HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-6-23 ,-, .. RESIDW.JTIAL" APPLICATION !PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpI'ingfieZd. Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 1/,;;20 =l~~ l'703,;J73! #/'7 Ta:t: Lot # tJO~~f) I 11 /'~A~ k h;~ /1-/15 ~ ~;& ~ IALiJ .-/ I AsoeSDors Map # Subdivision: Q.mer: Acidress: CitrJ: nN~., n Additicn n R~odeZ f\lJ !fobi l2 Eom~ J pata of Appliaaticn L:on:~l'a-=:ors Genera! .ctual-tcJtfAAjA~ Plumbi~ (t I' Phone: ..Jt6- ~6,f' Zip: D~:~ id-rr to ?-3 ---8''=' Value f c2 /) 5DO Sle~t'1'icaZ On.Tvl DJ. 1 f.1e::;..ar.ic~Z Const~~ction Lender Aci1i.....ess . Rcce;pt< f5 (,.,(n(n,Q?, /f Jd-fJK- Sirmed: Data: CL.- IO - .;2. 2, - X-~ Lisc.p. E:;:::)il'tJs F,;'.on.:: It is thE responsibility of the permit hoUiel' to see that all innpections are ~ade jr-om the street. and that the permit cW'"d is l..::Jcated at the front of tr.e property. ~Eu.i?di~.9' Df.vi=io~ CI??rot:ed pLan sh::.z.l, pemain on th.; Bu::..l.dinp Sit;; at aU times. ?~C=::!):'PE FO?, T:'lS?::~TIOll RE"c:'UEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcc:order) state uour Citu desiar..:;.ted job n:ur.:ber, ~~u~~s:ca a~a u~en liOU wiZ~ De ready for ir.sp~ction, Contractors or Ow~ers~~~e end ~r~nc n~cr. :.'iI.Z. be made thG same dey, requests made eft;;:!' 7:00 CL7l will 0.2 made the next :JOrkir~ cia::. :)~rr_l'i.".~.~ T"'~"'''(!-':7:r...."~ CJ (':,"':"'1:" I.lc::--;'::".......~.,.l. T' ' . ...~._ .,_._~_.:...'.,. o Demaae ! ercav~tiQn, but prior tc set forms. ~ after up of W1DE.f?Sr.:.? FrJ..'.'.f3INC, EL"E~?P.ICiL & ,'.ZCl-Ui.'IC:'L: '7'0 be maae before work is ~ov~red. any ::J FOOT.we ~ FOU:,'VATICll: To be muie afte~ trencnas are excavated and forma are erected, but prior to pou~r~ ccnc:ret~, U!o'DERC.C?OU.'/!J P~UMEINC. SErIER. r..~1TE& DRAIllAG2: To oe mo.:ie prior to fil- l.ir.g trenche:::. =:J =:J U/JDERFLOO.f? PLUJ.!BTNC & MfCHANICAL: To bo made prior to in~tal~tion of f1oo~ insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.adc prior to installation of [2001' insLO~tior. or decking. ROUGH PLU?:BI.'.'r;_ PT.EC'T,?TC4!.. .~ MECH- ANICAL: Vo work is to bc covered until thcsP- inspec:tior.s have beer. made and approve.:!. FI.C?EPLACE:" Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. I FRA!1INC: Muat be requeated.after ~ approvaZ of rough pl~bing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU l'Oofing bracing t chimneys, etc. nr..lst be ,corrrpZetcd. !lo L1:Jrk is to be con- " cealed until this inspection has ~. 'be~n madc and approved. =:J =:J =:J Your' City Desigr.atcd Job !lumber IG: D n:Si:LA7'ION/VI1P[l;; FARRIER IHS?ECTIO:i: To be ".ade after all insuZ-.::;ti.:m a:-.d raau-:.red VaDor "tarriers are in Dlace but cefore 'Cny'lath, gypswn ooard or wall coverinais aPvlied, and bejore any irwuZatiOn is concealed. at the proper tim~, that ~~ch =ddress is re~~~~:e job accrcss, ~~?e of ir.~pec~icr. Reques=s I'ecei~ed cefcre 7:90 ~ Rio fY/3 / j DE::~LITIO;'.' c.