HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/19/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review PRE-SUBM\TIAl REC'O MAR 1 9 Z008 Applicant Name: IV: ( /< Phone: j- L/ 1:3 S 7 ~ 8f/ / Company: Fax: Address: /T1-1 e~/~d ~~ "~I-/e<<-f- , I - Applicant's Rep.: ---- Phone: Company: Fax: ~ Property Owner: AI'Lle r A~Y\.~ Phone: r-y/,J .0- ~ fLl' "-" Company: Fax: Address: /17 I 8.... ) hoe... j +r.e.e (- ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ITAX LOT NOeS): I 7- - (J:J- -30- 00 -c )'1 ~ Property Address: ~ "c1 ~ 06 ./M r .'L -5 j-/'.r<~ 1--- Size of Property: V" # 23 3 Acres ~ Square Feet 0 I Proposed Name of Project: 3 Pha. \12- ~J~e.. ho tAje j; t. ..p &t.."'L_' ~ Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this applicatIon. Proposal: Existing Use: {A1 a,f"-<" A o~ 5~ INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): sf + Si natures: Please si nand rint your name and date in the a ro riate box on the next j.1 'I' ! ~I I , J I Ili'l' 'i I r I' l a_. _.'. _ ... . . _ _ Associated Applications: ~~1 -6t5::2C6 ('j;~ f->rl) I Signs: Pre-Sub Case NO.:l'",e:... \~~- ().:J,:)A Date: ?:J!, q 10<6 Reviewed by: ~ Case No.: Date: . Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ ~?J~6D Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ ReVIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian ~ " '('rv-\ PROJECT NUMBER: 1R:)20~-Ot)O~\ ?) /2 "1J/ o~ t ( " ~ 1 of 10 TOTAL FEES: $ Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- SubmIttal Meetmg. ~ Owner: Date: "3 - /3 - of- Print rJ a-.~ Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on thIs applicatIon at the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg, 1 affirm the InformatIon IdentIfIed by the City as necessary for processing the application IS proVided herem or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application wIth the information as submitted. ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the reqUirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 1 9 2008 ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ". . . C of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000173 Date: 03/19/2008 Job/Journal Number DescriptIOn PRE2008-000 19 CTY Site Plan Rvw TentatIVe Item Total: Payments: Check Number AuthorizatIOn Type of Payment Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received Check WASHINGTON MUTUAL tJ 36625088 In Person BANK Cash NICK CHENEY tj In Person Payment Total: Job/Journal Number DescriptIOn PRE2008-000 19 CTY Site Plan Rvw TentatIve Item Total: Payments: Check Number AuthorizatIOn Type of Payment Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received Check WASHINGTON MUTUAL tJ 36625088 In Person BANK Cash NICK CHENEY tJ In Person Payment Total: 9:17:28AM Amount Due 336 00 $336.00 Amount Paid $325 00 $11 00 $336.00 Amount Due 336 00 $336.00 Amount Paid $325 00 $1100 $336.00 PRE.SUBMlllAl REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 cRecelOll Page 1 of I 3/19/2008 LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location: PRE2008-00019 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Site Tent) Chaney - Steve _SP _ConfRm616 Fn 3/28/2008 11 00 AM Fn 3/28/200812,00 PM Start: End: Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Meeting organizer LAFLEUR Karen, HOPKINS Steve, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-SubmIttal MeetIng for a SIte Plan Tentative has been scheduled for Fnday, March 28, 2008 @ 11 00 - noon In DSD 616. The planner assigned to thIS application is Steve Hopkins The applicant submitted plans to construct a three phased warehouse expansion on site Please confirm your attendance at thIS meeting Thanks. Karen PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 1 9 2008 1 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax . ./ Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00019 Date Submitted: 3/19/2008 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 Proiect Name: CHANEY 3 PH EXP AN 3626 OLYMPIC Project Description: Site Plan Review for three phase warehouse expansion at 3626 Olympia Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: 3626 OLYMPIC ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702300001903 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tune of the Pre-SubmIttal Meeting and Submittal of the ApplicatIOn for Development RevIew Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questions or concerns, A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. ?R-3200~ -QOtJ;L( PlanlobPnnt rpt 3/19/2008 3:27:07PM . . Pre-Submittal ~eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, March 28, 2008 I 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00019 (SITE IbNT) CHANEY $336 Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL 1903 Address: 3626 Olympic Street Existing Use: Vacant Applicant submitted plans to construct a three-phased warehouse expansion Meeting Date/Time: Friday, March 28,2008 DSD 616 11:00 a.m. - noon Planner: Steve Hopkins PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 1B" :0- N ~r MOUNT SIGN 7' OFF GROUNO ,:W':."i::- / 4" PAINTED STRIPES ~ ~ ~ ~ . ., , ~ ~ . 0 , e B'-O" J " , ~~. o .1 N J 2"_OJ 2'-0' (lYP) ~ o I ~ iIJ ~ tl "-ftl -'~l 9'-0' L " f2'\ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL ~NTS A.TTENTION CALL 1-800-JJ2-2J44 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU OlG OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU FOLLOW OAR 952-001-0010 THRU 952-001-0090 COPIES ARE AVAIlABLE AT THE OREGON UTIUlY NOTlACATlON CENTER (50J) 2J2-1987 PRI :-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 '" I ~ ? 10 .. 1/B"V ? ~-O_-i.r ',' wI _l~~'=:i, ""=)"" '-'~":'~~" 1RAFF1C ~I~G .~ _ __ EXISllNG b BIKE LANES =_lil OLYMPIC "<1')" "~--L .2'-0:,,2'-0" ,2'-0" - BIKE RACK,,, 'I 'I 'r ~\"'- h U) (E) 5' CONCRETE ~ CURB, GLJTtER & SIOEWALK IlllI.t. EXTERIOR UGHTlNG IS LOCATEO ON BUIUJING - SEE ARCHITECTURAl. OWGS SW 1/4 SEC JO T 17 S, R 2 W W M ASSESSOR'S MAP NO 17-02-JO T1. '190J SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTOUR UNES OMITTED ON SITE PlAN - SEE SHT Cl 2 DEEEBPrn t;I t~MIIIAL. ~ Cl 1 SITE PlAN Cl 2 SIlE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CONOITIONS Cl J UTlUlY PlAN Cl 4 GRADING & PAVING PlAN L 1 1 lANDSCAPING PlAN L1 2 lANDSCAPING NOTES . SOILS INVES11GATlON . MECHANICAL SYSTEM . ELECTRlCAL/UGHTlNG SYSTEM - PWMBING PlAN PARKING STANDAROS LOT AREA J6,771 eq It (4) SPACES PER BUIUJING TOTAL PARKING SPACES 1 B ALLOWABLE AREA. BASIC ALLOWABLE FOOTAGE INCREAsE 9,000 SQFT F= 46J C W=JO' F= 75 0 Wea20' P= 5JB Ip= 0 70 B,JJ2 eqfl 15,J22 eqlt B,74geqfl .lIDi CONSTRUCTION: PHASE 1 THRU J .lIDi IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ~~'ft\t~ R~~~11) ~~7~~~ }tl~] ~P~EX 212,57Jeq II = ~j~:~ ~ TOTAL AREA 15,055eq II .!ID! PERVIOUS SURFACES 8ASIN NEW lANDSCAPING< TOTAL: TOTAL DEVELOPED AREA PUBLIC WORKS NF-W ARf4'~ Tn D~ TOTAL LOT ~ AREAS ~ IMPERVIOUS SURFACES BUILDING ROOFUNE ASPHALT CONCRETE. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA' ~ PERVIOUS SERVICES EXISTING LANDSCAPING TOTAL PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA. TOTAL EXISTING AREA. ~ 200' ,2'-0' r 2"~x 1I."WALl , --, v GALV MIUJ STEEL WI B" RADIUS AS / SHOWN Jds {BICYCLE .L?