HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-22 .. RESIDI.rIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .,' , \ ,,Tob Location: 1/ ZO '-:/-iU/2../j/ j?,/./} -:#='7 ~A~ .~dd."es", 53 3_") J11~ # c;ity/t,f-#rk. 'lluvit7h (~L)' 72h - t,?d 3 ~ :::;" ~~ Jd-oj ~e ':;::::::::iO" /2 - 2 2 -tft:J Value {' 17 stJ. .4s:;es:;:;or:: Nap # Subdivision: C':.mCl': ;:.:::~oors~J'Q/ ffh ~ ?i~~ir~ i, I I 5:!eotrioa! (U.v fIP J'../ ".:e:::;..ar.ic::1. C~nst~~ction ~r.nder SPRINGFlELD Tax Lot H 7 Pr.ane: Q l.f 7 Z7tJ~ .ooe'"" 6 bJ '''.J 'TO lot Jd COIL . lV VI \ \')' 7 Siar.cd: OC /2<lZ-,f'th 0~a/ If Date: L7..3C. E :::=:;,ir>cs j--,~Dr:~ "t is the I"esponGibiZity of the permit hotder to Bee that alZ inapections a:re r.:ade Croom the street:, and that "the pcrnri t card is Zocated at the front of the property. Eui.!.di-:".g Jr:'vidor: apFroved pLan sr.::::.U l'emain on tha Building Sit;; at all times. ':~!]CSDUPE FC:? I!,'SPEC'!'IOrJ RE'OUE7S'T:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design::r.ted job nur.:ber~ '~q--...tesr;ed a;.G when you wi"" oe ready for ir.spcctiol1~ Contractol'S 01' Or.me::"s ncme end phone nu.wcr. -;ZZ De made the same dcy~ requests mcde afta' 7:00 am fJiZl. va made the next 'JOrkir'~ day. rc"'':''':':'" I I JOO aiCrcss~ type of ir.3pec~icn ! Requesr;s received cetera ?:OD ~ .?md''Y'.'''1 T"".<:;~f""!ticr..<:; ] SITE ],';S?~C':'IO:,': To be made after e:::cavar;;.,:m, but pnor to set up of fo1'1Tls. ] . UNDE:RSL:..E ?LU!,9I.'IG. ELE::TP.IC1L 11 ].!ECh'A:,'IC:'i..: To De made before any work is .:;ovcred. ] FOOTING! FOUllDATION: To be rrade afr;er r;rer'~nes are excavated and forms a:re erected~ but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. U!!D'ERGRO!J::.V P:"U!,~TllG. SEf{E:R. r..',~'J'E.q. DR!.ll/;'G~: To De r.a:ie prior :;0 fil- .1. ir.g r;rencr.ee. ] U?!DERFLaO.~ !'LU:,~I,'JG & NF:C.rIANICAL: To be ~~e prior :;0 insr;aiLation of fLoor insul.Ction 01' decking. ] ] POST A!;V BEt..f.~: To be made Drior to ir.s:ai~c;icn of floor ins~zatior. 01' deckir..; . ] PO!JGH F~U!.'?!I:.'C. ELEC'!'R!C!.!. I: NECH- A:'iICAL: i.'o :.Jark is to be covered ur.r;il rhese insDectior.s have beer. ~ade ar~ approv~~. ] FIPEPL/..CE:: Prior to pZacir.g .facing mcreriais ar'~ before framing inspe~- tior.. ] FP.A"~l!!C: f.tu:;t be reque:;ted after approv~l of rough pl~bing~ ~lectri- c.:J.l & r.;cc;..ar:ical. AU roofi;:g bracir~ ~ cr.imr.cys~ et.:;. nr~:;t be .comvle:ed. Vo w~rk is to be con- ..:. cec'led ur.ti l this inspection has . b€er. Ti".aae and approved. Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Is: D INSULA'!'ION/VAP08 B.48RIER I.'.'SP:;CTIO.'J: To be Ti"ade after all insul~ti~n ~4 pcquiped vapop barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum bca:rc or wU covering is appUed~ and before any insulation is concealed. at the proper tim~~ that e~ch ~e8s is gfp,O q/3 I DDfOLITIO!:' O.