HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-4-14 '--' - 'I ,,~q ~ 1 ~ RESI~T1AL .. . Rcce~."t ,I! \ p)j?gg' ~ .. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 1/?f J/P 06 Building Division 726-3753 . (0<'/ , ~j/)n;-/d 0/, , , / t../ :i. c:; /Jp(..; /O.DO . Job Location: J.f - Il: ;"t ,40 AstJesGors lMap # ,'it'D ~~1t;- UJ # ?14~ , ~ Subd' ' ,I ~1.()'-/ 'Ltn.8'Lo,t: m r, IY7ri~)' ~LU r{ /'-/,;15 I~CUU() E~,;dOlP ~j 1~ 0 C(.mer: Address: City: Q.~, n Addi ticn 'n Remodll L n ,'.!obi la Flame 0t1IJ&r Phone: 1(11-,~f()7 I Zip: q 74'17 Describe fl'ork: ~ Date of Applicaticn (.:ont"ractors 4-/v--i2- Vatull Genera. P.wnbing i Electrical I Construction --::.traux<:' u Ll:n.der _ it $-;-o-,u uachar.ica l Address q 2..(P II r" h t Uj tv, f ~ ~ Signed: (;/X-~ L/-/.</-.f"V Date: Lise. I; E.'xtlir c s Phon~ 33C!'b'-l 1\ I2q/o_ " 3'1'ic","lz<7 It is the responuibi.lity of tn. permit hot.dtU" ta s.. eha: all i7WpectiomJ ars r.tadB at ths proper tim~, tr.at ~ch ::ddrllSS is rG'a.:::a.;;" from. the stl'G'6t, and that the permit card is tocatBd at thll f1'C71t of the p:rcputy. .9ui!ding rr;ui;;ior. approved plan shaZZ remain on tho; Building Sit:z at all times. . PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RE:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recordsr} state your City designated J'ob nur..ber, job adi.rcS8, type of {..n::;pGo-:icn z-aquestcd ar.d w.l:en you :Jill bs ready for inspection, ContractOl'S or Owne:rs ncme and phone n:ur.:bcr. Requssts l'eceived bBforB 7: 00 oZI :.>ill be l1l'.1de th~ same dc.y, requests made afta' 7:00 am t.n:lZ. be nr:uie the ru:xt :.JOrkin; day. .rreaui1"p.d TnRt:lp.ctimy:t D. SITE INSPECTION: To oe nrzae after excavation, but PM-Ol' to set up of fol'ms, '0.. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be mads b6fore any WOl'k is ~OVcred. o [] POOTING $ FOUNDATIOll: To be r.nde after trencnes are excavated and forms c:Il'e Brsetad, but priar to pouring c:cncreto. UNDSRGROUND P['UM!JING. SSWER. w'1TE.rr, DRAINAGE: To be 11Ilde priOl' to fi7..- U1".g trenches. o UNDE.~FWOR PWlfBflIG & MECHANICAL: To be mads pl'"iol' co inata7..Zation of f1.oor insuZation or deC:king. POST AND BEAM: To be made pr'iol' ta i118taLlaticn of fZcOl' inst.olation or dsoki"fi ' ROUGH ?UJHBnlG. ~r.ECTF{ICA[' & :,rECN- Al/ICAL: IVO '..JOrk is to oe cot:ered ur.ti7.. these insoections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pkcir.g facing materiaLs and before fl'am'ing inspec- tior.. o o o .0 I ' I FRANING: Must be requeated aftel' approval of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal & mechanical. Al! roofing bracing !J chimneys, etc. m'..lst b6 . completed. No ool'k is to be con- , ~...cealed until thitJ inspection has ." b6~n made and approved. lour City. Desigr.ated Job Numb€l' 10: U l'NSULATION/VAPOI? BARRIER INSPECTION: To be rmde after aU insulati,.,n ct"'.d ... required vapor ba::rriel's are in p laC:1l . but before any lath, gypsum boazod 01' IoX%ll covering is appZied~ and oeiol'll any inauZation i::J conceaLed. O DRY'tlALL I!ISP~CT!ON: To be made aftel' an d:ryr.Jan is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRI: Steel lccation, boi-ui beam3, grou. ting or vertica Is in accordance !o1":'th U.B.C. Section 2415, D :.IOODSTOr;F:: After i718tallation is acmp Zet€d. O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afta=' forms are Dl'eated but priOl' ta pouring oXIn...'7ete. 