HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-8-23 Corps of Engineers Fed, Aviation Authority D/C09 Control~ __Fed, COlTl1lunications Com. I ..~' '\ ,tfj>;I!, Other' *:! . ~ ' i . t: ~.' r"........ /. tber:~_r ......^"i..,.....~T' I ,', r- :;~ 'c::' -~'.. - ',.':'~~~:'.,:;,:.""" '''''-''A I -,: i,,',i~ ~ ~_' --:>:~': ' ':;,,:-),r"'p, I /" .&...1 ,-\l;';l"fl"v ' _~ -.,1\,..1 ;.: . ~~~\~~~N~~h L:~~n:~AGEMENT DIVISION ~_\ {;;~ c:n "8 "W~ qq '('J3 \;11:; II Phone: 687 -4061 Eugene, Oregon 97401 \.\ =< ~ a ~lt? ~9 - ,,',:- " :> , 'j r\ \j , A request for land use action, as described on'da~s~m~gr.Y\~-.iii~;R;t~it~'~V~,?~~ii'iji~'d~:s been received by the Planning Division, If significant impact-.is/evident, please send comments to LandManagement Division by ~- 3/ ' . Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse ,impacts on general livability of the area and its future developl1)ent., For additional information, contact ~~~~ DATA SUM~1I\RY: Journal No, f;zc- ~- 'Ie; Zone District APPlicant_~~ Lot size Property Address, :J.;)...,,>,C;- ~,S~ ~1ap_(7-o_~:~ z-L__ _~ip;/,-,--_..f2Y17 Tax Lot /.3,oQ_ PROPOSAL:~~iZA/(.{, ,'fr; gl?-:~ ~~- . -i~-~" --~,-'''--,-- COi',~\ENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): In.J tIu.- ~./~..tJ)..J1.---,G1 r//~ ,(,~ j~ vt~~ ;/7 ,~--- ~~. v 7 {P~ ~ / TO: Land Division Section ___Regional Planning _Planning Research __Zoning Enforcement Environmental Health ~Water Pollution Control Soils Data ___Flood Management .2::,Transportation Planning ~ssessment & Taxation , Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel .,_Hous i ng & Comm. Dev, _Neighborhood Group From: ~ /1 {/ tt'~f ! - e eDa te 8-2:-_3 _..__ Lane Extension Service State Forestry_.. Lane Transit District State Highway Division Lane Reg. Air Pol, Auth, _~..~tate Environ, Quality ..c"Water District,~ ~_.State Dept, of L,lnds ___School District______ .__State Fish & Game Fire District State Geol, & Mineral Indus, ~Boundary Commission State Veterinarian Port of Siuslaw Dunes Nat'l Rec, Area ~Plan DePt___~ Siuslaw Nat'l Forest ~City of ~,~~ _Willamette Nat'l Forest ___EWEB 8:f44 1 -'-0 _Bureau of Land ~lgmt. N,W, Natural Gas _Soil Conservation Service Pacific N,W, Pacific N,W, _Tri-Agency Bell Powe r _LCDC R./ll-u -7 j( P -i, ffi/_1i:<.51L.~ ___._ f I~ , '~""', q( , , I, '."\ J:~\ /'::] 4U(l~ ,', ~'~ \7\ Land Division !s\e~t:i9,~_:"",/ l.9~La~~-Extension Service State Forestry _',g;,",' Pl.""'i~~\"":$:. ;J!~""';t "",I'ict --,:,State High\~ay Division' Planning Researcti')',~ "l?)