~K POSITION \ ~ -t4 '"rl. -w STL P RACK DETAIL BOLT TO CONCRETE WI ""~ BOLTS OR THREADED ROD WI SIMPSON SET EPOXY L3.'\ HOOP STYLE BIKE ~NTS lYPlCAL PlAN VIEW RACK ~ !T\PROPOSED siTE \JD \8Y SCALE ,. = JO'-O' Iransit~s THE SITE IS DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THE NO 91 McKENZIE SUS ROUlE THE NEAREST TRANSIT STOP IS LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAIN AND 58TH STREET WHICH IS APPROXIMAT1.Y 1/2 MILE WEST OF THE SUBJECT PROPERlY PLAN LEGEND o !;> FOUND MONUMENT ARE HYDRANT (El 6' HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE PROPERlY UNE CATCH BASIN 29"x29"xJB1i"DEEP ,Solllr Access THE PARCEL IS ZONED HEAVY INOUSTRIAL WHICH IS NOT SUBJECT TO SOlAR LOT STANDARDS -x- CB11i ALLOWABLE INCREAsE = TOTAL ALL AREA = TOTAL AREA ~ J,OBBoq It 4,B11eq It 7,6990'1 ft 22,754oq It JB,771.q ~ 3,015eq It 6,315eq II l1Jeq It 9,44Jeq II 5,B76oq It 5,676oq II 15,11Seq II Pnuetlt Nnrmhve Project Name NIck Channey CaBe Number Assessors Mop / Tax lot. 17-02-30 TL1903 Zoning HI (Heavy Industnal) Owner Nick Chonhsy 1771 Balboa Street Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 912-0JJO Phone Project Manager Phone Engineering DesIgn Mortier Engineering MIke Onnkwater. Toml MartIno Glen Johnson 1245 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97401 Phone (541) 484-BOBO Oyervlew The property Is located at 3626 Olympic Street. Spnngflsfd, Oregon Phose 1 of the proposed lmprovement Is an addlbonal building of approximately 2.071 square feet The buildIng Will be located toward the south end of the lot and toward the wost side of the lot. Also rneluded will be additional pavement for parking (see slle plan) The buddmg will be a one story buildIng designed to speclffcoUon for a tenant The buildIng foundaUon will be slab and the construction Will be wood framed The buildIng will be modern In desIgn with open ceilings to provide a loft type look Ducbng will be exposed DRAINAGE: SUB BASINS SUB BASIN 1 (CB1/C92) 6294eq II (ALl IMPERVIOUS SURFACES MINUS PROPOSEO ROOF RUNOFF) fIll!ellSElU'''" onn. oIlNn"~(PHASES 1 THRU J) 7,740sq ft RE'OUIRro BICYClE PARKING 1 PER J,OOO .q II OF FlOOR AREA ~ (J) SPACES - (4) PROVIOED 75X LONG TERM - (2) LONG TERM LOCATED INSIDE BUILDING z <C( ....I a.. bJ t- (j) e; z ~ . 0 V)D::: i= 0 <C( ~ . Q.O U :::;;....J 0 ~~ ....I Oel Z lD CD ii: N 0 CD Q. .., I") V) ExplrClS" 12-31-08 REVISIONS: 11859 TH~! DRAWINGS ME: 1111:; PROPERTY OF MaRnER ENGINEERING P C AND ARE NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED IN Mf'( MANNER EXCEPT WRH lHE PROPER WRJTfEN PERMISSION OF J MORTIER ENGINEERING PC D1M9lS1Of<INll,. " "TAKES PRIORIJY CMR SCALE. DO NCJI' &CIa: ,"",'Il1NGS. , OAlE ..llUlUllL- FILE NAME...J.D."?A DRAWN BY....QR'.I CHK'D BY WORK ORDER NO 18728-BRM SHEET ell OF 6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00019 3626 Olympic Street 'MP1G-ST -""'-'.'"].'''''''''''''.'''"''''''''''''"''' " f+ -Uf JC -k'b ~Il PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 "Z008 SITE Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1903 North -to Q OeJ(t ~f-h.:A.~arrative: of. prf.)pO~ \ Property Address: 3626 Olympic Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Zoning: Heavy Industrial (HI) Proposed development consists of a 3-phase warehouse development with all three phases being completed in a 2-year time span. The first phase will consist of using the existing warehouse as a common wall and extending the new warehouse off the existing warehouse. Current use of the property is a warehouse/storage facility. Number of employees to occupy proposed warehouse spaces is undetermined; warehouse operations will meet the requirements of the designated zoning. PRE..SUBM\TIAl REC'D MAR 11., 9' Z008 , . . II MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.C. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 March 17,2008 Nick Channey ] ] 59 Washington St. Eugene, OR 97405 RE: 3626 OlympIc St, Spnngfield, Map 17-02-30 TL ]903, Stormwater Management System Study, WO#18728-TJM As requested, a Stormwater Management System Study has been performed at the above noted address for the proposed addition, The soil at this site is 79 McBee accordmg to "The SoIl Survey of Lane County Area, Oregon", Issued Sept. ] 987. McBee has a percolation rate of 0 6-2 0 m/hr from the ground surface to 62 mches deep accordmg to the "Survey", A percolation rate of 0.5 inlhr was used for the attached calculatIOns It IS proposed that a site specific percolation test be performed once the basm design concept IS approved by the CIty It IS antICIpated that the basin could be downsized with the percolation test results The wmter hIgh water table m thIS area is estImated to be 6 ft to 10ft based on records from the Oregon Water Resources Department web SIte, ThIS site is in a well head protectIOn zone WIth a travel tIme of ] -2 years There are no speCIal SIte features on thIS site and It is not in the ] 00 year flood plam ApproXImately 180 cubIC yards of excavatIOn IS currently proposed for the basm and less than 50 CUbIC yards of cut/fill on the remamder of the SIte, It is proposed that the basin be constructed in phases along with the bUIldmgs The basm was designed so that length can be added as each buildmg is installed with mmor modificatIOns to the eXIsting basin The size and amount of excavating shown IS for after all phases are complete. The existmg structures are to remam Thank you for this opportunity to be of service If you have questIOns regardmg thIS report, please contact me at 484-9080. Sincerely, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1, 9 2008 Expires. 12-31- g Bradley R. Myers, P.E. TJM/gm 11 , ~2129/2008 12:50 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW i4l002 " " PUBLIC WORKS DEP ARIMENT I Engineering Division Fax; (541) 736-1021 , STORMW ATER MANAGEl\.ffiNT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - (.4rd below tJ,j.J lbI.e fllld 0lIt by ApplictthlJ - (pktlse relfIm to MfItt StofJ.dtl' @ ~ ofSprlngfle1d Public WorkS lIJIginming; FflX. is "/S6-10:21, Ph ,ne # 736-1035.) Project NUle: ~JOt\) Applicant: .::r.&MT ~~ A: 5.. T I N~ Assessors Parcel #: ' 17-6Z. - SO T'- I.103 Date: 1-1'J,.."t I O~ LandUse(s); ,.,.X 'HEAVY 1~.Ii)'l5T,.uAL\_ _ ,Phone#: .iX.t.f-'65~~ Prujett ~i1.e (Acres): 1J.t.:o..1.f _ Fax #: ~ . ~~~~t:.'~~~'~~~~;~-9~~~.,.1l~~"~,\, r., ",..,.}E~.~~J: l"~,:, :~~l :~,~,lY'r(~!~~,jll\~~~.~~rII , "".' Project Deseription (Include a copy of Assessor"s map): ) " AO~ ~ "U.U...1JI~b5 To E)(I,6TI~/c.. I..lJT FOf{ Ir TO/Ai- DF q- BU,t-f)If.J&S' .,.-- Drainage Proposal (public oonnectinn(s), di..eharge loc.ation(g)~ etc. Attach additional sbee1(s) if leceSSQ.l)': n.J.5rlrW- V/;,-a'TATelJ :J:tJt:It-.'iRAildtJ 8AS'1N T& l'C(~ft 5T()RMW-Ai1:f( FP.,t1M NEW 8lJ.fLDlIJc,. AfJO Mt::W A/JO ~Xf5TlfV<p PAV~Ant"lJ'i. ' ']: MAY 'AOMSf. f: DF\~' \fri.LL- FoR. 56Mfl' ~/l..llJ)ljJee. RaJr::ttJP WJ1.'r-tA.. tJVt;;fl..r;:.u'W P1JOF' r=A~M M-sIf,J ~ OL'(MPlf SIfl.fEtrr: Proposed 5tO.."JIJlll ,ateI' Best Management Practices: VEGt=T1t rED 8A.sl~J, - (Area hi;!mttllis line flHtd".;,t bv the em, find ~ed to the A~b.tlM!11J - I (At a. minimum, all bans ah~cked by the Cit)1 on thefront tJIld hack of this sheet ~/Jt211 h, suh,Ji<<ed Jh,. 