HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-6-24 ._~':""~ .-.' '..~.." ~ ':' .... .. ~,..,."'.... ",', ',~ '- -,. '.'., ,_..,',:./>!..:.:.:,'='"'...,t.:,,..... ~';;.':~....;;. ;_~ ~'. .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 t--', . , I .lob Location: I AB3es3ol's Map H r Subdivision: I I Cl.mer' of Ir'~. M, C.U rre V\ cp Address: ~ N, '\ 7..#:-- CityS\'t'"'\I/"j ~\ '.0 \ rV1 oR I f.Qn f-n \Y"' \)/~U) Ur. *lMW / 7 0 ~ ;;). 7 3 ( Taz wt # CO (;; f) Q n n n rxT Nm,J Addi tien RemodeL ,',!obi le Home P,.me: 7J:j 7- 4::l LLl Zip, ct 7 L{ I / J;Z' fJ(~ /J1 f-f WUf ~8W ~ - ~ If-r ? Value Genel'aL PLwrbing f'/, / Addrees ~./- If ~! !!~~tri::!a! ,JHA/-7U'~-, / ! I l1e::har.ic.::. 1. H , i ! Co:nst:rouetion Lcndel' ( ( ."".;'.,r", , .. .'~'" ,........:r".._. . 12 ~)je;-!) q Rcce-:.pt .ft 1 J~dJ -(J(G \ 1')- )111 ~ vl?,< Sigr.ed: <=:~ Dat.. ( .., --2 l/ -f" f) Lisc.# Ex;;ircs Phone It is the respcnoibility of' the permit holder to see that aU inDpections are made at the proper tim€;~ that each .=ddress is re~:e [1"Om the street, and that the permi t card is Located at the front of the property. ABui!ding rr;vi~ior: approved plan shell remain on th2 Bu-:.lding Sit$ at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job nur::ber~ job adCress~ type of inspec-;icn l'equestcd a~d when you wi'lL be ready for ir.spcction~ Contractors or Owners ncme end phone numbcr. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ :.'iU be made the same day, requests made aft;:J.r 7:00 a'1l Llil.Z be made the nat :.JOrking day. Rp.OVi~~d l~Rr.~~tir.nR o o SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excava.tion, but prier to set up of forms. UlIDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC-1L & NECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be m:zde after trenches are excavated and [OI'TT/S are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret.z. [J UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, W,1.TE.'1 DRAINAGE: To be TTJ2'ie prior to fil- ,-1. ir.g trenches. o VNDERFWOR PLW,$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insutation 01'" decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLtaticn of !zoor ins~lation or decki"li . ROUCH PLlP.-!BIllC. ELECTRICA[, & MECH- ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be cOL'ered- ,until thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pkcir.g facing mcterials and befol'e framing inspec- tior.. ,--, FRAHING: Must be requeDted aftel' ~ approval. of rough plUff.bing~ el.ectri- cal & mechanicaL. AU roofing braeing ~ chimncys~ et~. nr~st be ,completcd. 110 work is to be con- .-'- cealed until this inspection has "b€en made and approved, [] o o I Mobile Hemes Aftel' instal.Zation i8~O ~ Blocking and Set-up ~; ,~Plumbing connections s<=wer and water CURB & APPROACH AR;oN: After,form~ Elcctrical Connection _ Blocking~ set-up are erected but pr1-or to pOUJ"1..ng and plwnbing connections nr~st ce approvec concrete. before requesting elec:.l'ical inspec:.io-:: .Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Ia: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIF:R INf:.'Pt(;'I'JfJ/-I: To be made after all insukti:m w.d required vapor barriers are in place but before any Zath~ gypstun board or wZ-Z. covering is appZied~ and before any inDulation is concealed. 81[) Li3a I DE1,.I{)LITIO!} OR gOVE; BUILDIiiGS =:J Sanitary se".Jer capped =.t p:..opo:rt"':i lir.e .=J Septic tank p:.c,o;:ped and fiUad with gra:;eZ I FinaZ - flhen above ite."7ls are ccmvletcd ~ ~~d ~hen demolition is complete 01' stru~- ~~e moved and premises clea.ned up. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For al.Z con- crete paving within street right- .=J AcC'eMOl"d Buitding of-wc.y~ to be made after all ezca- vating cCX71l?let~ & foP::1 work & sub. '" '2l FinaL _ I1ftcr p:Jrcr.es~ . base matert.al 1-n pla:!e. . '~.f-J+ etc. are complet::-d. 8kirting~ decks~ o FINAL PLUl,1BII/G AU project ccnditions~ such as the i,nstaLlation of s:.reet trees~ co....rpl.ction of the ~ required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r2quest2d. / ,- o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywaU is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. =:J =:J =:J -=:J FINAL NECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested aftel' the Pinal Plwnbin; Electrical, and Mechar:.ical Ins~!:etions have been made and appl'oved. FINAL ELECTRICAL o MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation~ bond beams, grou:.ing 01' verticals in accordance with a.B.C. Section 2415. ItAL~ NA.!lHC!.ES AND CLEANCUTS HUST BE ACCESSIEr::, .4D.JUSr.'!F':'."!, TO HE g.;1DE 1:7' NO C-:JST TO CITY f Pa(iq 1 of 2 o WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. o o O PENCE: When complGte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U,E. o I JOB NO.!?O c(](j SOLAR AC4iiSS Occuvancu Gl'ou. I I 1 /2,7y%J0 I Ids I I ;e;!. tv ! Zone: ILot Sq. Ft;;- jz of lot C~el'ag~ 1.1/- of Stories I Total Height I 1 Topography I lITEM Main ! Gt::J"Qa~ I 1 Carncl't I IAccessorIl SQ.FTG S.D.C, TOTAL VALUE (vc(..ueJ 1.5 " Bu.i lding Permi t State SW'charge Total Charge;; lITEM ! Fixtures :Residential (1 bath) i Sanitary Sewer 1 Water NO. PZumbing Perr.:it State Su:rcr.arge Total- CharGes lITE/.! i Res. Sa, fto. jNawlExtend Circuits i NO'1 I I I i Tempol'a:ry Service Ele~tl'icaL Permit St::.te Su:t'~ha:rQe Total Charces IT~M i NQ, I FEE Furn:zce ETU'S ! E::::haust Hood I I Vent Fan I Woodstove I I Permit Issuance Me::hanic:::l Permit State Surcharae Tota I Charaml -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC"~rittl Deoosit Storage Maintenan:!e Permit Toto. 1. Charoacs Curbcut Sidewalk Fcn::e ~ El~trical Label Mobile Home ?OTAL ANOU.'lT DUE:.t I I I 1--/'),-00. -=3r----~ I -00 I I I.e:;. (//0 " I I I I I I I / C; ,D'O +-3) I ,IoD I 1/ S _ (Pn I, I, I I I I I I, I I I 20 1-1,'-1 60 I- /1 I I I WT TYPE Interior Cor>ner PanhandZe Cut-de-sac x Value 1/3...s, 00 I I I FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE CliARCE REQ,- L-COG~ . I I Access. I [ II i I II II T~pe/Cor.3t: " Bedrooms: I EneI'(f:J Sources Heat '.