HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-4-15 .. . 97477 ,".<:.l<"'v...~""_,,,,,,,,_,_''''''''''_''_~''__''___ Rcce~pt.~ b 0% /f) '/ Job Location: II 2 f) 4 0JAu-eLu J #- 1'703:J 7:s I Ta:c Lot # -78' OJ fLJ() 0 /1 (~ ' r/ J.l1M./~IV U Subdivision: /l I ,) ( /4f/J2.tL ~tt[) ~ Address: 1/(7-5 t<J $gTIIIF A80eSGOrs Map # tA.mer: City: QNm" n Additicn n Remodel I X I Hobile Boma Date of Application Contractors General Plwnbing . .L/-!S--:<? '7 T~ f2Wrlf ;J m()~ Electrical I1Qchar.ical. Const!"Ltction Lender Phone: 1t/ ~ (;;41.2 \ \. \ \ Zip, \<1-- \? vii (1 Desc-ribe h'ork: . _ / _ (', ~ - (), tJ. <LV m;;r~ -UtP valul/ I'/; ? 55. Siqr..ed: Date: (}0 Q-f5-';s'r; Address ~-E<L/ Lisc.# Eroires Phone It is the responoibility of the permit hoLder to BBe that all inDpections are made at the proper time, that each ~e8s is readabZe f1"Ol'fl the stl'eetJ and that the permi t card is located at the front of the property. *Bui!ding DitJi~ior.. approved plan shatz remain on tha Building Sits at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rceorderJ state yOUI' City designated job mm:ber.. job addrcss.. type of in3pec-;;icn requested ar.d when you wiZ-Z be ready for inspection.. Contractors or Owners ncme and phone nwnbcr. Requests received befere 7:00 a:;;, :..'iZ-Z- be made the same day.. requests mcde after 7:00 am !Jill be made the next :.kJrking day. Rp.mJ1:~'!rf T1'J.PJ:?t:>~ti(m.q D SITE INSPECTION: To be mule after e:r:cavation.. but pPior to set up of forms. O · UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is oovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION, To be mde after trenches are excavated and forms aJ"e erected.. but prior to pouring ccncret.;:. UND8RGrK!~/NT) PLUM!J.ING" SEWF:R. W,1TER.. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi l- .lir.g trenches. O- j , o UNDERPWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inotaZ,lation of 12001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decki7l{; , ROUGH PLUMBING. E:LECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ~ur.tiZ, these inspections have beer. made and approve'::. FIRE:PLACE: PPior to placir.g faeing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRANINC: Must be requested after approval of rough pL~hing.. eLectPi- .ca1, & mechanicaL. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys.. etc. rtr.J.st be :'completed. No work is to be con- ...".....cealed until this inspection has ~be~n made and approved. o D D D FIliAL PLUMBIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o n ...~~, ,~.~...:'~~':".,. ,--.. Your Cit;y Desigr.ated Job Number Ic: rc10:2 c.f3 O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: I DEUOLITION OR ;'.JOVEE BUILDIilGS To be made after a'll insulation CC'.d .. required vapor ba::rriers are in pZaae =:J Sanitary se'.Jer capped at p:.opert-:1.' line , "but hefore any lath.. gypswn board or wU covering is applied.. and before --, Septi:J tank pu,'77ped and filLed. with gra~el ~y insulation is concealed, --.J O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in place.. . but prior to any taping. . :J Final - mum above ite.~s aJ"e completed ar~ when demo1,itior. is complete or stru~- ture moved and prarmses c1,eaned up. D MASONRY, Steel location, boiui beamo.. grouting 01' vertiaa1,s in accordance with U.B.C. Section Nobile Hcmes 2415, D WOODSTOVE: After installation is" () 1S- BLocking and Set-u.p I ccmplet<d. 