=? ;~:OV:::; E:'-'ILDI::CS :=J Sanita:r-;j Se".Jer ::apped =t p:.opc:rt;i Zir.e =:J Septi:: tank p-",",,?,zd and fiZZe.d Llith ~:J"')2~ :J Pinal - fl'hen ab::ve ite::zs a:re cc.-:oletc:: a~d wher. d~~oZi~ior. is ca~iete or st~~:- ture moved ar~ pr~ses cieaned U? I Mobile Hcr.:e.s o ""5?'T Blocking and Set-up t;~ ~ Plumbir4 conne::~i~ns s~er ar~ Ccter -vr Electrical Ccm:e.ction - Blockir.a~ set-u::: ~ and plumbing ccr.r.ections rrr~st ~~ cr;:pl'::r...e.i before request~r.g eZec~rical ir.spe::~io~ :=J Ac::esso1"',;t' Building "'Y1 Fina.Z - After ;::J1'cJ:es~ skirting~ decks~ ~ etc. are compZe.ted. o All pr~icct condition8~ suc~ as the installarior. of street tre.es, cc.~letiol1 of the l'equired landscapinG, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDIRG FInAL can be rzquestzd. ] FIllAL PLV!,~EI:;G ] FI/;:'L l-!E':HI.::IC;jL ] FI....AL l:L!:~~"ICAL ] o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be reque:;ted cfter the Fin::zZ Pl.un:bing Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspcctiona have been made ar~ approv2d. D DRYWALL INSPECTIO,".': To be made after alZ. 6'y;.;aU is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bona beam:;, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241.5. "A::'r. U,U:RCr.ES AND CLEA!.'OUTS !rUST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJL'S7".':2.',''!' TO BE !.!'1DE /'.'!' 1:0 C'::'ST TO CI':'Y I P~:e ! of 2 o o WOODSTOVE, completed. After instaZlation is D ,,'" CURB & APPROACH AP.I:!ON: After> forms are arecred but prior to pouring 9- co1U:rete. o SIDEr/ALK 1/ DRI:'E(.'AY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy~ to bc made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & cub- I base material in pl.ace. , ~S D ~ENCE: liTher. compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections thl'ougr. P.ll.E. . D JOB No,JbD?/J ZOtll!: :.at Sq. Ft.;. ~ ~f l$t C~erc;~ ." of Stories ;otal Heigh: Topogra;hy ~.':'E:.' IS:;.P':'c \.'::-::n ";cpc.=,~ ::c~::!"= ';CCCSSO!":J TOTriD t'ALUE' S.D.C. I;".'::l.:"';;) 1.5 = Eu.i'Z..i:.r:? Pcr:r.it St:.=te 5:a<c:n.:Jrpe To:.::. Z Cr.a:oge3 -"'=-'.' :i.::-::-:.J'CS ~esiCer.ticZ rl beth) ':!:r.it.::r"! Se:..'c:' .':::::e!' PZu:-::b:r:{1 Per;;:i t; Stc;e SUI'er.arge T=-:.=~ cr"::Y'acs -.;-.. 1;;..;./ ~es. So. ft::. ;~/~-ter~ Ci!"~~its -er.;::Jora::r!J S;:Y"".J:,ce E!e~:!"ical Pe~it State Su:r::r.a......oe Total Cr.a......ces ::::.~ I ::C, 1 i I -:a>r..::rce PTU'S ::r.aus t Hoo.:. 'en t Fan :Jocsto;;c Per:r:-~t 13SU:mC2 Me::;...::.r.i::::Z PCY'mit Stctc SW"cncrac Tc-::-:l Lr..a!"a('~ C:;:C;':QACHJ.:::;',''j' '~~.A!"i.t!J DZr'o:it. ;orcoc :inter.cr~'- ~~t Tete:' Lr:t:r.?CfI a":"~..lt ::if:..JaZk 'r:::!c .c::'~ric::! LcJ:;c ~ I1-QO [S, -bile H:;JfTli? AN:JL'.':: 'j',':J. I FE:: SOLAR AWSS OCCUDGnc:J GrC".J"::J. '. LeT TY?E Interior Corner Panhandle Cu I-de-sac x ~'aLuc I / '-lit;, zS Ci-:AF.C:: IS, 0'0 ~ I .&01 IS .(Po I. F~:: / .L) . 