1m <ppliCQti,,,, tQ h~ c()mJ'~~e 1D1' qubmittal, although t!Jt/wr ",,'I't:mMlS m~ bg nec.:eucf)") Drainage Stndv TvDf! IEDSP!\J Se~~n 4.03.2l: INote. VB mav be sbbstitutedfor R8tioJa;~'MethoC\l . Small Site Study- (use Rational Met1J.od for c;alQI1IQCi~). I o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrogra,:lh Method for-calwlatlons) I o Full Drai.n.age:: ~velopment Smdy - (use Unit Hydroszapb Method 1br calculations) Environmental Considerations: I iii Wellhead Zone: ~o'I4t. ~..l ~ II Hillside Development: ~l A. 111 WetlandlRiparian: rJ( f.t . FloodwaylFloodplain: ,JiA 11 Soil Type~ --,q ~ M:!OU-. <;~\~ (.(~ ~ /jl Other Jurisdictions: ~ 1.At Downstream J\"alvsis: ' . N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to Matt Stouder cCil Citv of Sprins!fie'd. emu: mstouderctilci.sprfDdield.or.us. 'I AX: (541) 7360-J.021 ~wised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 1 9 2008 9 of 10 ~2/29/2008 12:50 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ~003 >- COMPLETE STUDY 1'1EMS r .l'orOlt'OlAl uscOnl!f."'e~ .1 .".. Based upon the ir(ormation. provi'did !m thefront ojthis shlet, the following represents fl minimum ofwhQt i$ needed/or an applicfJtion to be complet12.for submittal with rcsptJCi 1t'J drainapl /!UjVt!:vct', this list s}lrJwJ ,wi be lI:!ed in U,u cfthe Sprtl1gfleld Development eMe (SDC) or the City's Engtne(ITing De..~ign Manual. Compliance with these requiremenrs does nO! corlltitufe sire approval; Additional site specific information may be required. Note.: Upon scoping ~he.et submittal, ensure completedform has betm SIgned m tM space prfJ1)idel1 below: J.ntertm Design StaadardsIW.ater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) ~~~ , . 0 All non.building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfa.c~ shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasln w/oil filtration mlWia) for e.tonnWlltel' quality. Additiollally, a .minimum of S()% oftbc NBR impcrvloU$ "rice 1Il1~n bc treated by vegetated methods.: ' rI 0 Where required, vegetative stormwater desJgll shall be consistent with intcri1n design staDdtU'rls (EDSPM Section 3.02~ set Ibm by th.e f3ureau of Envi...............ental Services (BBS) or Clean Water Services (CWS). II 0 For new NBRo iIDpervio,a area less than 15,000 square feet; B simplified design appro~h may be followed as specified by the BES for vllgeta.tlvlil trcalment. ' II 0 If a S..III.....lltoi.... treattnent swale is proposed, suJ:imit calculations/specifications for 5izing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mi:x ~onsistent with either fJES or CWS requirements. 11 0 Water Quality caleulations as roquired in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM !II 0 All building rooftop m.ounted equipment, or other t1uId eon1aining equipment locattd outside of the building~ sball be provided with. sec:ondsry containment or weather resistant cnclostU'c. General Stady Requiremet\ts (EDSPM Section 4.03) , . II r:J DnI.IftISE! study prepared by (t. Profegaiontl.l Civil EnginQcr licensed i.n the sta.tG ofOrcgQll. C I A complete drainage study, as required itl BPSPM Section 4.03.1, it!cludiDs a hydrological study map. 1M J Calculations showing BYE/taIll capacity for a 2-year ",W1ll! evont and overllow effects of a U.year stann event. o f!II The time of concen1nuicm (Tc) shall be det-errnined using a 10 minute start time for, developed basins. ae...ie" of Dowustream System (EDSPM 5_00 4.03.4.C) o II A down............. dra.inagcl analysis as dcscnbed in BPSPM Scction.4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be goverD.i:d by the rJregon P!umbin8 Specialty Code (OPSC). , o II BlevaDODS ofthll HGL and flow lines tbr botll city aol! privatc: :I)'IltClms where applicable. h Design ofStonn Systems (EDSPM Sec:tiOll 4.04) . ~ ... ~~~ ~!)~~ f~~~ II 0 Flow lines,. sIOpC3~ rim I;lcvationa, pipe typc:lllnd :lizcs cleal'ly inu.ic~LW un th~ p~ set. ~~ ~~ . o ,II M,;,.,;.,....w pipe Qover shall be 18 inche5 for reinfor~ pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, , or proper ""e,.:"'eering calculati.Q05 shall be provided when less. The CO\l~ shall be SllfIi"ient to support an 80.000 l~ load Vlithout failure of the pipe stmcture. o ~ Manningls Clnl' values for pipes shall be collsistentwith Table 4.1 of the EDSP. All ston21 pipes shall be designed to achiove a minimum ve.1l.ll.'Jily uf llrn:c (1) .feet per second at O.S pipe Mt based on Table 4--1 a!l well. OtherlMillc III 0 Exhting ad prop(I$Gd Qontours. locateu ~~ u,Ut: fuol inl.l;lrval.. Tmllude spot eleva.tions and sire grad!l8 t1how:ing hOW Sltc drains . 0 Private sronnwater easemenn. Mall be clearly depicted on plans when privIl>e stomrwater Bows from one propcny to another ' ~ 0 Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPSt with the exception of 1"Osiderdia1 building roofs (I!DSP Section 3.0S.4.A). Auuitiuoal provisions apply tQ this as reqUlre<1 by the bSQ. Refer to the websi~ www.4GJ.state.Ot.lJsJwll/gtbDryewalnichome.hcmformoreinfonnation. . o 1M Detention ponds shall be &sjgoed to limit runoff to pre-development ra.teB f'Of tbe 2 through 2S-year storm event$ 1;1 *ThiS frmn shall be inClUded liS em f.ltJ4ehment; inside thefront cover, of III, stnrmwath study L .~ - -~" 'If IMPORTANT: eNGINE.ER PLEASE READ BELOW A.ND SIGN! 1 ' As the enwneer of record. I hereby certify the above required ttemfl !1Te oomple'ttllilntl in('.lnr.1E'~ with thE' submitted stOlUlwater study and plan set. Signature: :Date: Revised 1/1/08 Melly Markal1an PRE-SUBMITTAL RECtD MAR ~ 92008 10 of 10 / . ~ ,1, f' ~ ~ . t "( CLIENT (J" \1\1 ' . CALCULATIONS SHEET NO -r;'''r ",/ CALCULATED BY . 'd I j DATE '? )' H;;' /'/1(/ ~:. ~~.{} I ~I I) OF STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY fI ""7 1'/ r-/ WO# j.r, i.....'f) DATE /,! -. r~ ff',V!:,:,<,\'-..AJ I M A/I fU ,c j J>.'r - IT,:" ('Pll' /;:\ \d . ~/, r ~JT ,.....t 'l:J r ~ ~ t'l J r .( t ff ;;;,,-. ~ "'.....J f pl. ,I (\I'}I'- l~i>Jti~ Wll V 1\ " ~ i'; I:: ;~ 'r .~. ,("'.I C; i'"+" - i'r / '''0 J\,l 'J- If l J "<,.,! ..' t~ 4dd '-J' ;3 <. - ( -.( D Vi ; 1 AjI.- 77lf-() 11-~ - L 5'30 fff.;: 5' 1,60 ffk /1-, :: I Y; 7q 0 .r f '1. or.:>>." r" - It - (<",C r'J '\ (. I r' I \, .. l J:;J~ / I'" _),r!' / '.' /M \. 6 7 tl f'r- ex -- _..J__r(,...-- -,/,'1 it !,'birlvlr ;I'q ~ HI! !....;;-,./".II';(, ",'1'(,,;5)' I U <:: ,...> I FULL FLOW IN A PIPE Pipe Size RadiUS - r Wet Area - A Wet Perlm - P Hydr Rad - R Roughness - e Relat Roughness Friction Factor - f Slope - S Gravlt Const - g VelOCity - V Reynolds No - Re Flow Rate - Q 8 In o 333333333 ft o 349 ft 2 094 ft 0167 1 OE-02 ft 1 5E-02 See Moody Diagram to Determln f o 036 Assuming Completely Turbulent Flow 6 00E-03 ftlft 32 2 ftls2 2 675 ftls 1 49E+05 Verify from Moody Diagram, Is thiS Turbulent Flow? 0934 cf/s > 0,; ,', <-, I.. :r' t "", ,'-' j-, I.... / J VISCOSity taken as 1 2x 10.5 for water at 600F !