=: ,~:.:n-7: jj:..'ILD~::';S :=J Sanitar;j 8e'.Jer ::appea ::t p~op;;r~' lir:2 ==:J Septi~ tank tr~~ed ~.d f~l~ed Lr;th ~~~eZ I Final - flher. aiA...-ove ite:~s are c~lete.:i ~ arod when d~o~ition is c~Z-ete or B:~~~- t~~e moved and pr~3es cZ-e.::;ned U? f.!obile HemeE ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections s~er ar.d water ~ Electrical Connection - Blockir~, se:-u= ~ and plumbing connections nr~st t~ ~?r~ve~ before request:.ng eZec:rical inspec:io~ :=J Accesco1"d Building \7l Fin:::'! - After p::Jrcr.es, ~ etc. are cample:cd. skirting, decks, D DRYWALL nlSPECTION: To be made after aU drywall is in place, but priol' to any taping. ~MSONRY: Steel loc:ation, bond beam3, grouting 01' verticals in acc:ordance with U.B.C. Section 241&. D All pl"o,fect conditions, ~uc.l-:. as the 1.',nstalLation of street trees, co.~lct.i..:m of the required Zandsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied bcfore the Bl.'ILDI/,'C FIliAL can be r.2questsd. :=J FIliAL PWliBIIIG =:J FINAL Mf:~HA.'IICAL :=J FINAL ELECTHICAL ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be reque:?ted c:ftel" the Pinal Plur.:bing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiona have been made and approved. o D WOODSTm'E: After installation is completed. -ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS nu~ BE ACCES$IBL~, ADJUST!fE.'IT TO ~E J.:'1DE AT !.'O C:JST TO CI"!'Y I P:!pe ! of 2 o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are ere:1ted out priOl" to poitring con.::rete, SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For all con- crete paving ~ithin strect right- of-l.X;y, to be made after all exca- vating comprete & form WOl"k & sub- base material in pla.::e. o D PENCE: When co:npl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . D JOB NO, r1(oO 1$/ . Zone: SOLAR AC~S Occur;ancu Grou~. ; [bt Sq. Ftg. : ~f lot Caverag~ .;; of Stories :""'otat Height , Topography LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac IT:::.! SQ.FTG X Value .'.fain Ga:rac:e Camort .4ccessoru TOTAL VALUE lVC"UC) L:?2..?.so 3.D,C. 1.5 :: . Bu.ilding Permit I I State SUX'ch.::r::rge I Total Cha:-ogea I. :"'~.',' 1110./ FE2 CF.AP,GE :i=i:"..a'i!S :~esiC.er.tial (1 bath) 5a:r.it:l1"'J Sewer :;ct€!" Plu:::bir:g Perd. t ~5.00 .(.,ol 15.(.,D I. State S;.aocr.arge Teta! C'r:c:!'oas ~~CS. S:::. f::c. ~~~/~ter~ Cir~dits I ,.c. ; I I I "",'n'"__ I I I I I I /S_ O'D I .G,-cl J 5 . t,[) I. :~crar~ S~rvice Electrical Permit St::te Sur::r.arae Total Cr.Cll"ces :7~:~ I :;D,' I C':;';'.R;;~ :W"r..::zce PTU' 5 ::'=iuzust Hood .tent Fan bods to;Je Peromit I:;sucmce Me::hanic:::l PePrrrit State Surchcl"OC r"tal ChnrtM!l ENCROACHMENT 'cc-~ri-t'.J D$DO:;it ':orar:;e :-:intenar~(] " ,-:rmit Total CharGes I I I I 4 €:>5RI .'2.0 I 135 00 I I I 3'6~.cro I. :.ao.:,cu: i.dewaZk '!n::e Zectl'icaZ Label 0 :;bile Home JTAL AJ.!OUNT DUE: of REQ,- L-COG~ , I c~ j ! . I En21'(7:.f Soupces Heat I I II I II i Tu~e T!o'pe/Cor.st: Beiro~s: I Lot Faces - Setbacks I P. L. I Hou.se I Caraae Worth I I lEast I I IS""th I i IWest I I I Access . I I i Water' -'laat...'