HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 4/16/2008 CITY OF SPRINGAI:LD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETII DISTRIBUTION DATE: April 21, 2008 TO: Current ff: G, Karp, J Oonovan, L Pauly, T Jones, K Gale M Metzger, - J Miller, A Limbird, 0 Reesor, S Hopkins, M Markarian Jeff Pasc a I, ~up ising Civil Engineer, Public Works Department / Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department , -V Matt Stouder~ AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Jesse Jones, .Public Works, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department / Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer vi ./ GarY McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works ~ V _~_ Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Rre Marshall, Rre & Life Safety Department - - - Melissa Fechtel; Fire & Life Safety Department Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Mike Wilbur, ODOT Bill Grile Dave Puent, Building Official Dan Brown Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Jon Driscoll, Surveyor Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, ESD Len Goodwin, Public Works Steve Barrett, Springfield School District 19, Superintendent Joe Leahy, City Attorney George Walker, Storm water Facilities Planner, ESD Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTHIlUsnCE CENTER ITEMS/FIRE STATION John Tamulonis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) A Development Issues M~til}g_\tYiII take place Qrl Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 1:30 - / , 2:3_0 p!D1, if! the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, an-d come prepared -to discussThls-application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact Mark Metzger-@-(541) 726-3775. Revised: 4-16-08 DEV ELOP~E~'l' ISSU~S ~EE'III~G DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: May 22, 2008 @ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.. 1 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2008-00027 LANE COUNTY/lIU Assessor's Map 17-03-36-21 TL 8800,8900,9600 Address 1645 "H" Street Existing Use' Residential Applicant submitted plans to discuss the expansion of the existing Rlverstone Clime Planner: Mark Metzger .INGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWW CI springfield or us April 21, 2008 David Suchart Lane County 151 W 7th Street Eugene, OR 97401 RE: ZON2008-00022 (17-03-36-21 TL 8800, 8900, 9600) Develvpment Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss the expansion of the existing Riverstone Clinic. Dear Mr. Mason: , Thank you for your Develvpment Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRING.lf1.ELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 fl~TJi STREET SPRINGfl.ELD, OR 97477 DATElfIME: Thursday, May 22,2008 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Mark Metzger If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3775 Sincerely, Mark Metzger Urban Planning CC: Bill Seider Pivot Architecture 72 W Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 Michael Liu 51 Wisteria Place Alisoviejo, CA 92656 --=- ..... City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective Applicant Name: OA'I I 0 ~UC.HA", Company: LA"U! CO""",, Address: is' W '71!!. E'OGEtJE 02.. q"~OI Phone: ~"l c; .O<<.t.q I Fax: , ,'--. -'. "',^,, ' 'P;:' ,',. ~::~, ~,~'~-~_\ ,;,",<v ~ r _Y~......~, ..~," ~...,_~{.. 1 > ~~.. <~l ,~~"" ,<+ .. v ~^" ,,-<' ...~ i .. ~ < ~A... > ~, Prospective Applicant's Rep.: 6'Ll. 'SE'1>ER.. Company: PI'IOT" ARCW,.jfC.TUe.E Address: "11 W Q20AOWA'-i ElJGElJc ""<-_...."'" ~-'{' ~<,-~-y_'''<'''--~-J~?;: ~- t~~ll,;'i"-<'" Phone: I Fax: OR. q.,,,O, ~"I1. -7~q I ~ .vr ~-"'" ~ --.. :>>"^~ .j: ';,-.. - ~~ >. <-, ~\ y << ~., ..... ~- ~ - . ~'" l <~ , ~,,,' Property Owner: ,MICHAEL L.IU Phone: Company: Fax: Address: i~ I iU l~ "'-?\ It hSe:N" 'S \0 C p.. C? ZLp C; (., " v f'~7i;'>"'~ -lJ..~(~. ,Co,,,' <l~~~;-- <b~~"~N"'>"'1'$~i^, <";,.,~~-"" ~~,l~\ A'~';:;''*"~~~'~ftr'A~~1~''^''~Jt-:;:~u,~0ff{~.t_ .,'::;j.1t.~o~..,.._'r ':;,'~;J""',:: '\;.,,~ :;',,~v~::<~~~~"'~'r~,"~y ~_j,>:"j'_~_ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Ii -03 ..~c. - ~I ITAX LOT NO(S): Oi'qoo Property Address: If.&.IS H 51 1,~~~~"o~?P,t~o~e~~ .,-.,' '\" ...~~"" ',",,' , ',,,'; "'''.' _,: ," ,,' "~,,\(""~~,~~~~"~ L.~QU~,r,~",_~,~~t ~ g. '"O'h' Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to thiS application. Proposal: f.