber, job addiocss, type of in3pec~iclI ~oquestcd and when you ~i~Z-bc ready for inspeotion, Contraotors or OWners nQmS and phon~ number. Requ~st. reosived befor6.?:OO.~ l..~ZZ be made the same dcy, requests made after ?:oo an wiZZ be made tho nut Wrking.da.. y.\) ~ 'L-j _ 'F' . " ' ,"'. oqo-..,JlP.J YOUl" ci ty DeaiW".atcd Job Number Io:' . ....Bil!v,i"'.pr.. Tn.'l"!.;rofJmj.q O SITe INSPECTION: To be roods after excavation, but prior tc De~ up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUt,mINe. ELECTRICAL of . NECHJINICAf..: To be made before any work is ,",ovcl'cd. J' o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION:. To be 17J:lde aftor tronoheD aro exoavated and forma are el'ectitd, but', prior to po~ring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND P!.UM8INC. SSWER. W.1TE,fl. DRAINAGE: 7'0 be ma:ie prior to fi.l- Zir.q trenchee. O UNDERPWOR PLU/.!BING & MECHANICAL: , To bo made prio1' to inDtallation of I1co1" insulation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLLation of floor ins~tation 01" decki"(j. o D ROUClI pr.U'mJ!/c. F:T.ECTRrCA!. t MECH- ANICAL: No tJO:roJ::. ia to be cOlJel'ed u~ti~ thcse inspections have becr. made and approlJe:!. FIREPLACE: Prier' to mataria~s and before tier:. D p 1.ccir.g [acing f1'QTTlin9 inspec- , o FR;',I~INr:: /otu:;t be requcatcd af~e~ approval of rouah pZ~bin~, electri_ cal. of mccha.ni~aZ. Ai'.! ,roOfing bracing & chimneys, et~. l71'.Jst be :oomplatcd. No u~rk ia~to be con- , ceclcd until thia in.:Jpc'ction has . b6~n made and approvcd. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IN$PEC'l'ION: ' To be 11rlde after a Z l insu latian and . '. rcqu~red vapor bczroners tD"e in plaoe but coforo' any 7.ath, gypsum board Ol"' wZZ- oovering, is appt.ied, end b.foN any inoulation is concealed. DRyr"I1~L INSPECTION: To be mads aJ'tet' aZZ- dt'vual.1. is in plaoe, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. l.ocation, bomi beam3~ grouting or ve1"tioals in aocordance uith U.B.C. Section 2415. o D WOOOSTOVF:: Attar inata~Zation i. ccmpletcd. DEIoJOLITION OR !,!OVED BUILDINGS ~'Scini~ s~~ ~~~d ~t ":.op:rt:,' t.ir.c ::::J sap,tia tcmk pumpad, and,.fiUad L1ith .ra"al ::J Final. ~ 1{hen abovs' items' al"e ccmpZetcd . and uhen demolition is oomplete 01' DtT'U~- tur~ movld ~ pl'C1Jrl.8t18 ,oleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Sat-up. ~ Plumbing connect~ons ~- scwor and ua~er ::::J Elsotrioal Conneotion -.stooking, eet-u~ and pl.umbing conneotions ,",.lst 1:e approv8d beforD requesting eleo~rioal in8p8o~io~ . , ,. ::::J .AcoessorJ Bui~i~. ] Final. - Aft,!r porcnes, ato. ar. OOlllp~atcd. 'ski,.Hng, decks, o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftw fOJ"l1Ul arB orsated but prior to pouroinq ,:um.::Jre to. SIDEMAr.X .( DRIVF:f/AY: For all. con- crete paving within st~eot riuht- of-LX:.Y, to be mada after all lUoa- vatin!l oomplete & for.rn work & sub- base material in p7.aae. O. " -- O !'ENCE: Whet: compl&to -- 1'l"ovide , gatec 01' mouabls Bections through P.U.E.,. o ~ :AlI p~ojcct conditions, ouoh as tho installation of street tree., ~lotio" of t~e' . . J"equircd U2ndDccpir.g, etc., mu8~ be satisfiad befol's ths BUILDINC FINA4 ~~n}'e rsque8t~d. fINAL BUILDING: The' Final Building Inspeotion must be l'equeDted aftar tho Final~:_::~.bi..~i.:._ ElcctriaaZ.~ ant! Mechar.ical In8pBotip~ hauo bcltlJ'l mad. :and a"prou,d. ~- o FINAL PLUMDIlIG D FIlIAL MECHANICAL o PI/lAL ELE:CT,9ICI.L o o AM.L MANl/OL'CS AND CLF.ANOUTS IruST DE ACCESSIDLF:, ADJUSTJfENT TO BE "11DE AT NO COST TO CI'!'Y Pare! of :? i JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot C"".rag. .f of Stori.. Total H.ight 1-r"'~.