HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-4-14 .. RE.~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ,- '6_].&:y !)}, 11- O),-J..1J g, I Job Location: ASDS8GOrS Nap a Subdivision: q..a//l/){O_/.~) kA.- T"", Lot # .). J Oi) , ),')n f} (' Ju..uY ('.JLJ .J X7-:'5 W, ::trz:;A///;,L,) PI'"",.: ~<::",orcb Zip: Q.msr: Addr683: City: n,vm,J n 'Addition n n RemodeL ,'.1tJbi z'e Homo Date of AppLi.caticn Contractors GeneraL .I PLumbing ( '. I- Electrical I IOu )(J U Y l.fschar.ic.:: t Construction Lendsr ?Cj/)- t'9VS' CJ7tf77 Describe fl'ork: Addzoe83 .~. Rcceiot " f!.. b-rlRR 9 U-bO)J]S!OZJe., /5, {AS ~ /5, (0 () Siqr.ed: Date: ~ (j. -/ i/.-k2.. __ Lise. if Eroil'CS Phone It is ths 1'sspontn.bitity of ehll p.mt hoUg eo 88B ehat alZ inDpsctions are r.uzds at the prop61' tim~1 that ~h .:dd:rS88 is rQc:daj,~s frocm tM strest. and that ths parmi. t; oard is t..,cated .J:t the f1'071t of ehs prop61'"ty. 4~it.di:~ lXlJidor: approved pLan shatz. remain on en. Bu-:.z.din? Si.te at an times. PtlOCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION R,::CUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccordsrJ state YOU!' City desi.grrated job rr.m:bero, jab aad.N:ss, typs of i7l3plilc:i.cn roaquestcd ar.d wh.sn you ;.n:z.L bs ready far inspection.. Contractors or O:Jne:"'s ncme end phons nur.zbcr. RequBsts recsit:QC[ bslerlil 7: 00 C':'l :..~z.z blil rrnde th~ same day, l'equssta mads after 7:00 a;'If ~z.z be made the ne::; :.)Orkin.; day. J1JlmJi,.~1'{ T"'~~,..ti.r-J1' D. SITe IlVSPEC':'ION: To bs nruis aftar ucavation, but prior to alii: up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,IL & l.fECE/ANICAL: To be made bs[ol's any lJOrk is ';:01)01"00. o POOTING 4 FOUNDATION: To bs r.rzd.s after trsnches are excavated and forms arlil sl'ectad, bu t prior to pouring ccncrst.. U.YDSRGROU."D :Ot.1IMRING, SEWER, 1I.1TER, DRAIlIAGE: To. be. rm.d.e prior to fil.- Ur.g 'trf171CM8. o o UIIDERFWOR PLU/.fBnlG & MECHAIIICAL, To be made prior to inataLZ.ation of ftcoro inauZaticn or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr:ad.i: prior to instaLz.ati.cn of /1..001' inst.:lation or decking. ROUGH PL(P..!BI!lG. Er,ECTFlTCAL .~ MECH- ANICAL: No :Jork is to be cOt-'sred untiL these inspections hrJe beer. lMde and approvfhi. FIRE:PLACE: Prior to p 1..c.cir.g facing materiaLs and before fro:ming i.nspec- tier.. D FRAMING: ,l,fust be requsoted af-;s1' approuat of rough p~wr.bing, eLectri- caL & mscha1ti.:aL. Al.! roOfing bracing ~ chimneys, et.::. ~~st he . compLetod. No work is to be con- .,.;..cec.l.9d U7ltU this inspection has ..' be~ made and approl..'ed. D D D Your City Dssigr.a.ted Job Numbsr Io: O INSULATIOII/VAPOR BARRIER INSP!!:CTIOII: To be mads after aLl. insuktian a:-.d . .' required uapor carriers at'e i.n place . . but cefors any lath, gypswn boa:rd or wtz. covering is applied, and befoN any inaulation is conceaL9d. O DRYWALL INSP!CTION: To be made after aU ~l1. is in place, but proior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel Zceation, bo1ui bear..:J, grcu :ing or usrticc. la in accordance with U.B.C. Section ~ ~~~;~TOVE.. After instaLlation is ~mpLet~d. O CURB & APP.r?OACH AF.f?ONo' Aft6"t' fOl"rr',s are ereated out prior to pouring aon...'Tets. , D SIDEWALK .4 DRIVEWAY: For aLl con- crete paving withi7l street right- of-wcy, to be made attsr a.Ll. exca- uati11.g cu:mpl.ste & for.':! wrk & $ub- base r.r1.tsr1.aL in pl.a::e. o D !'"SNCE: Wher. co:r.pl.te -- Provide. gates or ,'1ff1f}able sections through P,U.E. ?c:208a-7 I DE1.tOLITION OR gOV::'C Bt/ILDIilGS =:J Sani.:ary SBUer ::apped .=t ~op41rt":1' t.ir.e =:J Septia tank ;r...."?~d and fiZLa~ :.Ji.th ;;rc.~"l --, PinaL - rlhsn abaus ito~s are co::r::,Ls:.ec ~ ar~ when demolition is Comp~8tS or st~~~- ture mouse and pr~3SD ::leansa up. I Mobi Ze Hcmss ~ BLocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing co7l1tections .