00 . (pol <,)... /S.{d/) ,. I I I I I J I I I. C':;J;-.nCE :JCi 2.1[) ()() REQ,- T;'."De/Cor_<;t: . L-COG~ ! ) I .r I I r I , I I Ee::.roor:-:a .' I Lot Faces - I Scthc.~~~r: I P.L, IHouse ~araac l/lorth lEast. ISo:.oth il,cct Fees I J:~ccs;;. I I i II : I II r I II II I.'r.t,~!" yr..?:':..... km:.r;e Fi1'cni.acf! Wco:;:,=:oz:a :n~r,'7:1 50:11'-:"':; .i'ea: T:J:"c Building Value & Permit I I This pcrr;r;t i:; granted on the exp1'ess condition that the said construction shall, in aZZ respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted DY the Ci~y of Sp1'ingfield, including the Zoning C'rei-nance, reguZc.ting the ccnstl'"..I.:ticn and use of buildings, ,and m~y be suspended or revokec at cr.y time upon vic- Lation of any pravisior.s of said Ordir~nces. . 0).... . PZan Check Fer:: Date Paid: Recdpt #: ISig"ed, Plumbing Permit No percoT! sr~ll construct, instalZ, aZ;cr 01' char~e any neW cr e=ictir.g plumbir4 01' drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part, unless s:.och pcrsor. is tr.c Zegal possessor of a valid pZ~~ber's license, excep~ tr~t a pe~son ~a~ do plumbing worK to property which is ow~ed, leased 01' opcra~ed by the G??~i- cant. Electrical Permit wn.er>e State LcnJ reauiroes tr.ct the electrical LJori< De done by ar. Elc:::ric.:: Con~ractor, the eZec:~~cal portior. of this permi~ sr~lZ r~t be v~tid ur.:iZ tne Zai;eZ ita.s oeen signed by the E7.ecr:rical :ontl'::::tol', Pl.an EXC1n1.nC1' Mechanical Permit I I I I I I. I I I I";,l{ +1'1 : ~ fA/1 ) Sign3a -- 202.h5 va;;;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAf.!INE:D the corr:pletcd application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fO;'7;.ation hereon is true a1".:i correct, c:r..:i I f~rther certify that any arn all work perfo~ed si~ll be do~e in Geeor. dance ~th the Or>dinances of the City of SpringfieZd. and th.: Lc~s of the State of (Jpeg.::m p::rr:.::.ining to the IJOrK described h01'ein, cr.d tr...-:t ....0 OCC!J- PI.RCY will be ma~e of any structure without p3~is~io~ of the Building rr;- vision. I furthc1' certif:. that only contra::tors cn:d ~Z~yccs ~r.o are in c~pliance uith ORS 701.05~ will be used on this p1'oj~ct /Z-ZZ-f(; D.:::te " '-. ~"'~-.. , ,- ~) 1:.' ~.~ .. I j j L~_, i , H I I I D(~IY'=:: WJ1)' I Z X S'L) -'-j--- .' --\ . \i 7 '1 . i 0, , :t. , , i I~ \ v_ i , I I -'I V) I - 11fl:'/3I.. ::.. .IiO/'I'!E J d..f 5d. L01~fo4f ! I , I, -'----.-,~--_. ,- .... ----, " IV' , .\ ... " C' , ..;; '[/If'; V/ t~ ~.. ,..::' I ~- , I ~ . _'0 I I ---~ .' "'-'--'1 ,-..---'-'-- ~ORM 5001 C!9 . A PLAIN LANGUAGE PURCHASE AGREEMENT UCC 12-201 ," ". ""'Y'i". ERAllO MOBilE HOME: SA ..., SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 974T1 . 503/747.4008 - 575 South "N Street , , '. " I DEl.NfAr ADDRESS BUYER(S), ~ ,+ ';':"'W:' ; "'~ "_'-;''':;~'''',r, 1: ~ ~.:. :;,.~ ,.