HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-22 t.. ~ .. RESIDIttTlAL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: //20 fWUiLvJ -:IF !'.;2. IJ ,/, // . IJA/"b.- lA.uuJ ~ddress: 3 if / ik / L4.Jn City(JtJAr ~ti~ ~~ ;;~()7i1h !Zh~~fr1 . ' IN.,., I Addi ticn I RemodeZ ~ :~~i~~ Home , Date of AppZicaticn ;or.=~~=~o~~f I' ,'.~ . ;;enercZ ~__ ?Ztc:".hir.g I , r AS.7essor= N:Jp H Subdivision: Cuncr: It,;t 2.-1'{' ,doh. ."it- . If ~'lectricaZ IltUTl(.A J ,'.:e:;;..ar.ic::! C~r~:~~ction Lender .CCC,",. br;'1 6 "t' / SPRINGFIELD .., Tc:r Lot # -dd- ole Phone: :5 '1'1 -;l 7R'{' [,vv'\ r\ \' ,.~ Y" Siar.cd: ~ /Z-2z-rGi. Date: , I Aci-es3 ~:::::i"Lr[Js j--,~~r::; U:"3C.fi 'N-I'Y1lli~ ,/ :-: is the I-esFon:nbHity of" the permit holder to see that at! inapections aJ>e r.;ade at --1"Om the Btreet~ and that the pcrmi t card is Zocated at the front of the property. 'Eu.i!dir.g !r:'vi:;w<:,: approved plan sr..:::U l~eT.'lain on the BuiLding sit:: at an times. ):?D=2DU.~E FO:? Il.'S?E':'!'IOil REQU::'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desigr.:Jted job nur.:ber~ '::?q-'..lcst;cd a:o--,c :,;,:';en you ;.;ii.z. De ready for ir.spcct;ion~ Contract;ors 01' OI.me:"s r.l:me end phone r.u71Dcr. -iZZ he rr.ade the same dc.y, requests mc.de alter 7:00 a'77 L>il.l. b.z made the n.c:t :JOrkin; day. rc~":'";~(' 1 " I . JOO acc:rcss~ type of ir.::;pec=icn ! Requ€s~s received befcre 7:0~ ~ after up of UllDERSLA3 PLUt,5I.',1C. ELE::TRIC,1L & ,XECif.J.:.'.I.-C:'4: To be made before work is ~ovcred. any ] FOOTING !i FOU!lD.1TIO/l: To be rrade after trencnes are excavated and forms are erected, hut prior "to pourir~ ccncret~. ] U:,'D2RG.'?QU,?D P:'W.fBING. SEflE:R. l'-l,1TER. D.=t!.!I:J..G2: To be nr::..:ie prior t:o fil- .lir.g t:renches. ] U,'lDE.'?FLOO.~ !'[,U,',.'BING (; MECHANICA!.; To be ~ade prior to inntaiZation of 11001' insulation or decking. ] POS'!' A:'ID EEAt,!: To be r.:ade prior to ir:s:ai~eticn of floor ins~zatior. 01' deckir.g. ] POfJGH ?:'lr:,'F!!.','C. 'lLE'CT.r?!Ct.!, .p, M'E:CH- AOICAL: Vo work is to DC covered untiL these inspections have beer. "...ade ar.d c:pprov~:!.. ] FIREPLl.CE: Prior to plecir.g feeing materiaLs ar~ before framing inspec- tior.. ] FRA.'~r:1G: Nu.:;t be reque~ted after apppov~Z of rough pZ~bir.g, el.ectpi- cal & r.:ecr..:mi.=a.z' AU roofi;,g bracir~ t chimncys~ et.=. ~..lDt be ,comvZe=cd. No w~rk is to be corz- ..:. cec."Zed ur.ti Z this inspection has 'b€en made and approved. ] FINAL PLU:-!!JI:,'C ] FIt;:'L l-!E~H!.::IC,jL ] FIN:.L E:E:'~:=:IC':L ] o the proper tim::, that ~=ch .:zddress is Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: 2tfJ?;t! O IlISULA'I'ION/VAPO.-q BARF/IER I,"!S?Et.::TIO,'l: To be rr~de after all. insul~t~ ~n .. required vapor barriers are in place . but cefore any lath~ gypsum bca:ra 01' wZZ covering is appZied~ and before any insulation is concealed. I D2::QLITIO!.' OR ;~:ot'E; E:JILDI:.'t]S ~ Sanitary Se'..JeI' ~apped ::.t ~opc!'t";t. l.ir.e :=J Septi~ tank p:.:,?cd cmd fill2~ LJith ~a:Je;' o --, Pinal - f{nen aDeve ite.":'Is a:re cc,-:tplet:cd ~ a~d when d~o~ition is ca~Lete or c:~~~- ture moved ar~ premises cZeanei up. DRYWALL I/.'SPECT!ON: To be made afr::ep aU ciryz.;aU is in place, but prior to any taping. l.ocation ~ boncJ or verticals in V.B.C. Section o MASONRY: Steel Dear.:s~ grouting accordance LJith 241&. I Nooi 1.e Her::es o After instalLation is SO )(:J Blocking and Set-up < ) ~ ~ Pl.umbing connections -- sc::tJer ar.d !Jater CURB & APPROACH A~~N: Afte~ forms Electrical Ccnr.ection _ Blockir~. set-u? are erected but prior to pouring ~)- and plumbing ccr.r.cctions rr.