'x"i l b' . -~, o L:::1 P urn 'Lng connect1..ons -- sewer (/JILl. water I D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After formst' ~ ELectricaL Connection - B1,ocking.. set-up ! are erected but prior to pouring ~) ~ and pZwnbing connections rtr..lst be approved I ao~rete. . before requesting elec:Pieal inspection . O' SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- --, crete paving within street nght- ---1 Accessory Building pf-way.. to be made after aU exca- , vating '!(:m~let~ & form work & sub- ~ Final _ After p:)rcr..es.. . base matenal ,1..71.. p~e. . . C;;(.,C:::J etc. aJ"e completed. skirting.. decks.. O FENCE: When complete -- Provide gates or movab1,e sections through P,U,E. . o D -)'- All projebt ~onditions.. such as the installation of street tre~s.. c~~lotion of the requi~ed landsccpir.g.. etc... must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requested after the FinaL P~wnbing Electrical.. and Mechar.ical InspectiornJ have been made and approved. ~-,.. ~ ..,-,,"7"0:' ';r'~- - ~ _. ",," '- "" "^,,- -0 ---'.' ,-___ . , I . ,-. ~".:"-.~..- --: I JOB No.81od-'-!3 SOLAR ACC. I Zone: Occuoancu G1'OUV: Lot Sq, Ft{;. S ,f Lot Caverag< # of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM I Main I Ga:race I Carpo:rt IAcCe880~lJ I I IS,D.C, I SQ,FTG I I TOTAL VAWE (vaLue) 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surcharge Tota l r:ha.~ges lITEM I Fixtures IResidential (1 bath) I SanitaPy SeL)Br Wc:ter I NO. , I I I I I Plumbing Perrr:i t State Suzocr.a.rge Total Charoes lITEM Res. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Circuits Temporary Service Eleatrical Permit State Surcharae Total Charces lITEM I Furnace ETU' S I E=haust Hood Vent Fan JlOodstO'lJB I NO,; I I I I I I I I Permi t Issuance Mechanical permi t State Su:rcharae 'l'n-tn.! Cha::!"ru!ln WT TYPE Interior Coroner NO. -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~4rit~ D2~08it I Storage I Mainterla7'lae Permi t Total Cha1'QC8 Curbcu~ I Sidewa lk I Fen::e I Electrica l Labe l I Mobi le Home I I I I I l - I I I i- ~y 00 l n p . I I~/^ 3:2 t. Z-Z' Signed I I I I /~_O/{J I 1 . t;() I ~ I I /5. 100 I- I CHARGE i I I 1 1 I I 1/5,00 I 7, I . &0 1- ) d I (S. &DI- x FEE FEE FEE Panhandle Cul-de-sac I I I I I I 1,;U;(,8.;< Value CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I CIlARGE I , 3 (;;) R I . 2.0 1;)5. I ~age ~ REQ,- L-cod~ I Lot Face; - Setbacks I House Carape I Access. I I I I . BedI-oOr.1s: I I Enarou Soul'ces I .>ieat I Watel' RRntRl' I Range I FireD lace I woodi;tove II Tuoe . T;'oe/Cor..st: \. P.L. North lEast ISouth IWest Fees I 1 I I 1 I I , - I I ,f" I I- Building Value & Pe r m i t This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be BUDpended 01' revoked at c:ny time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. IpZan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: I Signed, Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instaU, alter or change any r.elJ 01' e...