\f,,"-',;:<' ,~":" " . d_ " ,', .' ',to" <, ',.' ',,'" ":',J;"l'f!l1W!E; ~;''-''''~':i~~~'~Wil';'-'K-N:;;l' :e, ) ,;: 'I i:DAT~t;:" . . ,:', ":. ~ ' -Nt: Y.J;y~ :~'#:~\..;'.'._~~r;l<I{1 7)ii,'Jn.:,;'-,'(,:'?:l;;.. ',',~~'\~t<tWlY1!!'i:.:r,~:.,~ '.: \~Y.o_~H':;"'P'~;~W!4,:"~\:t'f'~''1' ,- ~\Y?0\!l;;:HrfV":'l1~t~'a"':';~:"'",-;:"""~:::'~~~ If 8'b .~. -- '.1_ ___&~ ~"~'I:L",' ':.~<'<J'.:' :, ',.'~'d~;'~I~'r' '''''M~'J:.''.", ~: I , ADDRESS. .... . I. '.' j;' .<J, f:i:f ~ ,~,,:: ":1/'." 'tt''I..~" .,.,-.1-i1;:-"'~'". .,SALESPfRSON"'~,)., 1 IJ' ." . . ,.;;:ii:r?,.,.:'Ld/4.;,jT~r;;.;d;Ji",;.:,~ . . ".' ~,';; ,,,1(;-;.q)ilf1j~~;;("~'i'~~LH::~" F' h.: ',;., t. _ '." ,I., ,lnthl~~_~~~~_!!!!""';tothesur- ~contJId.,Tbe""J!!!!"'I!!!""'tothep.llr.~.,i;';.,I'('~':"',;r: ".~., :,' :. ~.';-:::~:i:~:" '~ ,.;\'.. Su;btKttpJt.--,~CCIft:I.mons.~_~....ot"" Illln.llltO,IIid"'__'I...tD~'~~'~~'iU;'i; :: !:':t" I' '~,~" I MAKE & MO/JEJ:t/1.; "~", ~ij:~:;.'1,b;.',,;.~, ~ ;;"I.o-'-~,;.~>'.' " :;-, ." . . - , ,.;-l? ::iYEAlH) BD,ROO.AlSI~;;J~S1Z'(~i{f"I; '/'H1TCHSQI;~'i)~'~ISTOCK NUMBER' "! I ':':;'/>1, @I;':"..\( "'~',-",'iii,,'J.,,"" ',:' ,',', i:'+ "9 .<';';,;!~,., ~"~~i~': ~'C}1-.t~'ri~":Y,l'.f4! '" " I;~'!~~ N,U,MjfJj.;',", ,.'. '.;, ~,.,..'':'.':;'~'''j~;\)':;~''" ,~. ': '. {,'.\":' .~.";:..'::'t~}~:~ ",' " ~;".. i!' ':.~;I'~ ',' ,'~"~~1;!:!11;.~..n .j.'Jj.T'-';fri,;";~~.,!~ '.'; _ ",P~~~V!~r.PA!~,5'WJ'i';~!fl:~. 'N. UM!lER~., "'I '1 ,:"~~~~o~' "'h~'~~~~E;~~~:~t '~P~~~NSU~~'~';t'!;:.'^i:I?"/,.,,,,,.,'~t!;~'~;::~:::~;\t4'~,'>;;;50' "';^i CEILING 'I OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT' .:'...n..., , ,-"". EXTERIOR . " FLOORS 1 ' . THIS INSULATION INFORMATION WAS FURNISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND IS DISCLOSED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION RUL"F. II SALES TAX I 16CRF SECTION 460,16, -1 II ' . . ,; " '.i I OPTlONAL EQUIPMENT,' LABOR AND ACCESSORIES / ill NON. TAXABLE iTEMS ,.,:.' " ';' " 1 I 1. The above, described home ,is sold "AS IS" without .$ / I V ARIOI.~S FEES AND.'~SUf!~CE, ' , I warranty, .elther expressed or Implied, / \r-- '. , ',.', , '., ., "1' . I 2, Customer to obtain building permits at. own ex- .1 ~l' '" N' 1. CAS.H PRICE '. ".'" .' ..;.:., ,., $.. G 1<,0 ta I pense" .. .( , I TR..oE~/N~LOWANCE' $, 't'1'50" '>J'O.':: I~I (II' I 3, Wheels, axles and bres are recycled for ec. olegy pur- I (\I. 1 E55 BALDUE ON ABOVE $ ....--. ~'.' I I poses and are not included in the selling price, I" II TALLOWANCE.. 'R'1S:"" 0<;>',1 14, Price does not include skirting, , ::: ~ II C DOWN PAYMENT t <ttS\1 IIQ.., I .1 5, Price includes delivery and set-up as per standard I'~ CA HA5AG~;~O "< ;._ . ,~'" I parts and procedure agreement. 1 I ~ I 1 ESS TOTAL CREDITS.!.' '." '.: :<1'$"""1.1 <;<J ,(JtJ J 16, Taxes are to be pro-rated, ,tnJl ~ - ~ (VII;" I SA S TAX If NOtlncluded Above) ',I; .--I-zr I . I ~~ . k 3, noald Balance of Caah Sale PrIce . 1 $' -G-'.I ~! I 7. CD...