HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-11-3 .,-- '_~_TW__......tbW'~l~_ .-- ~'fi? - - ~_~ __.~.;,,$;_~__ _.._.....~~l:..,..,..~_~...'_...--.".-... .. RESIO.TIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building, Division 726-3753 "~\'f." A Job Location: 1120 --:::;- aJ./u) U I.L) A8Ce8GOrS Map # Il 0 ~ II 3.- r Subdivision: .=/=f= <l () Ts Lot # rm b (IT) CUner: ~ ~/ - - ~(JAAU ~CLt.h 1(')(0 (0 -+r:::WtA/IO.uJ llJ1 Address: City: n n n n Me..", Addi ticn Remodel Uobile Rome 1I.~:z..~ 'Date of Applicaticn Contractors Pr.one: f)2/p- b ~LJ5 Zip: ~lf:~-f vazu!lt,995 Address C::O...wuJL) GeneraZ Plwnbing It <l.. L n10b:JII ~ 0u.JVU' A.J ('A.Onp~ I Electrical I Ii' Mechar.ic.:zl Construction Lender . Rcceopt # f5 10 7 3;;/1 ~ \ \11 5'- S') ,)'!"" <p~ -;If 1M , .\ ----: 6~ Sigr:ed: Date: ~t.. 11- 3-7')0 Lisc.fI Phone ExPires It is ths responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inopections al"e made at 'the proper time~ that each wddre8s is rea.dab7.e frrom ths street, and that the permi t card is l.ocated at the front of the pr<?Perty. -Bui!dir:g Divicio~ approved plan shall remain on the Bu-:.Zding Sit~ at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CAll 726-3769 (I'ecorderJ state your City designated job number, job add:rcss, type of in3pec::icn requested a~.d when you wi"l'l be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbCI". Requests received befere 7:00 ai.I r..'il.l, be rtrlde t.he same day~ requests made.. a~t;:.r 7~'OO IrIl will, be made the next :.JOrking day. J . ", Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: ~ {ooi7r S ,,,p.nyirqA T".R'?,eu'!t1:r."}!'I O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of I form8. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. EI"ECTRTCAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any I' work is i)OlJcred. o /, o J roOTINC & FOUNDATION: To be nruie after trenches are excavated and forms al"e erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret8. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING.. SEWER. W.1TE,~ DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- .z,ir.g trenches. o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL, To be made prior to instalLation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal'lation of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOffered ,w:til these inspec'tions have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE.: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before frcmring inspec- tion. O FRAJ!INC: Must be requested after approval of rough pZwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing brocing & chimneys, eta. 171'.,lst be :'completed. !lo work is to be con- ..-...,cealed until this inspection has ~be~n made and approved. o o D O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after all insuZatian (J;!".d -. required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, gypswn board or wU covering is applied, and before - a1!'y insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all d:ryLJa.ll is in place, . but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, bo1ui beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is xmpleted. o CURB & APPROACH AP.ruJN: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. DEMOLITION OR gaVE!) BUILDINCS :=J Sanitary seuel' ::!apped at rn:.op~rt":i lir.e :=J Septic tank v~ed and filZe~ with ara~eZ :J Fina l. - r~'hen above it e.ons are ccmp leted and when d~litior. is complete or struc- ture moved and pr2l71ises :;;'!l~aned up. I Nobi le Hemes Blocking a7Ui Set-up \ s;;wer and water D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-way~ to be made after all exca- vating compl.ete & form work & cub- base material in pla:!e. Plumbing connections Electrical'Connection - Bl.ocking~ set-up and plumbing connections nr....st ];e approved beforc requesting electrical inspec~ion D PENCE: When complGte -- Provide. gates or movable se?tions t1rroough P,U,E. ~ AccessoI".; BuiZi!.ing ~ Final - Aftar porcr..e8~ skirting, decks, ~ eta. al"e completed. / D All project conditiona, Guch as the installation of street trees, cor.rplation of the required Z-andscc:pir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL can be requestzd. 4 FINAL BUILDING: The Final Bui'Lding Inspection must be requested af'ter the Final Plumbing Electrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiorw have been made and approved. D FINAL PLUMBIllG o FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL ID o o -,,'- *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fElIT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I P::zge 1 of 2 I JOB NO. ~1o^lhCl SOLAR A.ESS Zone: Occuvancq GI"OUl): Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE S "I lot Coverag~ Interior 1# of Stories Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography Cul-de-saa I lITEM I Main I Gc;paae I Cat"Port I Acce88ol"ll SQ. FTG I I Is.D,c, TOTA& VALUE (vat.uc) 1.5 x Building Permit State Suraharge Total Cha....gea lITEM I NO. I FEE I Fi:r:tu:r8S I I I Residential (1 bath) I I I Sanitary Sewe}> I I I Water I I I Plumbing Permi t State Su:rcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I NO'1 FEE Rl!s. So. fta. I Nmu/Ertend Circu:i ts I I I Temporary Service I I I I Eleatrical Permit State Sur[!harQ8 Total Charc:es lITEM I Furnace ETU' S I E:haust Hood I Vent Fan I WeodStO:J8 NO. Permit Issuance Mechanical. PePmit State Suraharoe TDtrr l r:harotJRn -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~ri~ DZPOsit I Storage I Maintenanee Iparmit I Total Chapa~8 I Cw'baut ISidewZk Fe~e Eleetrical Label .1 Mobi le Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE,- /;;27415 x Value Page 2 REQ,- L-COG~ . ,.. . T-:/,oe/Cor.at: I Access. I I II II II T.me. ./ I Lot Faaes - I I P.L. INorth least ISou th IWest Bedrooms: I Enel'qy Soul'aes Heat Water' Yp.atp.1" Range Fireplace wooa; tove Setbacks House l Carage i i I Fees Building Value & Pe r m i t , > , This permit is granted on the express condition that the sciid' construction shall~ in all re8pccts~ conform to the ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of cmy provisions of said Ordinances. . I IOIf Sll yf I I ,- I I I I I II~OO I I I I I I I 11~,C1O I V I ,(0'0 I I I C:;, bO I- I I I I I I I I I CHARGE ,feD It::), bU CHARGE FEE CI/ARGE IPlan Check Fee: Ivate Paid, IReadpt #: I Signed: I I 1 I I I ~/ Plumbing Permit No person ohall construct, inst;alZ~ aUer or change any nelJ or e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a pe:'son may do plwnbing work to property which is otJned~ leased or operated py the appli- cant. ' - Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electrical l.JOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I I I I- I I P7-an Exarrrz.ner uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for perntit, and do hereby certify that a'Ll ir:fO='"lQ.tion hereon is true and correct, and I f".nother certify that any ar.d all work perfom/ed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and the La.JS of tha ... State of Oregon p$rtaining to the lJOrk described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrtlde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1.ly contl'aators and e:rrptoyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project /.,-113"\ - . ~"'r-:t}. t-b I. I . " __1. Mcc~ .:....-,;)'-- .... /' .,- I.,.; /~ J,~ ... I j,,"'~ ~ D.r<lY:C W.." Y / Z y :;-(:,) / \i 6(0 iJ~ I ...., I \ ~ '- i.'. i "-. i I I , \'1 1\1] 0- I!!:' al ~::.. /i C-'HiE flfA '" H _n" . Cr.\ ,.- J '1-;""': \,J/ ;~~ '. ~-' -"'" ., -". ~ '( ..... ! I lA.".. _-' 0 ,.., I , ! t, i I i i ! ----~ ! -.-._-