- Reg, Air Pol"Auth, State Environ. Quality =.zoning Enfo;cemen~ 116'\ ater District,~ =~State Dept. of Limds Environmental Healtti _School District State Fish & Game 'Lx Water Pollution Contr~ _Fire District State Geol, & Mineral Indus, _Soils Data .n.Boundary Commission State Veterinarian _Flood Management _Port of Siusla,:,. " Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area .1Qransportati~n Planning ~Plan DePt~ _Siuslaw 'Nat'l Forest $..As,sessment & Taxation ~City of ~('.i..lli Willamette Nat'l Forest 'g~' _Parks Division _EWEB Q _Bureau of Land Mgmt. Lane 'Real Estate Div, N.W: Natural Gas _Soil Conservation Service _Lane Public Safety Pacific 'N,W, Bell _Corps of Engineers _Lane Public Lands _Pacific N,W. Power _Fed, 'Aviation Authority _.Lane Legal Counsel ~Tri-Agency Dog Control Fed, Conmunications COl11ll. __._Housing & Comm" ,Dev. LCDC Other _Neighborhood Group Other ;I ;/ ~, - . Date 8~2--3 TO: From: LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687 -4061 A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, please senc.J comments to LandManagement Division by 6>- 3/, . , ' Speci fic concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition' to adverse, impact~ on general 1 ivabi 1 ity of the area and its future develoPllJent., For additional information, contact ~/~~' DATA SUMMARY: Journal No, f&c- ~-l../? Zone District {(,4/a -7 j( P Applicant ~ ~ Lot size ' Property Address :;l.;lS-,S- ~,S~ Map_(7-o_~:~ Z~/ , ~~/I; f7Y?? Tax Lot. /,~oo PROPOSAL: ~L L~ tZ/J/1A -"'fr!> gg,~ ~- ._ ., '~v_tp.' COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): LI.b!.L ~ lm,1iI'-:R;:J~d" a?A.kjk~~ ~ iJ (/MW//Jfd. ~ th - .fjjf I~ j-Z.l/I~iP Il!IJd. 1;6 ~!J. <S./!LtXUf~< m ~Jd ft1- (~S~ o-JhJWCloMj ,tMt ~ ~ a)~ -&i~. \ofl!l~~ I - "\ ) . . ~ tit tLLU/t.Md ~ . !DI- LtkU /UcJ.t- 'de aM. ~ ~ ~~~,U$/:;1"_ 6It ttd- 0./ IS ,L/XV) AJrd cdI!e zf , ;/ 0 ' '~\37!O-;;~~~/'d,'r: . ~ ~ ~. c!J/tY( r{..(.T/~ ~~ oI~~ jftZ ~> t4~. o , . CB' nu.-w,/~ ard 'r--"r~ ~ ~~ ~,~a;y //I ::q: d4 c1iJdSt,3tJ /;;0>3 , \ , . . , , ~ '}' TO: Land Division Section ~Regional Planning ___Planning Research .__.Zoning Enforcement Environmental Health ~Water Pollution Control Soils Data ___Flood Management ...x.Transportation Planning ~}\ssessment & Taxation Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. __Lane Pub 1 i c Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel ,._.flous i ng & Comm, Dev. __,Neighborhood Group From: .... . . Da te_6' ~ ~_.:$_.. Lane Extension Service State Lane Transit District State .__Lane Ileg, Air Pol, Auth. _,_.State ~..Water District ~ .. ..Stilte School District State -------.-.--. State S ta te Forestry_, Highway Division Envi ron. qua 1 ity Dept, 0 f L.lnds Fi sh & Game Geol, & Mineral Veterinarian Indus. Fire District .JD.Boundary Commission ___Port of SiU~ ~Plan D.ep_t-=-' __,- "-=....,J 1City Of_~~ ___EWEB U N.W, Natural Gas Pacific N.W, Bell Pacific N,W, Power _)ri-Agency Dog Control ___LCOC LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687 -4061 Dunes Nat'l Rec, Area _,__Siuslaw Nat'l Forest .