HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/19/2007 (2) ~- \0- -:t:. 00 t"'- O o c::! - -- o - '* ? ~- VI c t"'- - - , ~ A... U'.) , _. u~ - VI c t"'- -. - {I} . Q) ~= ('\S y :i I , I , I I I I I / lta La ~@iJ lta La ~@@ I 1 .."".,. ", fill'" \L '7- ,-- -- i ~ 24'.:SLIDING- 1 A~CESS GATE If a La (6)@@ _ _ tl -- --. ",:;;~:.:::O"..-..,~.;:.~".!.".."^"'~,..."'''~ ,....<~"''\.'4_.,....... '\--"t."",...... ;;":--"''''>o.",,~.\ ~ PROPOSED COMMERCIAL / ~ DRIVEWAY APPROACH l ~ .. ~ i\" ./ o l SIDEWALKREPAIR ./ f-.. g.J {AREA ;, \<;'L. PROPOSED 6' DECO. ,J~ATIVE o j ~:z. ,I \ IRON PERIMETER FENCE ~-..",;~ ~, . r;~~h; / ~i:iSE~~:rTION ' '....:~4.... ':~..~.~.::;~~ I S89042'23"E,,-\ " --=-- (-, - o~, ,-- -~ 1 - - - - - - -.' - - - - _!::!.. - - - - - - ~~ 6' , .~ PROPOSED SALES OFFICE ~, 1000 SF I ~ A.. _ \:) ~~ 00 - ~ ~..~ ..... , 7' ""'""- PROPOSED P.D.E. , '; =.. i. .... \1.1' E': ~J-" - ~2.13' ~ 7 I'i~' - --; := rI ; > . .....'?':>" TYP. rt!>>J 0 1 ~ ~ ~ _ ~ II ~ .I ~ ~. "'-R=3.0' 'I '" --- 6' 24' ENTRANCE - , \ \ / A ~ M - 'n - o o o Z 27' 3" SPACES @ 9' EA 1 1 I I I PRO~~AI? ~: ~ECORATIVE-/ IRON PERIMETER FENCE , -"-' 1 SEE ELEVATION 7' , THIS SHEET PROPOSED P.U.E. II~ O'\~ ,f-! " I ,j~ I O'\~ , If-! ~...-t ..... ~ 0'\ ~ 0'\ - @ t()oo ...::tr.z.:l U ~ 00 t() I 90' .: Riw~ " - PROPOSED SIGN AREA " " 63' EXISTINGPAV. I I I '-'/ '\. I 6 /':0 , I, t ! , , j R=2.50'~ ~ =2.50' ~" -', J in R~2.50' in R=15.0'. I 1 ! ~ ~ w_', Z ~ r,..~ ))in ~ ~"f"j I ~V':r ffi o _ I : 11 ~- 117' 1 13 SPACES @ 9' EA. 29' SLIDING ACCESS GATE ; ~ (X') .q- y 1 I , I 12' ..:; ... itc ~-- - - ~ . -- ,.....,1 PROPOSED 6' C~~=CE{].'-;85.oi' - f-.. -- 9' - -' TYP. ---==i "-- I 1 7' PROPOSED P.U.E. .. il SITE INFO: 42ND STREET AND SMITH WAY SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 TAX MAP 17-02-32-32 LOT 300 ACRES = 0.62 SIGN NOTE: THE TOTAL AREA FOR THE FREE STANDING SIGN SHALL BE 100 SQUARE FEET FOR ONE FACE OR 200 SQUARE FEET FOR TWO OR MORE FACES AT A MAXIMUM OF 20 FEET ABAOVE GRADE. ZONED: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL PROPOSED EMPLOYEES: 2-4 WITH NO FUTURE EXPANSION PLANS. TOTAL SITE AREA: 0.62 ACRES IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 0.50 ACRES (81 % OF TOTAL SITE). LANDSCAPE AREA: 0.12 ACRES (19% OF TOTAL SITE). "'''~:7;r_',,,,,,,,,,,,,-:-,,~,,,,, ~~ ]If}={] WI IA W - ~ ~ ::: ~ \0 ~ - o 0 o - r.z.:l o t"'- 00 Z 0 ~ ~ ~ , I 10' - . ; I ;;;, ~ r..... in ,I 00 0'\ 1 ~ 0'\ -@ t()oo ...::tr.z.:l U ~ 00 t() ~ 0'\ - @ \000 Mr.z.:l U ~ 00 ...::t I . - Q.c 0\> If-! , I' \0 .0\ _ _ """'~ x 6' SLATfht> CHAIN LINK FENCE W124' GATE -"'" - 4 SPACES RESERVED FOR SHOP PARKING ~."l .... lX) 5' 1 -- <1 32.411 )C, 'I ... ~;" "-=' L1f ____It:; Ii "~" - /~.89d 44'IS"E ,/ ~",.;' ff" . . H.-.:."".,~~~.;..", lr a ,La~@'(O) . "'v l/ ~~<~,..,.. .:~;,,:;r' .,r ';'. ,"/" '../ ./~ -- - CORRUGATED METAL ROOF - CORRUGATED METAL ROOF ROOF SUPPORT, M ~ ~'.,.,.~",..'''',.,:~""'",,,:'':.,''1-8 fiX 8 "X 16" CMU B LO, CK TYP. ): .~~ :;::"~ :"::'~Ic:. :-':;~ i:::/:.:;'_~'....:: I _ _ J "":' .... ,: - . ," 1:", ;" -I., " '" CAP BLOCK 1::>J~,:~',;,~.,~.~~r:~:~:.,~:::,.::..:_ ,',:.,' ;':~t:."<: . J ~".:, , " " 'I! ':: ;\ !, ", S "xS"xI6" CMU BLOCK TYP. J ;";'.,:.}: ~l'.'t::<;.l\ ::::~.,{"'.::.;',....::,..;.j.:<,:, , ~::::: ':-::";1. ,'. ~':~J :~:~;,-.:':~,<l~' ..~.:,'. ' :.,.......... i"n , . *.~. '= .' F.G. F.G. J : ..'" FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW 9'x4' TRASH ENCLOSUKE ELEV ATION N.T.S. 11 - A 'n 'I lr a lLa 7'@@ __, - -. DECORA'llVH IRON FENCE ELEVATION N.T.S. ---- -- If a lLa ~@41 "-.)1 - :\\ (~---- -, ,"\ 1 28' ~ M , 1~ I 0 I 0 10' ..lZ .... ~ ...::t l ~ROPOSED" " SHOP 1202 SF _ i .L-I ,",,,,,.: N" -v.....~...~.... -" ..-: #~..... ""\ . ' /i ~ .0 - --;,,- / W A " / t 4" TYP. -- (g) (Q) ~ c d IJ p EXISTING 6' WIRE FENCE TO REMAIN i \0 y. . -. · 3~o~ 5 DF ~ P~'CS--rRJA~ UJN A t ~A~,,J6 CAL....C.u L411 OI\J p . ~t q" fl) LA13bL LA tJ 8, L~ A ~ s / " 1000 100 200 N 1100 1200 , , \ I 108888880 ,VlOCO.....OO en 0 ~ - .- ..... SMITH'WAY- ',{; 1200 -- . ~a g ~ ~'>':'~o~ 400 "'-SITE ",<,r " <( " 300 COMMERCIAL A V?'- - ." ( --~ , 1300 - " '('o~" .- ,,~~ , 700 ~ ,''0 ' 1 F ,~~", ~CJ) ~ V'~ ,601 602 0, ,,~, ~I - - ~, 600.q- 500 ;, 1 , ".I , 1 1300 '\ 1 1800 . 1703 2101 GRAPHIC SCALE ,\,J / 8 \ :! ::~ 1502 _1:.0~ ',1701 1802 McKENZIE HIGHWAY U.S. No.126 --, ,.---- I I 2601 2500 2200 I 1 o en C\I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft.. 20 0 ~ t') ~ 2201 .... 10 I 20 I 40 I 1900 13E' " \ VICINITY MAP N.T.S. .,~,,/ STEPS ~~ 25.0 - r-... ~~! IJlj III I II III II - II II 111i.i II IIIIJI '1111 I Ill! II III II, III II I.lII IllUJ II III II III II III II 1111 '111 i II III 111111 II~' . I I d I JIl.!l tl T III II -II III 1111 f IT Wi fliT II If fIT II ilrm"lllll II II I I II II 1111 II T I II T fill h~TI Tlflllll I II I II I TI 11111111 !lIIHI II II I III II-II I Till III I III II I II. II I III III II tl III II . III II I III Ii I IIII 111 h H II II Till I q I II 1III ill II -II II III tl I II II 1111 ~JJ~T.lllll1T1 1111 II III! 11111111 III \1111 II III II II ITlI-ll hill i1'11 11111111 I ,1111111 ill \-J.J1 tl III )\)\'\lrnslllrl\I\llffl~ll\IIII"lflll!, IAspMr~ ~lH'N(ftEs~; I II I II III tI lL, I ~ -I ill 1'1 it Ym If IlII II II iI iilllI 111111 II \ 1 mTnfrrlf mirmif'iTTTl , 111.1-( 11\'11\ I \,11 I \ III ~ '; ili 1111111111 IITlIl IEXTERIORLIGHT'"\ I illltllllllllllll IIUTllltlnll 11111111 1111111111 II lUl"' II Will 1111111111111111111'" "'11 II II hili 11\11 1111 I it lTTillll1 1111 II'JJ II II II TIll II fll n I Iil' iff lTTi~r:~R,.TQ~H~!rr~:rNG,p~~ '"lil III !llli 1I1I1fmr-TmT-\')IIi-II)111 IIfll ill inll\'n\\tYr WJllllllrrrnllffll1l illIllllflllllllllll I -II rill i11111 filiI/III/HI 111111111 11111111111 flllllnrl.' cr I T II f I I r n rr II flIT II iI - 1", II" II' II II "" I 1 II II II I I fl'Tl II II It I , '" II r I I . , 1 '" '. J .. 0'\ 00 - \~ ... - 1 ~\ t~. ''\ ~\\ \\ ~.~ :~1~'~. ''\ ~: 1\.i \t~: l\, .... - " ,..,-..-:.. \ RAMi' PROPOS~D WALL SIGN AREA ~ , :1' '\,\\ ~. -\ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ = \ ~ _3.0 _ ~ ~\~ \ \ '\ 1 "~ ~ -- 5.0. ~~. -, \, - 0 - .... '\ \- ~ ..::t J: ,~\ ~.. l F.F. ~~1 . L.., . I \, I I \0 \ q 0\ ~~'.. ~ EXISTING 6' WOOD thNCE .', TO REMAIN 0; I \. EXISTING 6' WIRE thNCE I \\ TO REMAIN \1 0 '\ .. ~ , I \. lI'i ~\ 0, \\ 62.91' 9'x4' COVERED, I 0'\ :')TRASHENCLOS~ .., t .%/~/~~;// SEE ELEVATION'}' .. /~ /~~ THIS SHEET "'." , /' // //: R =2.80' \" , PARKING GRADE - 40.0 -: - EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 12 ~ / / / / ~ 25.0 -I 'linn 'lIITIj-llli,1) ,llTn -HlrOJllTU .InTO Trlrll-llTin '/I Tn 1 !Tin -iirn llTI'T 'i'ITI-11 illfl -i1Tll' "lllrn-JljTU 'It'TTII'W-"i1WrIl JUlUJLIITIIII I lI'jli WWhtIIIIlIlIIIl I I I TIIIII IIIII II I II I 111 IIllIII J1~~1OJ 11111111 t1i{1 I J II III Ii 111111 II ~ [rl lUll II I~~ll~ 1l~11 Ib~ liT I II III I I II I 1111 II (- ~ I IIII I i III I 1111 II I Y I i ~ III I i if d I r f I fIT I I Ii 'Ii II I 1 II) I II II 1111 II l II I II II I I III I III I! I I /1 II 111111 liT II II I II 111)111 III I 111111111]1111 1111l1l1l)ll I 111111111 I "g#JjJ1 II IIIITI II 111111111 i I II T 1 fll I II I IT 11 II J IU~ II s' " "I] " "I i II "" " 'II, y U. I II III J ., II 1 II f11 J.UlJlli II lillll III II I1ll1 II II I ~iil~ Ji A PHALT SHINGLES IT h'll,i II 'lI [I II I II I I iTITlf I II ill/ 11 III 1.11 1)1' I tn r II II ,T',,' 1/' II' I/Ii' III II. WI -I, lIT , II 11 I Illl 1/1 I 11 Ii I 1111 I II I III I II 11 1I I. II II I r I L I I 1111 1111 II III I II II I II 111 II II I 1111111 I II 1 I III/III illllll/ 1111111 ~'lli II 11111 IfflJ 1111 1'1111 1111111 J IlJ 1I1(J,2 1111/1-(M1.JIJ.lIII/I\1111111l\1-rtW. JlJL III 11111 1/ TlI 11111 III II II rrn 'If Ii II II J III lIT I 1/ ~ 1 IIIl ~fl J II IIi II JI III II , 11111 , WM ,11 },I,V ,I' U,I,l./1 ),I~ J11,i ,!I,IIII. ,;1,11111, ,;1 ,I,} ;Pll,lI,!"I,Tl II) 1111 iI}ii ((11,1 ~I .!1".:LU~SI,.! y,~I.' ,I' )"l,i ,f~ In IL!I,I ~I,!,-J))j " , " '" , " '" , "" '" "" " , " ,. , , , EXTERIOR LIGHT REFER TO LIGHTING PLAN (, ~iQ; ~ 4.0'_ "I , '" No / LL UIl-? lA/X ." ./ < , RAMP -- WEST ELEV A'l10N NORTH ELEVATION SALES OFFICE ELEVATIONS 1 ~ijl~I'I'I; j Ii' Ii'I Y 11'1,' I '{ Ii' ,r il.'. II III' ((1'1 '!T'TIYi ,i'll' 1111' Ii' IY.li' llllii' I IT"Ji 11' TIi Ii' ( 11' 11'1 'i (II' II I J'i li '1/.11 Ii .11. JLII IIj:hi'j , IIJllilllllllllTi 11lJUIIIlII IJIIllilllllllllIlIllTllllTI 1J111TnlllTII III IIlJl.