- I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L, I House II" Caraae Worth ,lEast ISouth I I IWest I I --'~F}jes, ~:..- I \ I I I I I I I,--d). I I I I, TUCle Watel't/(wtpT' Range Fireplace Wood:;tove Building Value & Permit This permit is gronted on the expI'eSB condition that the said. construction shaZl,J in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpPingfield, inc!uding the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fe.. I Date Pa;.d, IRec<ipt g, I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereen shalt constr-uct, instaZZ, aZter 01' change any r.etJ 01' e:::isting plumbing 01' drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except tr~t a pe~son may do plw::bing work to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires th~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit PLan E:rc:nnner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAl.fINED tJw completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that alL i~formation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aZZ lJOrk perfor:11ed shall be done in accor- dance :.;ith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ La..;s of the State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be TJt:1.de of any structure withou.t p~rmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that ~Ly contractors and ~pLoyee8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project {OPA;,)n, bA~ ~S: d' ... I, / t.gns b -;,,2 (-9 f) Date j:~~ of ( /.e...- Cu. rre..Y\ c-f... \ . . 1'- \d ---Y .-- .I , I /" fD '-.. "\ ( ~o~J z- \ \ \-\oW\.~' I \Lf 'i ~ le ; I (tG' scl) (' ....3:a I k //; Id./<Coo Drl'u~~ ~ f"'"-''---.,. ! ! i ; i i I 1 ! ; I , ! I I I i 1 i ; I I I ., , i I /--' ::::::> P f7 c "', Dt<fYE WfJ \1 I Z X S-D . No, \ --_.._~ N/Pllll.E.. HC1ME ..- J I Dr: Vlli-: ;...ko - Q \[, ,1\ [1-1 .... " . ! 101 r'--- , ! i ...... , ,.--", ---j> I i , , i , . ,...1 I I I , I I i ,I I , ,. , " ,0(. H.' [lli:' . . Mif .~" , BUDGET (Mobile) HOMES il" PURCHASE R~V AGREEMENT 3890Main Sllil~t, ~ Springfield, Oregon 97478 .. 747-9585 i0-:..---' . -71 Sid IV (j rz.1'H 17 7ft tt e; t'fl SOLDTDlil..ll..lI I)U:':: Cuifr;AJCc. ',. Ph0n07VI-~l'f/: ':"DATE: b-~l7 ~\ ADDRE88~dS":, lJr/'>t.'tAiH <!ifB.J. . ~/ <,.,I/I"""k;;,'/d SaIoIm..: (,1M _ I. ),15..""'-':' of.' Subioct..tho_ondCondl'I..._...bo'h_~,. ,:ioliorAgrloa,o_londPu_A_toPu""'_thofoll_i.._ribod, '" ~..' MAKE Q'J. !YEAR I MO. DEL" , ," IB;.ROOMS ~r "ISTOCKNUMBERS ' ~.' Ui3'ut)...c.lI!v'''' mID ,', E.K . " Vi/I IL/i,lIW'" : ~) SE!