HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-9-28 .. RESIDE.IAL'. APPLICATION /PERMI1' 225 North 5th Street Sprvingfield, Oregon 97477 Building Divisiort ?2G-3753 ~3.' ~~ ,Vu,( c;~ ,Sf- ~fa r.p 7 7_ ' 11\'\02 ~ ~n() Tc.:c Lot /I \~C:() ~ - - - . ,'ob Loc.1tian: 11:1:;es.:Jor~ Map ';(d>dit'~8ion: 'Jl.rn e l' : :r:, A >'I Wilken. lld(lr1c:1S: ,'7335 Da..istl Srpri Y1 CfJ'; ejJ , J ,).p, .... Ci t!J: oR v ~'-'1 ~ Nm., c.. 0...... perf .1 dc! i ticn 3.J.. I laYl;r 0..+ '-j",.:mo'!I!1. - ------ xl .'!ol..-:.7.e .'10m;: ~ Date of IIppliea ticn q- I;) - 't 0 :untr:;lctnrs 1l--1~ ,:l':ner;.ll I' ],umb.i,ng ',lee hi! 11 it: al I;:l<::c t ri.!;a I ?1I pe "~!:t1;ir,~I':lec t r:i c in n SPRINGFIELD ','::' 7)... Plwne: 7 <Ie - 3 7 ?b Zip: q 7 'I1J1 Describe ("01'1,: , " x (;J-' If/ " J e-- frt~bih H~ _. -i;; e Ii}f.-- Gf Va lue 3<b7~, ~ .:eiPt ,~ 00......'............... """ ," ." 11=- I go 81 ) ~ .,. J" .. . " "'I' ".. I '.. ", t .' .' < ., .1 !:A C;-6B,q() , , Siar.ed: Date: EXI)i((~s Address Lise. II Bld r::> Boa rei ReI.:. " It i8 the responlJibiZity of the pel'mit holder to 8ee that all 'inspections are made at tile proper timE:. that each :;ddre8IJ is readabZe Jrom the street, and that the permit card is located at the fl'Ont of the property. '!jll::?dl:~l!l Diui::ior: "ppl'OL'ad plan s~ZZ l'emnin on th" BlIndin(7 :::U;; at aU times. ['::OC:.;m/RE FOR rNSPF:G"rrON R:':QUE,'JT:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccorder) state YOU1' City designated job number, job addreoIJ, type oj' ill:Jpe()~'iclI requested nr.d Whetl YOll will be read!J j'or inspcction. Contraatol'n 01' Ownero nr.me and phone number. RequestIJ received before' '1:00 (;',' ..'i II be made the same dc.!J, requests mc:de aft~r 'I: 00 am will be made the next :JOrkq day. , Your city Denigr.ated Job Nlunber Is: ()\ \ ~\ f2...- R'1(Juircd ['111 P f'C! tl:ml," -I, .~'/'l't: IN:;I'F,'C~"I()N: To be made ~ excavat'ion, :mt Pl>1-01.tC aet fOl'ms. ~ after up of UNDF.RSf,,lfJ PUWBING. ELECTRIC,IL .~ Mf.'CII!L'fJCllI,: 'to be made befol'e any wol'k is covcI'ed. ~ FOOT JNG '!' FOUND,1 T ION: To be made alter tI'elwhes ar'e exeavated and fOI'/lW ill'e erected, but prial' to' pOlu"illg ccnere t". ~ U,W)snG.'IOIJ,~'D P[,UMBJNC, D.'IAU/AG/,': To be made l,T,:U i-:;:enehec. sS'rJF,'H, lJ.1Tfo.'H, pr'iol' to li l- ~ UN/.IERFWO.'l Pf,/INR [NC ,~ MEC!lANfCAL: '/'0 be made pl'ior to inatallat'ion of rz,uor i,wulation 01' deeking. I'OS7' AND BEAM: To be madc prior to illS ta l1..-zt'icll of floor inst.;latior. 01' deekill'J. "'I RO!.'G// !'w.'mT:1c. F.'[,fo.'CTRTCA[',~ MF:Cl/- ~ ANn'AI,: No wOI'k 'is to be eOL'ered w:l.il tlzcs(! il1speetiol1s hal1e beer: ',' {' ,1- '" , mr/( e nlla qppl'OlJe~" ] FI.'!E:PLACE: Pr'i~r to plaeir.g facing mc:tel"inls and before framing inspec- tim:. ~ ] FRM![Nr:: Must be requested after apP,'ov':ll of rough plwr.bing, alectri- eal & m<!ch'l,llieal. AU rOOfing l)j'aailUJ & ellimne!Js, etc. m:ISt be completed. !lo w:Jrk is to be con- ce(;led IIntil tltis inspection has . been made alld approved. l~ rOMr, P/,U,WJrt/l; '1--1 -1 F1tIil/. "'E'!://I1.'//CM, Dr/ Nil/' 1'[.1,'(."1'.'1' reI. f, I, QQ D INS/Jf,A'/'IONIVIII'08 liAR/iff:[( INSPE'C?'JON: 7'0 be made arter' all insul:;t'ian a~.d required vapor 1:ar'riers are in place , '1mt cefore any latlt, gypsum board or 1.oXlZZ covcl'inf/ is applied, aOO before any insulation is concealed. D DRYWAf,L INSPE:CTTON: To be made aj'tel' all drywall is in plaee.' but prior to any taping. DEMOLITION OR :',:OVED 8UILDIj/CS 'I Sani tary IJelJer :!apped at property Zir:e -.--J . , 11l~.I.,.',j'IIH l:'t:l'\lt'i~~.":ll :,!;,'I,I,I\' =:J Septi:: tank p::.mped aOO fiZled with grQ:raZ ] Final - ("hen abcve items are ccmpleted ar:d when demolition is complete or st)"Ii.)- , ture moved and pr~mi3es aleane:1 up. I Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections 8Cl.JCl' and "'a~er ----, Electrical Connection - Blocking. set-lip ---l and plumbing connections ",.