HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-6-15 OWNER' . Le.e... ,i EL/Zlfbe-J-hTbeYPf- ADDRE~~' /4Jq /..AW/'Jf!JD(,E Spr-LnIj+ie1rl___ HeAJ::. IJtU7}/J ;Jv_cJun 1 1 ADDITION RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 72G,37G9 Oltice: 72G.3759 ASSESSORS MAP' LOT' CITY: DESCRIBE WORI" NEW REMODa PHONE CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: - :;PRINCFIELP !'1m , JOB NUMOEI1 190 ro f DLOCI(: STATE: _o.R DEMOLISH 225 Fiflll Street Sprlnglleld, Oreoon 97477 TAX LOT' SUBDIVISION: Inoo c) PHONE: ~ 7Lf(P - Sggq 11/ 7.IP: Cl7l/77 OTHEI1____._,__ ~ ' '. - OFFICE USE _ ADDRESS CON ST. CONTRACTOR' EXPII1ES :~~:~::AL:Ct2m.J-Drf r;'p'J),L7liAJ->>J~/ DO/'J.s1/ SwkJJ ,!)() 'lt1J -'6- !)7-9C!.,_lJtl6~ ffi) ELECTRICAl' QUAD AREA' '. LA~R USE: _'_____ . OF BNG1~CE;, ,..i.L(y,\?IBE\Fil"\E~~6"f1NITS: PERMIT:;11 PERMI'T IS 1'1 OCCY G~P: - Utlr<:QiHI?- roI1NSTn. TYPE: __ . . OF DDHMS: 1\1 m-IOR\Ll:U ADI\NOONED , e uiles you I,U . OF STcml1:~, . 'C,n"QISI"L' HEAT SOURCE: _i'l'fjOtl,n.",,,on law I q~a~{'Ull.l\iliiY HEAT: _'_,... COMN'I:....- \00 IX'flb , ," tad by the 0 " t forth WATER HMJ.'>.'8\}Qtl.V PER :...__ RANG E: -"-4;;~1~'" ',Illes ad~~I"TtlOSe IUlf$"o1J'~l1gi!.'6{flTAC E: ,..._ Ai'll w;tili~"llnn cen .. .~_~"nh OAR 9 --""-' n"?-OOl-UU 'v ".. ," Q o:l the IUI"''' ~T To reques< an Inspection, you mus< call 726.3769, Tills Is.1 ~ {jl)\fi\J'CC'or'(Jrn~t5llai'11sfiillli1on_ r~fJ~fH~I\1SI belore 7:00 .1,rn, will be made the same worl<lng day. In:;pecllono requeo'ed aller 7:!30~~Q\II~\!6~ii'tEft.~,611~'~o'{(ftl!a~ REQUIRED 1~19\l:\l)JUll:N:$~gonUtlhty 44). ~, numbl:lT'to, 1_800-332-23 o Rqugh Mcc!l<lnical -0Uf61?G~ 0 Finnl Plumbing - When all .- -eover, . plumblno wor/t is complete. o:;~"o." Ekc'rienl - Prior '0 ~J."'I Electlienl _ When all O ",." (i {5::~~,~;~:: :':::~'", . Elcc tric.lI Service - tyl11S I be approvecl to obt.1in permanent m'6clianicLlI worl< 'Is complete. clcClrlco.l power. o Temporary Electric o Sile In5pcction - To Dc m.1.dc after cxcDvn(Jon, but prior 10 SOiling forllla. o Undcrslnb Plumbing I Electric..11 Mcchanlcill - Prior \0 cover. o Footlno - A(ler trenChes .:Ire CXC<1valcd. , o Mnsonry - Steat loc:Hlon, bond beams, grouting. o Foundnllon - A(ter forms :"Ire erected but prior to concrete . pf.1.ccmcnt. o Underground Plumbing - Prior 10 fIlling trench. o Undcrlloor Plumbino/McchOlnicOlI - Prior to Insulntlon or dccl<lnri. o Post nnd Ocam - PrIor to floor Insulalion or dcel<lng. \ , ' o Floor Insul"tion :- Prior to decl<lno. o S~nit"ry Sewcr - Prior to filling Irenell. o Storm Scwcr - Prior to flllinQ trench. o W~tcr Line - Prior \0 filling trench. o Rough Plumbing - Prior 10 cover. o Flrcplace - Prior to (<1clng materIals .1nd fr<1rning Insp. o o FramIng - Prior to cover. WalJ/C.clli:1U In:>ulntion - Prior to coVer. .0 o ry...i" II Prior 10 l:l.ping. o Wood Stove - After In:H.::tll:t:lon. . ' o In:>crt - I\ftcr (Jrcplncc oPprovl.Il Jnd Inst.1J!illlon of unit. o ClJrlJcut [;. Appro,lcll - After . form::; are crCClcd but prior 10 plOlcemen: i)( Concrete. o Sidcwnlk ~ Drivcw:l\, - A(tcr cxcaVillion i:> complete. (arm:; llnel Sul).bi1SC m~:erlOlI In placc. o Fcnc.c - Wilen complctcd. o ~;troot Tree::; - WIH~n llll requIred trees arc f)IJnled. FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE:__ o Fin,,1 Uuildinu - When nil required Inspections hilve been approved and buil(III\9 is compleled. .. DOI.her MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o OlocldrlO llnd Set.Up - Wilen all bl()cl<ln~J Is complcte. o PIUIllUilltl Connections - When 110/n(.: 11;.I~ been connected to waler ;uH.l ~ew<:r. o Elecldc;ill COllnection - When blor::1dnU. ::a~l'un. and plumbIng In:;pecll(,)(l:; lI.we been npproved ilnd the home i:;. connected 10 the $crvlcc panel. I . I Finnl - Art0.r all required Inspections are approved ilnd porches, sldrling, decl<::;, and venllno hove been Ins lolled, LOI ft.lcc:i LOI Ty. _l~or'. LOI sq, Ilg, Lot coverage Corner Topography Panhandle Total helghl Cul-<Je.