~st !;e appr:J::e.: co~rete. beforc reques~~ng erec~ricaL ins?ec~io~ WOODSTOVE: ccmp'i,eted. o o SIDEWALK t: DRn'Erl'AY: For aU con- ---, Accessol"'; BuiZding crete paving within st~ect right- ---1 ~ of-wcy, to be made after aU exca- vating ccrn~let~ (; fa:;, L.lOrk & zub- / \?1 Fil".a.l _ Aft;;r ;~rc1:es, base mctel'"tal t.n p~e. ,?S ~ etc. are compie-;;;d. I skirting~ decks, o ::'ENCE: fI'her. compZ;;te -- Provide gates or- movabZe sections through P,U.E. . o o ALL project condition3~ auch as the instaZlation of s~reet trees~ c~~Zction of the required Zand.sccpir:g, ctc., must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDIl:G FI:!AL can be raquestcd. FIliAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested cfter the Pinal. Plumbin.g ELectri.=al~ and Mechar:ical InspectiOn:) have been made and approved. .A:'r. f.!A!:HCLtS AND CLEANOU'I'B /ft:ET EE ACCES$IB!.E, ADJUS::!E:.''!' TO EE t,~1DE 1.7' 1:0 C~ST TO CI'!'Y I P"'"e ! of 2 1 I I 253,50 I ' ;t--:A I 1 I I I, I I I I I /5.00 I,?~ 1 '(,01 lIS .100 , ' I JOB NO. R:/t;()tlllsOLAR AC.S Ocr::u'CarlC~ GrC'.,(~: . 2i::mc: Lot Sq. Ft;. ~ ~f l~t C~erc;~ :i of Stories :'otal HeiGht Topogra;hy LeT TYPE Ir.tcricl' COrner Panhandle CuZ-ae-sac !,],E.'.~ SQ,PTC x VaLue .\!~-::n 'Jcrct:,~ c~c'!'~ ';CCCSSOl":J rOTA r.. 1',1 LU~ S.D.C. ( uc.t..ucJ 1.5= Eu.iZiir.e Permit St.=.te S:a'cnJr(lc Tot.:::.! Cr.:1:'ges t ",'~). j'Z~ Ci-.:ri.HC2 ?i.=:--..:.rcs I I I I I I I I I /5.1)0 I ~I ~DI I r:: WJ I, ~esidznticL [1 bath) :;~it::!"',.J Se:.:c:> ',':::te!' Plu.-:-:::-:.r.;; Pe'!'i.:i t Ste.';;e S:a'c;.~e Tet:::? C'r.::'!'oes ":-" I'::",', ",::,"'."';:"'- ~cs. So. ft:;, ;~/E=ter~ ~ir~.,(its ~emporar~ SC~Jicc EZect'!'ical Pe~t St::te Surcr.a:rae Total cr~ces ':-~.. 1;:f],1 c.::.';:.iiC~ r-- -:.<rr..::rco! prv's =haust Hoo.: 'ent Pen ':Joc.sto;;e Pe!'7i."~t 13SU:mC2 Me::;...::.r.:c::l Pemt State Surcru:rClc Tc~r.! Lr.::::!'a('~ D:CHQ;'CH1.!:;,".'T .~c-.l!'"itu D::>o:;it :oraac -:intena.r~r -cr::;it To::.::'!. Cr:c.'/",?c.r. tJ"bC'..l:: :.:ir."..J.1Zk '1':=0 REQ,- L-COG~ ',1 .. T I ., I I I I I I I . . . I F1':::r.'7:1 SO:tr~r>:; ...ca: I I II II II -.....,.... 'I',:"'DeICor.:;t: ae~o~:;: . ,.' I Lot Faces - I I P.L. I/lort;l lEast ISot.:tn I"cct 7:.J:'L' Sctna,";':" I Hous>'] I Cal'cac I I I I i i I I II.OCCCC' I l.'r.t..,!" Yr.c:t;.