~st 1:e approved before requeoting clectr,ical inspec~ion ~ Accessory Bui lding ~ Final - After p:Jrcnes, ---l etc. are completed. ,8kirting. decks, D location, bond 01' vel'tiea ls in U.B.C. Section D All pro,jeet condi tions, mwh au tlte 1',no tallation of 8tl'eet trees, "eo~platian of t;IC I'af/llired land:wcpb':g, ete., rmwt be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL call be requeotsd. .'. n,.. _...._.____. ._._.. FINAf, BunDJNC: 'rhe Filial Building Inspection nluot be requeIJted after tllll Pillal Plwnbill;] \. Elcctr"ical, and Neehade>1l IlIspeetions h(lf}c been made and approlJ:!d. h M~!~l~ I of :! 'AU, f./,lN/lG/J':,'; ANI) CU:ANOU'I';, t1/1.':'I' UP. M:CP.8SJ[lf,f.', AD.//J8T!!,':,v,!, TO BE !,!,1m: .~'t NO CYST TO C(,'!'Y D MASONRY: Steel beamo. gl'Outillg accordance with 2415. WOODSTO'lF:: After ins taZlat'ion is ccmpleted. D CURB ,~ APPROACH AP.'?ON: After' forrlJs al'e al'eeted but pl"ior; to pouring ~on(JT'ete. o SID.';;I-lALK ,~DRJ['Jo:t';,U: F01' aU con- crete paving within street right- of-;-wcy. to be made after aU exca- tJ~ting cornplet~ & form r,x;n'k & sub- 'base materia'l', in' plaae. . , , " , , D !"ENCE: ~'/lCn compl;;;te -- Provide gates or movable aections through P.U.E. o ~.f':;'.: L'.. .' JO B NO. SOLAR eESS ;~one: Ocmlvanc~ Groun: , ' LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. Z ,,[ lot Coverag;; .1/ of StorieIJ Total !leight Topography TTEN I SQ. FTG Main GaraGe Ca rpol' t "3~ AcCeSIJOrl/ TOTAT, VAWE IvatucJ S.D.C. 1.5 :r: Building Perrrri t Sta te Surcha.rge Tota,l CIuz~ge3 I ITEM NO. Fixtu.res Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer I r~ater I Plumbing Pemit State Surcr.arge Total Charl1lis x /~,/tfJ FF,'E Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value "'?8~S'-> 4L/" S2!> :2 ...2 ~ 16 .7~ ~ CHARGE " REQ.- . I. L-COC' Bf?c!l'oomn: Tipe!cor:nt: 1 EIl!ll'f11/ SOW'(~CH I !feat I I I I I TilT'''' I f.,ot Faces - I I P. {.. INO/.tll f','ast South l~ent Setbackn (fou:;r~ I r.araw) I1CCC:13. J~atel' !/eatel' Hall!le Fireplace Wood;;tor;e -- Fees Building Value & Permit Thin permit iG granted on the expreGs condition that the Hili(l. eonHtl'llC~I:OH shall. in all respcctIJ, conform to the OJ'dinar.ce adopted liy the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulc.tinf} I;he eCHHtl'uel.icH and UGe of buiZdin(llJ, and /n.7.Y bc Gunpended or revoker! at roIlY 1;;:",'-' Ul'I,I11 IJ/:';- Za tion of allY I'rovinionlJ of IJaid OrdinmlceG. l ~ Plan Check Fee: '''2.. $B . 9 :3 Catc Paid: q //, 2/9() IHecc:ipt II: /6, 7_~<::7 ' \signed:;"/J~ ~ Plumbing Permit No percoH nJlI1lL conatl-ZUJt, inatal!, aZter or ChaHgo G.ll!l HelJ CP r;.~int~l:n!l plumbil7(J OJ' drainag,e IJyste'n in whole or in part, ur:less IJuch pel'/;oll in th,; legal pOlJsessor of a valid plumber's ,license. except that a perno/! maif do plumbing work to property which is owned, leaDed or operated by the appli- cant. ITf','M I NO. ~ Ren. Sa. fta. Naw/Extend Circuits "\ , Temporary Service I. . Eleatrical Permit State Surchar~e Total Charges ITSM Furnace .'!TU' S ExhaulJ t {food I Vent Fan Woodstove Permit IGsuanca State Surchame Storage Maintenan..,e pcrmit Tatal Char(7Cs , I Curbcu t I Sidewalk I....cnse I Electrical I Mobile Home I Labe l I '1Vl".A r AAJnlIM~ nll~. 4 NO. FEE FEE CHAHGE CHARGE if6.- 7~ Electrical Perm it Where State T,aw requires tr.at the cZectrical work be done by all ElectJ'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit IJhall r:ot be valid wztil the label IU18 bcen signed by the Electrical Contmctor. ~ Mechanical PermH ~ I r I I , ~~ ,1?&'--~ p 4t::m1.ller Oi ~ -,- - ~-~-9~ vaLe - I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.1e compz'eted application for permi t, arId do hereby certify that aU i1:fo:omation heJ'eon is true and corrcct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shaU be dO;'le i:l acaol'- dance with the Ordinances of tire city of SprinaficZd. and th.;; La-..:s of tha' I ~ State of Oregan pertaining to the work described hcrein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrtlde of any struetura without permiIJ3iort of the Buildi/l(l Di- vision. I further certify that cmly contractors and e~pz"yees who are in c~~pliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this project . . \, x~ I Sian,'1d I ~ ~~ ' ~~ t}-p- 90 [l,J/:i: ~