HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-11-21 ..- .. ",' -<<. ,,~ .i.,;;. ; ~1'.'~.~,-.. -4!-"" -'. ',' .-~.~._. ."" .~:~~;:.~ -,-', ~. '!: ,.'.' "';:"~I ~. ." , ~..,:;;;:,,>~ 7;:..~~i." --,.^,.,~.-. w- . ~~1~;.~~':~i~':;:i(,:;;'" .. :.~~~1~~;;;': ,.' '~r~'~::" , ',-:,-.>"~ """0;:' "APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ; ,FOR FILE '-1'3-l/9 :'",",', " , '\ ", '-;'<;'; r" ~.,; ". , ,(Thoroughly Complete by Typing or Printing) 7<1{' -///0 _ C1+r:{~ 1. Name of Appellant t...eO~l R, q. ('0"';"";' 0, f(t'<'-(~ Phone 7'1C,-5"S'tJ9- ;":::,./' , ". Mailing Address ,;(~'5S A.a....! yo... 5T,' ,\,., Sf"-:"', to' e/~ OK ,.,.., 97Yi-j '>4."1';,::.';:.'<~: .".~.)'~.~ . , n..~.; (8. treet,). . .' '.. _"...,;.o;,~., ,,' ',"'," ,..)(State) ,,,,, \ (Zip) "~'::.b.:.,,~, -"..t.t~,.~.ili,~'J!)~..:~~ ,~..t:,-,., ,. L.:!'l~~'!' ,.,' - .. -i.-. . ~_ ~~, '... Appellant's Representative G r.2:'\ ~1) i c'- s L \ '" 'I 1\ Phone "7 ~ t --I G 7'1 . "~..~;:..:..,,. "".~\..,.<< ~"') (.vc"''''~-iS.;hl r:'-i"~r~~\"~~~~#i':;7.\~.It_:/1rn'lllf~'~~7'" ,Mailing Address 1'I3'D W1o/"'c,..." '~J,,'J, >I',.,,::r:"(d, /''''Jc'''1 ' " '.' , , (Street) ,/ (state)" ,,'~(Zip) , . . . ,'. i;:" ," ,:..~,.....' .~.. ,. ' 0.:"". "'. . .,,~,. 2. Attach a copy of the decision being appealed. "', ,.."...."rt,~.. ',C, , : """c..;-;...', ' ~~~~the appe~i fee. payable to i~~~.~;:1~~;~~i;~"':jJ~it~~~Jl'~~if0:>; ,:' , " . .,..:t.'.'~.." date by which this appeal has 'to be submitted to and received by' the """';':." 'Specify, by checking the appropriate boxes, the alleged basis of appeal: :'fa-- _ ~ ' ,.. . .,fl4 a. ..l'i;.e AP;;~~~~ A;';h~~~~t~~:e~ded hi~,:~~her jurisdiction;,_,."~' ."'l>:~~..:. .'_ ,.~," .. ,.~tm~~"" .-r~~s,:\,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,~~,'c"~',, , ~.' . LI .b.Th. e. AP. p.roval.A.uth~t:ity ,-,failed t." f.O. 1..10W.. the proced.ur.e.. apPl1. .cab1e. t.o the c.,.,,;" '''d'''" ",,,,,~,,i{..Iif:j;lI__~,,,,, ..,...I'Ji:,~~~',". ',." "'.~~:L,~~= ,,~~~~li( c. _ The Appr.oval AuthOT.~~: r"ndered~ ~ecision that is: u~~~,~~~~~~=~~:~:, " /'ft.4";.LI d. The Approval Authority misinterpreted the Lane Code or Hanual, State Law. ';;:;"'''''''' .' " .. (statutory or case law) or other applicable criteria; or',:1~;.j. ~~.. " .:' ;~"'t" .'''''f' . . . ....., " "'f~?~: '~:"" ~~~r '~~LI e: The Approval Authority rendered a decision that violates a Statewide Pla ,,' "'''. " . ',Coal (until acknowledgement of the Lane County Comprehensive Plan, or aay;' ~~~'~~applicable portion thereof has been acknowledged to be in compliance with , , ,;'~ 'Statewide Planning Goals by the Land Conservation and Development Commission) .;' ...,' -' ',' ,\.,;w.,,'\, ,"'"".,' " -, '. ,~..,..,,__,' ,"......,,<,.,,"""'...,.. ..,."""'~....",...'r,.....;."""',..,..,,' '.....,' ,- . ,~~ "~'n".i".#.. ,.~ :'. ,''''l''. 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