HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-12-6 .. RESID~T1AL" .~ APPLICATI'1Jff/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ':"~, Ab....,q hA<>\ (~C?01 , - Job Location: '-10'1 Lcx:JVtuct./ ItVT:'f,/u-e.... ~ 1'1-03-21-/3 Tc.:c Lot # NfA, OO~OO Lot I'~ ASDosoorz Map # Subdivision: Lochaven CUner: Lochaven Partners Address: 1199 N. Terry Street City: Fl1p'pnp . OR U"M' n n Remodel n ."fobi.Ze "Homa Mobile Horne. Set up Addition Concrete Stringers Block ,2.. Pr.one: 688-6699 )1 '5"0 Zip: 97402 \ Ij Describe f.'ork: 'l Iv.l~ d 7 X '-Ii .. . Value:...' '/300'- Q6 c. Accessory: See Plot Plan, Date of Application C;ontracto1'S General Ernie & Sons PlwnbingCorwins Plumbing j, Eleotrioal Ralph Brown I /Ioohanioal Emerald Excavating. I Const",ction Lender _........... It is ,th.'respcmoibility of tits permit holder to BeB that all. inopections a2"B made at the proper time~ tr.at each .:dd:rSS8 is l'eadab~E' from tM strost, and that the permit card is Zooatsd at ths fl'"Ont of the property. . "- .Bui!di!1{J [)!,vi=ior. appro.'v/Jd p~ sJu::t.Z. ~emain on the BUilding Sit;; at all times. PROCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccol'derJ state your City design.a.ted job ntu.':ber, job adizoC88, type of in:;pecticn raquestcd a!':d w,l':en you wiH be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ot..'nezos name end phor:e numbel". Requests received before 7:00 c::'l r..'iZL be made the same dc.y/ requests made afta 7:00 am wilt be made the n::xt :.JOrking day. Reauir~d J~8~p.cticn9 O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after excavation, but prier, to se: up of [oms, O UNDERSLAB PWI.fBING. ELECTRIC,lL & MECHA,'lICA4: To be made before any . r.JOrk is aove{;Jld. '~ ".) rV1 FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made LL.J after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to POUM.ng cc;ncret~. y, I )." fC71 U."lD8RC.'?OUND PLUMBING. };EWER. WATER, tLJ pHAIrlAGE: To be ma.:ie prior to fi 1-- lir.g trenches. o UNDERFWOR I'W/.fBING & MECHANICAL: To be roo.ds prior to in3tal.Zation of 11001' insu~tion or decking. ro~A~BW~ ~be~epriarto instal.~tion of [toOl' ,insu~tion or dsoking . 1!OUGH PUP.!8111G. ELECTRICA!. & MECH- ANICAL: No tJOrk is to be covered .until. these inspections have beer. made and approved. .. FIREPLACE: PM.or to pic.cir.g facing material.s and before framing inspec- tior:. D o D D FRAl!ING: Must bs requeoted after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanieal. All roOfing bracing t chimneys, ete. TTT'.tst be :" completed. No IJOrk is to be can- ," oealed until this inspection has . b6~n made and approved;'. GD o [K] o ':l"'l FIliAL PLUMBING FINAL UE~HANICAL y") FINAL ELECTRICAL ill HOME)'. , n tlO Value ~O, ~h - Signed: Dato: /2 -I, '"yf? 4990 3677 1230 Address Morely Lp. Eugene, Garden H. 28th 4250 W. 5th Ave Phone 688-8864 747-2500 j44~DUU 345-1505 Lise. H Expires 41497 2-2-89 2393JP 20-213C/945S Inc. YOUl' City Deaigr.atcd Job Number ID: 'X<x I 0 '1/ ,. ,--. , O INSUl,A'l'J.UN/VAPD.'i' BARRIER I.'lSPfCTIO,I: To be made aftel' all. insuZat~n ~4' . required vapor cCUTiers are in p Zaae but before any lath, gypsum board or wZl covering is applied, and before any in:Ju.lation is concealed. I DD:OLITIO!! OR ,~,'OV::; BUILDIilGS . :J Sanitary se'Jer ::apped at p:.op~rt;':i line =:J .SePti.:! tank p".Jr.?ed and fi.~la~ with grG:.1e' o :J Final - !{hen above ite.'7ls are cc:nplBted . ar.d ~hen demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises, cleaned up. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mads after aZl drywal.l is in place, but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel .location, bond beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOYE..: After ins ta llaUon is ccrrrpleted. I Nobi le Hcmes ~(; LJ Blooking and S2t-"P t; '3 :2J Plumbing. connections -- s;;!Jer and water O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:, forms /. ~ 'Xl Elc~trical Connection - Blocking, set-up. are erected but prior to pouring ":).... L.\:-l and plumbing connections TTT'..lst C8 approv6d .. oorwrete. C; 0 1"'1 J, before requesting electrical inspection ~IDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY:. For all con- I "Vl . . ' ~ crete paving within stroeat right- 4? -4J Ac::essol"d Bu1.lc::.ng . ' of-ux::.y, to be made after all e.xea- . vati::g c~let~ & fOml wrk & cub- ~ Pinal _ Aft~r p:;rcr.es, skirting, decks, . base matenal l.n 'p'la-:e. SS 4J etc. ars completed. W/j?:Y//y 6&' ~r..s '. tt>r= 00<:<:"'.7"-""#.