HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-8-24 ... ", .. "".... 83jqq4 y I1II I " I. '01'" city of springfield SPRINGFIELD INFORMATION: 726-J7SJ . 225 n. 5th street INSPECTIONS: 726-J769 - Slq,0.P'/ , SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION , A. LOCATION OF SIC:! (ADDRESS) ;) S-S' ~ c;::""" /(1 v.~. A' f(~-AIJAr.-J.e../ /7 /13 ~2.- ~,(A{d .A.o~~f""p..IJ ADDRESS ''':;'SsS- GA;" ...,AX .- omlER OF SIO:I (IF OTIlER TIWI PROPERTY OWNER) LtCAL DESCRI~TION TA.': LOT'~ 2.-2. 0 ~ PHOIlE 7~c - 8"770' ~ OWNER OR PROPERTY ZIP .s;,....,/Z. ADDRESS NAME OF BUSIl1ESS. FI!l.'l. ETC.L'{dQ-"_~Ar}"..,A PHOIlI; . -1.L7A("f""'t~ _.TYPE 01' ,EUSWE5S B. TYPE OF WORK: LERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C. STP.U~ TYPE 'OF 51011" _I1ALL LFREE5TANDItlG ROOF _PROJECTING _MARqUEE _ UlIDER lW\qUEE _OTP.ER D. USE AND CP.A..'lACTER OF '5101'1, "'" IDENTITY' ~ IIlCIDE1ITAL :Arf It DOUBLE FACE * I -4-SIllCLE FACE __'!ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOA!Ul ;. " I / .. .',. E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIC:I ERECTOR ,5/",~ r"r.., r-.J rIlCNI: YP'V'- 96 ~t/ ZIP 97,/,0<"- ./.00:>..:':55 /?o F A n.>C s.-.s.-'j,S - ./ ..L=' 1.1 r.> 17.,\(3 " CITY LICEIl5E I~BER .EXP. DATE . ,J I > -; .. J ~ .. 51011 I~NUFACTURER (IF OTHER T!',AN ERECTOR) s....,~<? ADDRESS ,P!!OIlE F. DJ::1EIISIONS. I1ISTALLA'rIOII TIIIClC1ESS OR DEPTIl (~ ".,...~ 2,r . ,G. EXISTIllG SIGNS ARE TIlERE ANY EXiSTIllO ~IGN$1 ~ES ~t10 11UllBE? SIZE IN SO. FTG. ALL EXISTl:lG SIGNS r / FOR EU5IIlESS, ETC...t /:J. .$/, ...,F(. ~~7T \' (j1> B~.et:'r"c..Ac~/) - TOTAL HEIOHT ABOVE ORADE VERTICAL DIIfE:ISIOIl OF SIG11 HORIZONTAL IHOTIl OF SIG:I DDlE:ISION FROM GRADE TO BOTIO:! OF SIGN E. CONSTRUCTIOn t,'-(.,~ ~' -7' DOES SIO:! PROJEC, BEYOIID PROi'ERTY LI1IE? _YES v" NO IF YES. DIllENSION BEYOIlD PROPeRTY LI::E NOTE, IF PROJECTIOn IS IIORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TP.E SICN ERECTOR HUS, FILE 1I1'i1! '!'lIE nUILDI:1G DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HF.R LIABILITY AND PROP, ERTY. D,\}lAGO::: W5~7.Al/CE POLI::::S. H. HI~ SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRWG? No IF YES, \/HIC!! APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGIl _ILLUMUATED (INDlRECTI:Y LIG!!TED) ELECTRICAL COIlTP.ACTOR ADDRESS LISC. NU:iBER Pr.Clll: I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR :'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTI\UCTED OF'/1 J /?, ~d"" J. SITE INFOPMATION (LMID USE) ,- ~~ISTIl/G USE OF BUILDING OR LAl/D (nR LAST USE IF VACANT) . /1 /.2-r'/"'" ('~-::I ' ~E'S'( O~77 ;.H'__ ! ~ 'i . l: K. VALUE OF SIC11: -" ~ _INDOOR BUSINESS _CUTIlOO~.. l'ERCHAtIOISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ~~D, ~............,...,t?--__ jqo.o::. L. I P.AVE CAREFULLY E..~II:IE::> t:he completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all. 1nfo~ation is true and cor~ect. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done 10 accord3nce with the 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the City of Sorin~field 3nd a1: other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~fiald and the laws of the State 0: Ore~on ~ertainin~ to t~e worl~ Qescri~eu n~~~~n. I further certify tha~ ~y ~:~~ Co~t=actor Li- cense .....ich the Ci::t of Spri.::gfield is in full force and ei:ect as reC!uired by Sprinr.f.ield Codes S-2-6()) and 9-]-20(2). I ~ill request all required sign inspections listed on the approved pe=it. ~ *A/ NA.'1E (PLEASE PRI~/~4A;,6WPT~Y G ~.L. : SIG:lA11l'R~, _..,.; ~~~. DATER:.. 