\llIrYliIITlliflm I Jlllll m 1 i fllilll Ii II11l1l1ll11 lilT lilT I II "/1 IIJII lJILlI IJ II III II I (I II 1111 IIIJ II III ~a~111I u~~ II 1111111111111 i" lilT II IllIfllIl fill 1I111,1'1,lL.UU 1111111 I II T 111111 II 1 - lilTllJ 1 III "'11 fr'1 lLTlllljft.SPHAJ:.r~fIINGLES.1"1 IIli II. II I II Ii IJl1 1 I IJ II II lilT U U , II 11111 1/1 II II I II I I ~IlJJ II II Jti1:J:tn IJ II I) Ii III II 111111 II 11 fll" I II u.,.J, I I III I II II liT 1 h~W~1 11 111111 I tl!lJi Ii firm,-,,,, I lilT IITll II II II 11111 11 1 II 11 IIIII 1I1I IIII TIIlIIIIJlltll\11 I I 11111 II 1I1111/1I"11TI Ilill\lilllllllllll,iIIIITlllll"l;;~Il'~? 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IillJ1 71 ~ \ ~. rl i , \ ~ -- P I Ii '\ \ ~ ~ ~ Ii i . ~&l. \ \\ ~ II I I \\ ~ \I I I I II ~ II I I II II ~ I II I II ~ I II . ONLY II II~I I /I II 0 I II II IOZ I " II I I II II , II /I II 1/ I .......... ...... --. I ,I" II " . ."",. ---- - - . --. --... d ~ 1::1 g @6 l!J!JI ~ ~ (Q) g ~ P 1::1 ~ d) ~ ~ (Q) g ~. M' o 0\. t'-- o o ~ 00 ~ 0\ * ~ ~. ~~ \0 t'-- ......- I ~ ~- C/) - I C'l u~ _c to t'-- ....... -' rI.) <D- ~- ~= u - :i , I I I I I / [Mfl ~ Q)]UJJ RIAl Q) ~ Nl~]lfW Ri ~~] Q) ~ Mlflffi\L ira La ~@(Q) TalLa ~(Q)@ ira La '7(Q)@ if a La ~(Q)iJ " II II ~>".~. I '1 j I fI! II j IH Ilf ~~ " " Xi ( ~-=== 1'_- ,-- -- -- -- ,-- . --, --, - -. -- ;-::"::":_'~'-="~~Z';;:;:;;.~'~~;:;;;::;;)>"';;:;:;;""'~~9""-"" -\ ("""" \0 , \0 \, -~~ C/) - &1 ~ Pot - 0- ~~ ~ U} ~ ~~]lr}={] W~Y! 'I '-;' ------ ----- ----- - - - S89042'23"E- - - - - --- --- . -- .- - -- f ....... @ @ ~ D d D P if a La ~@iJ I I , \ - "'-../ \0 0\ 00\ 0\ (C(Q) Mil Mil UJJ Nl llf'tr (C(Q) Mtl Mtl ~ ~(C ]~ L .,.....,:r;lf . '. '\. J EXISTING 90' Riw~ .:: fi /I II II 1/- " /I - \ d I I " - I~ II I~ I~ 1/ I ::1,., II ~ I ~ I <1\ I/~I ,,~: /10, II~I 1/ ~ I D-l1 /I I II I :: : (1_'."" 1/ I ~ I... .,/..,r/\t 1\, \ o \ \, \ (C~ ~ ~ UJJ NJ ]lr)f (C(Q) M Mfl ~ ~(C ]~ L ~.,.,,~,,"~.^" ~..,..,w. '<Jf a rL a 33(Q)(Q) @~.~~ ~(C ......;...<~."""" -- 63' EXISTING P A V. I I I i \,\. I \ .. 0 \ ,,' ... ' p .r. S89042'23"E l~ lE o o il~ / t _ j ('.:I -"" / ~ '.'.;' ('.:I \0 62.91' ,1 ~,,// .f''' 'I~. ~. ....\.~~.. ""...~ ~...:~. " ! " .~: (9. :;{\. I I /I /I /I /I II II ~\ ."..\".....~ '",-,~,..",.,,, ..' A/C>?;''' ",-"...... 'r:.;".. I ~ t 1 '. '. r\, ;''''':". / '. , 1 J j $ , . ,"'."483~'''''''\ ".,A....~^..".. 48 2.--..,..'....'.......\ ; I I I II II 1/ /I /I II. /I 1/ II II II /I /I II /I II II /I /I II /I /I 1/ II II 1/ /I /I (} i! .'^........~~.r'" .// ../ " i i ! }- - N89644' 15"W -- -- 205.01' {tl ~...-.'''':...._,..w....._...~ ,......... "'... ,., ,r'" II /I 1/ /I 1/ ~..'" \, .P " ..,:..,.- " ;. .. :f -- / ~~:"....~/"'- (p ( / / J t' il lJ7~La~@@ ., / ; , ~ ~ / .f .< (I I I ~/. ...~..~r._--.:._.<-> "~." ..........."''" ">........<..~~.........'. ..,/ ........".... .......,.........'.....;~........._~v..... 11 ""I t I J II Ii I 1/ I L,..J".. J / .. ...,.---....../. ,,-./.., r_..o.f I ~>" ~..."", / J <.I ,.,,:/.-"'IJ'" .."'~'" .rpo'" t:-r""" "... ~,.",..vr...-r..-"'" ~".tC'.~ ./ I o ~. ; ,@lC)tw~ttDlNl]lf)'f (C<O> MI MIle R1~U~k---/j .....#J-'/" (a, /I I /I I I :: : I II I tl ~ ."""""0_\ I ~ "II II Ii II II , I II I ,~ ( )I I I II I I II I I ~ ~ .."",...-.,/-"'" ~_..,.?-...,.. ...._A.(. o ".,."~'''' ~ I I ,~I'r.' /' ~,,/~ ,~~",,,,'i"""'...'/t;""" .,.or'" / o '" "'-.. o I I { \ .......... .~..)...... I N GRAPHIC SCALE - -. 20 0 ~ 40 I 80 I 10 I - 20 I L ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. LEGEND CENTERLINE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY PAY. PAVING -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING CONTOURS -- DECIDUOUS TREE CLUMP SITE ASSESSMENT NOTES: 1. THE SITE HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 500- YEAR FLOODPLAIN. 2. AS REFERENCED FROM THE CITY OF SPRINGrlhLD WELLHEAD PROTECTION MAP THE SITE LIES IN THE 10-20 YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE. 3. AS REFERENCED ON THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WETLAND INVENTORY MAP THERE ARE NO ON- S1Th WETLAND AREAS. 4. THE SOIL TYPE FOR THE SITE AS REFERENCED IN THE SOILS SURVEY OF LANE COUNTY IS 119-SALEM-URBAN LAND COMPLEX. THE WATER TABLE FOR THE AREA IS DETERMINED TO BE GREATER THAN 6 flee"!'. r "~ 1000 100 200 1100 300 1200 I logggg g go ,'<t It) U) ..... ex> en 2 ~ SMiTH'" WAY - ',{; 1200 -- ~a g ~ ~ )':. ~<1- 400 \....SITE "'<~ ~ 500 " COMMERCIAt AVE--- ~ ." ( - - ............... , 1300 - "' ~Q' f- ~" ~~, 700 ~ , 1>C) , , ~ '~'" ,(f) ~ 1.5\.,,\601 602 ~ 1 ,~'^ " N I , - - '<<';.' 600 ..q- --~ '- I , '\." 1300 ''\ : 1600 1703 2101 g \ :! ~<::> 1502 _1:.0~ '" 1701 1802 McKENZIE HIGHWAY U.S. No.126 --, ".--- I ' 2601 2500 2200' I ,." ~ 2201 .- o en N 1900 '- VICINITY MAP N.T.S. ,/ 00. Z 0: .....c . 00: ~ . :>- ~. j ~: ~~ ~~ -~ ~..!. , ~~ ~~ ~ t"-- 0\ .\r\j ~ = ~- ~ ~~. . pS; ;S ~~. ~ S~ ~g t~~. r,n\tS . ::~ Qt"-- 8~ CY <:>0 "" ~ p.; . o ~ ~~ ~J:Ll CIJ~ <> O~ Uz ~< :I.:l....:1 ~~ ~~ ~ ~r/'J r/'J < J:Ll rii ~ .... ~ :-4 . I I I et:l U} et:l ~ tI} 0 ~ ?i N :>.; 1""4 II ,:Q ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ to \0 ~ g ~ N ~ ~ U} I::Q ~ ~ U g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ j;.1;.c 00 z Zo o~ O~ ~~ ~U O~O OE--7 Js~ .000 E--~U ~ -~ ~ ~ I Z ~ ~<o ~N ~ ~ ~ 9~~ ~~~ ~ 00' ~rJ'l O~ ~ ~. ~< ~r/l~. - r.x:l ~ -~ rJ'l U} I EXPIRES: 12-31-20091 SHEET: PRE-SlB"mTTAI R Ee' OCT 19 LUO? C2 20F9 I I I / """"". ;1" , I I I ~ 1 I I ONLY I I I I II /I 1/ 1/ /I 1/ II ~ I 1 1/ II 1\ 1/ 1/ II I I I I II I /I I 1/ I II I 1/ I 1/ / II I II I II I /I- I II I II I II I " I /I I 1/ I " I II I II I 1/ I II I /I I " I 1\ I /I I II 63' I EXISr.rnG P A V. I I. I 1- I 90' RJW t) _ U Sl~ u , I I lre Le ~@I] lieLe 5)@@ lre La ~@@ lr e be U'@@ II 1/ II /I II 1/ II \\ ~ ~ " ~-====::::::::;===: I I ...... - 1 -- -- -- __ .LI.... .-- .-- =======- .:==-===========. --- --- @~- ~ l':4 _ '0 ~~ E-t 00 - &1 ~Mfl]lrH] W~W 42' CURB CUT - 'I F l!illJ IillJ ~ F rt!f/J ~ ~ ~ ~ r;:= - .------ I! I /;<;;:';;;';';}~;;:'::;:;:;~j f:- ~ 1 /rQ.,7.......~l/'"'......;;....,~~:~~...;~ 2.0'/f;( TYP. TYP. -;~' ( :: I ::::.. ;- II I :'-/1;( r :: ;:j 7 II~<'>' f I /I /1; II J ,..,.>... 18.0' _ :: 1/;" r TYP. II f~~~ j' ~ ~ - ~'/'.' &.> '/? 1 f-4 >7' > . I t ~ -_._--- ---.--- ----- - _. - - - -'- - -..::::::::... ~..-::- == = = ------~. ---- _ 24' _ r~":.:~;6\' /.;;y /~.t;:/~?~:~:~ ENTRANCE ,.., ,." ~:/ /' __ _~. 1 40' /:::-/: --- --- -- .-- , 1[' a be 33@1] '--~ ~ PROPOSED SALES , N ~. OFFICE . - J 1000 SF BICYCLE PARKING J._f-....... AREA (3 SPACES) ~- v 4" WIDE PARKING STRIPE TYPICAL ~ . A ./~ 27' , - - I .}. ?:II'} " / '" . I;"... W~~(2?~;~ l~ [!.....' ~u I' i./ .-- I :~'~. < . . ,.:. >,t:~ 6' WHEEL BUMPER TYP. 18_0' TYP. j. !Ii 0 II , vi < i i 0 I . 0 ~ _ l':4 () vi 0\> vi ~ ,E-t . ~ 28.1 ' - - 28.1' ~ vi ~ - 'r ~ , d~ ~ ~ / / /10 _:;~/'i:~:Z~r_, . , //l//25,1 A/ // : ; r' _; '" _: ~",,:' ..\;.: i ,~?~/;};~ T ~ ", 2i!'''C'''~~";t~>~lf~:). A - < II ~t " 'r~ \q · I 28' ~:~;bn ;;;~~~ET 132.4' _ c ~ PR~~g~ED t;[~j' ~>( < III 1202 SF ::i.: ~ _ ~?' l<__ /.T~Jn t I:I.l U Z ~ < 42ND STREET ENTRANCE ~ IS RIGHT IN/OUT ONLY Z I:I.l ...-I ('l') 'r .- II " 117.0' 9' - - TYP. , ~ -- ~ ~ __ Co _",./'__ /iiao_ _. ~ . ~_, ~L;";5.,,':~~~;:~:'~~F~~?~f~:;t:~-?~/~2~i:?;~~~(:.~~~~:~:?~i~Z'~~::~~f;;;'~:/]~ ;~ ~?:tlJ: ;.~,c'~;~ir?; " " /I -Il /I 1/ ... - t lfe La ~@@ (. d o G (J G CJ @ @ ~ c d c P ~ d 20 , =00 Z o ~ - -00 ~ = >. c~ GRAPHIC SCALE 40 I 80 I 20 0 ~ 10 I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. .. lO -~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 00 ~ ~ -M- oo 0 "=tl ~ ~ lO .... N ... "=t- ~V). ~ II ~~ ~ ~ ..... ~ rii sa ~ 00 ! Q 00 ^ ^ 111-0 III DUAL 400W METAL HALIDE SQUARE LUMINARE WntI INThRNAL HOUSE SIDE SHIELD MOUNT.t.D ON 16' POLE & 36" BASE. I!I SINGLE IOOW HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM "EUROLUXE" LUMINARE MOUNTED ON BUILDING 71 ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. ~ 0\ \Q~ ~b ~S; ~ ~~ t' S~ ~g }. ~i 8t' g~ IS ~o ~ ~~ TYPICAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 38 DISABLED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED; 1 GROSS FLOOR AREA APPLICAPLE TO THE PARKING REQUIREMENT: 1000 SF NEAREST TRANSIT FACILITY: THERE ARE NO TRANSIT ROll fhS AS FAR NORTH AS OUR PROJECT AREA. THE NEAREST TRANSIT FACILITY IS LOC.NlhU AT MAIN AND 42ND S'fR.ehL o ~ ~~ ~~ en~ <> O~ Uz ~< ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~en en < ~ ~ :... ... ~ ;0 "'0 -0 \0 s:-.. ..... 