~';, \ w/ ... f.l. ~ ,,; u)1-" ~ "'.. ;1C-,' '~ ~It to said eq~IP~ BhaJI rema"; In you until the ago ,.j ~ ' I . / ."", (~~ I purchase price therefor la pelclln'full 0 in cash or '1.. ~,~ Y'V-'( ."" "w.'~~ I, r"f~u,), v \'-... b the execution ofa 0 Retail InstallinentContract, ora I I. _ 1 rty Agreement and'fts ,..", 'ce by'a financing I~Th,,,jl..., -b ,.JI.'\u.J~ A!,.dL rL .AL 1 . I agency; fhere\lPOn a !/lfe,to.~,~lnJdescribed unit, I u .....1) I.<XLd, ~,./ 1)"-'1...... 5 j,Jl.b.P I c../1 pe_ to the buyer 88..!If the'~i~',elther full cash I ^",.t.;,' CUQ -1.,,"- I (' I" peyment or on the slgnlng,of;saldicredlt:lnstrumen1s ) I I 1 even though the:BCtueLphyslcal. delivery may not !Ie .L .r. '>> lOr-, I 'Imadeuntllelaterdete, "', '''.' '",i':,"''''', ' -'IJ. . (!u,\ /-, t....-t... r.s."L- LV "-kJ. i. "" ~ rM..l\ "-___ s'4""r!AT ,,-, ,.,,~ ~ ! ,)0)]) ~i\l 1 ~ IJ"' I . , ..':" .;.: " , [I I II You and I certlfY'lhat the addltlonal.teims and condItions rJ, "u~.. .im'l ", n..'HIJI,ld,. '17.. prlnted,ontheotherSldeot.thIS..;>.:,are~greedto . , .. 1 as per.!, of this asreement, the sam.!!S It prin!"'" ~!Y.l"e -- I'>,.r,'::'ft!~:/ '{.::~/\:r~u...~1 . 1= t"..lgnatures;lamofst~toryage9l'havebeen'legally c "- -~ emallClpstad,l _,purcheslng lheebovedescrlbed unit; REM'R~S' ~.::...- C>.o.s~ 4< ~ _ . A~\., r 1- theoptlonel equipment, ,e.."",,,:..,,.end Insurance, If I 'lJ..<.""-' k. E'W-tV -M~ ,....1.,....., ......,) "':-r~ I InclUdecl, voluntarily. My'lred8-ln 18_ from aUclalms I' . ~. I ~r except 88 noted. You WId l'ag1'88 that It any : .~ ~CEI~~~RI~~TOOPTIONALEQuipMENT 1$': .' k";':~;:lM;l :~;:';.:;~~~:I;'~~~':;a;'~~unenforce- I DESCRIPTION OF mADE./~ --rrl____lJ...H.~. fPlL-- . YEAR Jq~ f(' I .' ",;\ ;:" ' .' , :':f,,: ,~.;.~:::~,i';~:l{,:'~: '.\~,!; ,t!-:ii ~:;;1,::, J,;, " ' I MAKE/MODEL 1. 13~..~- -~)'5 'BEDROOM. S I.!!-~ Thlaagreement.ClOnlalnathaentlnt,l. " '.'" ,lngbelWM..nYOUandma8nd ICOLOR SERIA1..NQ TJrLENO ~ nD other rep '" .,", "'. or ~~,VertMd or:.W'I1Itein;, has been made I 0 TOVNG'OWHOM :1' I I I whlchlanotcont8lnadlnth18.:,c".:," '.' ;,:.' ''<,;,., . AMUfJ \1 , QJ~f''> "fk.~~ ' (....a.11,. ;'. ,,,,'.:~' ;~II TRADE.IN DEBT TO BE PAID I3Y 0 DEALER 0 BUYER II :: g~ ~f ~~~.~~r~~~RJ;gfR~?:N~'~~~:~H~!fl~R~~~fJ~AJ I EMERALD MOBILE HOME SALES SIGNED X c,.A,,~ a:.. ~:i.; :":'~~iA' . ;'". j'BUYER ", ss$igneddndAcce/JIedhyaIlOlficeroUheCompBny. DEALER SOCIAL SECUR~TY'N~, ' '. .;..,.~,:-.,;, ::/:'~~~'~'\~.l:;~: ':;j:;:2;~~'r;~"" {~i'l:~' SIGNED X " ~.,- 't;:-~.::~,;","/~:;i~~~~.~~(~;~~~~~~t"fl.f,' . ~~ _~UvER < \:1 '.. , 1 -SUB-TOTAL" : q-? L;01 ~ J ,;~ 'j " '\ / I ( .,' \ ' ApprV;,'t1d, SUbje~I!.O _~?cePt ce of Imancing by'bank or lina,nce cvmflllny. SOCIAL SECURITY NO, .,~t ./" ~, .: .~, l " '",:'1'~r'i"".{:, ;.~. .~ ~ ";"1,' " RY ;'. FORM 500.3 . 'Jenkins Business Forms Mascoulah, IL 62258 REV. 1186 . Copy;;gnt 1983 ORIGINAL. .;; , . ,... y." - ;,:~::~tJ~{ W ',,\;! ;,