HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-9-20 .. RESldlPNTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: '.....~ . .') CI ? () -\ Y Q It \1{)~2.9 3\ ASGeS30rS gap # ('Of'/. 1P('lO~ T= Lot # () \ ?..../":C) ~ Subdivision: Q.mer' \1. (\ ~ \\ ~ ~ Cl ~L~ ~)'('0f>L\'\,,~ AddPeS3' -alc:Ac'O ht\.\\rl'S,'QdPr.one, 14.1o~Slo2.1/'t City' SC\ '-::. t r\.' CQ,L Zip' Qi4,/ \ D I n n n n ,'1t:>:/,1 Describe rl'o.l'k: Additicn ~ Remodel. ,'.tabiZe Home Lo~'L . Date of Applicaticn con'trac~rgr~ GeneraL (\'\-l. \. ") {\, ~ "- PLumbing j Electrical I Mechar.:i.a.:: 1. l. Construction [,€ndSl' VaLue Add.....es3 a .::rcce-:':it .~ .SOt\. \'X ~~~ Sigr.ed: 4t~~& Date: Li:;c. ii j E=oires PhonQ It is the l'8sponaibil.ity of ehs pel'f1fit holder to Bee that aZl. inl.lpections fU'e !':'lade at the proper tim€" that tJCch =ddre88 is 1"eadab~e Jrom tha street, and that the permit card is t.xated at the [1"OTIt of the prtJpe2"ty. ~Eui?di:"".g ;:r;ui=ior. appror.:ed p7..a.n shell remain on tha Bu-:.iding Sit.:; at all times. PROCEDW?E POR nJSPSCTION a=:,aUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state YOUI' City designated job 'fIUmber, job adi..N:88, type of ir:.3pec-:icn raqu.estcd a~.d when you ioiiz.z. be ready for inspection.. Contractors or Ct.me1"s ncme c:nd ~hor.e n-.Jr.lbcr. Requesr;s received, bejcre 7:00 c::;. :..'iZZ be made th~ same dcy.. requests made afta' 7:00 a'7J IJi.ZZ ba made the next wrkinq day. 82J~\4 -q~rr:''':'''_'tr1 T':~"'~"lf:~:r.7!_q O SIT~ IN5.PEC':'!ON: :0 be r.J:Zde after excavatt.on.. .jut prt.or to set up of forms. D. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1L & ~'.fECHA,'lICAL.. To be made be,fore any work is covered. Your City De8igr.ated Job Number Ia: o INSULATION/VAPO.9. BARRIE.'!? IHSPE:CTION: To be made after aU insukti.:m w.a required vapor ba:rriel's aJ'e in p Zace but before any lath.. flYp8U11I beard. 0'1' wZZ covering is cppZied.. and before a:n.y inauZation is concealed. o FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be r.r:zd6 after tl'linches are excavated and. forms are erected.. but prior to pouring conaret.;. U!.'DZRGF<<)W!D P~UMBING. SEWE..9., W;1TE.lf., DRA.INAGE: To be r.n:::.e prior to fil- ling trenches. o DR~.JALL INSP~CTION: To be made after aU drywall is in place.. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: S:~el locatio~.. b~ beam:3.. grou.. t.ng or vert..ca ls ..n accordance :Ji.th U. B. C. Section 241$. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is acmpZ.031;~d. [J o pND~RFWOR pr.mfBING & MECHANICAL: To be mads prior to in:3taZl.ation of !!oor insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be ma.d.i: prior to ins:allation of rUJor insulation or dsoki"li . CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:, Forms are erected but prior to pou.ri~ COTlCrete. o o o ROllCH ?Cm.rBING, E:r.ECTRICA!" <'3 MECH- 0 SIn~ALK & DRrIEWAY: For all con- ANICAL: No !..JOrk is to be cOt.'ered. crete paving within street right- ur.til thess insoectior.s have beer. of-wcy.. to be made after all exca- made and approve.:. vating currplete & torr::: wrk & SuD- FI~EPLACE: Prior to pZccir.g facing base material in place. materials and before framing in8P6c_~ . tior.. . .. ITNCE: When co.7wl.;te -- Provide. FRANING: Must be requ6~ted aj"tel' . gates or .-novable' sec~icn8 ;hrough apPl'~V~l of ~gh pl~ht.ng~.electri_ I ..V.E, caZ '" mechanu:al. At.. l'OoJt.ng . bracing ~ chir.rru:ys.. et~. m".J.st be 0 . completod. No work is to be con.