HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-6-23 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ,.... "" ..'ob Location: //:;;20 ~~ #- /1 rJ, ~ ,;J 73/ Ta:r: Lot # %; 00000 ~.J- f?c.dIJ m;a)pA1.4) X''73/oo .J.pAh~LJ@f.!1e/'-I ?U-6f~3- //~.dA- q 7eff!} Zip: cJi;;;:;;' ~ M-(f ~. h-(}g ~fo Value 1 ~ FCJ8 ASGeS80rS ft'.ap # Subdivision: CUner: Address: City: n n n rx1 Np:.l Addi tier! Rer.'lodeZ .'fob-=. Ze .9oma pate of AppZiaaticn ,.:on"tracr::oI'S Genera! ,oj >;"A'ZIo_,;. ~~ PLumbing ()un/lJj'o.J EZe~t'l'ica1. ll..t..LJ,.,P AJ Me::har.ic,: Z CO"st~~ction L~nder Aaa:....es.::; . Rcae:vt .it ;9, h~,:;::Yl vf c!J-tJ!C Siar:ed: ~ (;, -;.;.:s -Y:: f.-, Data: Lisc.~ i:~t-ras F,;'.or.[; I~ is th6' responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that alZ incpeations are made at the proper tim~~ that ~ach ~es8 is ren~n~:e f'I'Ol1l tM Btreet, and that the permit ca:Ni is l.ocated at the fron.t of the property. *'Eui!di~1{j" Divi:;io'!'". Cl??roved plan slu:.1.l. remain on tlu Building ~it.; at aU times. ?'?OC::!)-:'PE FOR I,,'lS?~C':'ID!J RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcaorderJ state your City desigr..:::.ted job ~~qu~s;ea a~a w~en you wiZl be ready for ir.sp~ction, Contractcrs or Ow~ers nc~e cr.d Fr~r.e ",'iZZ be made the sar.;e dcy, requests made aft~l' 7:00 a'7l trill b.:; made t,1e n~xt :,;ol'kir..g cU:.::.. _::t;?mJi~~.-i' rr.";r:'''''!'':~:(";'''.~ D CJ SI?E' L"E::~';':'::J:.': To be mad.e after excavati.:m, but prier to Set up of forms. UtlDE.QSL!,3 PU,/.'.f3I,';C. ELE::TRIC.1L (1 ,'.:ECH.~,7IC;':": 70 be made bejexpe any work is ,;:ov~l'ed. ~ FOOTING !i FOU:W,1TION: To be rrade afte:. trenai:es are excavated and forma are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. UNDERG.f?OU;.TD ?:"W.{2INC. SEWER. r.~1TER. DRAIlIAGZ: To be made prior to fi 1.- lir.g trenchee. =:J =:J UNDE,"?FLOOR PLU.'.'BI.'lc (; MECHANICAL: To be mace prier to ins"tai.l.ation of f100~ insulation or decking. POST ArID BEAM: To be made prior to instaZ-laticn of floor ins~latior. or deckiTZ{; . ROUGH PLU!!BT.'.'G. E[Fr.-r~ICA[' to UFC1{- At/ICAL: iio :.xlrk is to DC cOL-'ered ur.ti1. these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve'::. FD?EPLACE: Frio1' to placir.g feeing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. I FRA!1INC: Must be reque:;ted'after ---.J approval of rough plwr.bing, el.ectri- cal. & mechanical. AU roOfing braeing /; chimno::ys, etc. TTr..lst be ,compl.eted. !lo wrk is to be con- -" cealed until. thin inspection has " . be~n made and approved. :=J =:J =:J Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Number Io: o I::Si.'L,1.'!"ION/VAPCH PAHRIE:R D.rS?f:CTIO;'.:: To be r.-.ade after all. insuZ-.::ti.?n tr.".d reauired VaD01' carriers are in tJ 1.ace but cefo1'e any'1.ath, gypsum beard. or wall coverina is appZied, and oelore any insulation is concealed. nwc.ber, job a~css, t~pe of ir.~pec~icn n~er. Reques:s recei~2a ce;~p~ 7:90 ~ /(0 () Lf 3 (?2... I ;)Ei:a~ITIO;'! C~ .~..JrE':: B;../I:'D~:;:;S ~ Sani=ar;J seJer capped =t p~opo;rt:"i Zir.e :=J Septic tank p:","",?