24-1"7 " /' F - ~-~~- --~""'-~ I I Ii ,.., . ,,'_Ll_LI~...._ _~. _ - . . ,....I PLEASE READ '. 1) Senara~e St~n ADDlic3cion: A separate application 1s required for each separate sign.as defined lQ me. .;)1.&n ~,J(1e. . Electrical: Any pe~t issued under chis ap~lication will i~clud~ wiring ~n or on sign structure~ the SUPpLY wires for connection must be covered on an electr~cal per=ic. ElectricaL conneccion muse be cade only by a State Licensed ElectricaL Contractor. Illuminated signs (both incern3Lly and externally) mu.t confor.n to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-l8 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinanc e. 2) 3) Plans Reouired, This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans Showing di:- mens~ons ana neight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing. bracing and footings; materials of construction for sign and sien strueeure; electrical equipment and lighting: size and location of existin~ signs on property for the same busiens., all as required to determinq compliance with the Spring:ield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,_ show the follow-, ,ing infot1lla.tion ,on, the plot plan (plan showiI1g ,property, line., and location of, sibIlS).: a) 'Show the location of all existiI1g sign(.) as well as proposed sign(s)., b) Show the length of the Street frontage taken up by the busi~ess or bUilding. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. c) Shov the location of enCrances open to the public and driveways. When requi=ed. because of design. 8i:e, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre~ pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. . Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being i,ssued. Signs DUst ceet co~er vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive' Zoning Code. 1I0T~: No sign ca.y be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from' overhead elecc=1cal conduccors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction free overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue be void,. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Insnections: of this permit, the permit shall. . .'/' /~ a) Site !nsnection - to be made before the sign 1s placed. Usually, the Footine Insoection (1t: app.l1.caole) c-.ay be cade at the same tiI:le as the Site Inspection.' "Ibe ,toocJ.ng In$pec~ tion 1s to be made afcer hole(s) is ~v~tecil but prior to the place~nt of c~ncrete. Fin31 Insoection:- to b~ mad~ up~n completion of all work. ~lect~ital - all electrical signs ~st be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s ereccea and before the sign is curned on. . b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED I~SPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTIl.ICT f.e-c:,. FOR Or:1C~ US~ ONLY ZONE DISTRICT 1<. M JOB ~ S?.:\I qq4 . 'j I , j J ! TO~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SICll SIGli PER..'lIT n:t: f. B. ().O REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: ~'SITE/LOCATIOll FOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT -'/' ~INAL ELECTRICAL PElL'lIT n:t: 79- _ELECTRICAL _OTnER 4'4 STATE SURClL\R.:e- ~ TOTAL: 7g.00 DATE '7-/ '/ -f'~ OJ) - I l RECEIPT 13 C,/71 / CLERK SFECIAL CONDITIOllS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICll: / ADDITIONAL INFOR.v.A':"IC:1 NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~y BE ISSUED: "- fJECP UIJ7/ZAcT Of?-. L1 te,{/SC J f1 il 11-".) C-E '7 mMO" ", J:U 1. Cl- 7{1- / <! 