$~C BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO, FT, X $/50, FT, Main Garage " Carport \"',' Tolnl VnJuc Ouildino permil Fcc SI~IC Surch~Hue Tolal fee (A) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) , ,\' ,(0) , '. \ , , PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Oath(s) N" Silnltary S~wcr Woilter FT, FT, Storm Sower FT, Mobile Horne Plumblno Permil Stale Surcharge TOloill Cl1aroe (C). MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent F.il.n N' Wood Stovel Insert/Flrenlacc .Unit ~ 7nl ---- Mechanl~1 ISSUilnce Stntc Sllrell.HOc Tolal PermIt (0) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Homo Stale Issuance Slale Surcharge Sldcwnll< II Curbcul II Demollllon \ Slale Surch;lJge Totnl MI:;ccllaneouz Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eleclrlcal) (A. B. C, D. and E Combined) Sctl>ac!(:) . '.,.,15 THE PHOPOSED WORI< iN THE, - HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? II yes. 1I11s appllcalion musl be signed and approved by the Hlslorlcal Coordinalor prior 10 permi! issuance. ~ HSE_ _GAR ACC N _5______ E '. ,\ ._--'" ,'!'!._-- ------ APPROVED' VALUE " FEE IS.O iJ '0. OJ ~L- ? C. 2-0 BUILDING VALUE, PL'AN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT ThiS permit is granted on the express condiliontl101lhe said construction shall, in all rc::;pccts, conform to, the Ordinance adopted by Ihe City olSpringlield, including the , . .., ...J, ... Development Code. re{Julali.ng the construction and use of , \, . buildings, nnd m,1Y. be, ;'>U$pcn.d~d or rcvol<cd ~t any time upon viol<llion of any p(ovi5:ion~ of snld ordinnncc$. ~ I I I Plan Cllccl< Fcc:_. 1 Onle Paid;.,' , '- \ ---~..~.;-~--_...- Receipt NlllTlber:__.._ Received Oy: rl:lns Rcv.ic~cd._.Qy-._------- Dale Systems Development Charge is .due 0':1 011 undeveloped \ properties within.\11c CUy limits w~j.cl' arc being Improved. .. \ 'I ' ., ' . . \ '\. \, ADDIT}O,NA,- C9MME~TS/ '4 c:;:(; ~~M-7A ,'-!CUvf~ __ _' Tn - u'O_ II /JfY0><</f ~ &, I ~ j' ,i \ ( By signature, I :;tatc <lnd ngree, thall hqvc c<lI'cfully examined the completed applicnlion rind do hereby certlfy thaI all Inrormatlon t1crcon is true .1ml correct, and I further cerllry Ihotllny t}nd nil work performed shnll be done in .1ccordancc wilh the Ordinance:.; of Ihe City o( SpringUcld, and the Laws of the SI:J!C of Oregon pertainIng to the worl< described hervin. ond 1I1<J1 NO OCCUPAr-JCY will be made or any ~tructure without pcrmi~~ion or the Building S<.lfely Division. I furll1C:r certi fy .111.11 only contractors nnd employees who arc in compliance'with ORS 701.055 will be used on thIs project. J further :Igrce 10 cn,.urc \1,al all required inspections arc rCQuc~lcd althe pro Jor timc, Ih.11 each addrcss Is readable from 111C ~trce ,a c permit card 15 localed at the fronl of the propc y,;')n he ~pprovod ~;el of plans will remaIn on Ule sil .11.111 '0 d ";;;r~ruJuon,A. '. Slgnalur~ i....J j) ~"-CA ~/5Jll (J Date VAlID/ITION: REWI'T NUM8E,1 OJ '/l{70 DATE p^IDGjIJ/r9 , . AMOUNT'RECEIVC:D ~. -20, 2-:f7 FIECEIVED BY __I<( wJ