HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-6 ..,......' ..... ;. RESID~r1AL" . APPLICAT;OJ'!z,ERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Looation: . . LOch N e,J AsoesooN' Map # 41/0 ;vIA- L",<...hAV~rV Subdivi.sion: SPRINGFIELD Tczr Lot # 11/.4 CUner: .Lc.::>c.H f>,,"e...} Lo-1- IS- ~""I'Ne.~ o:>lat-.- ;;< Address: \ \ 'i' 9 N . T.,. ll.-Q}..,_ City: E l.A.'i ~~ _ 0..,<2-. n n n n <.'f , Phone: i:,gg,-bbQ9 Zip: q74D~ NI!'l". Describe r.'ork: I-\[;U~ S', 2..f<:,' .z2 x :;,;;<. o.cce~.s,,"'(f" Se"- j)\oT ~ L..."" I Valu/X) ~C\ ,()~ \ .OQ AddreoJ J F' R..r.n "- "So",,'<=,.. '-t l' 9 D iY),.,.,clU l/). r lj,_ f.:,).p,.rr.'%!lOtJ (l[.u",,"h,:""~ L/t,35' LA.Ke0ds:1. <;,t' ~c :~:~::~ ~;~.Lpn_", ~~<; rtJ..-clFt~ .,~ :~~~.~:..:~~w -_C 2o.,:J(3c/Q'lDS Constl"Uotion LeMsr HO<Y ~ I ::>7"1 ~ - / / ............ Addition Remods7. ,'.fobi 19 Homa Date of Appl.ication ,. .. dl ,?-87 c.:ontractors General. : Plwnbing VI=I-\4,-(... 00 'jCX? ~, "Icce;,t .~ I Ljo~ / * ,,~fcA (JJ Dato: UJ' (0'R1 LiJc.H Phone t.,(R~ X',\' /,.'1 l/ ff'/r S7t '7 . ;en/t/-_,!OlJD ,/-0..0 - -~ "'d'~l....-;&:b Erpi.,.oB 4/1/9.1 5SI_f?t/. ~-::J-- '70 It is the zoesponoi.bi.lity of tns permit holdsI' to see that al.Z. irwpections are mads at :he prc?er time" that QaCh .:ddrus is rea.::ab:, f1"Oln ths stl"oet" arid that the p(JJ"TfTi.t caJ"d is l..xated at the front of the propel"ty. ABuiZding ~uici.or. approved plan 8~ll 1'smain on tha 8uildin~ Sit~ at all times. PROCEDURE Fon INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcaordel'J state your City designated J'ob nun:ber" job czd6ocss" type of in3poa:icn raquestod and whsn you wiZl be ready for ir.spection, Contracto1'S or Ouns~s nQme ~nd phone number. Requests received berel'e 7:00 ~ ~>il.l. be mado the same day" rsqussts made afta' 7:00 ern vizz. b3 made the nC.%'t :.JOrki~ day. jfil,,-mJ1:~pt1 r",<lnp'1~ir.),I!~ D. SITE INSPECTION: To be m:zde after excavation, but prior to se: up of forms. O. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1L & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ~OTING ~ FOU/lD.1TICN: To be made ~ ~fter trenches are excavated and forms are erected" but prior to pouri.rzg concret;. NDERG.WUND PLUMBING, D.9AIIIAGE: To be made Ur.g trenches. SEWER. W.1 TER, prior to fi!- o UNDERFLOOR PLUl.fBING t NEeHANICAL: To bo made prior to instal.Zation of f!oor insutation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To bo made prior to installation of 11001' inskl.ation or dooking . l!DUCH PC.W!BllIC. E[.ECTRTCAl. ~ MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk i8 to be covered .ur.tiL thcse inspections have beer. mado and approvs=. FIREPLACE: Prior to ptacir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRAMING: 11u.3t be requeDted after approvaL of rough plwr.bing, elsctri- cal. & mechanicaZ. Al.! roofing bracing ~ chimneys, eta: m'.lst be :' completed. 110 work is to be con- ..... ceaZed until. thiD i.nspeotion has ~bB~~ made and approved., o o D You.,. City D6oigr~ted Job Number ID: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after al.l insul~ti~n a~4 . required vapor baJ"l"iezos are in placs . but cefora any Zath" gypswn board or wU covering is app7.isd" and befo.,.e any inou7.ation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after al.l. drYlJall i.s in place, but prior to any taping. D D MASONRY: Steel. looation, bona beam3, grouting or vertical.s in accordance uith U.B.C. Seotion 241.5. D WOODSTO'lE: After instal.lation is ocmplsted. ~RB ~ AT'PFIOACH APRON: Alts:' fonns LJ ;.~ cre~ted but prior to pouring COMl"ete. O SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street l'ight- of-LX:Y, to be made after al.l. e%ca- . vating ccmpl.ete & f~!.'!" 1JCrk & cub. . bass material. in ?la~e. D .r:oENCE: Wher. CO.7lpl.~ts -- Provids. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' [[]~+~ CJQocUi'C[5. r DE.WJLITIO!! OR gOVE; EUILDIjJGS =:J SanitaJ"Y SB'..Jsr ::appsd at p~op&rt':i l.ir.o =:J Sept1.~ tank rr...