-1 1./ \ i) r .1 I' ,- r 1\ -I ! '1- 0 A I' Y /.1 r\ --, cr, ,- {' ,r' -70 ,"- /\ - I I" l,t\r-.,I.~b r/l'f;.;;;ViErvl f I\v~c., 3c;-:-U.,).~JU,/' rf-5)-::-C),';;')!CS '" '4/1 . A iC' "," r- ~.~' ,( (, 'iJ/<Gr l~>'I." It: c: J /}riJC;' .0' I {; '"."1p,,,6[;, r-G.' ~ ,J!,.... 1'.1 If, I I _.l-", rlc~ F! FE FOi'1, CB! 01\1 L- r/ A -::. 1 v63LJ ft Z - 1..0 If 0 _ft1';:: JI S q 6 ft'L .-~ '( H5<fb '\ ('" ....,. ~ f' 0 Ll.J l' "=. .j \. U. !(l~ '$)k ,0' G S /-g-71b ~ '" < - PREeSUBMITIAl REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 1245 PEARL ST. · EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL' (541) 484-9080 CALCULATIONS ; -HAil ~H' ,- 'I CLI ENT (-, t:l.Dll I SHEET NO CALCULATED BY T;rM OF DATE ') !"1",[ //i~ t-I #.1) 1..1 L. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN 0 FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION . -,-.. .'. . ... . - . CHECKED BY WO# l~ '7 :2Js DATE 517JRM WATE:I\ CAL(JALATICi^LS_ 2-. Y f\ 010 R f\;l C ~ OJ q P [fJ1:;S 'FROM r;UTrt:R-S MAX! M!}Jjl Afi-EA TO Ot0t:: P IF'E FP,~M fJl-{d,J)i NG f,.jOr--: :c 0,75 (2) S?O Pt 2.): I q 35 ft"- = A AT 5 MIN, DU}tATION) I::.I.~;fl/Viy 4.;:- CIA = 0,07 cfls TRY Ifr( fifE @ Illt'iFT SLOPf: FULL FLOW IN A PIPE Pipe Size Radius - r Wet Area - A Wet Perrm - P Hydr Rad - R Roughness - e Relat Roughness Frrctlon Factor - f Slope - S Gravlt Canst - g Velocity - V Reynolds No - Re Flow Rate - Q 4rn o 166666667 ft o 087 ft 1 047 ft 0083 1 OE-02 ft 3 OE-02 See Moody Diagram to Determrn f o 058 Assuming Completely Turbulent Flow 6 00E-03 ft/ft 32 2 ft/s2 1 490 ft/s 4 14E+04 Verrfy from Moody Diagram, Is thiS Turbulent Flow? o 130 cfts VISCOSity taken as 1 2x 10-5 for water at 600F PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1, 9 2008 1245 PEARL 8T 0 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 CLIENT CHA~P'r:)) CALCULATIONS SHEET NO CALCULATED BY TJ" At! OF DATE 1/ '255/ :..-'Yfr STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY 1'17 1>70' wo# :/),,,'..-..,.0 DATE Vcb, WE RAC,leL 1 Y I\. 5T tJ)Q. M) j:",: t i ~ r [ H 1\ A T/ 0 AJ ) I '- 0 I I ~ IN / fI t\ c: 0, q A'-:, i5)tJS5 1~ I.. + 6Lf2-~ FTL. ::: 2-ILf'6j1l> - 1-f/ V,/!QE) S (ri..AT 60-rr,:l!t!l) 'J'dS' C,J...F EJA::J/J.) 1701\. CA.LCUL~t\T(of\)S UvSE f,t~f\({'i.- A,~rlO!\J KAT(;" Of OIS ItJ/HP" VOLt!ML fJ\t;-(;}, G ~J://cj f!dr!~; f.AlfOkJ ":. V:;. , 1 bt {J II /"E I /11 { 11' /lJl r: JJ f ~I\' 1(, <";1/ I ;J1~: " "r' 0:;--. 1\ L;t,,~ VVt.=. .(....... f\C(~.(hJ OJ ,ilJ It.....ll J ~ 4,-f- . fA C 'I '\l1lC {'f' CI."''> ~ ~,',/ , ( .,', /" Vf- - ~U,,"jl~/ III Ill,;';",) ljJ_", J\, i 'f (';,..,t )t, r;"-rA\' f ' , ", ' CQ'AO r-,~'J I \...,-!..~ } ~~p ~r !7 f{ ) ~ ~ D U . j Ot ,:)TI/ 3 ;1: 'ff... f r ':,:1 II: 7 I"' fT ( C?'"- ',;l(,. v\-~ """' ( ';V"'II ,,-.... ~~""...~ t i ~w_] }f)C~ ''\ 1-'~1r''')~ }It J -- ~ vCr " AI/Efj,;;:f;:..f) VOWLlvl[ f\E& L FOR :7rr)~:/~{ryL tts o. tf:1. "t;j1 :1 !'J, ,.ljbT'-i' I :'1. r~T r\fpU{/J.)r,;, rtJt\c \M,"' 1 i (: ,H'l .1,' 1 ~ ;;;:;+ (' 1"1,) ,~t.:;,._..;= '-' ,.::: C 1. ''"r~" Ill,' 111 t.> ("0-,. J 'f' ,-"f \. ,~) < f \ \,.I, '> , ~ r "," '.-l' "J r .......} 1 ~ ~,,~, , 3q 70 riel, 5/ LJ[: SLJfE:'S Av'./ ,A, I l .:.~ f r .f. 1~""\ r} , I ...~~ f /1 "') (1. \ r ~ l", "')f' /j,~\ _ /' r l.:..L" \ \oj I ' ) { Ii; - /~ L~" ~ tr t \~ f J \ l ('I-U \... it'! ) -- \......1 l! j t ~ I ,- 1, j~ '. ' ' [l' I, ,\!-, - j.J), _ ~,:::; !"7 f;: -~.. ... F, W t t~~}' I .....,J lit, ~"f "-"'___ t.......,r i l {, (..1(1. \(. '~ II'!'!) L - r) U II f* Vi'll ~T-" J.-..t ~ ~ , ('Vi- r. :- .I./",V) " I , > - " i ~ , t, ~:~ 1< ~ ~ ~~v J1, ~~L~ r<o;' k"'- :"t!.>- ,.,., ~ ~ ~ f\ -' ^- l't. t- ,--l.; / f l\.;f,.fv' STOt,/\G.E c!\f,Ar tTY ~?- $") C A L o \ 3'f1ft"- ]0;:: I cJ (jq b fl' ['301 () ,(~ ;-~,: I ~(; i ~ .", Ii 1 ;(1 flPLj k+ ,{ f'!i 3t,6 fP 1-5.5 fi-' tS,~ {f' 77. rg ff'b II = -"3'E'Cj~f( '=34-.75 {(2-. IN It 1.. f1 t~trt 51, 'fff -+f.s - VfS =. 2, "6'1 1. +13 hV1/O" 2.3~fl- PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 1245 PEARL ST · EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 CLIENT '---- t1/"'f-!..2.~/ CALCULR~ONS SHEET NO ( OF 6 ( "~ :=jlo 7 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CALCULATED BY /.. !' DATE CHECKED BY DATE 1(;11...-8 WO# CLIENT: NICK CHANEY 1159 WASHINGTON ST EUGENE, OR 97401 Ph 541 359-8711 ~.-",--,-- JOB LOCATION: 3626 OLYMPIC ST SPRINGFIELD, OR , 'EXPIRATI~~'_~~;~~E 12131/071 JOB DESCRIPTION: LATERAL AND VERTICAL ENGINEERING 2007 0 S S C. GROUND SNOW lOAD 25 PSF WIND SPEED' 94 5 MPH, 3-SEC GUST EXPOSURE. B SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: 01 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR ~ 9 2008 DESIGN CRITERIA: SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS NOT OBSERVED BY MORTIER ENGINEERING P,C, ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY ASSUMED TO BE IOOOPSF 1245 PEARL ST. · EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: (541) 484-9080 .76\~-Ti),~~ /1-.. .. ...- ., : /oil ,~.o 0,1 ~ ! i , ~ !CI." .:::r \ ! i ~ 1 \~!~Z.Ylj1~\~~/ CLIENT CALCULATIONS SHEET NO CALCULATED BY STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY wo# -LATERAL OC~C,IGN, ~ 'V1 v;. r v; WIl1.f) 'vvv-./VJ e {P 'S.~ \.^-I ....M n... 3 )()S~ L'-.r--/\iV'S,/P::'(': L. "-.ry (l.... ~., 1 (J '> (. SE/SN/C" 1'1. (. 0'-/) \/, :- ~'.tj -- C/-I':",ve; ""'I <;... ~ OF ! ~ ! ,,_:' J , I, - 1/1']/...)7 DATE DATE / -2, -/'-8 v'?' C(€J ev,,-.G/~ ~ V--"::. , II ~ /1 '-,' -: .. O'ti''-/''''''/ I 1245 PEARL ST · EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O MAR ~ 9 2008 TEL: (541) 484-9080 CALCULA TIONS STRUCTURAL BUfLDING DESfGN FfRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION fNSPECTroN CL lENT SHEET NO CALCULA TED BY CH ECKED BY WO# ~ ----,L ----::--' cw DATE DAT~ -, -" ""~r ,- :: , )"-( FIND lOAD TO WAll 1 LOAD AREA Awww 81 PSF 216 ft' WIND Acww 51 PSF fl' AR 15 PSF 1240 ft' AWWR 31 PSF ft' AcWR 71 PSF fl' AF 10 PSF fl' SEISMIC Aw 8 PSF 420 ft' CASE 1 1750 LBS CASE 2 1102 LBS Vs 1845 LBS I SEISMIC CONTROLS 1845 LBS FIND LOAD TO WALL 2 LOAD AREA Awww 81 PSF 216 ft' WINO ALWW 51 PSF fl' AR 15 PSF 1240 fl' AWWR 31 PSF ft' AcWR 71 PSF ft' AF 10 PSF fl' SEISMIC Aw 8 PSF 420 fl' CASE 1 1750 LBS CASE 2 1102 LBS Vs 1845 LBS I SEISMIC CONTROLS 1845 LBS AM1SC 25 PSF fl' AM1SC 25 PSF fl' FIND LOAD TO WALL 3 WIND SEISMIC Awww AWWR ALWW AcWR AR AF Aw AMISC LOAD 81 PSF 31 PSF 51 PSF 71 PSF 15 PSF 10 PSF 8 PSF 25 PSF AREA 210 If 284 ft' 210 fl' 284 ft' 1240 fl' ft' 420 ft' fl' CASE 1 5669 LBS CASE 2 5669 LBS Vs 1845 LBS I WIND CONTROLS 5669 LBS I FIND lOAD TO WALL 4 WIND SEISMIC Awww AWWR Acww AcWR AR AF Aw AMJSC LOAD 8 1 PSF 3 1 PSF 51 PSF 71 PSF 15 PSF 10 PSF 8 PSF 25 PSF AREA 210 ft' 284 fl' 210 ft' 284 fl' 1240 ft' ft' _420 ft' fl' CASE 1 5669 LBS CASE 2 5669 LBS Vs 1845 LBS I WIND CONTROLS 5669 LBS 1245 PEARL ST. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 ? TEL: (541) 484-9080 CALCd\...A TIONS STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Fesolve Wall Line 1 Load What Controls? (W or E) Plate Height Total Wall Line Length Total Area of Openings UOIt Shear 7/16" ass Nailing W/8d Nalls Perforated Deslan? Iv or n) Resolve Wall Line 2 Load What Controls? (W or E) Plate Height Total Wall Line Length Total Area of Openings UOIt Shear 7/16" ass Nailing W/8d Nalls Perforated Deslan? (v or n) Resolve Wall Line 3 Load What Controls? (W or E) Plate Height Total Wall Line Length Total Area of Openings UOIt Shear 7/16" ass Nailing W/8d Na,ls Perforated Deslan? Iv or nl Resolve Wall Line 4 Load What Controls? (W or E) Plate HeIght Total Wall Line Length Total Area of Openings UOIt Shear 7/16" ass Nalllng WI ad Nails Perforated Deslan? Iv or n) 1845 Ibs E 16 ft 60 ft NA So ft 51 plf 6/12 N 1845 Ibs E 16 ft 60 ft NA sq ft 31 plf 6/12 N 5669 Ibs W 16 It 36 It NA sq ft 157 plf 6/12 SL N 5669 Ibs W 16 ft 36 ft NA sq Ii 157 plf 6/12 BL N 1245 PEARL ST. Shear Wall Lengths Pier Deslan (y or nl Shear Wall Lengths Pier Deslan Iv or nl Shear Wall Lengths Pier Design (y or n) Shear Wall Lengths PIer Design (v or nl CUENT SHEET NO CALCULATED BY - CHECKED BY WO# .-\ /'v' ~ '-I 6' DATF 1_ ! ( r) l,-f7 DATF ,',~ ")'L5' 36 It It It It It 36 Ii Ii Ii It It EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8 It 12 ft 16 It It It DL Uplift Holdown Anchor (pit) (Ibsl Reo Reo 428 -207 None None 428 -721 None None 428- -1235 None None N 60 It It It It It DL (pit) 428 N DL (pit) 156 N DL (plf) 156 N Uplift ~bsl -7212 Holdown Reo None Anchor Reo None Anchor Reo None Anchor Reo None PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 TEL: (541) 484-9080 Uplift (Ibsl 638 Holdown Reo None Uplift (Ibs) 638 Holdown Rea None CLIENT <. ...../,e.j-l02; f l.- SHEET NO -) OF 0:..5 CALCULATIONS /~flj I , ';'cJl CALCULATED BY DATE STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CHECKED BY DATE CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING , -::; ..., 2- 5- CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION WD# , {5E?~CD (5;:::" u.1.sC:. ~,'l.. riL;>,:' 5/1.-'[>$ , ~P/::'!'1 fl.-{ ; ,~Q"'~'t> ~ \ I ') \'1'~,l- 1. '\ '->v'. ') l.~",j' -.. 6 \",,)..j r..,c,- " j Hr,16/ (YJD' 1- 3]1 (8, I/O)(-) -:: /0. $JI) u':' Input Data Input Data Span Dlstnbuted Load POint Load @ Center Allowable Deflection 14 ft 800 Ib/ft o Ibs II 240 Span Dlstnbuted Load POint Load @ Center Allowable Deflection 16 ft 1081b/ft o Ibs 1/ 240 Fv= FB= E= Fv= FB= E= CD= CF= C= r 1 15 1 1 CD= CF= C= r 1 33 1 3 1 Areq= Sreq= Ireq= InG -In,j 1n4 Areq= Sreq= Ireq= InG In,j In4 ,'- ( '-:;,'1,., ">t 11." (,- <:-& J Ck~ t::> L <- i.9 G/~ I, "o~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 1 9 2008 1245 PEARL ST. · EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL' (541) 484-9080 /6 R Tl;.,''\ ."~, .a-;A;~~@~'" ~"'1', /~~/--~-C- ::, ~:.~~ I i"-' , . : 1 l. ~ . \tI"t". ' .~"" \:1; ~~~"--'" __ ~~l~ "'.7{:~:!~~t~Y' CLI ENT c/:/ /~!~/ ..c. "-/ OF ({' CALCULAtiONS SHEET NO '-..> STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DATE ,') ~:..~ .... / CALCULATED BY .0-" ,f"e;,; CHECKED BY won DATE ''2t2-e; CJ.::I L / '\ I c..r- J 6(.] / J -::';PI';"/y,' (1- I l..J"o.~: (1C,).f''y:: .,.1,..::, :DC) J6. -; 'f ,",,/.J-;<. Input Data Span Dlstnbuted Load POint Load @ Center Allowable Deflection 12 ft 40' Ib/ft o Ibs II 240 Fv= pSI Fs= pSI E= pSI CD= 1 CF= 1 33 C= 1 15 r .. In' Areq = Sreq= InJ Ireq= in4 6"-6 I>"~ <91."",(.J PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 1 9 2008 1245 PEARL 8T. · EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL' (541) 484-9080 WO # 18728 General Requirements and Material Specifications FOR 3626 Olympic St Spnngfield, OR DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I EXPIRAT:ON [l,'\TE Codes - Construction to comply with the foiiowing codes as adopted rry-W'0 Iccat- Junsdlctlon 2007 State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) 2007 State of Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code (OMSC) 2005 National Electncal Code (NEC) 2005 Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC) 12/31/071 1 2 These General Requirements and Matenal Specifications are Intended to supplement Information contained on the accompanYing draWings Refer to draWings for additional Information 3 Loading Cntena Snow Load - 25 psf Wind Load - 94 5 mph, 3-second gust. Exposure B Seismic DeSign Category D 1 SOil Beanng assumed to be 1500 psf PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 4 The contractor IS responsible for coordinating the work of the subcontractors and trades 5 Shop draWings which are required by the contract draWings, or material specifications shall be submitted to the OW1er and engineer for review and approval, pnor to fabncatlon 6 Matenals are to be handled, stored, and Installed In compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations and good construction practices 7 Contractor IS responsible for temporary shonng and braCing required by the work The site and bUilding are to be maintained In a safe condition 8 Contractor is to verify existing site conditions and dimensions pnor to construction, Discrepancies shall be called to the attention ofthe engineer and be resolved before proceeding With the work. 9 Standards referred to In the plans and specifications shall apply to the latest edition of such standards for matenals, equipment, installation orfabricatlon Where methods are not specified In the plans and specifications, the minrmum standard indicated In the deSignated code shall apply, 10 Work to be scheduled and performed to cause the least disruption to the building occupants and operations. 11 Substitute or eqUivalent matenals, equipment, fixtures or other Items of construction may be considered by the owner and engineer upon submission of adequate Information to Justify such substitution 12 Contractor to remove excess matenals and debns from site and leave work areas In a clean condItIon upon completion of work 13 When special Inspection is required by the specifications or OSSC Ch 17, an Inspection work sheet IS to be submitted to rvbrtler Engineering, P E , P C for approval DiViSiON 2 - SiTE i,tVORK 1 Excavate to prOVide for the Indicated construction and conform to the finish grades Remove excess matenals from site 2 Mortier Engineering did not perform a site/soils analysis at this site unless noted otherwise In additional documentation It IS the Iesponslbllity of others to verify adequacy of sOils at this site Footings to bear on undisturbed sOil or an engineered fill (compacted %" minus crushed rock UNO) placed on undisturbed SOil Geotechnrcal Reports required for other conditions 3 Storm and rainwater drain lines, Schedule 40 ABS, or PVC-DWV pipe and fitting, %" per foot (2%) minimum slope JOints and fitting to be solvent welded Connection to down spout to be 12" above finished grade DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE All concrete work to conform to the latest code of the Amencan Concrete Institute 1 Footings, stem walls, walls, Intenor and exterior slabs on grade Ready mixed, air entrained, ASTM C-94 & ASTM C-260 Strength = 3000 pSI minimum at 28 day.:; DeSigned = 2500 pSI, no special inspection reqUired Exception: Do not air entrain Intenor slabs which are to be smooth, dense, hardtroweled finish. 