HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-9 b .. RESlDreTlAL" ~ APPLICATION/PERMIT 225.North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~ Job Location: ?;;?CXJ h7.f:S ~.-hJ.y..-I ! ASDeSDors Map H ~O ~ \ ~ Subdivision: Lb'T '?.-?/ ~7i'~~ ;?yU-,5 7~7 S.!: ?,?~.D ;y. Taz Lot H ~~OO j E;q;z:? ~ A M' /~s ~-? </ '2 c C bE?'? 5" F/9 /f" '7' <"~.?~ 67S'. Q.mer: Address: City: [3:::'NPM - n Additicn n Remodel n Nobile Ho.'7Ia apCiF,X. / ~ -&:J -9? _ Date of Application .Contrac tors I~General /!:~/E:"f; I Plumbing , rHechanical EJ,.ectrical '. Supe~,-'Sing Elec t'ric ian """'- /y /- '1';;> -r / Phone: ~?:"=t':;>,'\" e:::p?'-7:? ~ Zip: Desaribe fl'ol"k: . Value Inl.nln7.J;'50 Rcce,pt ,~ '. ytt- ~ tUJ" '~~ ~ '\\\"'\.(1 Sigr.ed: Date: Address ' Lise.' BIdrs Board Ke~. ~c/?/Eo:::;_ 2/?b~~"""A" ~. <;S;">.F,cb _d'?<' I ' /" }<~xpi res Pl)npp '7 r-c:- YZ6::9 It is th6 r68po~aibility of the pe~t hoLder to S6e that all inopections are ~ade at the proper tim€~ that Dcch ~8B8 i8 readab!e froom ths stloeet, and that the permit card is located at the front af the property. 4Bui!ding OilJi::ion approved plan shall remain an the Building Sit3 at all times. PROCSDURE FOR I,"SPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, job address, type of in.3pec;icll raqucsted ar.d w~en you uill be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ :.."il1. be trrlde the; same day, requests made after 7:00 am LJill be trrlde the next wrking day. I'"'''''' " J/1uroi-r""o1 T"tUTJ",,~~i(;n!~ D SITE IN5PEr:'I'ION: To be made after e:z:aavation~ but prior to set up of forms. 0, UNDERSLAB ?LU~mING, ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches arB excavated and forms are o:rected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. o UND'SRGROUND PLUMBING,. SEWER. W.4TFl1 DRAINAGE: '1'0 be made priO!' to fiZ- lir.g trenci!ec. 0, UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to in3talZation of 12001' insu~tion 01' decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installaticn of floor insulation. 01' decking, ROlJGH P[,W-1BIIJG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cot-'ered . ur.ti l thea,,, inspeetion.s have been. made and approved. FIREPLACE: ?Pior to placir.g faeing materials Gnd before framing inspee- tior:. O FRAMING: /.fust be requeDted after app~oval of rough plUffbing, eleetri- ca1. & mecJumical. All. roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr.lst be ;' comp1.eted. No IJOrk is to be con- .,. cealed unt~~l thiD inspection has ,4 be~ made Gnd approved. o o Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulatWn ar.d " required vapor barriers are in place " but before any lath, gypsum board or . wall covering is app1.ied, and beforB any insulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywa l l is in place, but prior to any taping. 0, MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamlJ, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O 'WOODSTOVE: After installation is . ccmpleted. o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fomB are created but prior to- pouring aoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & for.m work & sub- base material in pZa:ze. ~/t!:::>/6 DEMOLITION OR /.JOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani ;ary Be-Jer :zapped at p~opert~ lir:e :=J Septi:z tank p:u:7ped and fiZZiJ~ LJith gra~el :J Pinal - t!hen above items are completed and when demolitior. is complete 01' st1'U~- ture moued and premises aleaned up. Mobile Hemes :J Blocking a1Ui Set-~p :J Plumbing connections .- scwer and Water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up .---J and plwnbing conneetions m".J.Bt be approved before requesting electrical inBpec;io~ ~ Acaes30ry Building :J Final - IiftOJr porches, skirting, decks, , etc. are completed. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~lotion of the required Zandscc;pir:g, etc., tmlSt be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ~an be requested. o FINAL PLW3I1IG D FINAL ME(;H,IIIICAL o FINAL ELEC"RICAL o O PENCE: M'hencompl~te -- Provide, gates or movable sections through , P,U,E. 00 ~fuuA o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must ba requeDted after the Final Plwnbin;J Electrical, and Mechar.ical InspectionD kava been made and approved. "'ALL I1ANHOI,ES AND CLr:IINOUTS If!JST SF. ACCF:SSI8T.F., AD.TUST!fENT TO BE f.t~DE I1T NO COST TO CITY J Paga of 2 JOB NO. SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- Type/Canst: ~ L-COC~ I Zone: Occupanc1.i . Bedrooms: Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE: I Lot Faces - I I Enerq,l.l Soul"ces TIlDe I Setbacks I I Heat ~<; ^~. S of lot Coverage Interior I P.&. I House Carage I Access. I I ." ; Water gl?atmo # of Stories Corner Worth : I Range Tota! Height Panhandle lEast I Firevlace ISou th II Wood.;;tove Topography Cul-de-saa IWeot II I lITEM l/.bin x Va!uo I $1-68"9./0 I /~. ~73': 'Y~ I I I I I I/P/,~"?~ I ,. I I I I I I ,. CarGOe SQ.f"TG ~:?~ I~~,~€:. #!b Carvort AccessorII TOTA& VALUE S.D.C, (vat.UCJ 1.5 :t Building Permit State SUrcharge Total Charges I ITEM NO, I Fi.xtures I Reeidentia! (J bath) FEE CHARGE Sani taPy Sewer Watel' P!W1Ibing Permi t State Surcr.arge Tota Z. CharaB8 lITEM I Res. So, f't(7. j NllW/Extend Circui ts I Temporary 5erovice I I NO., I I I FEE CHARGE Ele~trical Permit State Surcharge Tota! CharQee ITEM I Furnace PTU'S I Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto;;e I I NO, I I I I I I I I I I I FEE CHARGE Permit 138uanca Mechanical Permit State Surcharae Total Charaes __ ENCROACHME:NT h I SeC"t4ritl/ Da1JOsit I Storage I Main tenancg I Permi t I Total Charoaos I Cul'bcu~ I SideLJa!k Fence Electrical Label I Nobile Home l'1VYt'AT. AMnIlAl'T' nlll:'." Faes Building Vqlue & Permit This pel'mit in granted on the eXpress condition that the sa",:d constMJ.cti071 shaU, in azt respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, reguZating the ccnstMJ.ction and UDe of buildings, and may.be sUDpended or revoked at cr.!! time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . , P1.an Check Fee: -;zg~, '"3 A Date Paid: 1(') . c.; d-1 , /'';.vI Rece'Lpt H: ~ F() /T I Signed: 9// lo ) Plumbing Permit No person DhaU construct, install, alter or change any new Qr existing plumbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless sucr. person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is oumed, leased 01' opera tee by the appli- cant. I I I ,. Electrical Permit I I I I I. Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electrical lJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical C01ztractor. Mechanical Permit I I I . I, I I I I. j. I I I I I I I I Plan Exannner uat.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for perr.:it, and do hereby certify that all infor>mation hereon is true and correct, and I further cel'tify that any ar.d at1. lJOrk perfor:ned shall be don.e in accor- dance urith the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, and tho; Lcr.JS of tho State of Oregon ptZrtaining to the IXlrk described hel'ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY urill be nr:z.de of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar.d e:lIpz.,yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05$ will be used on this project Signed Date