-::p.t:d al"'.d fi.Ui1~ lJi.th ;ra~;! r Pinal. - rl'hen QOOve i.tems a:re cc::rpZstcd ~ ar-d whsn demol.itior. is compZete 01' st~:. ture moved and prcmt.aes ::leanBd up. NobiZe Hcmes ~oking and Sat,-'p ~lumbing connections -- s=wsr ar.d water -:-1~octricat Connection - BLooking" aet-u; ~ and pl.umbing ccnr.ections nr~st ~e a??ZO~~1 before requesting eleotricaL inBpeo:io~ ~ Ac~easo1'1,' BuiU~ng ~~ - Aft:J'l' p~rc}:es" ~ ~t~~ are compZstcd. skirting" decks, D All. project cor.ditions" such as the instal.l.ation of s:roet trass" c~~lotion of tn. rsquired landscapir.g, otc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be raquest3d. ~FINAL BUI~DING: The Pinal. Buildi.ng Inspection must be rsqueotsd alter the Final PZumbin;' ~ EZectl'iaal." and Mechanical Inspect~o1UJ hava been made and approved. . [J~!--F.i'NAL PWI.fBIIIG o FINAL ME~HANICAL [3-'nNAL ELECTRICAL :::J 'ALL MANHCLES AND CLE:ANOUTS /lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!tEIIT TO BE !.I1DE ~T /10 COST TO CITY' I Pa,s ! 01 z I JOB No,AQn4?;,?; SOLAR I~'~-~.~-;;-~Q:~" Zona: \ () \::.. Oocupano~ G I< ~ Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE . I Lot Faoes - I Setbaoks S of lot COlIerag< Interior I P. L. I House Cal"age Ii of Stories Corner INorth Total Height Panhandle IEaat South Topography Cul-de-sac I West I IITEf./ I Main Ir.....-ronr:I'" 1 ~:~~~~t I ACC6ssoru I I SQ.FTG x Value I I I I I .:.?I'D .CO I I I~~:~\ I. \~OOI .'17'\ I \~').~51' TOTAL VALUE I ,va,uo);.-y) ^ \ S.D.C. 1.5" .""Y\()n, f Building Permi. t State SurchCU'ge Tata l Cha:oges IITEf./ ~. \&>,._".. H/'rsVi J) I Residential (1 bath! \ Isani-tarry Sewer FEE CP.ARGE '\'S ,nu Wc::tel' ~ ~ f'(\ Plumbing Perrd. t .State Suzocr.arge Total Charaes lITEM IEJ'l\~\~~ I Now/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service l~~r\\1( \ . \ Ele~tr~cal I NO. i. I I I I I I CiiARGi:; \' .....0 '?I ( , FEE Permit State Su:rt:ha.rqe Total Charaes lITEM I rurn.:l:ce !!TU' S I E=haus t Hood. I Vent Fan I WoodstolJS I I NC,' I I I I I I FEE ClIARCE Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State surchal'oe Total Charaeo __ ENCROACHMENT -- I SSC'..l.ritu Daoo3it "Storage Maintenanee Parmi t Total CharQCS leurbcu; 1\\(\ I I I sidelJlJ lk \ oCY I \C\ nn I. I Fen::!e I I I Eleatriaa 1 Labe 1 I I Mobile Home ~':J ,CCJ I '6G)O I \ .I/~ I I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' '11(\\ R\ I . T;;pe/Cor.st: '1 L-COG~ -:z., I Access. Bedroor.:s: I Eneral.l Sources I !feat >= f::; I Water YfU1t;s'" ~ I I Range F" I j Fircp~ace I I WCiod~tot:e II TtJ~e r?es Building Value & Permit This permr;t iD grcnted on the expreDs condition that the said constl~ati, shall, in all respects, conform to the ~inar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield~ inc!ud~ng ;he Zoning Crd~nance~ regulating the ccnst~~~ticn and uee of buadinqs~ and m::.y be sucpended or revoked at any time upon V1 Lation of any pr~visior.s of said Ordir~ces. . \\r\) I Plan Check Fee: . ~. . Cate Pa;d: 00' IR~odPt #: I r), IS,gr.ed: ) J-/ Plumbing Permit No pereon Dhall construct, instal!~ atter or change any r~w ar e=iating plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such perDon is tJ legal possessor of a valid pLumber's licenBe~ except tr~t a person ma~ de plur.~ing work to property which is ouned~ laased or operated by the appl~ .cant: . "'.' Electrical Permi t "Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be dOne by an EZeatricl Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shaLL not be valid u~te~ the label has b~en cigned by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ... \~~ ~.~lo '~ I HAVE CAREFULLY eXANINED the c let6d application for pannit: and do hereby certify that alL ir.fo~tion hereon is true and corroct, end 1 f:J.rther certify that any ar.d aLl tJOrk performed shalt. bs don.s in ao.::or- danoe :.Jith the Ordin,noe8 of ths City of Springfiold. and tho [g~. of t" .It State of Oreg~n p$rtaining to the work described hel'e-:.n, and ~hat NO ace PAIICY :.JiZZ be rode of any structura :.Jithout p.mieaion of tho !luiZding L' vision. I further certify that o:sly contraetol'S ar.d e:np1..7yees who are i compliance with ORS 701.0SS wiLl be used on this project . '\) . ~~~~\,~\\N~ S1.gnad lo""\n ~\(q Dats -