HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-10-21 ,..- -. ..'....;..',"_.."...'"..~,...,...,.,-... .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION/PERHIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 "". ,-,"~", ..".."...'. 1.'-.0 \ .. /0 C;q / Rcae:pt !i -, .Job Loc,ti,": 1120 Fairview Drive #72 ABaeSCON M,p H) t103.:2 7 3 I ~r- Wl~ f/\R W- Uf ~'::~d; \0- 2.( -?t'! va!u~-SQQO Subdivision: a.mer, Paul West Add.-ess: 1120 Fairview Drive #72 City' Springfield, OR 97477 n~/P'., n Additicn I n RemodeL i f)('l :!ob~!. Ham" i r Date of AppZ-icaticn :..'on~rac:;ors Cenera! f).;, (\ 0 ')~ PlWThing l( ~ \1 E!c.:'t':--::c::l .. ICkuVlO, 1'0 ,I Nech-:rr.ical. ,I Conatl"Llcti071 !.cndel" T= Lot H {)n (0 on Phon.. (?2b~5!l83 Message) Zip' 97477 \\ )- ,IS;O DB8C1""~be II'ark: tb Pt-i21 Cu ICJ-~( _reF/ Add.-ec.:: Li30.1I Ervircs ?non~ ()nM. ") .I: ~o the l'SBponDibil.ity of the permit hoLder to BBS that aLt inspections are made at the proper time~ that each ~6BS is re~b:e fram ths,stl'eet, and that the permit card is l..xated at the front of the property. .Euildi~4 Diui=io~ approved pLan shell remain on the Buildin~ Sits at all times. PROCSDURE FOR ItlSPE~IOl1 P'SQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, job adC.....css, type of in::pec-:icn requested a~~ when you wiLl be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners r~e end Fhone number. Reques:s received cej~re 7:00 ~ :.."iU be made th€ Bame dc.y, requests made aft~ 7:00 ern l.JiU bz made the n.::xt :JOrking day. l?eaui...{!d Tr':s~pr!tic.,.,<> . 0 SITE ItlSPEC':'ION: To be made after ercav~tion, but prier tc set up of forms. O W1DERSLI..B PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & N~CHA:,'ICItL: To be made before any work i8 ~ouered. Your City Deaigr.J2ted Job Nwnber ID:, g7D g02- o FOOTING ~ FDUND.1TION: To be mads after trenches are excavated and forms al"e erected, but prior to pourir.g ccncreti:. U!.'DSRCROUHD P[.UMEINC, SEllER, W.1TER, DRAIl/AGE: To be made prior to fi!- lir.g trtmches. [J o UfJDERFLOO.~ PLUA'BI.'lC & MECHANICAL: To be mace prior to in3taz,zation of [Zoor insu1.a tion or decking. POST AND BEAN: To be 17'.adc pri,or to insta!!~r;icn of floor ins~tation or deckin; . ROUCH ?LtP.,'BI!/G. EJ:EC'T,~!CA!. & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be co~ered . ur.~i! thcs9 inspectior.s have been made ar.d approved. FE~EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing mcteriaL8 and before framing inspec- tion. FRA"~[,'!G~ NU3t be I'equeated after appl~v~l of rough plumbing~ ~lectl'i- oal 4 mechanical. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys, et;]. m'.J.st be . completed. flo wrk is to be CQn- .. cealed until thiD inspection has . bt>cn mad;; and approved. D o ~ =:J =:J FIliAL PWgBIIIC ~ FIlIAL J.fE~HA!IICAL =:=J FINAL ELEC':RICAL I o o VENOLITIO!! OR ;~,'OV!'; s:.:ffDIXs ::J Sani tal"Y se'..Jer ::xrpped :::',t ;n:.opcrt";j Zir.e =:=J Septic tank lT~~;;d and fille~ with gra~eZ INSULATION/VA PO.!? R.4RRIER IHS?