0 ~ 0 N l':4 fi1 00 I ('l') t:Q U 0 'I) ~ f--I s:-.. U ..... 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ...., Z z< O~ Oc ~~ O~< O~~ :5~ - · 0 ~ ~"U < ~ ~ :I:l. Zo -N ~~- -('f") < .~ - I ~ . ~N < Oci'~ -~. , ~ -~ ~U- ~~ ~~ OU ~~ ~~ r./'lU ~ U ~ < 00 SHEET: . - ,- . LEGEND , -- .""" , '- '\. \. '" \ ~ " \" , \ ~ ------- \ \\ ,------- \ \ I \ \\ 1 II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II ~ \I I \I I I " I ~ II I I II I II l CIRCULATION PAffhRN '-- 6' WHEEL BUMPER LANDSCAPE AREA VEGETAl',hU SWALEAREA GRASSY SW ALE AREA SITE NO-l'hS: PR"E-StlRMITIAI. REC'O OCT 1 l007 C3 30F9 III I I -- N ~ < ~ M' o -~ I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I )II I "1: 1:11' I I II j I I i II}I I ~ 1/11 ~ I Iii !~: 'I 1 J{l 1 1 ~'~ I: .. - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ I r 1 1 \,1 j P -. -. -. ~ 1 I I I ~ /~ I M'~'."''''W-''^ / <\ ?- - -. -. :: -. '8!!S , T I I I I fK ~ '\' ,- . "<""""''''''1 \ / -. -. S -. -. k I I I I~ ~ = = = = ,.' - = = = = ~la:smlkr -.,;;::;:;.~- - ;:;;:;:;;,- = = - -1I3'SO_ -+- ~ 1 1 ~ 1\ 1\/ / \ I I ~ M J1r J=lI W ~ W \ / I -. "1Y I I I I " I '1 . ~ I ! \ / \.!:V'- ~ -II?-. . ... i I - - -18~SD- - - - .ft::0. I ~ I : &- - - -- -\.-r -8~SS- /~. - ; t- &- - - - - -42;- ...,.- - - - - - - -8~SS- -"'\ - - - - - - - +- - - ~ L;: : I - ~ \ I ~ i I ; SIDEWALK REPAIR AREA / -I - . - , -\ r-;~ G j;z-\. / ~ 0- . i 'CONCRETE COMMERCIAL r - '\ - / - /' 1 1 I 1 ~ )~ \ J ~ ~ r" ACCESS ~1 1\ "t / / . I I ~---Hh--18"SD-._-r'~-t-- ga / -@---- __-1__ r--~--18"SD-i~.---\----/-!--- -------18SD---------- . I' I I ; ~\ / (j t".,..~"'.."~).",.,^ l l 1 ~~LOGATEEX. \ i ,/ , - -12"W- - - ~- - - - - - - 0J@- - - - - -16~W- -J - L - - - -d..1 -3 :<;t A ,,>,,~,~ 111 i ~ MAILBOXES \ (j ;' I I I" 1/ I ,,"",~'~""'~'v". \ '^'-.,-,.",,, '<t .f./" f -iJ i ""'_ _ _ _ / _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I6<l - - - - - - - - - - -12 W - - ....E. T - - - - -1. -= :::r -; -.- - - \- ,- - --<. -12-W - L - ;./- - t T - - 'j -\- -t ,5 12 W 1 ;- EXISnNG~ r~ rr= /4~ -/~- - ~ -.:::~ -:-: - - ~.-.. .7K4W!'r ..:.. . '- = - -~'-\'-r='- . = = = = = :::::....;:. I SIDEWALKRAMP~dl. --J. 1 -c..-c ---9.\'~(;r......~~.i...~-:.,Li:..' ~_:~'- .~-=.OHP------_4==- ___ ....,- ~ T I ,~ :.--------1~t.-;,tt<~-1-=--;~ ---~ ~r-.7~.~~,~ :~~ff5..__:r. .. .:~, .~ =_,~_-c=-='~____.: =-:----~~. '" "I;:' ~--c f ~. ~ -: Lbo - - -~ - - - -=if- - ~ ~ 8"SD ~ Er- " - , - ~ y -'" "'\ \~ '" : ~ II L[l;?W-~r'/ / -~;- -~ - ,/ . ".! .~~.\ " '\ I '\ tv (!~, O~)( Vl ~ ~ =~ _ 5.68' ,_ , ~~ ~ 1 1 1 II 1 1'1'4 i. I' en i ROOF DRAIN f)- \ - - - - - - -OHP -i - I- - - . ~ :r1), I 7{; {~ PROPOSED ~ OUTLET POINT \ \ \ r F I <\ !: ii'.~f "'f. ',' I / ~~~Xg~~~ [i1 1 ~ ~~~ \0 lr g Lg 33(0)1] \ II 1 I!J!JI 1 1 II 'V I J. I, . ~ I--... ~ ,t l n I MJI I I 1/ th I' ~: IJ - ~ I , i II I @b I I III ~I I: ~ ~ " ~:: : ~ I :::: :0: :Il ~,::~~;f=;- I" I ONLY I I \I I /1'11 / /(f I II 1 rQ) 1 I II I I. .1. ~ H._, r I II I ~ I I II I I I J ~ , '-- I /I I I I __ Im~ 5 _ .1 1 II I ~ I I 1 1 IT~' ~I9EWALK !iS~, ( I ~ 9h, I I II I I I ' - I ~., I I I II ,,~ ~ ~ 1 Riw ~ I 1 II bl'i' 1 _ I '\J" II tl' I, I 63' I I \I ~.\ I! I EXISTINGPAV. I I -, ~N1. I I I 1 ~ I I ~ - / 'I II\,}] ',~ I I I II ~..o "T I I I \I I I .,~: I I I 1/ I I I /' l' II I "I I t'l. ~ 1/ I I I I ~,.I ~ I I I II I I ;l....I) ~. er,.~..,.,j II I I I II lib '"...._,.~."'. ~ ,,~ I' II I t I/.~ I I /I I \ .. 1 II I I II I I ~ \ I II ; ~ 'fl~ +- \ \ " : :: . ~ f I )7 r~:~D / b if : i A'vr: [. --I "'--'~ I 1/ I I I I )"'" - / ~ I /I PROPOSED SD CLEA~Our TYP. I I I W I " 11/', 0 I I : :: 1 I II 1 I, ~I, , I II I I 1 II I I, _ II 1 :::: : : ......111 : I:..~..<'.....'.~.~: I (I .1 ~"~'''~.l Sd/. ~~~,. I '- - - t- - so - - - - - -~ I I""" I 11,- I \ I I 1 I. Ii; I I II I / / f= If; I 1/ I I I II ~. I 1 II I I I II ~ II "I I I [G:--,.,1, : I I I 20 I 40 80 I 00 ~ Z · o ..... -00 > ~. GRAPHIC SCALE , I I / 1r 0 Lo ~@iJ lfolLo ~@@ If 0 Lo ~(Q)@ TolLo ~(Q)@ 20 0 ~ 10 \ ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. ", ~ .."". NOTE: ALL SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION WILL BE 4" MIN. P.C. CONCRETE OVER 2" MIN. 3/4" MINUS COMPACTED CRUSH ROCK. - - - - - - - - - -8~SS- - - - - -- , A W A'rh.K SERVICE ,~ -''''. cJ\ I 1\\ - \ . /"\ D. \. PROPOSED ./ I /\AREADRAIN -----4"SEWER~/'i'1 ~\ _ l ) <( ~i----.. .... 'l"WATER ' ~ ~. Jy @ (Q) ~ o d D F LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED <Q.., POWER POLE PAVEMENT AREA -<t GUY WIRE .. It') C8I TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX J - 04 "SEWER- 4" SEWER SERVICE W\CLEANOUT ~~ ~ ~"? FIRE HYDRANT ~~ -9y~ r/2 ~ ~ x) * POINT OF CONNECTION -('t) r:/'} 0 STREETLIGHT .".-..<," "".".'>' ~..!.. ~ ~ ~ " ~~. dlmalkJ ~ II CURB INLET -I"WATER- 1" WATER SERVICE ~~ ~ .-I m AREA DRAIN ~ 52 ~ ~ WATER Mh'fhK r/2 @ STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ~ u ~ 00 @ SEWER MANHOLE c 6"RD- 6" ROOF DRAIN LINE W\DOWNSPOUT - ~ (f) TELEPHONE RISER 0\ .~ ~ 00 WATER METER ~- - -E\.:EC- - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINES ~ ~~ ~ oS: '"0 - -8"W- - WATERLINE ~ ~~ .,.; \0 l' .-I 8~ 0 ~ GAS LINE 0 '" . ~~ ~ ~ ~ r/2 OVERHEAD POWER LINE ~~ ~ I - -OHP- - "l:t' - ... ~ U f!j\O . ::~ t() ~ -FIBER-0PTIC- FIBER OPTIC LINE f--4 l' gr-- U ..-4 STORMDRAIN LINE g~ 0 - -48~SD- - ~ ~ fl - -TEI:.E- - TELEPHONE LINE ~o ~ ~ \0. ('t)p.. Q ~ - -8~SS- - SANITARY SEWER I I - 1/ /I II l~ _ II II 1/ ( -- \ 0\~ " ~I NOTES: 1. EASEMENTS RECORDED DECEMBER 4, 1942, REC. #115965 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1945, REC. #15770 LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEED RECORDS ARE BLANKET EASEMENTS TO MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY AND UNNAMED POWER COMPANY TO ERECT AND MAINTAIN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION LINE AND POWER POLES. 2. EASEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1977 REEL #861, RECEPTION #7753698 TO SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD FOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES IS LOCAThJJ WITIHN THE CURRENT PUBLIC RIGHT -OF-WAY OF 42ND STREET. 5 c:J ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ -0 ~ ~ r/J >J s ~ <o~ .oE-1 ~-E-1 Z U . ~u Z N :I.:l :il ~~~~~ ~ s:: ('f"') ~ > ~ rT1 -N ~ 0 ~ .;:! d' ~~ ' Od E ~ ~ ~r:rJ ~ r:rJ s::~ < c:J ~ ~ ~ r/1 ./ I I It , ... ~ 6" EXTRUDED",., "GLUE DOWN" CURB TYP. " ""0"" ~'X u 4" SEWER "'<(,'" i PROPOSED SHOP ----.I I -=J - -J. 6"RD~<>'_~'N'_W--~, < j ,; /'.')/'~ . :' 1-/ \.... 'l^'" ---~- -/- , ". jI,~,:L ,,-x ,,/ D '()O"F."-' DD A Th. rff \:~::"::;'r f1 ~.,. ~~. ,:/....... // /,6UTL~J.,p6~~,/ n fll (' /' (r EilI , . . , " ; . . t :f . - I I --" ~i____ Ii --... (t I I La~@@ / < ,/ ! .f ~ v .,.l""."""'" ~ l i j' .! c. I ~ E= ~~ -m 00 .' { ~ ""<~ j j ; " , / / Q l"'- o o ~ 00 - - o - * ? ~ t() l"'- -' I ~. ~ CZl . I "l:t' U -- t() - l"'- -- -r;; (1)0 ~. c:s- U - :i .............~... ...,I.""~...,,,... /. .~.$~ ,1"<'''- " / , ;f q . EXPIRES: 12-31-2008 t · SHEET: C4 L. OF 9 , . E..St ~^\TIA\ REC'O OCT 9 I I / I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I "I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 11 I I I I 11 1 I ~ I III I 1 I ~, 'I LA., I I I i I "I I ' I I 'j 1 I I I I !Il I I I I a !Iil I / ~ II{ ~ I I I 'f' Iii I '" _ _ , I I 1 I ~~I I _ _ , I I 1 I \1, P I ~ I' ~I, 'I _ / 1 !fl i 'k ,~"~., >", -,,_ iPkr _ _ =-= = _ , / l f :: 1 I' ~ = = = =,) = = = = >C 1 '; - =~ i\Ill llf HI W ffi\ W . _ _ ',- _ _ _ _ _ _/+ _ - I I ". 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L. - - .,. _ " 8"SO' FL I II ~ I~III .'.... ,..L ...:m.. .--.- ,. .(,,1 80.20 I \ 75 00 ;: " I I..;,' T . / I /W Ir\ 78. ~ "~I ~~Jf t I '{ 1i.1 \\ /~W. , ~ I ~ '71 D ~, FL > '- 'I If 1 : f ----+. I 'I:::.: ~..'.:'-:: 0 7~.50 1./ / 80.35\ PROPOSED. &; '- '\ I <'l J--.r iV (1 ijj.. <if ), 80.0 G1RA TE FL , "" SALES I - .... "" \" f - r 1 I ivl i:-J EP 78.55/ - - ~- ~ OFFICE '_~__._ ~ r 81'A OCO " \ 1\ ------ I I _.,.;J)., W',,",80.25 F~ = \80.40 _.! " ~ ~ - ~ -OtJF -I-I- - IIr.....rf,.. *'. /,.~,t .~. ..... E p... ./ 79.55 FL r.... ' "'Y", I I II \. I -f (".. FL 80.30 80,30 , J '\ <<r \ \I i I ~ i i Ii +: i~ i ,] '~$:~e ~C,85 ~ F~g}~A::/ ~~:~~"-_. lfa La ~@~ l II 1 I I II I~:: ~. ~~ 15 \ ~ R t I i" I I 1 II I I 1< I ~ ''1'- ~ II I, I I' II I 11'1 ~ > I \' I e I \I ONLY I I II II 1 , 'V ~ I" I I I II I~' ( @ I II 1 I I II , : IJ ~ 81. 