___Willamette Nat'l Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt, ___Soil Conservation Service ___Corps of Engineers ___Fed, Aviation Authority Fed, Conmunications COIT1I1, Othe r Other 'A request for land use action, as described on Data SUllUllary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Division. If significant impact is evident, please send con~ents to LandManagement Division by ~- 3/ . ' , Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse ,impacts on general livability of the area and its future develop~ent, For additional information, contact ~~~ ~~~~() DATA SUMMARY: Journal No, f2C- Jj,- 'If! Zone District RfJLl! -7 is p Applicant_ ~d)1 J("'~!J? Lot size Property Address :i:;...,,",t:;'" ~, SH.uJf Map_t7-o3::2Z-/ , -~~1-/ f7Y1? Tax Lot /':~O() PROPOSAL: ()"A_""'.- L..A"ZIA I!A/CA ._~ ~~ ~_ , V=r7:~--;r----;. ~ C-'~ COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): The Sprinqfield ~~nn~Dep~rtme~_opposes this . reques.!.-..~~is an intensificatio.~i...l!.rban uses adjacent to the City li,mits,_Annexation , of the property to Springfield and concurrent rezoning to RL/RP is possible, and would provide an equivalent alternative to this proposal. ~v.N , '/ " ; I ... , , " 70: Land Division Section Regional Planning ___Planning Research _Zoning Enforcement Environmental Health ,J5,...Water Pollution Control Soils Data Flood Management ; , ::X.Transport~.~on P1anninD ~ssessment & Taxation Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div, ___Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands _..Lane Lega 1 Counsel ..,_Housing & Comm, Dev, ___Neighborhood Group, - . . Date 8~z.3 Lane Extension Service State Forestry_ Lane Transit District State Highway Division ___Lane Reg, Ai r Pol, Auth, _,..,state Envi ron. Quality '1- Water District,~ __State Dept. of L.lnds ___School District State Fish & Game ___Fire District State Geo1, & Mineral Indus, ~Boundary Commission State Veterinarian Port of Sius1aw Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area ~Plan DePt~ ___Siuslaw Nat'l Forest ~City of ~oiJ..l.rL ___Wi llamette Nat'l Forest EWEB t F@..h 0 ___Bureau of Land Ngmt, N.W. Natural Gas Soil Conservation Service Pacific 'N,W, Bell ___Corps of Engineers ___Pacific N,W, Power ___Fed, Aviation Authority ___Tri-Agency Dog Control Fed. C01Tlllunications COnIll. LCDC Other Other From: LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687 -4061 'A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached' 'schematic has been received by the Planning Division, If significant impact is evident, please send comments to LandManagement Division by 6>- 3/, . , ' Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition' to adverse,impact? on general livability of the area and its future develoPl1lent" ' For additional information, contact ~~~' . ' DATA SUMMARY: Journal No, f;;c- ~- L/ 1 Zone District_R,4/lJ.. -7> if P Applicant '/.-e-tT'>'1 ~ Lot size Property Address .~~..,:c;- ~,sH.uJf Map~7-o 3-,,2 2-/ ~!I, f7Y?? Tax Lot I.