~CTIO/l: To be made after an insul.::.ti::m ar.a~ roqu-:.red vapor carriers are in place but ceforo any l.ath~ gypswn boa:rC. or wU covering is applied, and before any irwul.ation is concealed. o ---, Final - r!hen abcve ite,".'Js arB ccm-oletcd ---l and when demolition is complete or st~=- ture moved and pr;;mi3es cleaned up. DRYWAT-L IflSPECTrON: Te be made after aU drywall is in pUzce~ but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting or vel'ticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241~. o I Nobile Hemes ~Btocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbing. connections -- scwer and Wa~el' ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, se~-u? ~ and plumbing com:ections m'...st ce approve': befol'c l'eque8t~ng electrical in8pectio~ o o After installation is ~ C;, CURB t APPROACH APRON: Altezo forrns/.; are created but prior to pouring y oon=rete. WOODSTO~/E : ccmplet€d. o SIDEI-IALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- =:=J Acaes::orb' Building of-r,x;y, to be made after an exca- \ vating ccnl~let~ & fOr::J wrk & ~ub- 'X"!Final _ After p~rcr.es, base =ter'a!. '". place, . ~,:-=:J etc. CU'e ",,",p!e=ed. PENCE: When compl.zte __ Provide gates or movable sections through 0 P,lj.E. 8kirting, decks~ o o All project cor.ditions, such a8 the instaLZation of street trees, co~le:ion of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be r2quc8t2d. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection MUst be l'eque3ted cltel' tha Final Plwnbi"3 ELectricaL, and Mechar.icaZ Inspections have been made and approv~d, "AU, n~.':HC'!..r:S AND C!.F.ANCl/':'S .'!!/E'l' !!.r:: IlC(,E8~7"E!F', A!'.lUS'!'.'~?:.''!' TO EE ".~1D.~ !-:T !:O ~~S'!' TO CITY I D~,~... ! (If' 2 JOB NO. k~O 60;)" SOLAR ACCESS Oc:cupal1CU Gro'...I. :Zonc: ILot Sq. F~. ! ~ of lot Caverag& : i! of Stories I i Total Height , ! Topography II'J'EN , I.',lain j Gc::rnclt , , I Carvcrt i tAccessol'u I SQ. FTC I I TOTAL VAWE i S.D.C. 1.5", (vaLUe) Euilding Fermit State Surcharge Total Cha:ogea : ITEM ~ FL-tt::res NO'I I I I I ,Residential (1 bath) j Stmitary Set.Jer , ;.rete!' Pbr.:bir.g Perr.:i t State Surcr.tll"ge Teta! Chcraas . :TE,'.: I NO, i FEE I I, I I I I .l?es. So. rta, 'N~/EZtend Circuits .' ; Temporary Service EZe=trical Permit St::.te Sur=harqe Total Charces ~-T2,',! iJC. I Frr Furnace PTU'S I E=hau.s t Hood I Vent Fan I I i/oodsto:Je I I I 1 Permit ISSUartC2 Me=hanic.:1l Pel'mit State Surcharooc T"tr.1. Chn"'tut!l -- ENCROACHNE,VT u Se~...Iritu D2~03it Storage Maintena__r..:!€ Permi t Total Charaes Cw':X:".J.t Sidew.:zZk .f:'cn=e !lect1'1~Cal Labd ~ \3>t> ( -e:, XobiZe Home ~f C'- ~,?TAL' AN1U,','T DUE::-4 I I t I I 'l/s;oO I 751-3\ 1/5.751, I 1 I I 1 I I I I I ../.'-, 1-3"),- 1/5.751, I I I I LOT TYPE: Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac: x I Val.ue I I I I I i I !)~ IJO FEE CHARGE CHARGi:; Ie;; 00 CHARGE I I I I .20 DS. O'U, (.t...~ I 132, q,c;-I. REQ,- L-COG~ I I I I I \ I I I, 1',1 . II II Access. I I Ii II II II T;'oe/Cor.st: Beiroor:-:s: f.nero:J So~rces Heat I T~C'e I we Faces - I I P.L. Worth lEast iSou th IWest Setbacks , House Carape I I I I Water Yf'ntp,!, Ra11{:c Fireolace Wooa:::;tot:e Fees Building Value & Permit This permr;t is granted on the exprecs condition that the s~id.construction 8halZ.