\~"'C:D Existing Use: 'SINSl.E FA"",-~ OWEU,.I N6 1# of Lots/Parcels: IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: IJ'::'" 'i -p ~ A}. ~.~}t :....y~ <i'~t~ J y::~.....~ """<1 ~ '.."~::: ^" ~_,,,-{ ~ ~~""'0~.c'.J,::"~, ~ (~i-.,,.l. ~v ~~'''~~<-"''fY~"'' .~"~?v._~~""'~,,~:;- -F>.,{ ~ _ ~~ ." ~ sf I Density: du{acre Prospective Applicant: ,.....,j ,.~-~ 'R~",-\<:. ::,,,, t . 4lf~..u Signature OA'lIt> ~UCHAtiI Date: 4/llo{ov Required Project Infor - n (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Print Case No.: -'7/1/,-,", '1AA Cb - Wh l- L- l.J ? ~ o<? Application Fee: $ 5 00 ~ Date: "Lj /J (....,10 CO , Reviewed by: ~ I I . . . -~G'6D I~><%~"r.-:!<~_ ~"'~ ~~,~n"&-6" C~ <'" 'E\4~"1:l.<,-"');yA~;-,,:s,'>",r*'%f"&$.;'::; "B~~ ~~~::'-~ -~t~ <.-"t\ 1i...;t"~~1j.;:~:.-'~<~~~i"'.(:'''''r'; "'"!i*JZ<:{~~~~~~::1 s'<i:~l. >' l' t:b<t%-rt~ "~,"",~.g\--h;t'fl"~~~,,"-:-<;;:,, y ~~~~~ ,frd _~ b,..t7~<'$-;'~~;~ -.., ~~ '...~ ~ .~:n:'::- .,;,,&4'~ TOTAL FEES: $ Technical Fee: $0 Postage Fee: $0 PRS2.008,-OOO;.l-1 '. PROJECT NUMBER: Date Received, APR 1 6 2008 ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan Origil'ai Submittal 1 of 3 ____...__c -G--s~ 1_ "::::::to ~ H- I I I I I-I €I) I n: If- €O +- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00022 1645 "H" Street fJ(J 1 . jC I!- ~~ -- --N-s:,~ --:.----- - Srl'E Map 17-03-36-21 Tax Lot 8900, 8800,9600 North .. I 1 Date Received: APR 1 6 2008 Original Submittal t' II MEMORANDUM PiVO I I 72 West Broadway t 541 342 7291 I Eugene, OR 97401 - - -- - I pMrtan:hrtecture com I f 541 342 1535 . " Project: Lane County Riverstone Clinic Modular Office Building Placement (0634,01 ) Date, Apnl 8, 2008 To. DaVid Suchart From Bill Seider Subject Spnngfleld Pre-development meeting DaVId - Here are the key questions we would like to ask the city staff related to the Site ReView Process required to move forward with this project 1, What exactly will be required to be submitted for site review? The nature of these modular (temporary) structures may make the submittal different from a more permanent development 2 What IS the tlmellne for approval of site review for this type of development once a "complete" application IS received? 3 What IS the process to get site review fees waIved for thIS public purpose proJect? 4. What special requirements will the city likely Impose for thiS development, If any? 5 What other Issues will need to be addressed to get thiS project through the site review process? ' , Proiect Descnptlon. : Address, 1640 G Street, Spnngfield, OR Lane County operates the Rlverstone Cllmc, an FQHC medical program, In an eXisting medical office building that IS leased from a pnvate owner, The same pnvate owner owns the property due north of the cllmc and has expressed and Interest in leaSing that land to the County so that , temporary offices for the cllmc operations could be prOVided close by Due to the success of thiS FQHC program, the County has long term plans to relocate the cllmc operations to a larger faCIlity sometime In the near future In the mean time the most efficient way to meet their office , needs appears to be to site temporary modular office bUildings on the adjacent site to the north I The attached site plan shows the proposed location of these modular units which would be ganged together to form one single structure The occupancy of the modular umts would be I offices and medical records Date Received: APR 1 6 2008 Original submittal len1wqns leu!6/JO SOOZ 9 l HdV : pa^!eoa~ alBa .......... "'"--I ' , \ , " -- -. d J-1' 1" . ,_I -' ~-' I'-c"': "1:; -Gz;,~_" ?TUt::. T' ., l ~ ' . ' ., ..,..- . ""'=o_-=~'~-'~ r, . A - , " __ __ ~. ~\ --..." nIr" l#T* 1-' · . ~.~ . ;. 'j -. 1 . n~() J.r 16, Z/ 08Iloo ':~ - ; - _ \~~. ~., t~\~/!7eNw!J 1" ~.. >~-:~rl - . t-. ~ ..... __ '1 . 't ~ . i 1 -; . ~ -- -,..~, I e'L1"""; cAUdl.:f · . I. .~-~ L...r I · ~ 1?J &6 _ ~tN" f..lW;,tlr . -- ."" ~~ ".MlVeO r~,v6. ' . ....... .~ ~ lb, I I I , , . =~ 1/-.00 ":,~ ~'l ~1\1t'; '3Ob ~ Z\ ~ :, ~ 0:.. ".i:,. ~ I ._ lit " ... '" . , -, \ -:::04 ~~ ti -:'-lii ~~I.?~ to- ~ ~~i Q..~w 1.- '. \ I I 1..,. ILL I ., f I .7) ~':'_"._ ._ I .. l , -..... I _h_ I _.111' ---- - , - -,', , . I " ., }. lj'.~~"~ : 1'0 1Jt::W . ~~ . t .--. '." . l . ; ~'?11~ \' , ~ CU.ut6 . 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