-'''' kar-F'~ Fircniacr> Wco:i:;:ot.:e Fzes Building Value & Permit Thia permit ia granted on the expreas condition that the said. construction shaU, in all rcspccta, conform to tile Ordinar.ce ~dopted by the .City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance, regldeting the ccn.st~.A..:ticn and uae of buildings, .and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upor. vic- lation of any pr~visior.8 of said Ordir~nces, " I Plan Check Dete Paid: IReceipt N, ISi""c", Fer]: Plumbing Permit No pereon ar~ll con:;truct, instaZ7., az'zcr or char.ge"cny ne:..' c"!" e=-:.,ctu:;? plumbir~ or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, ur.less s~cn parso1': i:; the Zegal possessor of a valid pl~~ber's license, exce~t tr~t a pe~son ~a~ GO pl~bing work to property which is o~~ed, leased or operated by tr.e c.??~i- cant. Electrical Perm it " wncre Steee Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK ce done by an Elc=:ric=~ Contractor, the elec~~~cc.l portion of this permit sheLL r.OL be v~Z~ ur.:il the Label has b~en signed by the ElectricaZ ~ontr~ctor. I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I, I Mechanical Permit Pi.an Exc:r.ll,ne]' vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t,lw completed application fol' permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true ar~ correct, c.r~ I furthcr certify th~t any ar.a aLL work per.for:ned sh:::.U be do:7.e in accor- dance ~th the 0l'din~nces of th~ City of Springfield, and th= L~~s of the State of Oreg~n pcrt.1ining to the WOI'K dencribcd here~n, end tr~: NO OCC~- PAVCY wilZ be made of any structura without permis~io~ of the 3uilding Di- vision. I furthcr ccrtif~i that o':1.ly contractors and c.'ilpl::yccs I.:'ho are in c~pliance w~th ORS 701.05t will be used on this project .'20 "l,;,~ .;2<; ,Of) ~ \"" ~l :cctric:::.l Lc"~~ ( z.-q ( B- ~biZe H:>ml? '::"',:z: AN;)!}::: 'bo~, 90 I. {,~ Signed. , I _y~~'\W< ",1'1--. _ llIioI!:;,~ J"LWLLJlHIIJU~ J.rA .-J~I~~9'~40;ii ~'&~("11.~(",I'-' . :1 .. , .. 'f "~',~ t">;,, 't,. ~ ,.'v. .~.~.~ vu ;., ;l-:o... '.'.',',' , l'#'.v.",~ ,"~A<!.' '., ~"~i.....- latrlaj", <.~ti;;"'~'i'" I, <;:C:',: ,t.~. ;~j-" ';"" [in, ,~ "".' '" ,:\";.~>.-, ',"1;"; ',...,' ell' , " ~ ~i~. '~:-;"-l'l':'~ '~, '...... -'l.'" .," . " ,. .-r~...\, .. - -"'..:4 -'... ltj ~fl'<" ,c~.,o" }II..,(,'",~ ",.,,", , '!"""'-"".' ~~_::"7~'''' . ,,~-:'_ -eo,,: '!' _'~~,., .,!'O~~.;:~ . ~, ';"" ''''~'~Ih s;~ ~ry~ ~~F' ,..:' ,N, " p~~ ("J"J.I:~W b.'11t~,-':'11 I)flllt f.# li'l1'iW1fJ..~,ln1 ;-;,j tq~,~M" ~..,. 1 \- ,'", ...... ..,'~ . '. '"III., '''~, "'".".' 'IDfl~l1E::J:....eu.;;,. ._'It!OT"'R~~lP.\l~UENT_.~lI!I'"'fN, . "';', . '....a...i..- .. .'1lIIlOIIlo1i.'.. - ""...\' ,.'~.. III.......IOHQII&""'!''''!F~CWJAACT.." _ IIWI'~. _" ,_, I"?':"" rrMaOllme.". '. :i..00IIIr'aCf........,IIO...,..,ofltllr......ment,lhe$ame."~,...:!'.Ll...."I,,';{~~~8IIt'D'. ,......,.........tdpIftd.,... ,1, l".ocw dacfibed lraiIer, ~home or vehicle; the opfItIM/~and tceeSSOl'l9S, the~.. ,d "... haI""~, ttwJImy " .. ;;....~:-"'i6~-;~!~... " .,' ..'""'~..-.:rZ.:~~~~=.&~=1lwE...NT _"'~SlgnedetWl/tl:JC1epllfdt1t..CIIioeraIheCompenr YAUR SIGN/El)X ---~--?==. . _..:..._- BUYfR, ;-, SOCJN.. SECtJNrYNCI 1.1 _ . , .' ......... '. 8P ~'.-..u''''''''''''1ID , . ^^" _ ......,..,..c '~,'181!1 ... OBI .,....... . ",;;.". . '. . - ( S-D(t~ \ f I---=-':'-- e.: \ ~ (). 101 "- / . ~ I() ! "'-/ , ~ Mob~ {z · \-toM. Q.. 14 'f- Co ~ ~( ---"\ .I ~I I " - , I 1',,1 I , \1 " , .' \ , Orlve~l( ,: I d.-~S-O I i I' ~ I