50 /j ~ I II I I 1 I I I ~ ~ 1/ AC D :::: :::: : ~: ,r 'I '-, /\ I 01\, 80.85 80. 80. ~ I I I II l;;j I . <t: / , , 83.00 ' ~ I I II ~ ; I t.i ' ( ) 82.00.<J I \ TC \ ~ ~ I ''U I '(81.81) II ? I Ii g I 81.55 , A~,,/ < '\ 'i' _\\ _ \ (L._"--::,,, _ 80 ~r i ; lEG ~\ ~~.~.~~~~ /$6;~~ t) <\~.80~_,.._...,_ ..~. /'1') , . I I I "'(!F1~N-"... ), (82.75fC \83.00 :/ // 'I I~I i L. :1':1 ::1, : ~I II I/'t\82. 3rOc. . . \82'",/4ri5c TC ~~.70f7\\ . TC , ~a I ~ . 82,8rcO ED ~ }I " MJ] I I I ttb<" I ') ( j '.'" .. PROPOS en r n n n I, 82.60 ..."'. SHOP </J.i 0 I!:!.':!I I II I I . .'" ., ,,/' ......~....... _.'''' ~ I ~ I I II, '. 82:1'5...... TC') , \0' I pi' II I If TC 82,20 . i 82.00 I ./ ,,,. t 80.60 ~ WJ:::: : I ~ ~ < ;;.2~ """-=' ~~.50\" '.!.',.",c,ft 8FL~~45\\.,. ./ ~c-,..~_.~.- '4;;'''2;''V. ' FL - (Q) I (B1.68)\r1.~O'O.. 'I. 8.. "SO. ... r...: ~ '. \ \ _ ' .. : ~ I EG II:+:' 1/ 82.00 .. '. .-!-~ --I ,'r".. .. I I ~! ~ I '7111 ~ 'L tc i/ ~ ,-- , , f;~. ~.. .' d 'i/-~~"~~":>' <:...~( I ~ ~ ~ I If..... ,.' -"."--'===>, , --VEGETATED SWALE-.. --.- . RAlNLINE , , II ~ :: I 1:.../ ,~i ."t.. . -. - __ .... /. 6" ROOF Dr . .// 1'IIll'!!. i ~ :;: . " '.' --.. .- 1l'IItII' , "I I'" ''''''. ~'---- . '. """"""'\ / /, ROOF'DRA!N'AGE,:, ..! ( I II: I: II , I, 'f;. \79.80, \,'/./ DIS~HARGE; 80i55: i ! {xII I I 1 I I'~ f GRA TE , .,/ ::: FLi I ! ! c I 11,1 I '"" I ,I }!:!1 I , , i i ? I II I I I :: : 'I ~I, 1 .. ! ~ ' 1 j ( I" I I I II 1 " · 'II I lri IL a ~@@ "'" I '.' I I II ~ i. I , .. .. , I I I I ';' Ii, II '// I" I I I II ~ 1"l'l I II I I [G:-.I.I, I I /I I I I II I I I / --- " ",. ::;g. t:1.. \0 :t: - t'--~ o o ~ !Q' o - *, br,. ~' '"C! Ii") t'-- - . ~c t:1.. en~ . Ii") u- --- Ii") t'-- - --- - en - <1.) ~ c::s U --- i ~ ;l 1i a La dU(Q)1J If a La ~(Q)(Q) if a La ~(Q)(Q) ifa~a U'(Q)@ - -. GRAPHIC SCALE 40 I -- -- -- -- -- 20 0 ~ 10 20 , 'r / ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. - - - - -8~SS- - - - - - - -18"$D-- - - -12"W- - LEGEND xx.xx I xx (XX_XX) I xx PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE I I ) OR ,.... PROPOSED FLOW DIRECTION SEE DETAIL TIllS SHEET) PROPOSED AREA DRAIN ( II I , I I I II I II I II I II I /I I II I II I I I II I II 1 II I II I 1/ I /I STATE APPROVED ASPHALT DIPPED CATCH BASIN COLLECTOR With S"1lI Outlet SAN D rOltration System Oil &: Grease I PATENT PENDING f-I I.L f- =~ C , 53" I I .. ;. N ........ POLYURATHANE P --- FILLED PILLOW ,\REASE TRA ~ tI) ~ L "GREASE TRAP .WITH HINGED LID STIFFEN? I STIFFEN? 81,. 4 A: I I I I ff'c grate duty tra I . S-ke proof, heaVY20_S16_44 loading 1 . I rts AASHO H suppo Filtration System, 2. Oil/Grease Filled Pillow Polyurathane d Plate Lid ~ ~ 3. Solid Diamon '- 4 Sox fabricate:dl from . 1 0 GA. Matena GIBSON STEEL BASINS 81Th EARTHWORK 600 C.Y. FILL (APPROX.) 247 WASHINGTON ST. EUGENE, OR 97401 (541) 687-8672 541) 687-0033 (Fax ~/ ~~~/ ~~/ STANDARD AREA DRAIN N.T.S. 80 j -00 -Z 9 -00 ~ -> . ~. J '0 ~~- ;~~ ~;- ;~ '0 _ ~ ~~- ~~ g,d.t.i rxl C/} rxl ~ en .. 0 ~ ~ N .. j:Q " ><< '" : j:Q ..... - :z; ~ .. i3: 0 J;Q ~ ~ ~ Q ~ 00 ~ 0\ .~ ~- ~ - ~ ~~, ::>0\ ~~ ~O ;S Ot ~ i~ - t ~I() . ~~ · fsg o~. g~ fl<=>. -0- \0 . ('f)13ot ~ "t::! Ii") t'-- - ~ t:1.. en I Ii") U \0 o o N ~ r.Ll t:Q o Ii") .. f-4 t'-- ~ U - o .: .. ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ z: 8 j o ,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~; ~ ~ -~ Z ~ rJ1 ~ Z ......j c.:; ~ >- ::::> ~ -<. o ~o ~ z 'Uz ~d'~. ~ ~z ~ ~; ~ ~j 0 ~ o<3b :r~~ ~ r/:1.ES ~ . r/:1 '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r:/'1 ~ cJ;Q ~ -00 ~ :...c ~ ~ ,!;? C5 50F9 ,. PRE-SUBM\TrAt REC'O OCT 19 Z007 ~~ <( M ~ - - r-... o o ~ 00 - -. -. o - *. I:)j- ~- ~- II') r-.. - - I - ~~ t:l.i= CZl c I \0 U .......- II') - r-.. - .......- en ,.2c ~- ~ U .......- i I I / " ., , "" "" '\ '" \ '\ " \" " \\ \~ \ \ II \ \\ I II I II I II I 1/ I II I II I II I II I~ I I I ONLY II 1/ /I II II /I II I 90' RJW~ 63' EXISTING P A V. I II II 1/ II II 1/ I I II II /I " II II " II I I 3.75 FC ----------- 7.5 FC 15 FC ,."..-~-----.......--............... / " / \ I \ I \ I ;-----\ I / 1 \ \ I, ! /---~) I' ) \, ) ! ^ ^ '- , ( \ \ I II II.) ) / '\. ~'---- //' .............. - --- - ./ ....... /' ....... ...- II II 1/ II /I II 1/ ~ ~ ~ , ~========= I I if a La ~(Q)iJ lJ a La ~(Q)(Q) Ta La ~(Q)@ ira La U'@@ 'T- I ~_.... ,-- -- -- /,::~ _y == _ L /~~, :s=--=--~~~:::: !; y · J' ;:I"~ -----^- :~ ^ I ff ( I~- /-/ ~-r~~~)\ ( -- --, - ___________/I-- ;;i -'iz -I I ~,/-1-",< (-- f \ r -- -: ~ ----------- r I I./'~~- / (-C~._~'\ /1 ; \, /7 C ~\ PR~O:;D 1= II I i < . ______ ' ~, \ - -- \ / V / I \ :, < ~j)~. OFFICE I!J!J] II I / ( II > \ \ ./ t \ / I \ "- ;-:( " / / . I nn n II I / I, I I ',---- - 13' J \. -1 C "/ _ _ _ 1.. :J1 l!:!::!J ,\ (.. 1 ~ I .... ...- ...- - - -...",. ......... - ,'-. I (Qb II I, - 1\) , l....._./ .... {?\.......-r,,<..\ " L.. II I \ \ II . ' \ I I ( L~ 'y' _} I I ' J fi>> II I' \'-'l.:Y'x------ I J \,- I ( _; ~ J "_~ II <~':::..=> ~...... '-----~----/ /' \ r-" (~~-~///1/ ',' \ (Q) II II' ._~, '-..._---/ \ ) ~ < /,__~",,// //'~ '" ~ II: /1. . .1.->....,-/ '\ \ J \ / ~f -. ' ~ :: i( ((~! I: j i i (/(/.~') \j ( (/(~ -<1t~;~; " II I \ \. - -I ~ .:Y'- >.... - - - ___ I J J __ _ \ ~ I {~< I II ;x::."- /' <=>~ "I / / /---- - '. ' \ \ ~ ',____r _ / /I \_-~~~ M~ /'" \ I I () ) j,\ " ".7 II I /, .~.... _ .----- \ '. \ '-.. /, " \ ~,_ ..--+ jAI \/1 Ii. (~.. '~ }, : (~'- /) ~ ''------'--/T-/o, I ~ ~ > /) I \ - ----'" / ''i' :: ~~ : ~ --, --- Y / I ( \ / )' ~ ' -- ~, II ~ - '-- ...... / ("") II ij/// dA-:-\ \. II : 1.1-.. -:~~_-______":----_:=_::::'_-___/~--__-3~__ 0'//{~{~~.:.\( j.",. ..- /....... /....... --. " \ \ :)J II ~ I t1 I \ / \ / \ \ · \ \....~:t.} I II .!J I 30' \ I \ I \ \ \. _ i C...", II I i - f TYP. \... I I I \ \ · r---- A II I (> r- - -------.. , J r- - -------.. I I r- - ------. I J ; - ------. I l( .- ~ '---" \ I.. \ I I / \}/ \}/ \} '\ I /' ,\ < - 1 \ II I,::, /~. / _J\/I \_---_ (\./ \ ~ . .J^\/ \/ _, \, ~. [ ( 0~}j - \ I \ I I ) "I I ) X I \ I J .c \ "- ;:l " . / /f\ ) t~.. -2-(~; f~ " -~ ,:~~OH ~ "~I,Q.{)~ ~j ~I / i '-~~.:~' II I (> ~. I. U II (7*:~ , ," U III \.J--'.J_ I II u . I ',J_*)' _,ll_u .-r~_ Jr ) II I I '\. ~-~ -~- '?l '------=-;;- ~.....""- ~ --_./ ,"' ~ _ _./ _ i -~- '" - - :1 - "'. - . r::' .. _..... _ ~",'. _~... __1 I ~Jl_ ..A .- .....;;-- _ ........... - /' ....... /' ....... ...- ..........-/' ....... ..- ....... ...- .......-...- .......- II I - - IF a La ~(Q)(Q) II I I -0. = = = = = = = ==-===.=====-== ---- ---- ,I G'~- ~ t:l.i _ '0 ~~ E-t CZl l-f [j ~ Mn DT]=f] W IA W' ------ ------ ===== - - - - - - -----.. --.... --. --- :'\~ -- 1r a [La $(0)1] -- --, --. - It __ , - · LEGEND _ -3.75 FC- _ _ ....- " / \ / \ , \ I I I ;7.5 FC--'" \ \ /1 /1 \, ( /' ...15 FC, " \ \ \ \ ~ ! I ,/ \ {^ ^\ I I \,~~~!/j ....... ...- ..............-...- N GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 ~ 10 20 I 40 I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. HUBBELL LIGHTING "SANTh FE" SERIES FORWARD FACING DUAL 400W METAL HALIDE SQUARE LUMINARE WITH INTERNAL HOUSE SIDE SHIELD MOUNTED ON 16' POLE & 36" CONCRETE BASE. @ @ ~ c d D 1= 3.75 FC ---" ......._-" / 7.5FC "'- /' ,I', "'- /" ....,. /' /.------ 15 FC ---.... " ........ -- \ ('- ( / \ , f ) () " ~ ;' \.) \.-"...., "-~ - /-/ /--- " - /' "'--- /-_/ .......- HUBBELL LIGHTING "SANTh FE" SERIES DUAL 400W METAL HALIDE SQUARE LUMINARE WITH INThRNAL HOUSE SIDE SHIELD MOUNTED ON 16' POLE & 36" CONCRETE BASE. ( -- PROPOSED SHOP PHOTOMbTRIC 'l'HST REPORTS 3.75 FC ----------- 7.5 FC 15 FC 20 FEET BETWEEN AXIS TICK-MARKS LUMENS PER LAMP = 36000 L1GH T LOSS FACTOR = 0.72 OPTICAL HEIGHT = 19 FEET ARM LENGTH = 0.83 FEET TILT = 0 DEGREES FROM NADIR MAXIMUM ILLUMINANCE = 26.4 FOOTCANDLES /" \ r-'\ ) .." < / \ / \ / //'~, '\ \ I ( I J ) ........- " \ \ / /~.. ~ \ I " ) ) j \ \ ~~ / / / \ J" \ "-- .../ / I \ / \ / \ J ( f"'- ) ....... -'" '- ...- IESNA: LM-63-1995 [TEST] L4581 SF [MANUFAC] SPAULDING LIGHTING [LUMCAT] SF2-H40-H4-F-HS [LUMINAIRE] SANTA FE 2 [MORE] SQUARE AREA LIGHT [MORE] TYPE IV REFLECTOR CLEAR FLAT GLASS LENS INTERNAL HOUSE SHIELD [LAMPCAT] M400/U [LAMP] 400W CLEAR ED28 METAL HALIDE, HORIZONTAL POSITION Footprints (TM) by Gordco lighting Footprints (TM) by Gordco lighting SINGLE 100W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM "EUROLUXE" LUMINARE MOUNTED ON BUILDING 7' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. -~\\ \ ' " 1 I t' /' ..0.25 FC "'- \ ('0.5 FC" ) r -.) ,,1 FC L ~ If~ ^ )~~ \ \ \ '- _ I)} .......'