- ::. cealed until thia ins06ction has . been .'7/Q.dc and approved. o o . DE:.!OLITIOH OR ;~;OVE~ BUILDI.7CS ~ Sani~ se'..)er ::apped .::::t ~opt;l't:i lir:e =.J Septic tank p'....y;:.d ar.d f-:'ZZ2~ :Jith ;;ra.:,:ez. --, Pinal - f{'nen ahcve ite::is are co:m,letec. ---1 ar.d when iemcl-:.tion is complete or st7~~- ture moved ani ?r~:3es cl.eaned up. Mobi!e Hcmes :::J Blocking and Set-~p :::J Plumbing connec:ians -- sewer ar~ water :::J Electric~l Ccnr.ection - Blocking.. set-u; and plwnhing ccnr.ections r.T~st ;e Ci'Pl'~v~ before request~ng eZec=rical inspec~io~ =:J Acces3ot"d Bui1.d::.ng ::J Final - i1ft::r ;:Jrcr.es.. sk-(.rti1tf].. decks. etc. ar'6 ccmple~&d. o All. project condi:io~.. such as the {ns:aL~tion of S;re61: :r6es. ~~~lo;ivn of che required l.a:ndscc:pir.g.. .;tc... must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL :::an be r3quest~d. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECT,qIC/..L ,0 o PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested <;.fter the Pinal Plumbing Electl'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspectic1UJ havo been made and approv~d. .tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE.. ADJUST,'fEUT TO BE M/I.iJE 111' NO C')ST TO CITY I Pt1ge ot 2 I JOB NO. I Zone: -.... . Lot Sq. Ft>;. S of tot C.:JVeragc fi of Stories Total. Height Topography IITOM I ,~b:in Gerace I SQ.F"!'G I I Car:;.crt rl.C~e8S0r", I I I IS.D,C. TOTA& VAWE Ct1C/..UC) 1.5= Bui l.ding Pem t State Surcharge Total Cha.....ges lITEM Ipi:rt:..:Joes I Residential. f1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer /fate Plumbing Perr:::i t State Surcr.a.rge Total Charaes lITEM I.rIBS. SO. fta. I NQ.J/Ertend Ctl"euits Temporary Service Ele~t~cal Permit St::te Surcharqe Total Cha:r~e8 IIT::M I Furttace 'eTV'S I E::::haust Hood I Vent Fan I wOodsto'J8 I Permit Issuance Mechanic::.l Perr.n. t State Surahc:rae T,,1;n l CharaRfJ I.VO'I I I I I I I I !lO., I I I I I I I I SOLAR ~ESS Occuoancq Crou::J.- WTTYFE Ir".teMer COM'l81' Panhandle CUt-de-sac x Value NO. I FEE CHARGE F~E CHARGE :;"1;'1;' C!fARCE -- EllCROACHl1ENT -- S8~~~~ Deoo3it Storage I Maint~e I p.,...,; t I Total CheMOS I eur:,cut I Sidewalk I Fen::e I E1.8ct'rica Z Label I Mobile Home .1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" I I (?;. DcJ I 0,6() I . P.::.ge 2 REQ.- . L-COG-ll' Ti.<tle/Co7".st: Beaooms: I Lot Faces - I I P.L INOt'th lEast South IWest I Ener'Gu Scr.rrt::es I Heat I I I I I T;.rce Setbacks I H.ouse I Ca:raqe I I I Access. Water Hl?a~p.yo .r?anqe Fire'D lace WOoa:3tove Fees Building Value & Permit This permi t iG granted on the express condi tion that the sdid const1"'~ation shall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, inc~ud~ng ~he 2onir4 Crdinance, reguLa;ing the ccnsr1"'~ccicn and UGe or buildings. c:r.d m.:;y be suspended or revoked at cr.y ti,-ne uFon vic- lation of any ~:rl'::rvf.3ior:8 of said Ordir.ances. I ,. I I I , . I Plan Check Fee: Cate Paid: IReadpt #: ISig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No pereon ahaZl const:Puct, instau'. alter or change any r.ew C1'" e:::isting plumbing or drainage 8YSt~ in ~hole or in part. unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a pe~8on ~4y do plumbing work to property which is O/oJ'ned, leased Or operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit I I I I , . Where State UrLJ zoequ1.res tr.at the elecmcal work be done by an Electrical Contra.ctor, the electrical portion of thia permit shaLZ. roOt be val.id until the labeL has been signed by the EZectrical ;ontraator. Mechanical Permit Pi..c:n E:c...'"7tt.ner var:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~NED t,l.z8 completed appLication f'or permit, and do hereby certify that aLL info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f.uot1:e:r certify that any ar.d aU work perfomled ahaU os do':'te in accor- dance :.lith the Ord-:.n::mces of the City of SpringfidA, and ehz u:::.;s of tha ~ State of Ol'eg~n p~r~ining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be rode of any stru.at"..<re without permission of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further certifi1' that o~Zy controctO!'8 and empZ~yees who are in ~liance with ORS 701.055 wiZl. be used on this projgct rf Pvv1 (Jf\!\",A ~A ~/ C:!JO!~~ Siqnad V'