!' Range Fircol-ace Wooa;;tot:e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the expl'eSB condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confonm to the Ordinance ~doFted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstr~cticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon uic- latier. of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check I Dste Pa-:.d, lRec~ipt N: I Signed, Fee: Plumbing Permit No perzon shaZl construct, instal!, atter or chal'~e any r~u Cl' e=isting pZumbir~ or drainage sY8te~ in whole or in part~ ur.less s"~n per~on i~ the. legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ excep; tr~t c pe~son ~a? do pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed~ Zeased or opera~e~ by the c?pZi- cant. Electrica I Permi t Where State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done b~ an EZc~tricaZ Contractor~ tne el~c=~;cal ~ortior. of this permit shalZ r.Qz':e ~aZid ur.:iZ tne ~beZ has been zignea by the Electrical' ~ontr~c=c~, I I I I I I I I I I. I I I Mechanical Permit i , Pl.an Exam1..ner L.'aze I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permi=~ and do hereby certify that aZl. i~fo:'r.'~tion hereon is tl'Ue ar.d C01"1"CC=~ oui I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be do::.:. ,:--: aceor- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Sprinaficld~ and th= ~~s of tho State of Oreg:m p::rt.2ining to the work described hcre-:.n~ c:r.d :J:at NO OCC!J- Pl:llCY will be made of any structure without parmission of the Euildir.g rr~- vision. I fwothe'f' certify that O:1Zy contra::tors ar.d c::rpZ;;:yees 1-,;1:.0 are i~ c~pZiance ~ith CRS 701.055 will be used on this proj~ct . J3J# lSignad - //\ ". ~ . " . _._,____.~__..~_._o_.___._._~.._~.._ ,_, _.' SpAC'" "'/0 1'7 1 I 1, , i I De,IYEWAV /2. xSO .. - NJ I:? & II. E- 1-It>,.,.1 IE. I \ S W"W/i:-"-;- _____,__n ______,_0.___ . _ "__0 ____._0___ . ,.., ~_...._---_.._-----' I I I I- I:) , VI /i' \I ;L \It , ....' , A COPYRIGHeORM. AVAILABLE ONLY FROM JENKINS BUS. FORMS. r-ORM 50Qj@ , -- A PLAIN LANGUAGE PURCHASE AGREEMENT UCC f 2.201 Great Western Mobile Homes 5024 Main SI",et SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 503/726,2171 ' Su-Pe-f2C19,p-4:s 0-11 . 0 r(A.1F~, /Jc;l2e~ ~ f2'.I0T:S BUYER':'8t;~~ .'~ B:./~~- __ PH:;~C;-_30~czr~An ~DD~'/4tt~..~",I'.4cI(~~..... ;:::UNTY9!<1P'F 91J!6/ SALESMAN In ibis c::ontrac:t u.. word. .. .... end..!!!l rltl"ilr to the Buy., and Co-Buy.r slgnlna: this c raot. The wont'..l!!! endJ!!:!! nler to the De ~ ,SubJ<<;t to the hrnn end condlt~ !" .!~~~ aid.. of this ......m.nt you agree to Mil end I qrQ to purcha.. the followlna: Mserl u ~Ei-Jri.';c~(J f?r~/M~1 MDDE~I{0.3~.____--' B_ R3MS k~Di~i' k ~~Fi81 STD NUMBERS SE_~'~ I?9IJOR nb I PROPOSED I KEY NUM ERS I HUD.Jahel..!'umber l ""_~I~."",, I~' 'DELIVERY DAlE 11- "p ------- - -----.:::::---- )APL-I.a.:J"'J.,~~rID USED n~ ,/-- ~ DPTIDNAL EQUIPMENT, LAllOR AND ACCESSORI ': PRICE OF U,NIT . $:2/ S-oo ~ ') - 1'--- '<:::.:: --~---- / _ nfE..