~d tr.".d f:'Z~.td :.r:"th gra:;,,'aZ :J Finel - rmer. c1J.,--ve ite:~s are c~letc.i ar.a uhen demoLitior. is ca~iete or st~~~- tu......e moved and pr;mrises cle:::ned up. I I'-obi Ze Hcmee o DR!fIALL nlSP~CTION: Tc be made after all dPywalZ is in p1.ace, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bona beams, grou=ing or verticaLs in crecordance lJith U. B. C. Section 241t. wOODSTm'E: Aftep installation is ccmpZetcd. ~ Blocking and S2t-~p ~ PZ~hing connect:.ons s~er ar.d ~atel' \71 Electrical Ccnnection - Blockir.a, set-u= .t=J and plumbing connections rrr...st l:~ ap?1'.?;;e~ befopc request~ng e!ec=ricaL inspec=io~ .=J Accessor;-l BuilC.:.ng \7l Fin.a.l - Aft.:1' p.?rc1:es, ~ etc. are co.mple;~d. sk~rting, decks, o o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ foms are erected out prior to pouring .::oru:rete. SIDEWALK & DRII-'EWAY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & ~ub. base material in pZaae. o All project aonditiona, such as the instaLlation of street trees, co~lction of the required l.andsca.pir.g~ etc., must be satisfied beiore the BUILDING FINAL can be r2quest~d. =::J FINAL PWlfflIllG ::J FIliAL /.IE~HA.'IICAL =::J FINAL ELECTHICAL =::J o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeation must be l'equeated after the Piruzl Pl~binq Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiona have been made and approved. o o !'ENCE: Wher. compZc;te -- Provide gates or movabl.e sections through P,U.E, /fALL l.fANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE,'lT TO BE gADE J.T NO C':!ST TO CI'!'Y I P::ge :1 of 2 o JOB NO, ~3~c:~a~:RG:~_ s Z01!a: REQ,- L-COG'1 ~ J . " 'I'~"pe/Co"'.8t .. Bed:roor.:s: Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - II Erzernu Sources : "f lat CJl)erag~ Interior I Setbacks I I h'cat I P,L, I House I Caraae I Access, I Water Hr.otf'YO .~ of Stories Corner INorth I I HarJ.f:rJ :'ota! Height Panhandle lEast I I I Fil'cviace . Topography CU1.-de-sac ISou th I I I Wc;oa::::tot:e IWeat I II :'!'E.'.J SQ. FTC X I .'.[ain CCracp. I Carocl't I ..J.CCCSSOl':'J I I TOTAL VALUE I (VC.t.-uc) I S,D.C. 1.5 ::: Value /4'[35 . I I l Building Permit State SW'cha:rge Total Cha-:oge3 :':'EM I !l0, I CHARCE FEE .t'i:::=-.o.:res ~esidential (1 bath) :ar.i t:::.t",J Sewer' :ict,;::!' Plu.~bir.? Pe~ t / e:;. 'fYO . &'0 I (5. roD I ' State S:crcr.al'ge Tctat C',.~'!'aas ":". 1:.'-,1 I ~,__-u,".. I I I I I /.5: 0-0 I -faD I I JS.WJ I. .~CS. s~. ftc. ;~w/E=tend Ci1'~~i:s :~crar~ Service EZectrical Permit St:=te Su:rcr.arae Total Cr.arces _-77:.~ - ---I "c:. I I I I C,::;-,~:;.=; FE:: :-~r..:2ce ETU' S .::':::haust Hoo.: .cent Fan /::Jods to~e PePmit Issuance Me::hanic::l Pe't'rrrit State $u.rchc:roe Tot;n1. '?:.'7."'aea i.'NCROACH1,1B'T 'cc:"..l"rit~ DZPo3it ::ol'a~e '7intenar.::e :~rmi t Total Charoes :lJ"'bC"'.4t I I I r:11ro & p., I f 2f) I 1:::2S" _~O I I I I I ()oy,7.5'1 . {dez.J.2lk :m~e Zectrical Label .?bile H:xne JTAL ANOUNT DUE:.t T:Jr'e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construction shall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning C't'dinance, regulating the ccntJtI"'.4::ticn and utJe of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic- Lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISig"ed: Plumbing Permit No per~on Ghall constpuct, instal!, alter 01' change any r~u cr c=isting plumbing Of' drainage syste~ in ~hole Of' in part~ unless sucn person is the_ legal possessor of a valid pLumber's license, except trAt c pe~son ~~y do. plumbing work to property which is ow~edJ leased Of' opercted by the appli- cant. . Electrical Perm it Where State Law reauires tr~t the electf'ical wor~ be done b~ an Elcctric.2Z ContractorJ the eL~a=~~aaZ ~or=ion of this Dermit sr~ZZ r.o~~be valid ur.tiZ the Zabel has been zigned by the ElectricaZ. Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit I I I I I I. Plan l:.Xaminer uaUJ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for' peromitJ and do hereby certify that atl i~fo~ation hereon is true and corrcc=~ end I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shall be do:;.; i.r. accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringficldJ and th= L~~s of the State of Oreg~n pcrt~ining to the work described here~nJ end ti~t NO OCCU- PlNCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di. vision. I further certify tr.at o~ly contractors and c7Ipl.:;yees lJho are i;: compLiance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project ~~~Q AQ~ ^ !fl~ Date ~ "\j / '- ".,' ~ ';'~ -" .-,1" ,-- .../ I I.'L.---. .---..------------,..----- D', - \"<<" .. - "jY;:. 'v.,,; IZ'I<':;-O --~ . " i ':>7' I IV:;., <...:J i " 'f: -. ;<-\,.., I. I i~ ~ I ~ .'" ).1 , ,.,~-, , ,.....,,'J::... ,---. J 'PE:V/," ;',;i' . ~ '..) '-.'1 I 101 (1.,--- i , ! J" V'I ~r:u,_~.~.. i , ! -"~ ,~~::..i;~~~~~" I ~vv2B~'07 I ---"'-'3066 Ine 30, 19B6 i Property Descriplion ao, Number) 19B5-B6 1 Map Number I Parcel 1nP~ORSIONAJTOW~';iPI ~a~ge ISe~:nll~4 11~61 05401 MOBILE 110ME Acre' roperty Taxes I Class Sub-class I Pull Number H axpayp.r 'ther nan 'wner STEPHENS LESLIE E B7B60 TERRITORIAL VENETA OR 974B7 & RUTH RD 1119 I~ . ^ Ic I Special 0 Interest ~ I True cash value is reduced by a percentage factor to'give assessed value. A A 1 S o 1 N I SITE ADDR IN LANE COUNCIL OF GOVT FILE: B7B60 TERRITORIAL HWY SAHARA X013280i:.. 13146 Delinquent Taxes Interest Included Tax Year =oreclosure proceedings will be Hafted after July 15 on real 1roperty accounts with an un. laid balance fOf any tax year narked with an asterisk (*), ::LEASE ,\tlAKE: Amount "I>,YI,I=i'iT ~O: Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation 'neck IOiSCJllil Cfl511 [lotal I cnango ~O.~53.008-3 (5,ci1! MOBILE HM , EXMS Net Assessed Value Tax Rate Each $1000 Property Taxes Current Taxes Levied By SCHOOL 2BJ LANE ESD EL LANE ESD HI LAN COM CLGE VENETA FIRE VENETA LANE COUNTY ,.,."..;r 10,750 9,B90 10,320 32.07, 330.96 9,B90 32.33 319.74 Tax Rate Tax Amount 17.60 .49 .25 1.76 3.11 B.OB 1.04 174.06 4.B5 2.47 17.41 30.76 79.91 10.2B TOTAL RATE 32.33 Property Tax Totals Less Payment By State of Oregon A 55 pS E E CS IS ^~ LN T S l(Oi~lla,i'~ <lnO ASSeSS"1Hlt~ lAtter Stal" p""",,,nl But Belo,e DI~CDunll 3.1.'1. ('1 B7.BB 231.B6 I I FULL. 3% I Discount Allowed. I i Pay By 6.96 1 11-15-B5 3.09 IPay One of These Amount5 ! 224.90 , 151.47 77 .2B ../ . ,-. ~ ;':::-"-;.:~'7.;:;~::;'t~,-:%~.'!:( i.:~:<j,;:,;;.;~r"f!:~~'~f!!f?)ij.jfi/!i~~,- ',.. '. ., .. ~. - . ~ - .-;,,:...-, :'-- ',,-,.,,- ,"'''''~' , ,- , '... - '.' :;: " '.. .~. t<f,~~~~~~~i\~ ,;,'~~" '."''''--'-'-',' -,:"""",.-."~-".,,,-;.,,,;'''''--- ~'. ~::> .:~~~;.:'~,:~;:~':~.~:_~~;:2~;~-'~2-;~.~ '-. <,..'!.:.~~,;, '. 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