2 Steel Reinforcement' Grade 40 minimUm, for #4 bar and smaller, Grade 60 mlnrmum for #5 bar and larger UNO. ASTM A-615. Place per ACI code and standards Lap continuous bars 30" minimum (unless noted otherwise) 3 Fiber Reinforcement. Provide at intenor floor slabs, exterior slabs and walks, Fiber mesh or equal @ 1 Y2 Ibs. per cubiC yard Fiber reinforcement is optional at oWlers/contractors direction. 4, Exterior slabs and walks are to have a light broom finish Slope a minimum of %" per foot for drainage DIVISION 4 - METALS 1. Prefabricated Framing Anchors: Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc., San Leandro, CA. are from catalog C-2005. DeSignations on plans PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 2 Common or Anchor Bolts ASTM A307-N 3 Structural Connection Bolts [Special Inspection per OSSC 1704 3 3] - ASTM A325 or A490 (installation per OCCS 2204 2) - Nuts may be washer faced or chamfered on both sides - All bolt heads, nuts, & washers shall Include manufacture's Identlficatl~n symbols - The manufacturer may also add other marks Indicating that the nut or bolt IS corrosion resistant and of a weathenng type - Nuts are manufactured to ASTM A563 - Washers are manufactured to ASTM F436 4 Concrete Anchors The Rawplug Company Inc , New Rochelle, NY 10802 Catalog #0017 (or eq ) Ramset Redhead, Wood Dale, IL 60191 Catalog 2000 Edition Ramset Redhead TRUBOL T Wedge anchor per ICC Report No ER-1372 5 Threaded Rod ASTM A36 minimum 6 Epoxy , Simpson - SET high strength epoxy Installed per manufacturer's specifications ICC Report No ER-5279 [Special Inspection], or (Slmpson-ET epoxy Installed per manufacturer's speCifications ICC report #ER4945 If ET speCifically deSignated on plans (special Inspection required) ) 7 ExpanSion Bolts Simpson Wedge-All anchors, Install per manufacturer's speCifications and ICC Report ER- 3631 8 All screws and nails In contact w/ P T wood must be galvanized or otherwise corrosion resistant DIVISION 5 - WOOD FRAMING AND PLASTICS 1 Construction Wood construction per OSSC 2308 conventional construction provISions, U N,O. 2 Evidence of Grade Grade mark of an approved grading organization haVing Junsdlction must appear on each pIece of material 3. Tnm. Furnish and install necessary trim and molding including miscellaneous hardware 4 Framing Lumber Douglas fir/larch, S4S, to standard dimensions 2x4 studs - stud grade or better 2x6 studs - #2 grade or better 2x framing - #2 grade or better 4x framing - #2 grade or better 6x framing - #1 grade or better PRE.SUBM\liAl REC'D MAR 1 9 Z008 FUrring and blocking - #3 grade or better 5 Pressure Treated Lumber Sill plates and foundation plates in contact V\t1th concrete - #3 hemlock, pressure treated lumber to comply with AWPA C2 or C9 Stamp 25#3 ft specifications All -Purpose construction lumber and Timbers - #2 & BTR hemlock, pressure treated lumber to comply with AWPA C2 or C9 Stamp 40#3ft specifications Pole barn stock and Bulkhead stock - #2 & BTR hemlock, pressure treated lumber to comply with AVVPA C2 or C9 Stamp 60t13ft specltlcatlons 6 Roof Sheathing APA rated sheathing, exposure 1 Panel span rating 32/16 minimum 7/16" thickness Grade mark by APA or other approved agency Attachments Place sheets perpendicular to roof trusses or framing and staggered JOints At un-blocked diaphragm 80 nails at 6" 0 C at supported edges and 12" 0 C at intermediate framing members 7 Wall Sheathing APA rated sheathing, exposure 1 Panel span rating, 24/0 minimum 7/16" thickness Grade mark by APA or other approved agency Attachments Place sheets perpendicular to studs and staggered JOints Un-blocked diaphragm 80 nails at 6" 0 C at supported edges and 12" 0 C at Intermediate framing members 8 Wire staples may be substituted for common nails as follows. Nalls Staples 60 @ 6" O.C. 15 GA @6" O.C 60 @ 12" 0 C 15 GA. @ 12" O.C 80 @ 6" 0 C 15 GA @ 4" 0 C 80 @ 12" 0 C 15 GA @ 10" 0 C 100@6"OC. 15GA.@4"O,C 100 @ 10" O.C. 15 GA. @ 7" O.C. 7/16" 00, crown dimension required. 1" minimum penetration required Into framing member 9 Prefabncated Wood Roof Trusses Design by fabncator to fit dimensions indicated on plans Loads Indicated below were used as desIgn cnteria. Roof snow load: 25 psf Truss dead load: 15 psf Truss live load: 20 psf Comply with TPI-85 Fabncator responsible for designing necessary bndglng and bracing Contractor responsible for bracing required during erection. Submit shop drawings (stamped by a Registered Oregon Professional Engineer), PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 . \, 1'0 Glue Laminated Members Conform to ANSI/A/TC Std A190, and ASTM 03737 Members shall be 24F-V4, unless otherwise noted Glue laminated members shall be shaped and finIshed per plans and specifIcations and shall be fabncated with waterproof glues Erection members shall conform to AITC specifications Provide standard 1600 foot radius camber, unless otherwise noted Certificates of Inspection #1 and #2 from AITC or an Independent testing laboratory will be required Do not notch Glue LamInated members unless specifically detailed on the plans 11 L VL Members Trus JOiSt 1%" 1 9E OF MIcrollam or equal 12 "I" Beam JOISts TM, Trus JOist MacMillan T JI JOists or equal 13 Parallam TM, Trus JOist MacMillan 2 OE parallam PSL or equal DIVISION 6 - THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION Insulation Walls, R-13 fiberglass batt Insulation With Integral one perm rated vapor barrier placed on warm SIde of wall Roof/Ceiling, R-19 fiberglass batt Insulation With integral one perm rated vapor barrier placed on warm Side of framing Insulation and covenng on pipe and tUbIng shall have a flame-spread rating not to exceed 25 and a smoke density not to exceed 450 when tested In accordance with ASTM E84-01. 2 Roof Covenng Class B minimum asphalt shingle roof assembly Each package of shingles shall bear the label of an approved agency. 3 Flashing 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal with baked on enamel finish, color by owner 4 Sealant and Caulking, - Polyurethane sealant, gun applied, color by owner - Caulking shall be of a type that IS compatible WJth all adjacent surface matenal 5 Extenor Moisture Protection. Mel-Rol waterproof membrane system or eq. Apply to exterior of below grade exterior concrete walls Apply per manufacturers application specifications See plan for locations DIVISION 7 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 1 Windows Manufacturer. Custom Fabncatlon FInish' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 Glazing Standard Float Double-Glazed, maximum U = 0 54 SC = 0 57 max Skylights Double Glazed, maximum U = 1 ~3 2 Doors Entry 1 3/4" solid core, flush, pre-hung with three (3) hinges Intenor 1 3/8" hollow core, flush, pre-hung with two (2) hinges See door schedule for hardware requirements 3 Overhead doors to have a maximum U-value of 0 20 4 Doors and windows to be fully weather-stnpped or otherwise treated to limit air Infiltration 5 Thresholds at accessible doors shall not exceed %" In height for extenor sliding doors of ;h" for other types of doors Raised thresholds and floor level changes at accessible doorways shall be beveled WIth a slope no greater than 1 unit vertical In 2 units honzontal (50%) slope 6 Submit Shop DraWings DIVISION 8 - FINISHES Walls and Ceilings Gypsum board JOints and Imperfections to be taped and filled Surfaces to be sanded for paint, wallpaper or texture as speCified Exposed Intenor gypsum board corners to be reinforced With a metal, comer bead 2 Interior Paint One (1) coat of latex primer followed by two (2) coats latex finish paint, surface and color speCified by owner 3 Carpet Professionally Installed With pad, tack stnps and metal tnm as required Carpet and pad as selected by owner 4 TOilet Room Floors. Commercial grade sheet vinyl With 4" rubber base, seal at joint between base and sheet VInyl. Color and pattern selected by owner 5 TOilet Room Walls' 4' 0" high wainscot of plastic laminate or other approved mOisture resistant surface Color selected by owner Place wainscot over water resistant gypsum wall board. 