HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-8-22 .. RESlo..NTlAL.. APPLICA_/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oy'egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Location: 1597 Lawnr'idae Ave. AGomoro Nap # 1 r") - 03- a s- 0d.- SDrinafield 97477 Tc:r Lot II 09000 Subdivision: Ramblinq Acres West 75 OLmer: Lot 2 Blk 9 2nd Addition Esther Lang Address: 1597 Lawnridae Ave. Springfield OR City: I I In IXl n n Nm.l Add family residence. Additicn Remodel ,'.[obi 1.e Homa Date of AppZicaticn Com;I'actoI'S 8-9-88 GeneraL Prestiile Bldrs Inc PLumbing Don Lewis El.ectrical. r.ll't'"rp.nt F.l p.r.t_r; r..;ll l1e::har.ic.::l Construction Lender . Nonp Phone: 746-8770 Zip: 97477 Describe lI'ork: room w/bath to existing Value $20,867 Rcce:pt fi ( 't( ~~ u. fr;.P , >f C9- Sigr.e~ -if I/J-..---.--.:' Data: ~~ 't(-- 2Z-R'Y Lise. if Phone Add.."'ess 786 Driftwood Dr 500 E Greenfield l.'in..'i T.i nn." 97402 97404 97401 ErDircs 52228 33076 20-158C 10-09-88 06-30-89 02-28-89 461-0967 688-1931 344-2260 It is the responoibi7.ity of the permit holder to see that aZl. inapeC!tions are made at the proper tim€, that lJ:::ch .:=ddress is l'ca:ia. from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. --!3ui!di':1fl Divi:::ion approt:ed pZ.an shell. remain on the Bu-:.lding Site. at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE"QUEST:CAll 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desig.na~ed job nw;;ber~ job aC:CI'ess~ typo of inspec~ic requested a~d when you wiZZ be ready for inspcction~ Contractors or OWners ~e and phone number. Requests recei~ed betera 7:00 . :..'iZz. be made the same day~ requests made afteX' 7: 00 am will be made the next :JOrking day. Your City Desigr.atad Job Number Is: xxotoqtj ~p.qui~~~ rnRp~~tir.>>R I y I SITE IN~PECTION: ~o be made after Gl INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPFXTION: excavat~on~ but p~or to set up of ~ To be made after all insul~tiQn ~Li forms.~ ~n-~ S"Tr,.-,.,.,tti.El?"';;Y<E required vapor barriers a:re in place O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & :' but before .any .lathJ qyp,swn bca:rd or . I NECHAtJICAL: To be made before any wall .cover~r:g ~~ appheQ~ and before work is c.ovcred. any ~nsulat~on ~s concealed. j l/ , FOOTING 8 FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret;. ; /)L I ,UND;:;R~9()U!lD PLUMBING, SEWF:R. W,~TE.'to' I Q'!?AINAG""D To be made prior to fi l- .Zir..g trenches. ~ o UNDERFLOOF? PLUf.:BING & ME:CYANICt,L: To be made prior to in3taZla~ion of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to instanation of floor insulation or decki%. ROUGH ?LU.'-1BI1JG_ ET,ECTRICA!, ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ur.ti~ these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA,'~INC: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plumbing~ electri- cal & mechanical. AlZ rOOfing bracing 11 chimncys~ etc.. rTr..lst be ;. camp lated. flo work is to be CGn- ..: ceGled until this inspection has 'be~n made and approved. :!J 'x' ,~ 2J o DRyr';ALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywall is in pZaceJ but prior to any taping. I DEUOLITIO:",1 OR ;'.;OVE:J BUILDI;.~CS :==l Semi :;al'Y S8'..)el' ::apped c,t p~op<:rt;.i Zi,":u ~ Septic tank p....."?ed a;-.d fiHad uith ~rc.: ~ Final - a~en above ite~s arc ccmpleted ~ a~d when decroZitior. is compLete or Gt~ ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Nobi la Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plzunbil'lg co~nections sewel' ar.d wa-:e: O kMSONRY: Steel location~ bond beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTO'lE: completed. After installation is ~ Electricc.L Cc.'1r.C?ctioll - BLockill:J. sat.-:' --.J m1d plwnbing COrl1'lcctions rrr..:st t~ ap?r~: before requ.est:.rlg elec;rical irlspec-:io: .=J Accessor.::.' Bl~i lc:.r:g ~ Pinal, - /',ft..:r p:Jr"cr.cs, sk:'1't:na. decks, ~ etc. are comple-:~d. D All project conditions. $uch'as the installation of s=reet trees, co.~letion of the required landscapir.g~ ctc.