- sauer and water 'I ElectricaL Connection - Blocking, ss-;-up --.J and pLumbing connsc:.ions nr..:st ce approJ;aC . before rsqu6sting slectrical inspecti.o~ .=J ACC6S.:iOl"'.:i Sui'Ld.ing --, Fina.L - Aft;;r ;:Jrcr.es, 8k'~l'ting, decks, ~ etc. are Ccmpl6t~d. D ALl. proiect conditions, suc,!: as the i-nsralLation of 8:rest rrees, co:::pLati.vl1 of cite rsquil'ed Landscqrir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can ~G rscr--'eoc3d. o FIliAL PW/.fBIlIG o FIliAL 1{E(;HANICAr. o FIliAL ELECT.~ICAL ,0 o FINAL BUILDING: The Fir.at Building Inspection must be requested efter ths PinaL PZumbing EZectM.ca~, and Mecha:r.ica.t Inspections havo bes7l r.-.ade and approved. .tALL MANHCLES AND CLEAflOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fElIT TO BE MADE :1T NO COST TO CITY I Pags of 2 I JOB No,od03!J7 Zone: Lot Sq, Feg. S of lot C""erage # of Stories TotaL Height Topography IIT~I I ,'bin I SQ,FTG Gc:raOB Carvcrt l..J.caesso2'"'J I I TOTAL VALUE S,O,C. CVC"U~) 1.5 ::: BuiZding Permit State SurchaIoge Total ~~ge3 I ITEM 1iiQ."""'";': I Fi...-tuzoes I I ResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewel' Water PZumbing Pe"", t State Su:ttcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fto. Nrn.J/Extend Cil'cuits Temporary Service Els:!tr1.cat Permit State SurchaI'ae Total Cha:rc8s I ITEM I F'urnace "!lTV'S I E.::haust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodStOiJ8 1110,1 I I I / I I Permit Issuance Mechanic::. Z Permi t State SuJ:'ch.c:zoae Tnt:l'11. C'htrtol7tUJ I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~;~ Dzoosit I Storage I Mainte?1.a71CR I Permit I Tota~ Charges I CU1'bo.t Si.deLJaZk Yen::e I EZectr>ica 1.. I Mobi Z9 Home i I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" LabeZ SOLAR ~.S OCCUDanct{ G"'- LOT TYPE I NO'1 I In.terior Corner Panha7ulZe Cut-de-sac X Value FEE Foo f.,aA.l..'(,G CHARGE I I I I I I I I ClIAReE I, I I I / ") dir1 '-1 I /S.00/ . /,() I 15:foOI. I I I I I I $/C).Ir;/) I Page 2 REQ.- .. BeaoOtr.s: L-COG~ I 1 I I I I I I I j Type/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - Enerq,u SOU1"ces I Setnacks Heat I P,L. I House . r Carar::!e I Access. Water Heate.... INorth I II Raru::e lEast I I I FireD lace ISo. th I I Wood:;tove IWe3t I II i Tuoe Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construction shaZl3 in alZ respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crd~nance, reguZating the ccnst~~cticn and use of ouiZdings, and m:zy be suspended or revoked at cr:y t~me upon vic- lation of any pr~visior.8 of said Ordir~e8. I I ,. I I I I /Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: !Signed: Plumbing Permit No person DhaZZ construct, instalZ3 aZter or change any ne~ cr e--isting plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hoLe or in part3 unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's License, except t;..at a pe:oson rr.a.y do plumbing work to property ~hich is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I. Electrical Permit Where State LalJ l'equires tr.at the electrical 1J01'k be dons by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical pOl'tion of this permit shall ~~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electriaal !:ontractor. , . Mechanical Permit PLan G:xamt.ner uaT;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAl1INED I;,Tui conrpZ2ted application for per::rit, and do hereby certify that aLL ir:fo:orr-.ation hereon is true a~.d COTl'Cct, and I f.aother certify that any ar.d all work perj'or::red ahaZL be done in accor- dance :Jith tha Ordin.::rnces of the City of SpM.ngficZd3 and th~ La:.;s of tho . State of Ortegon pert.:Lining to the work described herein3 end -:hat NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrade of any structure wither...t permission of the Building !r:'. vision. I further certify that o~ly con'trectol'S ar~ ~~loyees who are in compLiance ~ith ORS 701. 055 ~iZZ be used an this project .'. " ~. , (dLML~j) 4-/L/-td-. Oate ,.