6 Stucco' Exterior wall finish (Stucco) shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's installation specifications and instruction and OSSC Ch 25 Metal lath shall be of the appropriate type and weight for the assembly type Attachment of the metal lath shall be through nailed With galvanized nails or screws with a minimum penetration of 1 ", PRE-SUBMITTAL RECtD MAR 1 9 2008 A three (3) part finishing system of Portland cement shall Include a base coat, scratch coat and finish coat 7 EIFS Systems - Installed per manufacturers specifications and Instructions-by a contractor specially qualified for the work - Maximum Insulation thickness = 4", minimum Insulation thickness = %" Use on sloped surfaces depends on the specific project - usually 6/12 minimum slope - Insulation board size = 2' x 4' maximum DIViSiON 9 - SPECiALTiES 1 Casework Shelves, cabinets, closet organizers and specified bUilt-Ins, as shown on the plans Submit shop plans DIVISION 10 - MECHANICAL 1 HVAC ProVide labor, matenals, eqUipment and Incidental Items not ShOWl or specified, which are required by code and good practice to perform the relocation and Installation of eXisting and new mechanical equipment and ducts Equipment must be In good 'v\Orking order after the work has been completed Submit shop drawings 2 Plumbing ProVide labor, matenals, equipment and incidental Items not ShOWl or specified, which are required by code and good practice to perform the relocation and Installation of eXisting and new plumbing eqUipment and pipe Plumbing equipment must be In good 'v\Orking order after the work has been completed Submit shop drawings PIping Matenals DWV - Schedule 40 ASS Water Piping - Type M Copper 3 Fixture Specifications Fixtures to be selected by owner Refer to drawing for locations of fixtures accessible to the physically handicapped The following performance cntena apply' Water closets' Water closets are to be accessible to the phYSically handicapped Refer to drawings for dimensional cntena Toilet Room Lavatory Faucets: o 5 GPM maximum flow of hot water 110 Degrees F maximum outlet temperature, Self-closing valves that limit delivery of hot water to 0.25 gallons maximum. Faucet must remain open for at least 10 seconds. TOilet Room Lavatories: 29" minimum clearance, bottom of counter apron to floor PREaSUBMITTAl REC'D \ MAR 1 9 2008 \; Minimum knee clearance space under lavatory - 27" high, 30" wide and 8" deep Minimum to clearance under pipes - 9" high Insulate hot water and drain pipes under lavatory Dnnklng Fountains Spout outlet 36" maximum above floor Spout to be located at or near the front of the unit Controls to be located at or near the front of the unit If the unit IS wall mounted, It shall have a minimum of clear knee space between the apron and the floor or 27" The depth of the unit shall be 17"-19" The clear tioor space for the fixture shall be a minimum of 48" wide and 30" deep Refer to draWing for dimensional cntena DIVISION 11 - ELECTRICAL Provide labor, matenals, equipment and Incidental Items not ShOWl or specified, which are required by code and good practice to perform the relocation or Installation of eXisting and new electncal eqUIpment and service EqUipment must be In good oorklng order after the work has been completed SubmIt shop draWings ' PRE.5UBMI1TAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 2-0-0 o I o I \0 M - ,--- o I \0 I "'1" 60-0-0 ... ~ I Id ,- ~ 'IJ..J <.J ---.- - ---- <( -< ~ I A2 (2~ ) CD ..: - 1____- I ~_ _ ,- ----. -- -- - -- - - -- ---~ --------+ --~ ~- - - - - - --- - - ~-- ---- --,._-- -- - - - -, - ----- -----...----------------~ - ------------- -- - -- --- -.. -----<- --., 60-0-0 Approval of Shop Drawings means the Configuration, bearing locations and desIgn criteria have been reviewed and approved. As Contractor you must verity and approve all dimensions and truss counts on the Layout. Trusses WilrDe manufactured as approved. D Lavout Appro\ed D La\out Approved as Noted D Truss Engmeenng Approved D Truss Engrneenng Approved As Notecf D Not Approved Resubrrut Signature DATE NOTE: Composition Roof Pitch: TC: 5/12 ( Over Main Span) Overhang: 2' 0" (Over Main Span) 4' 6" (Over Main Span) ~ :Start Layout And Run This Direction o I o I \0 M PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 1 9 2008 //' / /" /" / // / // // / ,/' , 29336 Alfport Road _ Eugene, OR 97402 BUILDER Nick Chaney JOB ADDRESS 3626 Olympic Street, Springfield /- --, . IMODEL Model the'll<'USSco. InC. RE'%IO' , (541)688-8671 WWW THETRUSSCO COM REVISION# I DATE 0 I/04/08 DATE 1 D;);" B' IPLAN]7iI4/07 IJOBNO 206530 NTS Job Truss Tn '0< Type 16810 A1GE c .:; Qty 2 Ply The Truss Co , Eugene, OR 97402 _ Job Reference (optional) 7020 s Nov 92007 MiTek Industnes, Inc Tue Mar 181651292008 Page 1 : -2-0-0 I 2-0-0 18-0-0 18-0-0 36-0-0 18-0-0 40-6-0 4-6-0 Scale = 1 68 8 5 00 f12 5x7 = o ~A o S I J F G ;61 E~~O D ~ < - E16 7 ~ <14.15 Sl3 . 1 2 M J ~ D1 0 I..S 0 ~^^^ 4x5 = N 5x9 -;:::.- M L n~ K ~: ,~ p "; c oc Sr 1 S-:2 S .'1 SOlO ' S'IO E1S ~19 Em ~18 v -~W x < ~ Y _17<6 '] Z - <15 ~c _ _ _ _. r _ "" -. ~~4 <1~ AS J L L L L U J L - L1 u:-- J LI tJ -- r-) .