~oo PROPOSAL: ~~IZIi)tA. ,* /~ n,~ ~- ._ . , '~~..p CJI~ COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): ...5~ _4h'd .....""_e:>dh ~,g/k~~~ ~~'~ ~ - . . NOTICE This is to inform you that, due to circumstances beyond our control, the hearing scheduled for September 29, 1983, 1:30 p.m.. Main Floor, Harris Hall, concerning HZC 83-049, has been relocated to the South Room in the Basement of Harris Hall, The hearing is still scheduled for 1:30 p.m, We are sorry for this inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 687-3772. Thank you, Candice Hart Land Use Hearings Clerk - .'" Hearings Official Pub_Hearing , Time: 1: 30pm Date: September 29, 1983 Place: Harris Hall, 125 East 8th Ave., Eugene. ~"'"'l Lane County ~ .,.......' Applicant: Location.: Propo~al : Leon Keefe (HCZ83-49) 2255 Laura Street, Springfield. Rezone request -' from: RA/U to: RP ,To allow professional office, ,. ". ", I H~J__L_ I ~ .:....~~"!I~ti;;;:',R' C? ' .r': .- SITE ~ - '" c "''' ~ ... o <I' ~ . -I ' 1:'05~' \/I ;,/ ~ HARLOW- HA'lDEN I3RID(,E RD. Ieee /v ~'~ 1100 ISooo 4':l03 /c) 1/00 1-:;UC. 1 ~~oo -i~:~e DOl --I VICINITY MAP NO "Oc.AL.E ." ,.," :;:;;;::::f:;:;:;::::::::;:::: "i~1 3001 ~151 1400 4G.00 4199 r /0 l> '~ /0 ~ /0 zn\ . 1500 \.oJ 1502." ~' .. 1" /0 /u\ CI~ ' , " ~'" /t.>j. \ \ ~j 4100 ;PR INC.FI ELD , , I...IMlrs ......................................................,...,~.r1...11 .......... ' 1..V~~I................,.I...III~'.r "NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIEN HaLDER, VENDOR OR SELLER: ORS CHAPTER 215 REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS, NOTICE. IT MUST PROMPTLY BE FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER," I............~.........I........I...~.....~....,.I...,...........................................................................~~!. FOR ANY INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSAL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISIn~ COUilTijOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE OUILDING/l25 EAST 8TH AVENUE/EUGENE, OREGON !J7401/PHO!iE (503 687-4186)", """ I .-,' ,~:~m. Ii ~ r."i""",' ~t..",\'. ' " Y .. , '., .,.,.--------- -'---' . , e LEGAL NonCE - NOTIFICATION LIST - ~IAP II- -A-Po/ _J,C.HO .___LDRC LCPC WLPC BCC ,,~ _ "mJ~~/::T. ""e..;/aMM.-!/n.U.. APPIIcant_~_.4--___,_____n, File No.f~ f?3-'Il_ Locatlon ~~S"?:.._~_:i~ , ~~ .________._ f~Y:.7--7 MaP-1J- 0 ~ -~7.,::/ Tax Lot /3co___ ___Tax Code -L~.3 .-_~_...gdJ(J.___~-~,,? tJ~~.1- ':s~~~--~ ;e. p __~S-,j~~J" ~_~_~ ~cJ..~ Proposal k~ _P~fj t'D~ L...e.- C1 Specl,al InstructIons ,J,J< ~'.R ~_~ Assigned To !J-2-tf App] [cant Name__.~_,.K.9.!!'.,t. -??...____.._..~......_,.... Address_'k_~s:s:.,__~..s.g~_tJ_'I,.t_ ..,__, -~~7-'-e.((... ,---..-9..7....Y2'7- ~:::::ss fl~J~~....-..__'_..._____~.._ -1-V..!3.t", ----M~-.~---- -~p.tlr &..rL,.,..._~z.tf2? Other . --.----.