0tf!!.AI\jT~ - "') DATE 1.. 2-7 -f( ~ ,. SECTION: SPRIllCFIELD SICll ORDINANCE . . ..11'....'...' I I i I i ~ --~ -..- 1 ." ,,' f1<;~. I,'~ .... " , I "... I. SPRINCFIELD city of springfield 225 n. 5th street INFORMATION: 726,375;) INSPECTIONS: 126.3769 S/(llJ -?' ( Ls, GN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIC:l (ADDRESS) !JC;6 N/IRW'~ U:CAL DESCRI~TION,rc 1#'f!F I 7 0 ~ 2... Z OWER OR PROPERTY ~JNf(,.ErT ~~ GVrr ADDRESS ',j..." J 13~/~ OIINER OF SIC:! (IF OntER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS NAME OF BUSIllESS, n!l..'l, ETC. ~ ~~Ml:<v'7J TA.~ LOT '!" 7_ '2-~ 0, PHONE nC -;/77 0 ZIP ,PHONE TYPE OFBUSWE~S ~ I B. TYPE OF WORK: V ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C. STP.UC'TUllAL TYPE 'OF SICN:. _HALL ~FREE~TANDnrc _ROOF _PROJECTING ~R~UEE _UNDER 11AR~UEE _OTP.ER [). USE AND C~~CTER OF SICN: ~ IDENTITY . _nlCIDElITAL /DOUBLE FACE _SINCLE FACE __'mLTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD 1/. ",. E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: 'r _ I,p. , SICN ERECTOR .)..... 'fA"- '-"'---r- ,J.DD?':::SS /?O. fjn"" ""7" ~""""E:- CITY LICENSE IIlr.1BER SICN HANlIFACTURER (IF OTllEl TF.AN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS 01( 4/:<<J.-'fAa:- ,ZIP 17ftot'; .EXP. DATE .t'HCNl: ~ ,PHonE ':l- f. DIHWSIONS, U1STALLATION G. EXISTINC SIGNS ARE TIlERE ANY EXIST!!IC $IGN~? ~ ~IIO IMIBE? SIZE IN SO. FTG. , " & CONSTRUCTIOn 7:": 'i'-l.<' Jt<P. -LJ:(j-) -;- -Tv I3c ,rZe:;:pt-I+c.e:J;:>. TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIME:ISION OF SIC:/ HORIZONTAL \IIOnl OF SICN DDlCNSION FRO}! CRADE TO Bono:! OF SIGN ALL EXISTI~C SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. TlIIC:<l;ESS OR DEPTIt DOES ~IG:! PROJECT BEYO:ID PROPERTY LWEI _YES ~NO IF YES, DWEnSION SEYmlD PROPERTY LI::E Non:, IF PROJECTIOIl IS ::ORE TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PRO?E?TY 17.E SIC:l ERECTOR l'lUST FILE IIITH TIlE BUILDI:IC DIVISION COPIES OF HISIllER LIABILI:"! AaD PROP- ERTY DA}!ACE WSUP.AlICE ?OU::ES. H. t-nx:x. SICN !lAVE ELECTRICAL WIRWCl Vt'J IF YES, \IIlIC!! APPLY? ELECTltICAL SIC11 _ILLU!1L'IATED (IllDIP_~cm ,LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CO:ITRACTOR ADDRESS LISC.NUl1IlER Pr.CNE I , I. DESC~IBE TYPE OR ~ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. ~ J'SITE IllFOPMATIOI/ (LAND U!'F.) -- EXISTINC USE OF BUILDD:C OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF VACANT) 4.J~A-,_io- ./?' K f:=.,,->.'-'<~ 17'7. trll-..-,"/ K'VALUE OF SIC:/: _INDOOR BUSINESS _CUTOOO:t !'ERC!L\1IDISn:C PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LN'ID, ~_......- ~ /2..(,(f.9- L. I IJ'.AVE CAREFUt~Y E..~II::E:> the completed application for cermic and do hereby certify that all 1nfo~ation is tr~e and correct, and I further certify that all ~ork performed shall be done in accord3nce with t~e 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the Cit~ of Sorin~field 3nd a1: ocher Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of "the State 0: Ore~on ?ertainin~ to c~e warl; descr~~ea n~.~Ln. I further certify tha~ ~y ~~~~ Co~tractor Li- Cense ~ith the Cicy of. Spri~~field is in full force and effect as required by Sprinr.field Codes :;~t~~) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all r~eqUired s~~insoections listed on the approved NA:1E (PLEASE PRI:IT) /(~ (, /y VI7I?C~ ~,4<rC/Mlr/~,v SICNATURE c::5'2 ~ --:'-',,' ,~ ,DATE 1..-2 7.