HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-8-22 (2) .. RESIDANTlAL" APPLICA~NIPERl1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .SPRINGFlELD Job Loe~tion: 1597 Lawnr.i.dCT" Ave. ABCeSCOr" Nap H 1 ~ - 03- d- S- 0-;:}' SDrinafie~~ ~7477 T= Lot U 090(}0 Subdiv;sion: Ramblinq Acres West .75 CUner: Lot 2 Blk 9 2nd Addition Esther Lang Address: 1597 Lawnridae Ave. Springfield OR Phone: 746-8770 Zip: 97477 City: n [Xl n n lIm.l Add family residence. Describe fl'oI'k: room w/bath to existing Additicn Remodel Hobi.le 80m3 Date of Applicaticn Cont:rac;ors 8-9-88 Value $20,867 Add."eS3 General Prestiqe Bldrs Inc Plumbing Don Lewis Eleetl'icaZ Cl1rrpnt F.l p-ctrical Nechar.ic.=.l Co:n.stzoucti071 Lendar .NnT1 P 786 Driftwood Dr 500 E Greenfield 1565 Linda 97402 97404 97401 Rcce::"t ,ii ( ~{ ~~ ~ (cu. 00 . \ * SOl ,11\ . fO 'b/7 C9- ,-l.t.J..-, -. .--.:' I~ <i<-2z-R'J: , ~~f S1..gr.e _ Date: ~R Lise,' 52228 33076 20-158C E::z,iI'8S Phone 10-09-88 06-30-89 02-28-89 461-0967 688-1931 344-2260 It is the respcmaibility of the permit holder to see that all inapections are made at the proper timc, tr.at ccch ::ddreBs is l'oc:.::a. from tho streetl and that the permit card is Located at the fron.t of the property. .Eu.i!di~.g Dividor. approved pl.an shell remain on tha Buil.ding Sit-:; at all times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTIOn RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City design.:J.~ed J'ob nur.;berJ job accrcssJ typo of in.:;pec-;ic raquestcd a~~ when you will be ready for inspcctionJ Contractors or OWne~s n=me end phone number. RequBsts received cefere 7:00 . :..'ilZ. be made the same dc.YJ requests made afta' 7:00 a:n !JiZZ ba made the nat :.JOrkin; day. G:taui,..",,., T7'!_r:ru'r!r.ir.'('..<: Your Ciq- Desigr.a.ted les Numb€r Ia: i y I SI'I'E nl~p~CTION: ~o be made after r:il INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: excav~ttonJ but p~or tc set up of ~ To be made after all. insul~ti~n ~~ forms,~ ~~A<: S~T"'--A,q.~~~C~ required vapor carriers are in plaee O UllDERSLAB PLUf.fBII1G. ELECTRICI1L & :- but 1::efore .any "ZathJ !?y~s...'71 beard or /{ECH.4;JICAL: To DS made before any . wU "~ve1"!.~g t.~~appl-t.eaJ and before LJOrk is covered. ;, "any l.n.3ulatwn 1.... concealed" i 1/ I 'FOOTING & FOUND.1TIO~ To be made I ~I DRYWALL INSPECTION: Te be made IJt.. after trenches are excavated and ("It. after aU drylJaU is in pZaceJ forms are erectedJ but prior to bu.t prior to any taping. pou.ring ccncret~. : ~ I UNDERGROU!!D PLUMBING, SEweR. W.1TER, ! <q:q~I1IA(Jf::> To be nrr.de prior to fi l.- .lir.g trencrnzs. ., ..,.... o ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grou.ting or verticals in accordance with U,B,C. Section 241&. ~ !J j\ UlJDE.9FLOOFl PLUf.$JNG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instal.l.ation of 1100r insuZation or decking. After instaLlation is o WOODSTO'lE: ccmplet€d. o POST MID BEAM: To be made prior to instalLation of floor ins~l.ation or deekin;;, ~~ I ~I ,1../)- ROUCH ?l.U.'!BI!JG. Er,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.JOrk is to be cOI:ered .until. these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve.:!. FIREPl.ACE: Prior to pl.c.cir.g facing mc.terials and bsfore frcuning i7lspec- tior:. CURB & APPRCAC,f! /1!'.'::GW: Afte:-o forms are ~rected but prior to pouring conCl'e te. ixi D SIDE(1ALK & DRIl'Er1,~r: For aZl con- crete paving within strect right- of-wcy, to be made after aU exca- vating ccmpl.ete & fom work & :;ub- base material. in pwce, LJ Uv I FRA1~l/IC: Must b. requeated after ../' approv.:;.l of rough plwr.bingJ electri- cal. & mechanical. AU roOfing . bracing & chimneys, etc. l1r.lst be ;.completcd. 110 tJOrk is to be CGn- ~ cealed u.ntil. thiD inspection has 'b6~n made and approved. O :OEr/CE: When compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movabl.e sections through P.U,E, o ~~ RJ FIliAL Pl.UMBI/1G )j') 2J FIliAL /JE~HA:lICAL \.Ie, :EJ FIliAL ELECTRICAL =:J xxo fa91 I DENOLITIOf} OR ;~!OVE] BUILDI;.."GS ~ Sani ;ary se'.Jer capped ~.t p~op:;rt;-:i lir:i1 ~ Septi:: tank p:4.-::;;i:d cr.d f-!.Zlad uith grc: ~ Final - h~en abcve it~~s arc c~~lGtec ,J 4 "~." 