~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of '. Springfield, including the Zoning erodinance, regul.c.ting the ccnstru.:::ticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revokec at cr.y time upon vic~' lation of any provtstor.o of said Ordir~nCC8. ,')J I I I, IPlan Check Fee: IVate Paid, IRecdpt g, ISig"-ed: I I. I I I I I I, I Plumbing Permit No pereon chaIt constructl instalZ, atter or change any new cr e=isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole;or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ercept tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work-to property which is ~~ed,. leased or operated by the appli- cant. : \ \ Electrical Perm it Where State Law 'requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontraator. , I Mechanical Pe r m it .. I I I I I I I I I, I I I r3Lf I-n jJeu-J( C{~ PLan Erc:mt.ner l,..'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!1I!lED the completed application for permit, aru:i do hereby certify that all 'i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and L further certify that any ar~ all uork perfo~ed shall be do~e in ac~or- dance :.?ith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th;: La..;s of tha State of OregDn p::;rtainino to the lJOrk described h~re-:.n, end :ha: NO OCCU- PAnCY will be made of any~structure without par.mis3io~ of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contra::tors ar.d e:npz"yess who are in c~pliance with DRS 701.05~ will be used on this proj~ct (0 ~J-( -60 Signzd /klte , lI!!l"~"~~"""'i,'~':"" ""'.'1 'l''''''''1I'l"rJ~'~\ " "'f; .'. ,.t It" .~ 'y" '~\""~'~ \ :~'I~' .. ~ i': . l - -~"1 I,~,~ Great Western Mobile Homes :~ 5024 Main Street '~t " SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 'fl 503n26.2171 I DEC"'M " '. 'lcl~'.('IS}'/h//f ' .;#//A~ .""ONE NlnRfSS :d,f..ry?'/~;p.Z"Jj ADDRESS:. SALESPERSON r- ~ " --~ l'::;'."';'~! f~<-;~ ' . - . . .' " .' ; ...~~~ :'~!.'fn ~ '1' , '.~ lnth1acOntr.cttheworda,!.~!!!J'.....tou.su,..,andCo-Buyw,t&Gntnithle~Thewords~.nd~"""totheDllllter.,. ~". 1 ....~:, ','1 ~ ~ F'~~j'~ ~w_..~;;;;;:~ YOU"'[/Wa;;;i:;o~;::;~;'"". i L'l.m~'0]:~~~~~,U18~'::" I s. ~": SERI"W~RI.t/' -.' I COLOlff' I PROPOSED DELfVE Y.DATE I KEY NUMBEfIS. ':,' '~~ ~ ~.,' .;,1. ~:n~': R'V~LUE ~~~:SS ~~SO~~NSULAno'~;-c' '".; "~ " , 'PRICE ~F~~rr $ j;~~~~; ~.l fr I if i r~ IIINr. I OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT '.:n !Ii EXTERiOR IUU_U ~ tJ FLOORS ,I I SUB-TOTAL . ! ~ 'i THIS INSULATION INFORMATION WAS FURNISHED BY rHE MANUFACTURER AND I ;, ~ :~i~,~.;..:.'..~.t,;" l~g~~C~~~~/~~/>J4~OI~PLlANCE WITH THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION RULE II SALES TAX ,: ".,;i " . OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. LABOR AND ACCESSORIES NON- TAXABLE ITEMS ,I "';~l $ I VARIOUS FEES AND INSURANCE ' , · ~ !'~'il , , ' ()td -tJ. I i ~~l' '~'j .fr: f/ ~ ~~J 4-tY,! ~;:;:~~;::~~v; : ,t~ I" ill 'PI! ~t I I NET ALLOWANCE g ~:': ":' ~;;;l~;;;;:EN7. I ~ f I ~A~::~;~~;~~~:~~:~d Above) $ 'I :ll! t~ ! 