\IAL NUMBER . . , Jr, 'l ' ,', . ClooIni,D... J -. ,:, H...... L_lon.,..' '" . J / , Co, To. No. '., ~i FI ~p,)~~S-Yi.' JIJi.';, TV!V I) J7f? ,~B~) A11111/J"'f:r'r'o/,h"~ Pi 'I1S'lbh'b, ~!" CU T E MA{CHOOSEPERSONFROMWHICHINSURANCEIS08TAINED,1 . . -. ...clo'UNITIS V't1(JO , yo I:. ,I ~,( HClME.IS TO BE MD~,PLEASE STATE m.v LOCATION: II OPhON.LEOIIIPMENI ,\ 1'1 I: ~'~ ~4.J.A.V,!i-J SPACE # I I ,\... " I I. ~,,;: ", (L2.i) YJ#i r) lI;it...) I, 'J'C I '''---. ~~~, IF PBIVATE :t.AND: ) _ \), '/" I, I' ': ~,;.~, ,>I, ,_.. J I (l' /, I , I ~ii ~.~.. STATE UL COtlNTt. I" Y'V / //,!I Ii.' :;~ ~J: :~c~CCmS?}~~ HILLY?' .,' 'tC"~PllCI ':", . iis I! ~;~" ',. q,,';d '~<"'t' ~..."........ IS'''' "hl ~~~ :'. ..~.~/ OK-YH'"ml\dr-> " I i~!.~~;rl~ .~'..' i l~~;;~' I, Q"ION"'" IOUIPMINTI .L.A..OIt, INCLoUI'ONI 0" aXCLU.'ONI I S I . ~~ !i!i[ THIS USED MOBILE HOME IS SOLD "AS ,IS"~TH NO ,2.LIISTOI'lCIIDIIS II '~ j.if.:::.:.',' WA1UlA.r..6l!>O OR GUARAJu,.6l!>O EXPRESSED OR Du-L.L.l!ill !lY ).!..UNP'Il"!"!"NCIOOC'SHWIPlIC,I,,. IS ~ Y'l'1 .iQ~ ,'} ,n. ,SELLER. _, ..,.",.O..R. . HIS AGENT!! 1{ .., it, TAXES'TO BE. PRORATED AS OF WHAT DATE? fi' If') .::rMQ I~ ~~;'OF 'ugJ~ nO~ PAYMEm-PLUS'Wnms SHARE/O;'PBORATED T.um~ ~~.lU!iFOSSl!SSIQ~I: ~.~ j ~t. ' 'THIS"TRANSACTION CONTINGENT ON FINANCUG ANn LANDLOHD'ArrnuvAL! \I I'~l' , ' '. ' '. "'~ .L.&J.\&~ " , .-" f ~~ '6A1rvLAlISj,,,~)((P')1 HdIt.j-/JnK ~'fEfLl'" ~..~ f.( 1-, \~f''' r..-frHr) , ~. l->..,fl,~-/ '5 ~IJ P 'l" . ), ) I ". <::,;..f',,-~ iI/C.,r C l.'C'j. ",_.ft-. /PI.'fl..... PtV/"/ >;e./ ,~.<) ~1': I / 1-',:' " r ( r J-''''' r., ,'/. ,,,.. _,... /"" 'c' "'" ~" fl~';f; ,...' .~.1 ~'.i--) ~/"'I' ....., _..l,q ~ ~""" r, ':':'!; ,,'/ ~i:;. h, ,'" p:,.- .... ~!.: ' ~~, , fjo., p" ;, ~: T."'. '0 thO w~hln d_;IJ' '~', .ILLER ACC.~ANC. DATil: __.'nlt p..... .. ~f the dete 01 " DATI: ,Ignlng of the ret.lllnlt8~l~ 0'" ..L.~" "'....CTION -----------r."~r=~~~v ~t'h=h :..v. ~r ' .. I QCcup.ncy mey not tal 1(-:'<,. mMl. until. I.. d.... ~:~ THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFY THAT THE MATTER PRINTED ON THE BACK HEREOF IS AGREED TO AS A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE ~.~ SAME AS IF IT'WERE PRINTED ABOVE THE SIGNATURES: thlt und.rtlgnftt la of 8tIItutory ee- or h.. been,l.plly emenclp.ted; thet the purch... of the n- above deaerlbed mobll.hom.; the optional equlpm.nt thereon, the In.urlnce .. described h.. b..n volunt8ry, Thl und.nlgnld ear'" uch pltegrlph end pro. ~t:' wlalon ~f thl, contract la aeverabl.; If on. portion therlof I, InvIUd thl remllnlng portion ,h.II, nlv...thll..., remain In full force Ind effect, .:;'~ ~ - I, OR WE, HE.~EBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS ORDER ::.': ~T.: AGENT SIGNED X :' L.~.} : i .,..~ . --. . '-'''~9uRCH.SEi. . :\~~.~ ~,.;, ',,~\ ~' ~ ", ~;':'."" ,!! SIGNED )( PURCH,i,u. <.'.,I.~.',., . ;~:.r :":'1 ", '''Wt....., '~i..l ,. OC'.OIO".. "t,,..fIt,,,,_, boo". 0' ,,,..fIt. C:.lIfI,.", .t; ~.:i ." "~ t',1 ~ , '" .,.~\ ...'J , , , < H I '1 ,I " .. .',' , .,~ ~ ,',,;y i:'r\'-t , 't,~~ I.\;l ";;'. ;:~ " ," . .. /~IlPJ/}i.I!' (If) lIeVIL>S . "1 ,,; ':,:' l~ ,