-rhll I IrTm I r\k1in ler..rnr.1f I carl?C~t I Acce080rll 1 I Is,o.c. 'Sl;.FTG 1 I I TOTAL VAWE S . lIIaCu.! 2. :t: ,.:'/ Building P","""t ,..' ,.' .Sta t. SUrohl21'l1. ,Total CIwog.., lITEM I FiztUl'GB I R..idential (2 bath) I Scmit.ary Sf1LJsr I Wa.ter 1 I NO. I I I I Plumbing p","""t' Stat" SUJ'a"~6 ., ", 'Jg~l CIlaN.. I ITQI I NO. Ran. $(1. fto. I N;;>j/E:t:t.nd Circuit. I I Temporary SeMes I I I ~.' .. Et.G~t1'ioat. Psrmit "Stat. SUromz;". Total' CImoc.... IITSM I FUrmctl 1!TU' S I E:cMue t Hood I Vsnt Fan ~ , W~8toU. r '.' .' 'I::. Pdrlnit I.,utino,' .' Moohaniaal Pln'mH' :. '.'- ,to. \ ;.. .....:.. ,; ....'. . ~! ,". .' . Type/cO".'" , I I Aoce... I I I I 1.1 L-COCt x ValutJ SOLAR,jiCESS REQ.- Occuooncur: rm 1:. ""..,',,' I Lot Face. - Interior ';;':::':' II Setback. . .;..~;~;~,J'" P.L. House GaraqR Com/Jl' '" ,," INorth l'anhandl. IE.. t .., . ISouth CUt-ds-saa I"'..t , . .~ NO. I I I I I " ,'. I;~ " FEE CHARGE I j I I I I I I I ,FEE CHARGE ,I I :1/5.~:1 'I .75 I 1/6,1SI. FEE CTlARGE :'~.;:'. .' I 1:' I. " .,.1", ' ,I;' t"" Stato Sura.1sip-Dt:." roeal ~i(f~n' -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-o.lrlt!, D#D03i.t. . :', . I :1.. ." I ~. r.,. ,,-,\htl\'l"'l".', 4 ~.'" ,'\~...,.....","1,....,:-i~;f'~,~;' "";1"1". Storaao .' PO"~Q I ' . J . .j' l' Electrical Label ' "I Hobit. .'Hom.~' 't ,;~'~, ~:':~"'..<b', i.::'~ ," 1"<"1 \.' '!. , I j i.I , I ;~TAt AMOU;;' 0;1:;'; " Maintonan.::ilf I Pcnnit I ICurbou~ 1 Sid"""lk Total ChaJ'"aD8 I I I " I ".,:, . '''I ",' . I I /: BedroomD: I Enflr'l" Soarr.co I !leat "'atm' .'If!(]trp' RaH(jn FiJ'cnlacc Wood:; to!:4 T;/I'''o -- Faoa I I I Building Value & Permit Th-io. pt:rmit La arantcd on tho a.rpraDn condition tllat tllo 'wid con~t.,,'ud.ioll ohalL, in all ronpcct:J, cO'lform to tile O,'Ciillw;(:c :zdoptn.l1;!J dze Ci.t!! of Spr-in(1fiotdJ inc!udi.n!1 the Zoning Crdi.llallco, rnaUlt:.t.LII!1 t.lil1 c:cmltl'Il.:t.LClI and uoe of bui.1.di"!Jo, and may btJ ol~cpondod'or rouokod at C.I:y t::r.tt;: upon uic' lation. of any prouiaior.o o{ oaid 'Ordir.a"cao. . I. IPlan Chock Fno: ICate Paid: I Rec<ip t, 1/: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No porcon ohaU conotJ"Uct, inotalt.J aUer Ol" chanGo Gny nolJ CJ' c:::i.:;tin!J :plwnbi11{] 01" drainaao oyoto.71 in lJholo Ol" in part, :.,,:lcoo ol.Och Ferao1l is the legal poOOOBtJOl"- of'a IJalid plwnbar'6 liccn::s, axccpt tl:at a parsoll may do plumbing 1J01"k to prOpOl'ty which io owned, loaaed or opcrated by the appli- . cant. "I I I · Electrical Permi t lIhare State LatJ l'squires tl:at tho electrical work be dona by an ELcatrical Contractol", tho' olectl"ical portion of ~hi3 permit ahall root be uaZid until ths label ~o bcon oi(Jned by the Electrical ::on tl"ac tor. Mechanical Permit I I , . I I I I , . I Pk1ll t:mmill01" va c.a .. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tlIB oompleted application for p.rmit, alld do hereby certify that all i.r.fo:mc.tion hereon io trUl~ and COl"l"cct, and I fUrthel" cel"ti.fy that any a,..d att lJOrk perfor<:tled shall b6 00:16 in ac~ol"- dance L1ith the Ordinanco.o of tM ci.ty of Sprinofiald, and th= La'.J8 of thCJ State of OreG"n p&rtainin!1 to tho work coocribcd hero:.n, cnd ~hat NO oce!J- PANCY will be made of any otruotul'a.witho~t p3rmio3ion of tho Buildina Vi- uision. I fUl'thor certify that o:1ly contractors al;d c:npl..:1yacB who are in compliancs with ons 701.0S~ will bo used on thio projsct U Sionsd (, ~ 6/8' /?r Date