~ must be satisfied beforc the BUILDING FINAL.can be request~d. ~ FIllAL PLUMBInG LJ FIlIAL /,fECHANICAL :EJ FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested aftar the Final Plumbi~~ Electrical~ and Mechar;ical Inspectionn hava been made and approvc'd. D o CURB {; APPHCACl:' AP,'?ON: A)'ta<;, [or'lrm a:re orected but pl'iol"' to pouring con.::rete. SIDErvALK & DRI!'F;r,;,~r: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vatin(T- complete &.. j~O~ lJOrk & Gub- base material. in place.... . .ALL MANHCU;S AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCES$IB['E~ ADJUST!!ENT TO BE gADE AT 1.'0 CYST TO CI7'Y I P~ge 1 of D PENCE: h~er: co:r.pl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U,E, o I JOB NO,tt/(f) roqq I ~ , ! Z""e' J.. 7?,??/ /./,...:; R I Lot Sq, Ftg, I~ of tot Caueragz 'I' ,if of Stories Total Height I I Topography IITEN luain. SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- L-COC"" DCCU"~;;"T~:;j~?; L~t~::as 'i ,pc/CO"st, I't' I Setbacks ----- n OTter I P.&. House I ~nraqp- Corn.er INol'tll Panhandle lEas t ISouth If;est I /~6,S~ I "'7-;'3'1 /s-~.B31 I NO, I FEE I ,,17-,<)0 I -::2-::<-S-0 I I I I I NO, I FEE I i New/Extend Ci'I'C1.l.its 1?~~~1 i TemporaI'Y Se,,,icc I I I i ~I//C,rC';~ ,'; ,-......e- I I 'I I Elc~trical Pe~:t , ! , , ! I SQ, FTC Gerace I I I I~~ Car:>Ol't i Acccssol'U ~/7~A7 TOTAL VALUE S,D,C, IVCl.UC) 1.5 " Building Permi t State Surcha:rge Total Cha:oge3 !ITEM I Fi=tu:res i i Residential (1 1 sc:r:i tary Sewer t.. I iI'cte!' bath) I I ' ~)lj'x.-;,ZkA'7~1 i ' Plumbing Permi t State SW'cr.a:rge Tetal Ch'::'t'oes ! ITD.f i Res. Sa. fta. s...-.." Sw~':.:harae Total Charees ! ITEM I i/O. I I I II I I , ! F'urmce ETU 'S , : E'.:::ho;lSt Roo.:!. i ;'ant Fan i ;;:,odsto:Je Per..~:it Issuanca Me:.:J...:znic::.l Pe1"Tni t State Surchcrac Total. Cilf'[rrMS E:1CROACHME:!T -- Se~~rit~ Da~03it Storage Maintenance Permit Total Charaes C".a>bcut SidewaZk ,t:'en::e El,ectricaZ Label, I Mobile Home :.:ii',1f" A,'.:GiJ:/i' vuE;: ~ I I u1 I FEE ~.h( Cul-dc-sac x I I I I I I <~J?~?,"~ I Value I I I I I -:20. ~ I ~ 7-Sc> I -:<>,/31 ~V~3" ' I I :::?2.~ol I /r~1 -::if?,5~ I 1.881 tJ'7 .3sl CP...JRCE CiiARCg I I I I I i I /,<;: -- I .75" I 675" I , I I I I I I I I I I 1 CHARCE q: .-, I I I I I I I I I -:253S7 ~ B"droo,""' I Enaro:J SO:..i.rces I Heat Access. I Water IIr>ntf'r I I Hall:-:u I I Fireni-ace I I Wc;od:;tOl.:e II T;I:'<: Faes Building Value & Permit This pe~~t is granted on the express condition that the said.constl~ctioi shall, in all. respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rd-:.nance, regulc.tir:g the ccnst~j~ticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vi, Zation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. I Plan Check I Cato Paid: !Recdpt il: ISig"ed: Plumbing Fee: CjC;;, d.3 R-rJ-,N' l.Jn c.7 0/> Permit No percon shall construct, instal!, alter or change cny ne~ cr e~is~ir.g plumbing or drainage syste:n in :iJhole or in part, ur.Zess su.ch POl'SOn. is th( legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~sor. ~a~ do plumbing work to property which is Ok~ed, leased or operatea by the appli. cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~tricai Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid untiZ the label has b;;en signed by the Electrical ~ontractor, Mechanical Perma ~~~~~ YL,ph f:xcmt.ncr' ~ ... ,8 -Z2~$: vate I HAVE CARt:FULLi' EXANINED the completed application for permit, end do hel'cby certify that aLL i~:fo:r.:ation hereon is tr>ue and correct, and I JU1.ther cer:ij'y that any ar.d a'll work perfomled shall, be do~e i~ ac~or- dance :..lith tile Ordinance:; of the City of Springfield, and thE Lc.,;s of the State of O~'cg::m p;;rt.;;ining to the work described }lcrein, end ;h.-:.: NO OCe!;- PI:./1Ci' wiZZ be rr.a.de of any structul'2 withO:..i.t parmissio.,,: of tile 3uilding D~- vision. J jilrthcr ccrtifii th:1.t o~ly contra.:::tors aj;d e."':!pZ:;yees who are i,: co.;:pl,f.ance with CRS 701.05:: wiZZ be used on this projf!:ct 7)a,,~ / vi.. ./ J ~'Z2-S'i' II