<::5' . O !'ENCE: Whe.r: compl.~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' G<tn~.J ~e.e. . -, f\> h)...LtO,57CY"\ q'S' o All. projact conditions, :Juch aO tile 7.'.l1utaLlation of street trees, eO::"Tplotion of tns rB""irod landsoapir.g, eta,. muot bo oatisfiod ba[oro tho BUILDIIIG FINAL can bo ro""oot.d. FINAL BUILDING: The Final. Building Inspc.ction must be requested alter th~ Final Plumbinj EZectrical, and Mechanical Inspections hava been made and approved. .4ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS }/UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fElIT TO BE. /.J.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pafe ! of 2 JOB NO. 88107/ f....1A1L ('~!:1~ (, 'l I I I I I I I I I '. -i.-COG~ , I~ SOLAR '}A.CESS REQ.- ., , I OCCUtxlncu Gr. /..~"",7'3.", ~ ~=T,pelcor.st: . LOT TYPE . . .'- ", Lot"Fa~;; - ~"",rff . K Interior I Setbacks P.L. House Caraos Access. INorth S'~ lEast South /:;<, IWest /L' Zone: Lot Sq. Ft{;. S of lot Coverago !I of s.to't"ies Total Height :....t"...;1....t"hy h' -<'./ .... '--' / 0-<9'= 1 lITEM 'Main I Gcraae I Caroort SCJe;? IAc~c~80ru ~~ I ,,,-;- 7' /....d ., I SQ.FTG TOTA& VAWE Is.D.c. fVCl.UC) 1.5", "20.6/9,-= Building Permit State SU1'aharge Total Cha...wogsa lITEM . I NO. I /."':"'1 .~.. /L,...;''j''-p I I Residentiai (1 bath) I I ISanital'l/ SeLJer II I III ~R/'772kR/H'~~ FEE Wc:t€l' Plumbing Porr.:i t , State SurcJ-.a:zoge Tata 1. Charaos I ITEM R'M~ S". (+'0. I N~/~~end Cireui to 1~~......n_07 Service /10. FEE I I If I' ~C--';o < Eleatrical Penrrit State SurcharQO Total Char~e8 IITSM I~ce ETU'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I JlOodstove I ro,/ I I I I I I I I FEE Permit Issuanca Me~hanical Permi t Statd Surcharae '1'ntnl r.htnol'fRft I .... ENCROACHME/lT "- I SturoAri"t1/ D3DOsi.t I StoraRtJ I Maintenmtt!B Iporrrrit I I Cla';cut I SideLJa lk Total CharaD8 ~/O( I Fcn::e I !:l.atrical Lobel I NobilB HanB~ZJ=j;v:?:::!:F I '/ -5 /= /3~-1 I 309..:?9!'- ')."'J.. I ~.=:-~ k I I I HAYr: CAREFULLY SXA.."1INED ths completed application for permit~ and do I hereby certify that al.l. ir.fo~tion hereon 1.S true and ~orrcct, and I ' f.uothel' certify that any ar.d a'll IJOrk perfor:ned shall bs 00:16 in accol'- I dance onth tha Ordinancas of the City of Springficld, and th, Lo:.:e of tho ~' .. Stat6 of OrBg:m p~l'taining to ths work described hSl's'in, and that NO oecu- I PANCY wi II be made of any struotura wi thout permission of the Building Di- vision. I ful'thc1' certify that o~ly ContMCt01'S ar.d e:npt:Jyees who arB in ~ I ~ ca::pZiance with ORS 701.055 will bB used on this p~~jec~ I Comer Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value I-Ie:> "'2.3'. It> CHARGE I , e4" I-;f)". ~ e>ot'? //:)':~ "'2 c::-. v.c> ?tP...-e-31 3' -;5l:= /'9 -5'9 . I I .t~=="1 I ~s-.--I I '3tP. .......I-;? I, {.s-ol r "S"/-sz>l. I I I I I I CHARGE CHARCE /~ ,?:).~-I" /./5""1 TOTA& AMOUNT DUE:' ~ ycn,/C/ Bedrooms: Enera}1 SO"o./.rces Heat Water N".J'1t~1' Range _ Fireplace Woodi;toV8 T'r06 .z," ~/ /cP / -- F2eB . , Building Value ~\ ". &, Permit _ r. . . This permit io !Jroantcd on the express condition'that the sdid construction shall.. in all respects, conform to the Ordinancs adopted by the City of Sp"ringfietdJ inc!uding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and uoe of buildings.. and m::y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time' upon vic- .lation of any pravi3ior.s of said Ordinances.. .,~~: '(~"'l."' . , ',:T::' , ~\ '. r I "1' ~ ~ '.r.:. - , IPlan Check Fee: /-',L~ 0.0 f-"catc Paid: "/:,;;L -".;;L.,J IRecdpt #: . 1C2.Jf<.J 8'- I Signed: A,(~.~ Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constr-uct, instalZ, alter or change any netJ cr> e::isting plumbing or drainage systen in ~hoZe or in part.. unless Buch person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber'8 license, e:rcept t;..at a person may do plumbing LJol'k to property which is owned.. leased 01' operated by the app1.i- cant. ..': 'or: '0 ~ . t,rr Electrical Permit:' Where State Law'requi1'6S tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele::trical Contracto~J the electricaZ po~tion of this penmit shalt r~t be valid until the label has been Dignod by the Electrical Cont~acto~. Mechanical Permit . (j'-. \.. J G\ t! ~!' '-. fl " ' (j. /~ .' .... .. 4~~~ '-~'Xam1.ner /' 17-::2.-@g ...~t .' uate ;. o S'nWL L VYI-l WaJlA Mgn,d . i!2 -~-gX DatB . ~,