3. Unoald Balance of Cash Sala Price $ I ;r." ' ..... ! Title to said equipment shall remain In you until U.e ag:..: ~. , I reed purchase price therefor Is paid in full 0 In cash or S tl.r" . ' by the execution 01 a 0 Retelllnstellmen. t Contract, or e'.' ~ il!\.,* .Securty Agreement and its acceptance by a IInanclng.! ~ ,11';, . agency; thereupon a title to the within described unit 11' !!l.') passes to the buyer as 01 the date 01 either lull cash ,~":; I I payment or on the signing 01 said credit Instnil)1!irta :.ll f., 1 '. even though the actual physical delivery may nOtlbe , ,~..' I .:, mada until a later date. : '..,~ I~ 1!:~'1 You and I certify that the additional tarms and,COndltlOna'-'" :i .!If.~ I " printecl on the other side 01 this contract are agreed tg,l I. IV I I as part 01 this agreement, the same as II printed above, ~ f!,..,. the signatures; I am 01 statutory age or have been'Ie9aIIy.; , j'i,; I I emancipated. I am purchasing the above de8criiled unit;" ~. ",', """",",s,. I the optional equipment, accessories and Insurance, It" I Iii'" I I Included, voluntarily. My trade-In Is lree from ,aU:cIalmil~ I ;;;;, . I whatsoever except as noted, You and I agree that II anyt I ~ I. BALANCE CARRIED TO OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT $'>' "~,,,~,- I ' ,I ~~~:,g:~:~c::; ':;fo~:I~~~:~~:e:,:~~a:af,~~ Isune~~~1 ~ k~{ ~::~~::: OF TRADE"~ BEORO::; SI~E : This agreement contains the entire understanding between you enelme enell ,U.;/ COLOR SERIAL NO, TITLE NO I no other representation or Inducement, -verbal or written, has been made~ ~ ~: ,I AMOUNT QWING TO WHOM" which Is not contained In this contract. " ..' '~ If< TRADE-IN DEBT TO BE PAID BY 0 DEALER 0 BUYER I I, OR WE, AeKNOWLEDG~ RECEIPT OF-A COPY OF THIS ORDER AND THAT Ii "" I I, O(iWE, HAVE READ AND UNOERSTAND THE BACK OF THIS AGREEMENT.;j I;:,. . GREAT WESTERN MOBILE HOMES DEALER SIGNED X ~8UYER I :th' . Not V8Iid_l}nl~SS Signed and Accepted by an Officer 01 the Company, ' , " ~o/:T SOCIAL SECURITY NO.__ . . ,I ~'.'"J,' .-::;;;-"Y' ~ SIGNED X~_ : BUYER" ,j . ' _ FlY-~"'" ./ d-t!f'/'--C....c..-L--'- , Jl f,l ' .~rQ.'ltd, SlIl,ft,ct tV'rt~t"pl..r1i:e of IlmmClIll) tl}' l'll1l~ (I' IIlllJnC'f) company SOCIAL SECURITY. NO, __ ___~_____I 1ft" "\. FORM 500 3 ",,,'j.,l/l.~IIW,,t'(l<;l'/'I'm,,' Ii,';,. ,) ;, &: 1"--. y.l,...,,,;rit/,II(.,.'.':,:I ii' L. t ll''l'IY'''''' ~ t~~~:f._. . __._ _"_ W~: ~ORM 5001 @ ~,~ A PLAIN LANGUAGEi'T ,'PURCH~E AGREEMENT ':i~.., UCC s 2.201 .: 'f'~ -1.--.- REV I'Rtj (:e>;:wrtll"II~3 C):-HCHNAL ,; \ .' . . t y/-e\.;-f . SJ;0' "'. / :-b.~? 1 I ~\.~, f~ 1 j\... jd 'j {; I 'I " \ . r s;~/e 0;4 J1l6ht/e f/tj;:~ ", 'f-JI'II/o It '.... \. ""y / :JJ~0:(j I 1 1 I I ....... ~ I , . _. ..,_. _. ___ .L _ . .elf'::' v ! u~: _ --. - - -'r--- I, \1 -~ ... , \("Z.o 'ftWLU~ *- 72- '6'lo~ oz... ~!v~f jl s,;~ce. A'~ 7~ to I ~ \! " ~ \" I 'J I A (\,. ~J i'~ Q . e 1.1 Ic/f pi " . '11.(' ~ , , \ 1 u.-> !.' F!VY;' . J {)f':~-2 ~,;,y 1~y.SO ! i v I, , I I tS!:'. . -- - - .- . -- -- --- -_.. -"-..' --- -- - \ - /---,.- ~-~_. ,. . I , .. , . I , \.}' , - -.--> I