4. a~d uhen _~Ot~~1.on l.S caTopt6to or s:~ ture moved ani premises cle~ned up. I Mobi Le Hemaa ~ Blocking and S~t-up =:J Pl.umbil:;J co~nections -- SC::WC1' and wa=e: ~ ElcctricaL. Ccnr.cctiOIl - Blockill:J. sot-:' -.J mld plumbing connections m-..:st t~ c?pr::: before request~ng elec=~~cal inspec=io: ~ Acces:::oP'i Bui lc..;.nq ---, Final. - After p:)rcr.l!s. sk.;.rting. ~ etc, are cample:~d. decks, o All. project conditionsJ :::uch as the instaZlation of street trees. co~Zotian of t~e required Zandscc.pir.gJ etc., must be satisfiad before the BUILDING FINAL,can be r2questsd, ,~ (}) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection muGt be requested after the Final. Plumbin; Electrical.J and Mechanical Inspections havo been made and approu~d. -ALL !.fANHCLES AND CLEANQUTS MUST BE ACCES$IBLE. ADJUST!:E.'/'!' TO BE .'.~1DE I!T NO CDST TO CI'!'Y f P::U}tJ ! o,f I JUll NU,I\'I:{) (oCfej I I Zonc' /_ ~~/ /.J~ Fj' ILet Sq. Feg. l~ ~f lot Caverag~ 'I # of Stories Total Height I I Topography I I I'1'E:./ I Main I Cc::race I Cart"ol"t I I ACCCS80r'1I SQ,F'IG ~/7''-A7 ~2 S,D.C. TOTAL VAWE rvc.Lu.CJ 1.5 x Building Permi t State Surcharge Tota l ChQ,':'"ges State Su:rcr.arge Tct~! C'::r:.r>aes j ITE,'.! St::.:,~ Sil:,::haroe Tota l Charces lITEM J tiC, I I I 1/1 I I I I ! Purnace ETU' S ; : E:::haust Hoo.: 1 ,'ent Fan : ;J~odsto:Je Perr:i t Issuance Me::.runical Permit State SuroharGe -XQ~.9: ~n (;harrum -- ENCROACHMENT h SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- oCCU":;"T~:iR- :? ! Lot Faces _ set~:::(Cor."t' 6j Interier I P.L. House Cnra(u? ACCC:'>3. I I INorth I I lEast I I ISo.th I I IWest I I Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Fees x ) I I I I I I.<'",,~? -- I I I I I, , /9'6,S~ 1-). ??~I /5""3".831 I Plumbing Value Building Value L -co C" Bf?c.roor.:G: Ener(1:J SO:.4rces Heat Watm" YcatttI" Ha'l~(] Fireolace Weod:; t01:,z T:J:",<: & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said.conatructio; shall~ in all respccts~ conform to the Ordinar.ce adoFted by the City of Springfield. inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance~ regulc.tir:g the ccnstl"'.1",ticn and uce of buildings. and mcry be suspended or revokec at cr.y time upor. vi, Lation of any pravi8ior.a of said Ordir~nces. Plan Check Fee, "7't:>-"';; 3 x-rJ-,5'( I..) (J c, 7 ~ Permit I"'" Date . Pai~: Rec::t.pt if: Sigr:ed: C&1.RGE -;;;'>7.:':>0 No percon shall construct, instal!, a!ter or change c.ny new cr e=istir:g plWTIoiTUJ 01' drainage syste:" in :Jhole or in part, ur.less SUdl ;erson is tr., legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~ay do pl~bing work to p1'operty which is owned. leased 01' operated by the appli. cant. NO. I I -='>0. esr> I yJ7-S-o I-C::;- -:<>./31 #'$I.~ 3' I ' I I ::<'2. t';C> I I /. r"'" I =s'?5e::!J /- '-I /.881 I 9' 7' . 3:5 , I I I I I I I 1 I I Mechanical ! ITE/.! I~ I ~,~-< ! Fi.=tures } ,... 'J" l Residmtiat f1 bath) I ! Sar.ita.ry Sewel' , r iI'c.tpr I :~zo~~A'7~1 i . Pl:.unbing Perr.:i t j Re,t::. .~t;. ft-a. i N;;w(E;:tend Circuits ?""Jrr...,.....,Il',c I Temporary Service I I I ,/" I I ~/(/C~c::..~..:'!.''''; .;-~e i Elc.,trical Permit , I FEE [..'ifARGZ Electrical Perm it Where State ~ requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~tricai Contractol'. the electrical portion of thia permit shaZl r.ot be vaZid untiZ the label has been signed ay the Electrical ~ontractor. FEE CHARCE -g: --c> ~.;Y. I /.~~ I-y .75'" I 675"1, Sa~.1rit~ D2v03it Stol'aqe Naintmum.-:n Permi t TotaZ Charoes Curbcut Sidewalk ,t"en::e Electrical LabaZ Mobile Home :.J:i.Ai. iu'.;'CiJ:I~' liiJi.':" ~"!- - '~~-r' ~~ I I I I I 1 I I -:2S:?:S'7 Permit 8 -2::::?-8:iR vate I HAt'E CAREFULLY ~XANINED the compZeted application fat' peT'mitJ end do hereby certify that all i~fo~tion hereon is true and corrccC~ and I further cel'tify that any ar~ all wol'k pel'formed shell be do~e i~ ac~ol'- dance :.r~th t;l.:1 ()rdin:mcc:; of the City of SprinaficldJ arul th= La-..;s of the State oj" O':'cg:m p=rt.::.ining to the work describ.:1d here~n. c,:d ;;;..-:t NO OCC!)- PJ.tJCY wilt b.:J rrl1:!a of any structul'a withO:.l.t p:Jrmis:;io~ of the 3uildi':g D~- vision, I further ccl'tif:i th:lt o~Zy contra~tors Qr:d e:ilpZ;;yC€S w1:o are ir. ccr.:pZiancc with ORS ?Ol.05~ will be used on this projact 7)"",~./ /'l-_~- 'i1-zz-~?