----- ------. ._------ Address -_._~----~ Other Address Other Address - . - ;,1 - IN RE MATTER OF: JOURNAL NO. P2c.. 83-49 LEow kEE..FE 11.03.21,1 '=F 1300 Assessor's Map and Tax Lot Numbers 1/1,03,2"1. I I <If- I 2. 00 Il<!)() c:::; 00 0 4~o3 4 <702 4':7 00 I 466/ 4106 Ll'109- 1400 , - 4 fo06 ' I Soo ___1 So ::, I 50 '2... ISol - , flOO I C)(")o I ~Ol I "101 I fj (') I I 3DO I : I I, ) 11103 .2<0 ,2., 21 I ~ M14-01 -- . e ~, ,IN RE MATTER OF: LEo~ tEEFE \1.Q? 21. I #1360 JOURNAL NO. -Pz,c. 53 -4'3- Assessor's Map and Tax Lot Numbers /1, D 3. Zt,. 2 .2.1 1f'"3~11 3P.J1D ?R;,~q 38'/5 3f311o -3etPe, M14-01 .. ~ ~":' .~ r;....-.... i f>" - .. 'f ." -, f:,;"';,:~1, f; t:':l ~ r< '.:.," . ", .', '" " , " ...;: >, J""..', "" '11"/,: J:' . .... o :'1,'.'" :." ',ro'.:" ";"z"",, -~;i,n:~';{ ~ ~ ,;i.j,'..\'~" ~ ';:..,", . ;'., t, \'\:,:;:":- ~ e , ...... l( . ': "" I,'" '"' Ii:, "':,' I " " " ' , i'> ,<.. , ; : f) . ' :', \ ~ , ' " Ci) " ".':,' I' ~_I1;~:_r 3~,., S~llTH ::LMd, i\ + AUaRA 2265 SHADY LANe DR SPF.INGFIELD OR ~,f:[;L1CH ALFRED.. IDA 2191 LAUP.A ST SPRINGFiELD OR It A Ii GOO:,tLA GOFJuN L Co M A U' 2416 NO 17TH PL 9747,1 'SPRiNGFlfLD OR f! '"' TODD LEONA II f. I-URSHELL D 2161 L\URA SPRINGFiELD OR 97477 Llt DONALe M .. MARILYN II 216~ LAUI',A ST SPkiNGFiELO O~ 97477 E' ANG~LJ AL~E~T C JR ANG"LO CP,AIC E 1515 ;:; ST vt.r,COUVlR WA B,,:'AW DDNf\LD K BESAW OUNALJ J 1240 PRLSIO~NT ST EUCCN:: Sf.: P~('] F IC BUILDl:;;'S P (J BOX 233 SPF:INGFI fLU OF; 98663 97401 97477 MARSONNlTTi VEkN C Co S K 2360 SHADYLANE DR SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 " *******~******************** * 9/14/83 DATE PRODUCED * 26 LABELS PRINTED **************************** @ 97477 97477 HAl' ,'ION "EL L I:: =OWA~DS NINA LYNNE 216" LAURA .>1 SPRINGFiELD OF; 97477 HAA~SAGlR O~DELL J Co M M 2300 LAURA 5T SPRINGFIlLO J~ 97477 PAUFIC BUILDE!',S ZMCGRAW JOHN J & VELMA J 303 .s 5TH Si S?~INGFIELD OP 97477 PACIFIC PARK JW~~RS ASSOC P :., BOX 2:> 3 SPRU,CFIf:LD uR 97477 LANe CO HuUSING AUTHORITY 172 E 8TH ST EUG!:NE OR 97401 Fr.AZ liE JeAN T FRAZIER F,UTH E 5517 MONTERY RD LOS ANGELES eA 90042 LANE COUNTY COUNTY OWNED LANDS LANE COUNTY COUR THOUS" "UGENE OP 'H401 WUORI~EN CARL A .. G~RALJINE 2.54 LAW LAN[, "UGeNE: OR 97401 PICKlTT L RUSSE:LL & L~A t 2,,20 LAU~A ST SPRINGFIELD nR ~7~77 97'< 77 ro" ;;'S 97477 **************************** * [IELlVER THESE LABEL.> TO: '" * CANDI * * PERMIT HZC 83-049 .a~*~>>**#*~*.**.***~*;*~*~~~ , , TUKRELL LI..SLiE fAY Co MARY L 2323 LAUP.t. ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ~ ~ ,,@j) PEARSLN ~BERT h .. ROSE M 2165 LAURA S T SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ~ " fi) SMITH MAX f: & DIANNE F 2186 LAURA ST SP,dNGFIE:i.U Qr. ii' 97..,. , ,~~- S=~UUIA APTS PTF CR LIU ISPFLU APAP.TMEN1S OREG L1D P (J BUX 230 let HIGH Sf Se i\l iio c: 1:' Cy nQ C7 ').,,~ . 97,.., 77 . 4 fit> RllTH GRLGORY 22<,6 SHADY LN SPRINGF!ELO 01'. f. I~EL I S5':' 97477 6 e €Z) ~. . i -~j