--)'? ~, ~ I, -~--- ....L ..... . . . .....1 " PLEASE READ 1) Seoarace Siil':'1 Acol1c.1cion: A separate application. 1s required for each. separate sign .as defined 10 tne. .)1gn l..,Jae. . Elece~ic.l: Anr pe~t issued unde~ ehis application ~ill include ~iring in or on sign seruceure: the SUPPlY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical pe~t. Electrical connection must be cade only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern~11y and externally) must confor2 eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- clinance. 2) 3) Plans Reouired, This applicaeion is to be submitted ~ieh two complete sees of plans sho~ing di"' menSLcns ana neight of sign; advertising message on sign: location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, struceural details of support framing, bracing and footings; Qacerlals of construceion for sign and sign seructure: electrical equipment and ligheing: size and locaeion of existin~ signs on proper:y for the same busienos. all as requi~ed to deeermin~ com~liance ~ieh the Sp~ingeield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. sho~ the follo~-' ,ing infor.nation ,on the plot plan (plan sho~ingproperty, lines, and location of, signs) ,: " a) b) 4) Sho~ ehe location of all exiseing sign(s) as '~ell as: proposed sign(s)., Sho~ the length of ehe st~eet frontage taken up by the business or bUilding. For ~all signs, show the lengch of the building frontage. c) Show the location of enC=ances open to the public and driveways. Yhen requ1=ed. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail ~ill be returned to the applicant ~ith no permit being issued. Signs DUst ceet co~er vision clearance requiremencs as described in" Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive-Zoning Code. II0T~, No sig:1 cay be erected ~hich is less than 12 feet horizontally or ve~t1cally f~om' overhead elecc~ical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electrical lines ~hic~ are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed ~iehin 60 days after the date of i.sue of this permit, the permit be void.. shall ,. ,. / ./ , 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Insoections: a) Site Ins~ection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin2 Insoection (It applicaole) ~~y be cade at the same tice as the Site Inspection. lbe rOoting Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) 1s eACav~t~ci, but prior to the placement of c~ncrete. Final Insoeccion:- to be mad~ upon complecion of all work. ~lecr~ical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 15 erectea and before the sign is turned on. b) c) CALL FOR IRE REQUIRED I~SPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726~3769 SIGN DISTRICT ~, TOtAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF loUR OrY it,;:; US~ UNL"I ZON<: DISTRICT #.U SIG1//?./,ih (A-PJ'JI'IIY.) JOB q '7')2... I, Qq L.jJ PE~~T FEE: I <;$I,? ~ tJ 0 "'j SIGN REOUIRED INSP~CTIONS: ....;'ITEI LOCATI 0:1 _FOOTIlIG OR METHOD OF ATL\CllMENT _EU:CI'!UCAL OT'tiER ./FIllA!. ELECTRICAL PE~~IT FEE: ../r 41. STAn: SURCHARGE: , ,.:.,...;,.--,~ ~' "'!7 TOTAL: ~/3. dO REcEIP'd5 t/ 7 (/ I SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: DATE cr -I 9 -.R'1-7 CLERK c::;(J/ '/ A (j I fl)ca; 5 C {JJ-r/2 AcT I,e, 1-1 t, E AJ~ F ADDITIONAL INFO~vArIC:1 NEEDED BEFORE PE~~T ~y 8E ISSUZD: , J APPROVED tJ~ t-/ITN c.e n,( (}z~.. J i' ?'- 7-/../ ~f!J'r07G'D ,~ DATE r'--:L C;-y3 Ie; . .r~ '''~f f' ^ .~^t~t~. , "'::; -:"r);{ 'J SECTION: ... SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE ..:~~...:'