~mIii7S7:OI~~---C-- __-=== O;K'ON~L EQ~'PMENT -.~ .:2&> ~ S,.,. - -'~!1-L _w, . -J~..nA1t:.t - _ I S~UB-TOTAL I ~/:~~c./I'~ Si.:7:7'"=f..L.(-> -;~5&~_?Y'f,__l!Ij(';).'$;~}J---1;.EL_____113/~ cO_ -/- -- _1:-- ---- ". -_ i SALES TAX - ~ ~....M'5 ,!~UI?4J h.tp4,r- . .JJJJz_ _~-# ::J",.. . d,.. " , '. __; NON,TAXABLE ITEMS - JO-gL" I VARIOUS FEES AND INSURANCE \ <6 00 ~Y:. "'.,- ,f. ~';-;1Ji1f1J: 4~ ~' ~ii~2~~r";",,,,-';~ TI'I'itillfl _~~~1Jr.' - LESS BAL DUE $' 0 ll",,^ ......11 '. ,I, " 'I I ON ABOVE ~,~ CAo' I il II I i I : NET ALLOWANCE "1'. Ia.. "po. I - --I :~!:~:::REED 1~--C"-7'-"-=:~ I 11111.. '1Il,II'lli, SEE "REMARKS" - - " II, ". 1;,111, ~J*~ $ .:z<, ~ 00 I 2. LESS TOTAL CREDITS I' SALES TAX (If Not Included Above) 3. Unpaid Balance of Cash Sale Price _="':~c" ~ ""~~~~~lf~'-__~1 ~A MODEL "BEDROOMS dZE _ I'l"(,",( ., _ l X ~ The,. Is no auul'llnce . manufactured home can Nmaln level when I l$J:2 ~ ~ /' _~~__ __ placed upon any surface other, IMn of blacktop or conc...,.. TITL. SERIAL NO. -lii4LOR ~ Q ~ l\ DO",\ 1 You and I certify that the additional terms and conditions printed on -D.f-!! N-r..J:,S.;./.A..- the other side 01 thiS contract are _creed to as part of thiS agreement, -AMO OWING TI Hay ~ .... ---- - ~- ____h the same as If printed above the SIBnalurtls: I am of statutory age or .1l -<' have been legally emanCipated. I 8m purchasing the above descnbed I, \ "L . -. A ....,;)1''''' J J-k. < unit; the optional oqUlpment, accessones and insurance, If Included. ==:W~~L_~ ~_ ~~t..A.C;t':~~-:-- __ -- :.::..:.::.::"_ _-==-:. ..:...:: : voluntarily. My trade In IS free from all claims whatsoever, except as TRADE. IN DEBT TO BE PAID BY ~ DE ER 0 CUSTOMER I noted. You and I agree that If any paragraph or proVISIon v,ola!es the law and IS unenforceable, the rest of the contract w~1I be valid. --- Title to said equipment shall remain In you until the agreed purchase price therefor is paid in full 0 in cash or by the execution of a 0 Retail Installment Contract, or a Security Agreement and its acceptance by a financing agency; thereupon title to the within described unit passes to the buyer as of the date of either full cash payment or on the signing of said credit instruments even though the actual physical delivery may not be made until a later date. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE AGREEMENT 19 SUB. JECT TO NECESSARY CORRECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTS CON- CERNING CHANGES IN NET PAYOFF ON TRADE-IN TO BE MADE AT THE TIME OF SETTLEMENT. DEALER Not Valid Unltlss Signed ,Ub:i' Accepted by ar, CHicer of the Company GREAT WESTERN MOBILE H,)MES I, Of! WE; ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS ORDER AND THAT I, OR WE, HAVE READ THE BACK OF THIS AGREEMENT, SIGNED x ___ __"__'0'_' _.._ __ __._____._ ____ __ BUYER ~L..__