-isting plumbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber'8 license, except that a person may do pl:c.bing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appl.i- """t. " Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires that the eLectrical work be done by an ElectricaL Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of this permit shaLL r~t be vaLid untiL the labeL has been signed by the ELectricaL Contractor. Mechanical Pe r m it I I I I- PLan Exalmner uaee I IlA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the camp leted app licatian for pe,.",;. t, and do hereby certify that aLl ir.fo:mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work perfornled shalt be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringficUl, and th~ La:.;s of tho State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the work described herein, au! that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that G:1ly contractors ar.d e:rrpz"yees who (21'8 in compliance ~ith ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ;';-(5-f1 Oat. 1.\ 'O-D F~~I"J'ie.t0 0(\ . ,~"'j' . ~cJ7t -:s:- ~ B roOfV'.. t!l 10' v - 10' ~ ~ FI 'f- ~ ~ / :A)<.Lr D 01~ I-e.. LJ:cOe Y1c)h~1 ~..Jfo^1~ 1'. , 5 :--r ," S7dJe. v:A\ \<.. / . \ \ r' --- r"-' "--.. '/'):\ ,. ;:: _--' I ! 1..... _. I I r Dr<I'I.c VI}, Y IZ y ~-o I --j \1,", I ~ ,,-. , I .! , ,I '\ . , , , : "I - 11il:!81~~.- /-/ c-' fI1. E, ..- J 'l"?e 'Ii)-l :.. ,;.< ~ -~ '..) -- -7'- , (,. "1 , " ! . 10 I r-l_u_- I , ! , ! ; i I. i '"-, . j.. - .'"1, . .#):"" \ . I ! -~ , ! , , I-ORk,;).QQ1.@ , ,.~.:.:.;,:n: "1'" , A PLAIN LAIl\.l~~!",.\d~';!: ;":1" ..ej EM~R~R~:~~~~~E~O~~7~n Sjl.ES . PURC!(ASE'A ' ,.;.;!t. . >_.;,,;':'603(747-;4008-575 South "A" S~: . U~'12.~~;;;~.; :~~~~~i:1,;~~t\~;;~~:;~~{;,,~:i:}, ,'~':/ .~;y: :~'-fl.~~tit".,.., ,.'" '. ,-'.'" . ( / t ,'..." )1J'1I';p;)?~":"'~'~1t ,itj d. .~t'n '1'-}.-.. ..' ..-r -.AJ,c..~ "_ . I {}EUVER'( ~;;:~' . ",:,:: ". J ~ '\~'.., .~!IJJo.',r~~;~ :-'1",:' "",,~!,.'I:J.,! H. .', ' ~o;':1, ~, ADllAE<;S. '~.f ~~~lC i~~.';;"'''~%1 m,~. '~ti!(A-~'..~tt!fl'ft;4rJ~(:~~~)~::t1W~~'~ff~,"^;~;_. ~~(-~ ~!':'", ,::,j~,,;~~~;::. " ~""..-y.Jb ,(" > rl;;n~ ""ii-i-Jt,......~~......:iI~, ~.'"' , '1>-., ;~~f~.... fsJ.f.l.?, _.' . ' " ~: "':'ir)~~,.' :,1~~l~,i~';~"'(~'Jii\~:'~',~~Jf'~:<.i'I!)~.'j~?1~~t' . ;~".;;,:~.,<iP;:~,Jl':"':'>>' SALESPERSON .,~..J:!~J:i J!J,:':J' ',!j,~';!f~f " J '.::~". :":J'~ 1_ ~"?Jii:yt1~;,~.o~~~~~~~J;;~~f3luS'~'17f..7:o._, """(~'~-~,::"I,\'~~ I I "1"',1' "".\_'.':~~"''''RI'~~'''''contNcLThiiworcs.~and~''''''tothoDN''''''',;!~r~':'\ : J,\ ",~i\ ,,:J ,:,,~~ _ _ ~',Oi'ii:iIri'WiliiiOfiii'-"""'JOU.,..to..llandlegreetoPUl'Che..thefollowl .. unlt.,~'::" ",~~;~{/, I MAKE & MO()F.L ,";>r~~I': t~~''''1i~~''':~'''::;W\~:t'~~~~::;rlP!Z~l/'''?'' '<',1, ~" ',:ir;$?:iJ "YPf81IBDROOMSI FLOORS/ZE '~ITCHSIZE . STOCr:Nt/,',:RER:~ ' . j'!qC:;\..A.~:i(l '~~,.~ t~' ~~~ft~F~1:P':',lt!~bl("~~"':",4J',;'~,j}::"~lr (70 ' ". I 6"lw ~'f:l'170 JwJ~ Of ',' ;;7.~," , ;.1;'/1;:;'" I SERt~NUMBER\ ~'I~'( ":!J:\:..~'.~lt~i;~ ~ ~ ':~!"i':;~,;lo-\:~;;,.t::':"".1 "!, :",~;. ~l;fr'~,.,.. I CPf~~~11 AS ~" I PIj,OPOSED DEUVERY DATE' KEY NUMB~~~...~ '0~~ ~ ~-.", 'f \t,t'JfJ~~~'~t"1@.tr~ . 'r.~'JI :NEWl~'.-',,"" f1.USED1' ,; f"p~~1>1>'!"'. ~'(: , .-- . , , '.' ..-"..~. , '1 LOCATION.' ,'\ R'VALUE ICINESS TYPE OF INSULATION I ./' PRICE OF UNIT $ ).1 ,4-].5 00, I CEILING, . , 10 . 'lO f'16~~ OPTIONAL EOUlPMENT "'-.-t,,,,:,,, I EXTERIOR "'lVI.' rl'll~cM.s FLOORS S.'4'.91{:, IY:z.,."".~ fI~!, 1l,""L.+_s~!"l" I SUBTOTAL ,;1,/ 4)$ 00 I THIS INSULATION INFORMAfioN'WAS;.FURNISHED BY THEMANUFACTURER AND I . ' , "\ liS DISCLOSED IN COMPLIANCE WITfPTHE'FEDERAL TRADE COMMiSsioN RULE SALES TAX ) I 16CRF. SECTION 400,i6,""" , I I I oPTlOJiiAL'EOOIPMENT. L:ABOR AND ACCESSORIES . I NON. TAXABLE ITEMS I I 1. Price includes 'deliverY and.set.