HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-8-18 .. RE'DENTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ' SPRINGFIELD . Job Location: '-//~ -/ i- ,^, /fr:..h ,UA >-e-v, /h.n ,(..{)').',J(; ( AsassGors Map # Subdiuision: ~~A..LO""". Cl.me., \~O~ERT COGI-\~AN ,:,dd.>"eS3: Cit':J: M n n n Ta::: Lot # old /'1 ~.:<. Pr.one: Zip: 'It:!'.l Descl"'";be f{ork: '~~. (&?/!" ,W Add:i ticn Remodel. ,'.!obi 1.2 .qoma Date of AppZicaticn ~:Ont"l'c:c:ors G;me.al (UI ~'-IiF-{8.. Plumbing 't<,tO.G~H oE.' I Electrical. I MG!::har.i.c.::.l. Co"str~ction Lender Val.ue . ~CJ 4!JIJO - I- Rcce~;Jt .# <~C1 ,P) , )( ) Add.-es3 d/:Sf).v/'lL~NU.4 "SP/LI/. SiW.~~A-J Oate: fl:.ll (). . \ R X 'Z..- ~ I Lise. # Exoil'~S Pr.one 74t. -7,f'(i,7. j I I It is tho responaibiLity. of the permit holder tc 886 :hat aLl inspections are r.-.ade at the pZ'optJl' timE~ t.t".at .u:.ch .:;ddress is rer...:,.:'~a froom ths street, and that the pcrmi t card is l.acated at tha front of the propert':j. .t9ui!dir.g Ir:.:Jicio'!':. approT:ad plan sht:ll rmain on tr.E Building Sit;; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSP~CTION- RE:.QUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rcco1'c.e1'J state yoUP City designated job numbe1'J job adircssJ type of ir.3pec-;icn rsquesT::cd ar.d :.1.1:en you ;.TiU be ready for ir.spcction~ Contracto1'S 01'" O....-')1e:os n.c:me end phone number. Requests received bej'"c'!'s 7:00 <=I :..'il1. bs made the same dc.y~ requests mrzde after 7:00 ern wizz. bri made the ~ :.JOrkil"..:j day. gji 1;)51 l?lultJ.?:..,.t:>t7__ T'1"T!"....tipr}!. O SITE INSP!C":'ION: To be made after e:cavation~ but prior tc se: up of forms. O U:lDE:RS[,AB ?!.UMBI.'lG. -' El-ECTRIC.1L d Jo!ECH,l.;"1IC';'L: To be tr.ade oejors any work is '::olJared. ~ o FeOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated ar.d forms are erectaaJ but prior to pouring cancret.;. UNDi::RG,:roUND PLlJM?INGo SEWER" d.'1TER. DRAIlIAGE: To be r::a.::.e ?r:.or 'to lil- Lir.g trenches. UNDcRFLOOR P[,vr.~r.IG d ,'.fEC:IANICAL: To be made prior :0 in3-:-aLlation of ficor insulation or: decking. POST AND BEAU: To !be mads prior t;o instaLLuticn of [Zoor insul.ati07'l 01' dsckint;. RO!JGH ?LlP.!BI!!Gr:.:JC':'.r?~CAL ') MECH- ANICAL: No :JO~o!.'ered ur.tiL these insoectior.s ~V€ beer. nuuie and appr~u6d. FI.~E:PLACS: f7t-.Ar to pkcir.g fc.cing materials and bE:fore jrerrrir.g inspec- tier.:. FP.A!!ING: Must be requeoted after approvJ.L of rough p7.wr.bing~ 2tectl'i- 007. & mechani.=a7..AZZ roolir..g bracing & chimn~ys, etc. ~~st be . como7.etcd. :10 work is to be con- ;.,csa'Zed until this inspecticn has 'b6~n made and approved. o o [3J o ~ Your City, Desigr.ated Job NwnoE:r I3: O INSULATIONIVf1PO.9. B.4RRIER I:1SPECTION: To be made after a7.1 inS"~7..ati.:?n a:"'.d .'. rcquired vapor carJ"'iers a:re in place . but befere any lath, gypS"'.mJ boal'Ci 01' wl'l. covering is appZied~ r::nd before any in3Uwtion is concealed. ~ D.9.~;/ALL D1SP~CTrON: Tc be made after aZZ. d:ryt.;aLZ is in pZace, but prior to any tapi,...g. DE.'.fCLITIO!! OR gOVE; aUILDlilr;s :J Sani :ar',j se'.Jer ~apped ::::t p~op~rty l.ir:e :=J Se?t~ tank p-",,"?ed a;-.d f-!.7.Z.ed :.;ith GT::~8! ::J Pinal - r/hen a.bcve ite.-::s are cc.~let;sd ar~ when d~ot-:.tior. is comptete or st~~~- t'..c"e moved a:nc! pre:m.38s ~leaned u.p. I Nobile Hc:r:es ~ ELocking and Set-u.p =:J Plumbing conn.ec:-:'01t8 -- s.::.:er and wa-;er ---, E7.ectricaL Connection - Bloc~;r~J set-up -.-...J and pLumbing connections 111'.;:st =a approvec be;o1'c request:ng electrical inspec-;io~ :=J Accessol":i 3uiZ2.-:.ng ::J Fin.a.l - Aft::r ;orcr.es, sk.;rt.;ng.. deck.s, etc. are complet~d. O ,~SONRY: Steel, loaation, bona beam3.. grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o ;;oODSTQVE, ccmp;:eted. After instaZlation is o 1IL\, ~~' D CURB & APPFlOACH APRON: Afts:o forms are arected but pl'"'Ar to pouring oon..."'1'ete. SIDEWALK & !J.r~It"EWAY: For all con- crete paving within strest right- ol-wc.y~ to be made after all exca- vatina acnrolete & fOr::! Wl"k & :;uh- base ;Xte1'"1:aL in p~e. All project cor.:di=ions, Ju.ch as the instalLat.;on of street trees, c~~Zation of the required land.3cc:pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisiiad before tr.a 8L'ILDI.'lG FI.'