^^^^~^^^.1b29oI'^^^ilY~ AT AS ARAO AP AO AN AM AL AK AJ AI AH AG AF AE AD 4x6 = o ~- :~S Tu R 5x9 ::::::- SA AZ AY AX AW AV AU I~ c AC 3x6 = 36-0-0 36-0-0 Plate Offsets IX,Y) rJ 0-2-14.0-2-81, [T 0-2-14,0-2-81, [AB 0-0-11,0-0-21 LOADING (psf) TCLL 25 0 TCDL 150 BCLL 0 0 BCDL 20 0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1 15 Lumber Increase 1 15 Rep Stress Incr NO Code IBC2006fTPI2002 CSI TC 0 69 BC 0 32 WB 012 (Matrix) DEFL Vert(LL) Vert(TL) Horz(TL) In (Ioc) -0 24 AC -0 41 AC o 01 AB IIdefl n/r n/r n/a Lid 120 90 n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 185/148 Weight 238 Ib LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 HF No 2 'Except' T3 2 X 6 HF 1650F 1 5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1 5E OTHERS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purllns Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc braCing REACTIONS (Ib/slze) B=392/36-0-0, AO=154/36-0-0, AP=159/36-0-0, AR=160/36-0-0, AS=160/36-0-0, A T=160/36-0-0, AU=160/36-0-0, A V=160/36-0-0, AW=160/36-0-0, AX=159/36-0-0, A Y=166/36-0-0, AZ=114/36-0-0, BA=292/36-0-0, AN=159/36-0-0, AM=160/36-0-0, AL=160/36-0-0, AK=160/36-0-0, AJ=160/36-0-0, AI=160/36-0-0, AH=159/36-0-0, AG=160/36-0-0, AF=147/36-0-0, AE=319/36-0-0, AD=-155/36-0-0, AB=854/36-0-0 Max Horz B=-167(LC 6) Max UpllftB=-115(LC 5), AP=-1(LC 5), AR=-39(LC 5), AS=-39(LC 5), AT=-36(LC 5), AU=-35(LC 5), AV=-36(LC 5), AW=-35(LC 5), AX=-37(LC 5), AY=-32(LC 5), AZ=-50(LC 5), BA=-22(LC 5), AM=-40(LC 6), AL=-40(LC 6), AK=-36(LC 6), AJ=-35(LC 6), AI=-36(LC 6), AH=-35(LC 6), AG=-37(LC 6), AF=-20(LC 6), AE=-183(LC 6), AD=-155(LC 1), AB=-427(LC 6) Max GravB=392(LC 1), AO=154(LC 1), AP=159(LC 1), AR=163(LC 9), AS=161(LC 9), AT=160(LC 1), AU=160(LC 1), AV=160(LC 9), AW=160(LC 9), AX=159(LC 1), AY=166(LC 1), AZ=114(LC 9), BA=292(LC 9), AN=159(LC 1) . AM=163(LC 10), AL=161(LC 10), AK=160(LC 1), AJ=160(LC 1), AI=160(LC 10), AH=159(LC 10), AG=160(LC 1), AF=147(LC 1), AE=319(LC 10), AD=271(LC 6), AB=854(LC 1) FORCES (I b) - MaXimum Compression/Maximum TenSion TOP CHORD A-B=0/54, B-C=-89/80, C-D=-52/104, D-E=-29/118, E-F=-29/134, F-G=-30/150, G-H=-30/166, H-I=-30/182, I-J=-30/193, J-K=-9/198, K-L=-30/214, L-M=-30/231, M-N=-30/248, N-0=-29/246, 0-P=-29/243, P-Q=-30/238, Q-R=-30/213, R-S=-30/189, S-T=-9/166, T-U=-30/162, U-V=-30/143, V-W=-29/120, W-X=-29/97, X-Y=-31/76 Y-Z=-31/53 Z-AA=-10/58 AA-AB=-156/55 AB-AC=0/131 PRE SUBMITTAL REC'O BOT CHORD B-BA=0/138, AZ-BA=0/138, A Y -AZ=0/138: AX-A Y=0/138, AW-AX=0/138, A V-AW=0/138, AU-A V=0/138, . 11/'\ AT-AU=0/138, AS-AT=0/138, AR-AS=0/138, AQ-AR=0/138, AP-AQ=0/138, AO-AP=0/138, AN-AO=0/138, AM-AN=0/138, AL-AM=0/138, AK-AL=0/138, AJ-AK=0/138, AI-AJ=0/138, AH-AI=0/138, AG-AH=0/138, MAR 1 9 2008 AF-AG=0/138, AE-AF=0/138, AD-AE=0/138, AB-AD=0/138 WEBS 0-AO=-100/0, N-AP=-106/12, M-AR=-109/50, L-AS::-107/50, K-AT=-107/47, I-AU=-107/47, H-AV::-107/47, G-AW=-107/47, F-AX=-107/47, E-AY=-107/46, D-AZ=-83/48, C-BA=-188/58, P-AN=-106/0, Q-AM::-109/51 , R-AL=-107/51 , S-AK=-107/47, U-AJ=-107/47, V-AI=-107/47, W-AH=-107/47, X-AG=-103/44, Y-AF=-105/46, Z-AE=-222/139, AA-AD=-163/147 NOTES (11) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for thiS deSign 2) Wind ASCE 7-05, 1 OOmph, h::25ft, TCDL=4 8psf, BCDL=4 2psf, Category II, Exp B, enclosed, MWFRS (lOW-rise) gable end zone, cantilever left and nght exposed, end vertrcalleft and right exposed, Lumber DOL=1 33 plate grip DOL::1 33 3) Truss deSigned for Wind loads In the plane of the truss only For studs exposed to Wind (normal to the face), see MITek "Standard Gable End Detail" 4) ThiS truss has been deSigned for a 10 0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent With any other live loads 5) All olates are 2x4. MT20 unless otherwise indicated COntln\Jeaon Dace L 'Job Truss I T- 'S Type Qty 2 Ply 16810 A1GE 1'- ,~E _ Job Reference (optional) 7020 s Nov 92007 MiTek Industnes, Inc Tue Mar 18 1651 302008 Page 2 The Truss Co , Eugene, OR 97402 NOTES (11) 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing 7) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc 8) ProVide mechanical connection (by others) oftruss to bearing plate capable of Withstanding 115 Ib uplift at JOint B, 1 Ib uplift at JOint AP, 39 Ib uplift at JOint AR, 39 Ib uplift at JOint AS, 36 Ib uplift at JOint AT, 35 Ib uplift at JOint AU, 36 Ib uplift at JOint A V, 35 Ib uplift at JOint AW, 37 Ib uplift at JOint AX, 32 Ib uplift at JOint A Y, 50 Ib uplift at JOint AZ, 22 Ib uplift at JOint BA, 40 Ib uplift at JOint AM, 40 Ib uplift at JOint AL, 36 Ib uplift at JOint AK, 35 Ib uplift at JOint AJ, 36 Ib uplift at JOint AI, 35 Ib uplift at JOint AH, 37 Ib uplift al JOint AG, 20 Ib uplift at JOint AF, 183 Ib uplift at JOint AE, 155 Ib uplift at JOint AD and 427 Ib uplift at JOint AB g) ThiS truss IS designed In accordance With the 2006 International BUilding Code seclion 2306 1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI1 10) ThiS truss IS designed for a creep factor of 1 25, which IS used to calculate the total load deflection The bUilding designer shall verify that thiS parameter fits With the Intended use of thiS component 11) See layout for hanger Information LOAD eASElS) Standard PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 1 9 2008 Job Truss IT ~Type I' _..JFTRUSS Qty 29 Ply 16810 A2 The Truss Co , Eugene, OR 97402 Job Reference (optional) 7020 s Nov 92007 MITek Industnes, tnc Tue Mar 18 1651 302008 Page 1 : -2-0-0 I 2-0-0 9-3-15 9-3-15 18-0-0 8-8-1 26-8-1 8-8-1 36-0-0 9-3-1 5 40-6-0 4-6-0 Scale = 1 68 8 5 00 112 5x9 II E 5x9 -/ 5x9 ~ 4x4 -;:; D F C': C <i c 4x4 .::::;. G r:::- , C': It? c ~A o B l:8I 4x10 = M 2x4 /I L K 3x8 MT18H= 3x8 = J 2x4 II 5x9 = Plate Offsets (X,Y) 9-3-15 9-3-15 rB 0-0-7,0-0-21. rH 0-0-15,0-0-21 18-0-0 8-8-1 LOADING (psf) TCLL 25 0 TCDL 150 BCLL 0 0 BCDL 20 0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1 15 Lumber Increase 1 15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code IBC2006fTPI2002 CSI TC 0 67 BC 0 98 WB 0 83 (Matnx) 26-8-1 36-0-0 8-8-1 9-3-15 DEFL In (Joc) J/defl Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -018 J-K >999 360 MT20 185/148 Vert(TL) -065 J-K >656 240 MT18H 185/148 Horz(TL) 023 H n/a n/a Weight 1661b LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 HF No 2 *Except* T3 2 X 6 HF 1650F 1 5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 HF 1650F 1 5E WEBS 2 X 4 HF/SPF Stud/STD REACTIONS (Ib/slze) B=2291/0-5-8, H=2530/0-5-8 Max Horz B=-167(LC 6) Max UpllftB=-393(LC 5), H=-519(LC 6) BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-6 oc purllnS Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-2-0 oc bracing 1 Row at mldpt C-K, G-K FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD A-B=0/54, B-C=-4148/539, C-D=-2860/369, D-E=-2620/397, E-F=-2726/414, F-G=-2854/385, G-H=-4067/447, H-I=0/132 BOT CHORD B-M=-454/3708, L-M=-454/3708, K-L=-454/3708, J-K=-279/3580, H-J=-279/3580 WEBS C-M=0/550, C-K=-1369/302, E-K=-1 02/1390, G-K=-1225/211, G-J=0/539 NOTES (8) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this deSign 2) Wind ASCE 7-05, 100mph, h=25ft, TCDL=4 8psf, BCDL=4 2psf, Category II, Exp B, enclosed, MWFRS (low-rise) gable end zone, canlilever left and nght exposed, end vertical left and nght exposed, Lumber DOL=1 33 plate gnp DOL=1 33 3) This truss has been deSigned for a 100 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent With any other live loads 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated 5) Provide mechamcal connection (by others) of truss to beanng plate capable of Withstanding 393 Ib uplift at JOint Band 519 Ib uplift at JOint H 6) ThiS truss IS deSigned In accordance With the 2006 Internalional BUlldmg Code section 2306 1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1 7) ThiS truss IS deSigned for a creep factor of 1 25, which IS used to calculate the total load defleclion The bUilding deSigner shall venfy that thiS parameter fits With the Intended use of thiS component 8) See layout for hanger information LOAD eASElS) Standard PRE-SUBM\TIAl REC'O MAR ~ 9 2008