--~/' ....... ---- - .../ --- , , :..-y __x 1 FC 0.5 FC 0.25 FC ----------- 20 FEET BETWEEN AXIS TICK-MARKS LUMENS PER LAMP = 1750 LIGHT LOSS FACTOR = 0.85 OPTICAL HEIGHT = 7 FEET ARM LENGTH = 0 FEET TILT = 0 DEGREES FROM NADIR MAXIMUM ILLUMINANCE = 2.2 FOOTCANDLES -- --- /' "- \ ..~) r->~- -.., \L....... I ( ~ /" /~~ \ \ \ '. _ I I ) ....... "-- - -----..,/ /' ........----.- ---...- ----...-......"." IESNA: LM-63-1995 [TEST] HP-05331 [DA TE] [MANUF AC] HUBBELL LIGHTING, INC. [LUMCAT] BRI-04-BRSx [LUMINA1RE] EUROLUXE SERIES [MORE] REFLECTOR: DIFFUSE ALUMINUM ENCLOSURE: FROST. PRISM. GLASS [LAMPCAT] 100A [LAMP] 100 WATT IF INC [DISTRIBUTION] ROUND, BULKHEAD MOUNT W/CAST SHIELD [SEARCH] Footprints (TM) by Gordco Lighting 80 I I1.l .z o c ~ I1.l ~ > . ~. '" It'l J - ~~ ,::Q 'ff') ~~ CZl ,::Q ~ -M CZl ~ <=> :1;..!. ~ , ~:1; N :>; II ~~ I:Q ~ ..... ~ ~ g 00 ~ C) Q 00 ..... ~ 0\ .~ ~ ~-~ ~ 13:1f ~ ):Jt"'- ~O\ "'0 A~ .n ~ ~~ \0 ["-.. ..... 0 ~ 0 ~t!l N t:l.i fii CZl t~ . \0 . ~~ ~ U II') ~ E-t r-.. Ql'- U ..... g~ 0 .. R - ~ ~ ~O ~ ~ ~~~ ~ - Jooo") J;;r.c SQUARE STEEL POLE 5 o ~ ~ ~ O~ -< ~O ~~ ~ ~~~~~ oo~- Zo -< >- .....i ;:J ~ O~~8~ u :z.N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .<"? Z 0 00 ~ N ~ :il ~ . ('f") < ~ ~~ :8J ~ ~ o'd~ ~9t;j ~C;) ~~ I 00 ~Z -< ~O ~ ~ ~ r:f1 ~A LIGHTING FIXTURE A <=> \(j - ~ IESNA: LM-63-1995 [TEST] L4581 SF [MANUF AC] SPAULDING LIGHTING [LUMCA T] SF2-H40-H4-F -HS [LUMINAIRE] SANTA FE 2 [MORE] SQUARE AREA LIGHT [MORE] TYPE IV REFLECTOR CLEAR FLAT GLASS LENS INTERNAL HOUSE SHIELD [LAMPCA T] M400/U [LAMP] 400W CLEAR ED28 METAL HALIDE, HORIZONTAL POSITION 20 FEET BETWEEN AXIS TICK-MARKS LUMENS PER LAMP = 36000 LIGHT LOSS FACTOR = 0.72 OPTICAL HEIGHT = 19 FEET ARM LENGTH = 0.83 FEET TILT = 0 DEGREES FROM NADIR MAXIMUM ILLUMINANCE = 25.7 FOOTCANDL~S FIELD-ROTATED OPTICS <=> 0-: - III .. ,- '\ ~ M , , - ~ - .... ..... .... ~ ~ 00 CONCRETE FOUNDATION ~.-:/ ~ 'l'YPICAL AREA LIGHTING ELEVATION SHEET: N.T.S. C6 60F9 PR:-S OCT 9 SM ITH Y'lAY i ~bc ~, ~~tOS: f 2~ 2/' ~ ~ Itrbf) 4J /0 ~< 18 PLMY i casK S G05K 1.2 ESe, I- III UJ i lO D z N 't 8PLO f<.Uc, -~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~1~\irr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~- ~ 0\ - Y ~ scas 1 FL AA 5MA RUC, 5C05 S casK 5 FREA SEUA 6 Ese, SEUA .2 FREA 4PLO 15 ESe, 6 cas & 6 :z :::l () m ~ lU ~ lL .I - . CURB ON A5PHAL T ~ fV.~ ~€O ~"f 2" . ~ f~~ ~' ....... .. :~.:~:;:~: :'. :..':~ .~:":~" . -, .. , ....: - .,~_. . . ~: :~~:;.t~~~~~(;;~~:';; :~~;; - ...... .. ,.,..,:,~. ..t ~ .'~~~i~ :ltr~~:~~;r . .. .':. ::......;... :;-.., .. ;. ~ ::~.; ::~};:~~~,~~;~; ~rr ~ ~r"':^"':" ..:..~~:: 'E ~~':~';':{'~:;'f':~,~;;" UJ J-= Z ~ I ~ S-5" DEEP CHECK DAMS @ 1:2' TO 20' INTERVAl..S MIN. 2 DAMS PER S~ L S" BARK MULCH 1:2" MIN. GRO~ING MEDIUM " '-2:1 MAX. SIDE SLOPES PERMEABLE FILTER FABRIC l' CLEAR FLOri AREA NOTE MAR' THE NORTH SIDE OF THE TREE IN THE NURSERY, AND ROTATE TREE TO FACE NORTH AT THE SITE riHEN EVER POSSIBLE. .r ~ -, I . G SECTION A-A VEGET A I t:.L) 5ViALE SECTION N.T.S. f2\ IKEE PLANTING AT PARKING AREAS ~ SECTION P1..ANT eCHEPU1..E KEY GTY. BOTANICAL NAME _~U \ST&>~ ~.. 279 --~ .~~ t:-t David J. Dougherty E:;- \ OREGON ~ · ~PE ~~ COMMON NAME MIN. SI.71=: COMMENTS IKEES ACC 2 Ac.er circinatum Vine Maple 6' ht. multi-5tem, 646 ACM 2 Ac.er macrophLlllum Bi<a LeaP Maple 2" cal. Matchint3,. limbed up to approx. 6 Pt. ACRO 5 Ac.er rubrum 'October Glon,f October 610rt.l Maple :2" cal. MatchinQ. limbed up to approx. ~ ft. FREA 11 Fraxinus excelsior 'Au reaf'o Ii a' Golden Desert Ash 1.5" cal. matching, Full FRLA 5 Fraxinus latifolia Ore(;fon Ash 1.5" cal. Matchin<a.- full, B46. ZSGV S Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' Green Vase zelkova 1:2" cal. . Matching, limbed up to approx. 6 ft. SHRUBS AUC S Arbutus unedo 'COmpacta' Strawberrt.l Tree 5 qal. match in", full C05 92 Cornus sericea Red-OSier Doqwood SOli ht. match inq, full C05K 42 Cornus sericea 'KelseLli' 'Dwarf Redtwi<a Do<awood ~ 2 'fal. matchinq, full ESe. 41 Escallonia compacta COmpact Escallonia :2 ~al matchinq, full EUA 15 Euom~mus alata 'COmpacta' Burninq Bush ,5qal matchinq, full MA 21 Mahonia auquifolium I Ore~on Grape . 5 'fa!. matchinq, f~1I OB 12 Osmanthus x burkwoodii Burkwood Osmanthus 5 flal. match inq, full 1 ., PLO 12 prunus laurocerasus 'otto J..u ken' otto Lu ken En lish Laurel 5 qal. match inq. full PLMY ,,, Prunus laurocerasus 'Mount Vernon' Mount Vernon l..aurel S G1al. matchina, full RHJ 8 Rhododendron 'Jean Marie Monteque' Jean Marie Monte~ue Rhodo. 15 ~al. matchinq, Pull 'lIT 1" Viburnum tinus 'sprin~ Bouquet' Sprinq Bouquet Viburnum 5 qal matchin'f, full wi . .sf ;1, I Kinnikinnick Stella D' Oro D~lih~ . Long Leaf Mahonia 'Rubus , 1 qal. 1 qal. 1 gal. f 1qal. matchinq, full matchinq, full full matchinq, full 9EUA 12 HE50 2FREA \. RUe.. -----!-------\ -~~~~~~~ ,~~~~"!!!:---- -------- R'" ~ ~, , ~ Ii " '-!(-. ~ \ . , It \ .~ ,/ - ~ II II ({ ,. ----I " ------ff--;, . _________ E ,," , ~ 8E5c.. F: ~ II II 18 PLMY ': S EUA !: ii II " 4 cast< I: II 'I '1 II " II " '1 II II II ,. II II II II 3 EUA . J! II II II II II II " II II 1\ II II 'I , " " " r " I: " II P1..ANTIN($, NOTES 1. SEE SHEeT LA-:2 FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. 2. SEE SHEET LA-9 FOR SPECIFICATIONS. 9. GUANTITIES IN PLANT LIST ARE FOR. CONTRACTOR. CONVENIENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND INSTALLING ALL PLANT MATERIAL INDICA I t:V ON PLAN. 4. PLANTINGS AT VISION CLEARANCE AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED BELO~ SO'I HEIGHT. 5.SEED AT SViALE AREAS TO BE 'POX' 6Y HOB6S AND HOPKINS, LID; (50S) 29'1-'1518. APPLICATION RATE TO BE 1 lb. PER 1000 S.F. GROUNDCOVER.S AND PERENNIALS AU HESO MAN RUe. 24" O.C. Arctostaph~losuva-ursi 21 Hemoracallis 'Stella P' oro' 24" o.c. Mahonia nervosa 12" o.C. Rubus calLlcinoides o z :5 FJ..ANTIN<$P J.EGrENP ~~ ~~~. ~~ -~; ~'SHADE TREES ~ GR.OUNDGOVER. (AU) o ORNAMENTAL TREES ~ o +-' ::J <( V\ :5 c230 4 Gf<.OUNDCOVER. (f<.UC) c:U(l SHRUBS , , DATE: 90 MAY 200i REVlSONS: 11 OCT 2001 LA-1 ww'Vw '" ww~ "'", ~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ",w"'w~", SEEDED SY'tALE Af<.EAS ADJACENT BUILDING OR EDGE OF PLANT BED +-' en CO o () II \ o .~ S =~ .. oc o +-' en CD ~ . GUY VilRE . STAKES AS SPECIFIED - EVENLY SPACED (2) EACH ORNAMENTAL/CONIFER TREE (:3) EACH SHADE 11<.EE . REMOVE BURLAP FROM Tor' 1/9 OF ROOT BALL . MULCH AS SPECIFIED (2" CLEAR AT.TRUNK) · CONCRETE ~K OR CURB . PLANTING SOIL . SUB GRADE .. .. ... COMPACTED TOPSOIL (BELOri ROOT BALLS ONLY) SCALE: 1/2" = 11-0" o o o () o -0 o u c CO ~ ~ Q'r o o SPACING "D" :3" O.C. 6" O.C. '1" O.C. 12" O.C. 15" O.C. +-' en CO W ROY'l"A" 2.6" 5.2" 1.8" 10.4" 13.0" SPACING "1''' 18" 0 .c,. 24" O.C. SO" O.C. 36" o.c,. 48" O.C. ROri "A" 15.6" 20.8" 26.0" 90.0" 41.5" -=-= fa a a: Q. @ GROUNDCOYER 5PAC,ING DIAGRAM SECTION N.T.5. PLANTING PLAN - owe NO. CE - 04816 32 SCA'F. 1/16- = f.q 64 PRt.su;mt'RtC'O OC1 9 "LOO? - ! :I G ~ ; II~ Ii. i~i ~ }. ~ C/) I- Z W ~ W c: o D ! o .. -C CD ._- a c: -- ... c. cC/) DIA.DC. COPYRIGHT ~ , ~~.", ''', C!.:s.:~\lI'" . " '... ''':'1'- " ,~:,' i. ,,",,",'" .~ ,*>.r.:~~i.f(:.~:-~~~1-~~~~*""" ~~"'''':' ........t.:f;~,.:-tl~!.::~':...~~;~~~ ~~~;t"~t!!:.. I~; ~ f' ........ G 0~ ,-,", CD / MOISTURE SENSOR ON SOUTH OR Y'tE5T FACING BUILDING EAVE o II II II II II II (1) II II II II II II II o ~ w i- ll) D z N 't ,et I I '~21l0 -f.1-1/4" ~1I 0 ',J I - I 0 I:. 0 I () o I I 0 I , 0 L!~ 1 JE · 0 0 Il:~~~ - - - - J' - ~ I I~ !i~ II , II 1 1'/ 10 II 111/4" 9/4" I .-,' II . ~ '2) t~oooo ~" If \/4', 0;*1":~ 0 I IJ. 3/4", 1 II I ~ II I 0 . El '0 CJl' 'f) .:J! 0 II ~,8 Or tiL .. ~ ....-x~ _ - I) o ~ (] II II .' V'lA TER PROOF CONNEC.TION OO-INC.H LINEAR LENGTH OF Jl'iIRE, C.OILED ID TAG - RAIN 61RD VID SERIES VALVE SOX Jl'iITH LOCI<ING COVER: 12-INCH SIZE, 6RO~ LID5IN PLANT 6EDS. GREEN LIDS AT LP-Jl'tNS FINISH GRADElTOP OF MULCH ~.. ~ PVC LATERAL PIPE ANGLE TO SPECIFIED DEPTH SAND 6ASE 1" = 11-0" SEC.TION MANUAL MAIN LINE DRAIN VALVE SEC.TION AUTOMATIC, CONTROL VALVE SMITH Y'lAy ,-------- -------- Q -~~ -- Q-- o .. o. ,........ PROPOSED SALES \ ! I ' I OFFIC.E 0. I ~ 4 3(~ /4 .1 ~ I .0 I 0W~1 ~ I. I J. k-V'I ILl I I r,.. )'0 i - -- - - - ..- ....-. ------- --- --- - AUTOMATIC CON1"'ROLLER - EXACT LOCATION TO BE COO~DINA I t:v IN FIELD --..;;; FINISH GRADE 10" ROUND VALVE SOX Jl'iITH LOC.' ING LID 4" CO~RUGATED PIPE SGH. eo NIPPLE SCH.40 PVC I t:t:: PVC MAINLINE 6RA5S GL06E VAl...VE 1 C.U.FT. DRAIN ROCK Y1ITH FILTER F.A6RIC. SURROUND 111 = 11-011 S/4':" _./ x J I' · II x I.x Ie ~ ~ .. G ~ 15~/49 -0- '1 e 0 1)1 r~ [0 :1 1"j 'Ct I 01 (t PROPOSED SHOP It:- ,--1, ~ ..~~ o e e 1If_.6 (. . I 1)1 :1 I €II .01 e .. rBUIl.r>rNG '/'W.J...-J ." (3/ 6PEC.IFIED CONTR01-L.ER: ;(J J o CONDUIT AND FllTINGS: UNDER GROUND: PLASTlG, GLASS III, FEDERAL SPECIFIGATION Vi-C 10c:r4. ABOVE GROUND: AUJMINlJM, FEDERAL SPECIFIc.ATION ~-G-540. ~ ~ ~',~ ,. " ~~ '1.5-INC.H CONDUIT AND FllTlNGS ,JUNC.TION BOX 'Jl'iIRES TO REMOTE CONTROL VAL YES 'l-INCH CONDUIT AND FITTINGS TO poveR. SUPPLY AUTOMATIC CON I r<OLLER ELEVATION 111 = 1'-0" LEGEND HEAD SCHEDULE ~ 'SYMBOL MAKE . RAIN BIRD e RAIN BIRD ~ RAIN BIRD e , RAIN BIRD ~ RAIN BIRD ~ RAIN BIRD EI1 RAIN BIRD Cd RAIN BIRD o RAIN BIRD e RAIN BIRD o RAIN BIRD <9 RAIN BIRD . RAIN BIRD e RAIN BIRD ~ RAIN BIRD ~ RAIN BIRD * RAIN BIRD e RAIN BIRD (9 RAIN BIRD (!) RAIN BIRD 'W RAIN BIRD VI RAIN BIRD AUTOMATIC CONTfltOL VALVE - RAIN BIRD PES ... MASTER SHUT -OFF VALVE - I<ENNEDY 805, I.OlIIIIIIIII AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS - RAIN BIRD ESP-6W< PLUS "J 3l BACK FLOVi PREYENTER - ViILKlNS MODEL <150-XL T - 1" I ViA I t:K METER - 1-1/2" SEE ENGINEER'S DRAYiINGS ~ ltw c ' RAIN SENSOR. - HUNTER ViIRELE55 RAIN-c.UK LATERAL LINE AND SIZE IRRIGATION MAINLINE - 211 THROUGHOUT a:: :::. IRRIGATION SLEEVE <23) @) IRRIGATION VALVE NUMBER IRRIGATION ZONE NUMBER VALVE SCHEDULE ZONE AREA MODEL 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 , 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 , 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004/6 1004 1004 ,,~~\ST~~ V 279 '"'~ . . t-t David J. Dougherty ~ \ OREGON fJ C4PE Av..~ N0771 E PSI ;PM 15F 25 9.90 \il 15TG 25 2.48 I .! 1:::> I I 25 2.21 15H 25 1.65 I I .sl 15T 25 1.10 li~ 15G 2S .8S l2F 25 2.40 ;, IJi 12TG 25 1.00 121T 25 1.61 jJ!1 12H 25 1.20 ~.t' f t2T 25 .80 112G 25 .00 i 10F 125 1.44 ~ 10H 25 .12 lOT 25 , .48 lOG 125 .96 ~ 8F 25 .82 8H 25 .41 8T 25 .21 8G 25 .21 I 15LC.S/RC.S 25 .45 I 15SST 25 1.11 HEAD PSI GPM en I- wZ o..W <(~ OW en~ Co: Za... ::s~ ~~~~~~~.- ~~~~~~ ~- --1~/- --0. . 0---0-- 0 __________ fll / ./ · 0 0 · II 0 e ~O , 9/4" -r - -;J ---------- ,/:n CD .l- 9/4111 ./ -.1" II I ~ . ( t) II I · II I .. 1 J II -.) II IJ II I(]l 0 I) I I ~~_..._==--=~~c~ - ~ -- o . .",:a.-.o. .0 ,.... ... tJo '0 o. 0 '0 o. e0 e SIZE 1 SHRUB - NY'{ CORNER. 1806 25 40.15 1-11.2" 2 SHRUB - SVi CORNER. 1806 25 40.58 1-112" ;3 SHRUB - SE, E AND ISLANDS 1006 '25 40.5 1-1/2" 4 SHR.UB - NE EXPOSUR.E 1006 25 9&.11 1-112" 5-6 AL.L VALVES TO 6E EGUIPPED ViITH PR5-D PRESSURE REGULATOR. IRRIGATION NOt r-~ 1. CONVENE ON-SITE MEETING Y'iITH LAND5c.APE ARCHITECT, IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. AND GENERAL CON1"'RACTOR PRIOR TO STARTING ANY IRRIGATION YiORK. 2. CON1"'RACTOR TO CONTACT LANDSc.APE ARCHITECT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH OF THE FOLLOViING INSPECTIONS OR MEr: liNGS: - PRE-c.oNSTRUCTION Mt:t: IINq - MAINLINE PR.E55URE TEST ' - SYSTEM PERFOR-MANCE TEST S. PIPE SIZES INDICA I 1::1.-1 APPLY TO ALL PIPING DOffiSTREAM FROM LA8EL TO NEXT INDICATED PIPE SIZE. CONTRACTOR. TO VERIFY MAX. VELOCliY OF 5' f-'1::~ SECOND. 4. PIPING LOCATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. PIPING TO BE Loc.ATED IN AD.JACENT LAND5CAPE AREAS. 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SUFFICIENT FLOVi AND PRESSURE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS DESIGNED PRIOR TO CONSTR.UCTION. NOTIFY ARCHITECT IF DIsc.REPANCIE5 EXIST. 6. EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. CONTR.,AC,TOR TO INSTALL INDICATED EGUIPMENT IN ADJAc.ENT PLANT BED. 1. ALL SLEEVING TO BE 6" 5c.HEDULE 40 PVC PIPING. 8. CONTRACTOR TO VER.IFY 51 J=t=VING AS 5HOV'lN 15 SUFFICIENT TO INSTALL SYSTEM INCLUDING SPARE ViIRES. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR. PROVIDING ADDITIONAL SLEEYING IF NECt=e.'?ARY. <1. PROVIDE AND INSTALL SPECIFIED ISOLATION VALVE IMMEDIATELY UPSTREAM OF EAc.H AUTOMATIC CON1"'ROL VALVE (SEE DETAIL). 10. PROVIDE AMD INSTALL RAIN BIRD VID1Y24 ID TAGS AT EACH AUTOMATIC CON1"'ROL VALVE ASSEMBLY. 11. PROVIDE ONE SPARE Y'iIRE TO FURTHEST CONTROL VALVE FROM CONTROLLER.. 12. SEE SHt:t:1 LA-1 FOR. PLANTING LAYOUT. 13. SEE SHEET LA-3 FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS. ~ o ... ~ ... en ~ -c c: as POP-UP SPAAY SPFtINI<LER FINISH GF<ADE/TOP OF MULCH SPIRAL BARB ELB~, RAIN BIRD SBE MODEL OR APPFtOv'ED SV'.t1NG PIPE. 15-INCH MINIMUM LENGTH: RAIN BIFtD 5PX SPIRAL.. BARB EL~. RAIN BIFtD SBE MODEL OR APPROVED PVC LATERAL. PIPE PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL MAR.LEX 5TREET ELL , JI'lIRE5 TO CONTROl-l-ER , ~ECIEVER MOUNTED ON Y'iALL ADJACENT TO CONTROLLER ... en as w ,:.: frl .., ~ Q. DA It:: 90 MAY 2001 FLUSH MOUNTED POP-UP SPRAY N077LE SPRINKLER , HUN I t:r< Y'tIRELE5S RAIN-CLIK MOISTURE SENSOR SECTION REMU I c: CONTROL VALVE: RAIN BIRD PEB-PRS-D . 9" PVc. sc.H eo NIPPLE NIBC,O T-119 GATE VALVE y-PVc. 5c.H eo ELL ~__ PVc. SGH 00 NIFPLE (LENGTH AS REGJIRED) R-PVC 5CH 00 TEE OR ELL ~PVC MAlNLrNE PIPE APPROVED FILTER. F.A6RIC AT ALL OPENINGS OR HOLES INVERTED VALVE SOX SUMP Jl'iITH LID ~::::::~ ----..... I I I I . . >>=-L.J~W t> .. ~ tlIf E(v .._411f -"~ . 4Jv :.1] ,', "" ... _1If 0 0 , Y'tE5T EAVE FACE NOTE: MOUNTING SURFACE MUST BE EXPOSED TO UNOBS1"'RUCTED RAINFALL .AND NOT IN THE PATH OF SPRINI<1-ER SPRAY. LOCATION TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SITES HUI I t:5T EXPOSURE. 1-1/211 = 11-011 REVlSONS: IRR GATION PLAN - - 04816 32 SCALE: V1Er = 1'-cr V'tIRELE5S MOISTURE SENSOR SECTION 1-1/2" = 11-0" DWG NO. CD LA.. 2 PRE-S\. 64 .\TtAl Rt~ I Ii 7 DU 1& COPYRIGHT 2007 SECTION 02800 - IRRIGATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pipe and fittings, valves, sprinkler heads accessories. B. Control system. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02900 - Landscaping. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. B. C. D. 1.6 \. A. B. 1.7 A. B. 1.8 A REFERENCES ASTM 02235 - Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile - Butadiene - Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. ASTM 02241 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe (SOR-PR). ASTM 02282 - Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR). ASTM 02564 - Solvent Cement for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. NEMA 250- Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Electric solenoid controlled underground irrigation system. SUBMITTALS AT PROJECT CLOSE-QUT Record actual locations of all concealed components, piping system, sleeves and drain valves. Record drawings to be updated on-site daily and available for review at all times. Provide instructions for operation and maintenance of system and controls, seasonal activation and shutdown, and manufacturers parts catalog. Provide schedule indicating length of time each valve is required to be open to provide a determined amount of water for 3 seasons. Schedule is to account for differing water requirements of lawns, shrubs and different solar orientations. Provide laminated reduction of plan inside controller cabinet with valve and zone locations clearly identified. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum of 3 similar projects. Maintain one copy of plans and specifications on site at all times that work of this section is occurring. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Conform to applicable code for piping and component requirements. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETING Convene on site meeting with general contractor, landscape contractor and landscape architect one week before starting work of this section. 1.9 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide: 1. (4) sprinkler heads of each type and size. 2. (4) nozzles of each type and size. 3. (2) valve keys for manual valves. 4. (2) valve box keys. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE MATERIALS A. Main Lines: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 1120, Schedule 40, ASTM 0-2466 B. Lateral Lines: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 1120, Class 200, ASTM 0-2241 C. Branches and Offsets at Sprinklers: Triple elbow assembly using 1'I;lt01 System's "Blue Stripe" tubing, ASTM D-2466, Schedule 40 socket type fittings, and ASTM 0-2464 Schedule 80 Threaded. D. PVC Fittings: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 1120, Schedule 40, ASTM D-2466. E. Solvent Cement: ASTM 02564 for PVC pipe and fittings. F. Sleeve Material: PVC 1120, Schedule 40, ASTM 0-2466. 2.2 OUTLETS A. Pop-up Spray Heads: Make and modt~ls specified on drawings. 2.3 VALVES A. Master Shutoff Valve: Make and model specified on drawings B. Backflow Preventer: Make and models specified on drawings. C. Valve Box and Cover: Backflow Preventer - Access (Ametek) Jumbo; Automatic and Manual Control Valves - Access (Ametek) 1211 standard wI locking lid; manual drain and isolation valves - Access (Ametek) 10" round wI "irrigation main" labeled on inside oflid. Lid Color: Brown (except BFP). D. Manual Drain Valve: Lawnlife 075 A V E. Drain Valve Sump: Provide minimum one cubic foot (12" deep by 12" square) of%" minus pea gravel wrapped in filter fabric below each drain valve. F. Control Valves: Make and models specified on drawings. G. Valve Tags: Rain Bird VID1Y24. 2.4 CONTROLS A. Controller: Make and model specified on drawings. B. Wire Conductors: 14 gauge, single strand. Color-coded: White - common, Red - zones, Blue- spare. C. Wire Connectors: DBY by 3M or approved. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify location of existing utilities. B . Verify that required utilities are available, in proper location, and ready for use. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Piping layout indicated is diagrammatic only. Route piping and valve boxes to avoid trees, shrubs, ground cover, and structures. If conditions differ significantly from those shown on plan, contact Landscape Architect immediately. B. Layout and stake locations of system components. C. Review layout requirements with plantings and other affected work. Contractor is responsible for insuring irrigation equipment locations do not conflict with proposed plant locations. 3.3 TRENCHING A. Trench and backfill as detailed on drawings. B. Trench Size: 1. Minimum Cover Over Installed Supply Piping: 18 inches 2. Minimum Cover Over Installed Branch Piping: 15 inches C. Trench to accommodate grade changes and slope to drains. D. Maintain trenches free of debris, material, or obstructions that may damage pipe. 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Install pipe, valves, controls, and outlets in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and details on drawings. B. Provide 3" sand bedding below all piping. C. Set outlets and box covers at finish grade elevations. D. Provide for thermal movement of components in system. E. Slope piping for self drainage to specified sump. F. Install pop-up heads as detailed on drawings. G. Control Wiring: Provide 10 inch expansion coil at each valve to which controls are connected, and at 100 ft (30 m) intervals. Bury wire below pipe and tape at 15' intervals. H. Provide two spare control wire to furthest point of mainline. I. After piping is installed, but before outlets are installed and backfilling commences, open valves and flush system with full head of water. SECTION 02900 - LANDSCAPING 3.5 BACKFILLING A. Provide 3 inch debris free cover over piping. Backfill trench and compact to subgrade elevation. Protect piping from displacement. B. Coordinate the work with site backfilling, landscape grading and delivery of plant life. PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Soil preparation and fine grading B. New trees, plants, and ground cover C. Mulch and fertilizer D. Maintenance E. Tree pruning 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Prior to backfilling, test system for leakage at main line piping. Pressurize to 100 psi for 24 hours. Perform test in the presence of Landscape Architect or owner's representative. B. System is acceptable if no leakage or loss of more than 5 psi occurs during test period. 3.7 INSTALLER'S FIELD SERVICES A. Prepare and start systems. B. Provide one complete spring start-up and one full fall shutdown. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Excavation B. Backfilling C. Section 02800 - Underground Irrigation System. 3.8 ADJUSTING A. Adjust control system to achieve time cycles required. B. Adjust head types for head to head water coverage as directed. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI Z60.1 - Nursery Stock. B. NAA (National Arborist Association) - Pruning Standards for Shade Trees. 3.9 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Perform coverage test of all zones in the presence of Landscape Architect. B. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation and maintenance of system, including adjusting of sprinkler heads. Use operation and maintenance material as basis for demonstration. C. Instruct owner's personnel in winterization and activation procedures for entire system. 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Weeds: Include Dandelion, Jimsonweed, Quackgrass, Horsetail, Morning Glory, Rush Grass, Mustard, Lambsquarter, Chickweed, Cress, Crabgrass, Canadian Thistle, Nutgrass, Poison Oak, Blackberry, Tansy Ragwort, Bermuda Grass, Johnson Grass, Poison Ivy, Nut Sedge, Nimble Will, Bindweed, Bent Grass, Wild Garlic, Perennial Sorrel, and Brome Grass. 3.10 SCHEDULES A. Schedules as shown on drawings. 1.5 SUBMITTALS - PROJECT CLOSE-oUT A. Maintenance Data: Include pruning method; types, application frequency, and recommended coverage of fertilizer; and other routine maintenance schedules. B. Submit sample of each of the following to Landscape Architect for approval: 1. Topsoil and each soil amendment 2. Mulch END OF IRRIGATION SECTION 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Nursery Qualifications: Company specializing in growing and cultivating the plants with three years documented experience. B. Contractor Qualifications: Company specializing in installing irrigation and plant material with 3 years documented experience. Contractor must be licensed under ORS 671.510 to 671.680. C. Tree Pruner Qualifications: Company specializing in pruning trees with proof of Arborist Certification. D. Tree Pruning: NM - Pruning Standards for Shade Trees. E. Maintenance Services: Perfonned by installer. 1.7 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with regulatory agencies for fertilizer and herbicide composition. B. Plant Materials: Certified by state department of agriculture. Described by ASTM Z60.1; "American Standard for Nursery Stock." 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer in waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer. B. Protect and maintain plant material until installed. C. Deliver plant materials immediately prior to placement. Keep plants moist. 1.9 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install plant material when ambient temperatures may drop below 35 degrees F (2 degrees C) or rise above 90 degrees F (32 degrees C). 1.10 COORDINATION A. Install plant material after and coordinate with installation of underground irrigation system piping and watering heads specified in Section 02800. 1.11 INSPECTIONS FOR APPROVAL A. Request visitation by the Landscape Architect 2 days in advance of the following: 1. Sub-grade excavation: After sub-grade excavation and prior to placement of fills, Landscape Architect will review work for compliance with specified depths and sub-grade scarification. 2. Finished Grading Review: Immediately after placement of fills Landscape Architect will review work for compliance with specified tolerance of grades, slopes and surface drainage and will determine if additional work is required. 3. Materials and Prototypical Layout Review: Immediately prior to installation, place (but do not install) plant material for one sample area as directed by the Landscape Architect. All materials shall be reviewed by Landscape Architect for compliance with specifications and submittals. Layout and materials will be approved by Landscape Architect and will be representative for continued work. 4. Installation Review: At time of Substantial Completion Inspection, Landscape Architect ' will review installation of all work of this Section. Installation Review will not occur until completion of all planting. 