!AL can beret:j.l.9stsd. o PI,'IAG PLUN9IlIG o FINAL NE:HA:IICAG [Z] FINAL ELECTRICA.L [] ~ FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL 8'.4ildil".g Ins?ection must be requested c:f;er the Pinal Plumbir~ ~ELOJctl'ical, a:nC ,'.fecita~ical Inspectiona r.ava been made and c:pproved. o o PENCE: wr.er. comp l.te -- Provide. gates 01" .71ovabte sections thrcugr.. P.U.E. . "ALL MANHOLES AND ClEANCUTS ,'tUST BE ACCESSIBLE.. ADJUST.':;:I'!' TO 3E M.1DE .'~T NO C-:JST TO CI7:Y I Page 1 of 2 D , P.:ga 2 SO LAR AC S R EQ,- OaC'.J.t:'ancu Grou:o; M - , Iw. ?aces - I I P. D. INor:n East ISouth IWest: I JOB NO. iz",,", ^i!t I..J S. wt Sq. Ftg. :; ::Jf Lot CJr)erag~ ., of Stories TotaZ H.eight I Topogrc;;hy IIT~.V I Main I Gc::t-aC2 I.;ar':'cr: I t .~cO'es8o!':1 I Sr;.FTC I IlfffD I I I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE ( UC!..UCJ ~..5 ;: Building Permit State Suzocha:rge Total Cha-:og8~ Ir:EM I Fi--tu:res NO. Residantial (1 bath) Sani ta%"'d Sewer i<<:tar Pl:mrbing Perrr:i t State Su:rcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I N~.,]/Ertend Circui ts 1.'10'1 1/ I I Tempol'a:ty Service EZectrical Permit St=te Sur~harae Total Cha.:t>ces lIT:::,.., INC. , I I I I Pu..""".ace ETU'S E=ht:r.:st Hood I Vent. Pen waodstc:JfI Perr:ri. t I3su.::nce Me=1umic::.l Permi t State. Surcht::rae '!'rltr.l. rioiTJ"':1"'fJ - ~llCRCACF.NE.'!T -- ISe~~~J De~o3it I Storage I UainttmC.n:::e I Permit l. I Total Characs I Cu:l';cu. ! Sidswlk I Fenae 1_. '. ._L , I c."ectrt.Cat. u.u;ec. , ! ">lobi La Home t ~OTAL A.MOUNT ~UE:" LeT TY?F: In.terior' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x VaZue I. I J../, Ii' COer" I I I ~ g'tV, CO I IY-Il. I. , 3~.ool /,~)(I 3?',.;l.'iS'1. /0,0(\ FEE CP.ARGE FES I I I I. I /1") J),r) I I I .ID,OO I ,</D I JO,C/O ,. CHARGE "CC ,-- C!fARCE I I I S3,,;1.r{ . I 'L-COC"" T",.ICor.st: 'TL-If/ I I En3l'au So:a>aes I I !lea. Acce3S. I I ;.later H&?atp.!" I I Range I f F'ireDZace I I flood;;;o",'e II 36droOrr:S: T;;oe Setbaaks I Hause CaI'aae I I Fees Building Value & Permit This pBrmit i3 granted on the express condition that the s.:zid. constl"'..lction shall, in aZl respects. confonm to the ?rdinar.ce ~pted by ehe City of Spt'inafield., ir.c!ud-:.na :ne .3onino C':>cEnan.ce, reC"'.J.La::ir.a tJ:e C'cnstr:lcticn ar~ u;e of buildir~3,~cnd m=y be~suopended or revoked. ~t cr.~ time u;or. ~ic- latio71 of ar.y pr~vi3ior.8 of said OrdirAr~es. IPLan Check Fee: Irate PaUi: IRecdpt #o' i Sig>:ed, o/",hO Plumbing Permit No person shall cona~~ct. install, alter or change any ~$W cr 6--i8tir~ pZ~~ing or drainage syst~ in whole or in part, unless such ;er8071 is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do pl~~ing work to properr~ which is ow~d, leased or operatad by the appLi- cant. / Electrical Permit Where State Lc:r..J requires tro4t the eleotricaL work os done by an EZectl"ical Contractor, the electrical Fortion of this permi:c shall roOt be ualid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontrac'COr. Mechanical Permit I I I I. l I I , /7 Ptan d~~ ~-/i'-'I~ ua;;s I HAVE CAREFUU':i 2XA.'1INED th.e completed application for permit. c::nd do hereby certify that alt i:-:fo:r.-.ation hereon i.s true and correct, c:rtd I f.crther certify that: any ani all work perfomed shall be do:1e in ac:or- dance :.nth the Ordin-"ry1ces of the City of SpringficZd, and th.;: Ur..;s of tho . State of Creg;)n p~rt...-ining to the work described herflin, end ';;'04= NO OCC!J- P~t!lCl wiZZ be rTl1:!.e of any st:-UCt"'..u'II without pa~83ia:1 of the 3uiZding !>"~- fJision. I fu:rther ~ertif:; tha.t o:1ly C'ontr~to1'S ar.d ~Z"yees who aJ""B in compl:.a.n.ce with CRS 701.055 wiZl. be used or. this pr'Jj2ct J.(V. ~ Sign2d '" f~ / ?,r-~2-- . Date