-up as per standard $ I I VARIOUS FEES AND INSURANCE I I I oarts and DroeediJreaareemenf; II I \ I I 2, Customer to obtain a.1I oeimits"at:own exoense, I II 1. CASH PRICE I $ 2 j ";:2S I ~ I 3, Wheels, axles.aIid,tires'liie:raevcled for ecoloov pur. I: 'I: THADE-INALLDWANCE $ _C;9?5000 II~ "II'" I' "I'" I!'" I. DOses and are notincluded,'in:thesellino price." LESSBALDUEDNABOVE $ ~ w I 4, Price inciudes standard'skirting, NET ALLOWANCE 2. 1 C;o I~~ I I 5, This aqreement is subiecnoaDProved financinQ, I I CASH DOWN PAYMENT ;;1.,0 "" 'II I I 6. Consumer Insulation Infomlation form signed, I I I ~:f:,~~~g~~~D < I I 1. i...,_ ~ i II 1.LESSTOTALCREDITS .. 1$ 00 .6, T1~ l'e&'. ,.1m'" I I I, SALES TAX I/f Notlnd>/ded Above' 1. 'j ,,}>:;. , . 'I II 3, Unoald Balance of Cash Ssla9rlC& 1$ /7 (" 55' 00 " " : : Title to said equipment Sh'- remain In you until t~ , ;. ,,' . . ,. I I I reed purchase price therefor IS pa.dTrlfull 0 in cash or " . " I by the execution of a 0 Retail Installment Contract, or, a I I Securty Agreement and its acceptance by a financing I I I agency; thereupon a title to the within described urjlt I passes to the buyer as of the date, of either full cash 1 . I . payment or on the signing of said' credit Instruments I I even though the actual physical delivery may not be 1 I . made until a later date. . I I 1 I 1 I I I I .. ~ '.,' 1.-, ," :'.:. ,.~~;,!~~":',::~0~, 'i..'>.~ '..::!.~.d~1t~.rtl~: DArE , ~-11:87. :" .' '''''I '::1' .~:,,:~ .. -'1 . . . " ~---_.., 1..- ~ '\' ':' ',' ",~,")-, ;'1.' " ';;;'. .. I,,' " ".w';'., ',I ',~,:';;',~ '. I ";1:;;'; ;: .,' You and I oertlty that the additional terms and conditions printed on't!1e ,c!ther side of this contract are agreed to as part of thls~alireement, the same as If printed above the signatures'; I am of statutory age or have been legally emancipated. I am purchasing the above described unit; the optional equipment, accessories and insurance, If I included, voluntarily. My trade-In 18 free from all claims i whatsoever except as noted. You and I agree that If any I paragraph or provision violates the law and is unenforc!l- I able, the rest of the contract will be. valid. I . . : ':1~' . " i':e~; , Rf:""'RI(~ I I I BALANCE CARRIED TO OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT l! I DEseR/pT!, 'IQF TRADE.IN (JflKJJIJ4ff. YEAR /178 II,fAKEiM,X~. p:, "-n. ;1. B~l?ROOMS /12'~E1f) I ,~_OWR._. SERIAL NO,' ~tt TITLE NO, r''''\~'JUt.'i C ,', iC TO WH9M$':ldO ~ ~..:F.lAOE iN DEBT TO BE PAID BY 0 DEALER " : EMERALD MOBILE HOME SALES . uu, ..._-~-_. - ';,,( Valid Unless Signed Bfld Accepled bl' lin Qlficsr of the Company. ~, _QL.. /~~ A. ,/fIwp.d, SuDjfJCt r/J 8cceptancp. of fmanc"'9l.>V ban/( or finance company. I I This agreement contains the entire understandlnSI J , . you and me and I no other representation or Inducem~nlw verbal Dr written, hS8,been' made 'I whl~h 18 1\01 contained In this _......... ., '. ~ BUYER I, OR WE, ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COpy OF THIS ORDER AND THAT I. OR WE. HAV READ AND U___ :~~, . '.' .THTHF;F; B BA~C(.~KK.. OO:F~ TIiI~ISS. AAG~;.E:::: DEALER ~I ,/ -._____ I .._,~.. _______m__ I.' :_. __.____BUYER S!GNED X. i SOCIAL SECURITY NO. . _mm.." / u _. ._.__..._ . ~~ rOi.',1/! 500,'] ,ICIl/(ins8lJ~ilJ..<:<:I.''''. '------. Mascoutii,'!.!I ',;!25S RfV,llR6 (}o(Jvrig/if 1!)R'1 ~ ""01\"/\j