5. Warranty Review: immediately prior to the expiration of the Project Warranty, review all work of this Section for compliance with requirements. Make any corrections required by these reviews. 1.12 WARRANTY A. Provide one year warranty under provisions of Section 01700. B. Plant Material Warranty: Include coverage for one continuous growing season after date of final completion; replace dead or unhealthy plants. Contractor is not responsible for defects caused by unusually extreme weather, vandalism, or lack of owners maintenance. C. Replacements: Plants of same size and species as specified, planted in the next growing season, with a new warranty commencing on date of replacement. 1.13 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Maintain plant material until Final Compl~tion is approved by Landscape Architect. B. Plant material maintenance to include: 1 . Cultivation and weeding plant beds ~nd tree pits. 2. Applying herbicides for weed control in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Remedy damage resulting from use pf herbicides. 3. Remedy damage from use of insecti~ides. 4. Irrigating sufficient to saturate root sYstem. 5. Pruning, including removal of dead Qr broken branches, and treatment of pruned areas or other wounds. ' 6. Disease control. 7. Maintaining guys and stakes. Repair or replace accessories when required. 8. Replacement of mulch. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUND COVI$R A. Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Cover: Spepies and size identifiable in plant schedule, grown in climatic conditions similar to those in 10CCillity of the Work. 2.2 SOIL MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Imported, natural loam with 10% humus and possessing characteristics of representative loams in the project area.1 Free of rock, subsoil, clods, lumps, plants, roots, sticks, weeds, seeds, and other deleterious substances. It is not anticipated that on site soil will possess these characteristics. . 2.3 SOIL AMENDMENT MATERIALS A. Plant Bed Fertilizer: Containing fifty percent of the elements derived from organic sources with fast and slow release nitrogen; of proportion necessary to eliminate any deficiencies of topsoil as indicated in analysis to the following proportions: Nitrogen 16 percent, phosphoric acid 16 percent, soluble potash 16 percent. B. "Garden Compost" from Rexius Forest ~y-Products or approved. 100% to pass through %" mesh screen. Free from weed seeds aJ1d debris, and containing not more than 50% sawdust, straw or shavings. C. Lime: Ground limestone, dolomite type,1 minimum 95 percent carbonates with 99% passing through an 8 mesh screen and 750,1> pasf3ing through a 60 mesh screen. 2.4 MULCH MATERIALS A. At Plant Beds: Shredded fir bark 5/8" - ~" diameter, free of growth or gennination inhibiting ingredients. 2.5 ACCESSORIES A. Stakes: Softwood lumber, pointed end, uniformly sized, capable of at least 2 years ground burial. 2" x 211 minimum size. B. Cable, Wire, Eye Bolts [and Turnbuckles]: Non-corrosive, of sufficient strength to withstand wind pressure and resulting movement of plant life. C. Guy Wires: No. 10 ga. annealed, galvanized steel wire. D. Plant Protectors: Rubber sleeves or hose, 2-ply reinforced over cable to protect plant stems, trunks, and branches. 2.6 PLANTING TABLETS A. Planting Tablets: Scott's Agriform Fertilizer Tablets 2.7 HERBICIDE AND PESTICIDE A. Herbicide: As approved by Landscape Architect. B. Pesticide: As approved by Landscape Architect. 2.8 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTS A. Provide testing and analysis of imported topsoil. B. Analyze to ascertain percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, soluble salt and organic matter and pH value. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that prepared subsoil and planters are ready to receive work and have been approved by Landscape Architect. B. Saturate soil in tree pits with water to test drainage. C. Verify that required underground utilities are available, in proper location, and ready for use. 3.2 PREPARATION OF SUBSOIL A. See Backfilling section. B. Prepare subsoil to eliminate uneven areas. Maintain profiles and contours. Make changes in grade gradual. Blend slopes into level areas. C. Remove foreign materials, weeds and undesirable plants and their roots. Remove contaminated subsoil. D. Scarify subsoil to a depth of 6 inches below all landscape areas prior to placement of topsoil. Repeat cultivation in areas where equipment, used for hauling and spreading topsoil, has compacted subsoil. E. Where crushed rock exists below landscape areas, remove additional 61' of subgrade prior to soil placement. F. Dig pits and beds 2x diameter of root ball or pot minimum. 3.3 PLACING TOPSOIL A. Do not place topsoil until subgrade has been approved by Landscape Architect. B. Spread topsoil to a minimum depth of 24" min. for plant beds. Compact topsoil to 85% avg. density. Rake until smooth. C. Place topsoil during dry weather and on dry U"F,Vzen subgrade. D. Remove vegetable matter and foreign non-organic material from topsoil while spreading. E. Grade topsoil to eliminate rough, low or soft areas, and to ensure positive drainage. F. Coordinate with installation of underground sprinkler system piping and watering heads. 3.4 SOIL PREPARATION A. Place 3" organic material upon all plant bed surfaces. Mix into top 611 of soil. B. At Plant Beds: Apply fertilizer in accordance with manufacturer's instructions at a rate of 20 Ibs. per 1000 SF. C. Apply after initial raking of topsoil. D. Roto-till thoroughly into upper 8 inches of topsoil at plant beds. E. Lightly water to aid the dissipation of fertilizer. F. AUree pits add the following amendments to the topsoil and mix thoroughly to achieve the proper mix: 1. One part organic material to 5 parts topsoil. 2. 6 Ibs. commercial fertilizer per cu. yard of planting mix. 3.5 PLANTING A. Place plants for best appearance for review and final orientation by Owner's Representative. B. Set plants vertical. C. Remove non-biodegradable root containers. D. Set plants in pits or beds, partly filled with prepared plant mix, at a minimum depth of6 inches under each plant. Remove burlap, ropes, and wires, from the root ball. E. Add planting tablets per manufacturer high rates. F. Backfill soil mixture and compact in layers. Maintain plant material in vertical position. G. Saturate soil with water when the pit or bed is half full of topsoil and again when full. 3.6 MULCHING A. Mulch all plant beds to a depth of 3" minimum thickness within 24 hours after planting. 3.7 PLANT SUPPORT A. Brace plants vertically with plant protector wrapped guy wires and stakes as detailed: 3.8 TREE PRUNING A. Prune new and existing trees as directed by Owner's Representative. 3.9 FIELD QUALllY CONTROL A. Section 01400 - Quality Assurance: Field inspection and testing. B. Plants will be rei~cted if a ball of earth surrounding roots has been disturbed or damaged prior to or during planting. 3.10 MAINTENANCE FOR PLANT BEDS A. Neatly prune plants where necessary. B. Immediately remove clippings after trimming. C. Water to prevent soil from drying out. D. Control growth of weeds. Apply herbicides in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Apply pesticides in accordance with manufacturers instructions. 3.11 CLEANING AND REPAIRING A. Maintain sidewalks and paved areas clean at all times. B. Maintain vehicles and equipment in clean condition to prevent soiling of roads, walks, and other paved or surfaced areas. C. Remove lawn barricades as soon as lawn is established. D. Including work of other Sections, clean, repair, and touch-up, or replace when directed, products which have been soiled, discolored, or damaged by work of this Section. E. Remove excess materials and debris from project site upon work completion or sooner, if directed. END OF LANDSCAPING SECTION P"RE-SU J'ITA\. QEC'O 0('\ SPECIFICA liONS ~\;~, . o t-4 David I. Doqherty E; \ OREGON ~ ~PE ~~ I II .I ~f III ;, Iii a ~ wZ Q..~ <Cw 0> 00 Co: Zo.. ::5~ .e ~ 1;) 8 () 1;) ~ -c c:: (U 1;) (U W DATE: 30 MAY 2001 REVlSONS: DWG NO. LA-a DIA lie. COP'IRKIiT_