'D. SIDEWALK & DRIt'F:WA!: Fol' all con- crete paving !oJi:hin stre(!t right- oj"-wc.y, to be mads after aZ! exca- vatina complete & fo~ work & ~ub- base ~teriaL in pZa.:!e. o .""ENCE: Whet: c:ompl~te -- Provide. gates or ;rtovable sections through P,U,E, - 7;<(] 1/4 r DEMOLITION OR ;'.fOV::D BlJILDIUGS ~ SanitaPy Sfl'..Je1' ::apped at ~opf;rt:J. lir:e ~ Sep"tic tank rr...."?d and fi;L7"a~ :Jith Fl'a:J.B~ ::J Pinal - r/hen a1x:ve 1.tO:71S are cC:~TOl~ted ..3 ~,., '_ . ar.d when ...e"~To,,-:.t't.Or. 'LS complete or o...:ou;;- ture moved and ?1'~3eS ::leanad u? I Mohilll Hcmes :=J Blocking and SBt-~p :J Plumbing connsc:tiona -- sewel' and wa-:el' ~ Electrical Ccnr.llction - BLocking, 81l;-UP ~ and plwnbing com:ections m-..:st ce approvsd . before 1'6questing e!ec:-:rical inBpectio~ =:J Acaes.?or;,' 3uilCing --, Final - I1ft~r ;::Ircr.es, akirting, dscks~ --.J eta. ar6 C:;r.rpl8t~d. o Azz. project conditions, such as the installation of street erees, c,,":-:plation of tite 1"6quired Zandsccpir.g, Gte., must be satisfied bctars tha BUILDING FINAl. can be l'aquese.:zd. o FINAL PLUMBIlIG o FINAL MF:~HANICAL Di FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: Th9 Final Building Inspection r.rust be requ41Gted c:f:el' the Final Plwnbin; Electl'Wal., and Mec:har.ical Inspectiorw have belln r.:ad6 and approved. D "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUSTHEi'lT 'I'O BE N.1DE AT NO C~ST TO CI:Y I Pa.ge ! of 2 SOLAR .ESS OcCUrxznctl G:rou,,: LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac I JOB NO, 8'cXJ3J<f Zone: Lot Sq, Pt(;. S 01 lot CJtlerag< #- of Stories Total Height Topogra;ihy I lITEM I SQ,FTG X l....bin I I Gerace I ICal"":lorot I Aa::eS80!"'U I I TOTAr, VAWE Is,D,c, (vc'"UC) l.Sz Building Permit State SUI'cha:t'ge Total CJra::tgea lITEM NO, , PEE I Fi--tures I Residential. (J bath) I I Sani ta.rM Sewer I Wc.+'It'" I I Pllllllbing Perri t State Surcr.a.rge Tota l Charaes lITEM NO'I FEE I Res. Sa. rta. I NJW/Ertend Circui ts I l Temporary Service I I I' Ele~1;;rical Permit State Su:reharaB Total Charces 'ITEM I P'urn:zce ~u 'S E=haust Hood. 17'; I I I I I I I I Vent Fan I Waodstove Permit Issuance Me::hanical Permit State Sureharae I Tot:a Z Cha1"~nn --- :-'::-ENCRCACHMENT -- Se~~~ D2DOSit Storage 1"4aintenanaQ I Permit I Total Charaos Curbcut Sidswa lk IFe~Q I Elect1'ica l !Aba Z I MobiZ6 Home I TOTAr, AMOUNT DUE,- Value CHARGE CiJARGE /O,QD PSE I /O,()O I ,t.!O I I /0, L/OI. I ~.60i ! I I I I I I I I /0,06 I I / &" O() I I ,u,cJ I I 1(,,1/14 I. CHARGE VI':)1 fy-l P<=ge 2 -~ 1-" y -'!.- REQ,- L-COG~ . Type/Cor.3t: Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P,r" INorth lEast ISouth IWest I Access. I I I I EneralJ Scr.uces 1,1 rieat Water> YI'..atp-l' i I Range I I Fi reo lace I I Wood:;tot;e II TUDe Setbacks I House . : Caraqe I I I I Fees I I I ! I I I ,- I I I I- Building Value & Permit This permit i3 granted on the eJ:FrBSS condition that ths s~:id. construction shall, in all resoectsJ confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Sp~~ngfield, incZ~ing the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the censt~~ctien and use of buildings, and m::.y be suspended or revoked at c.:r.y time upon vie- lation of any prQvi3ions of said Ordir~ces. IPlan Check Fee: l Cate Paid: IRecdpt #, I Sig>:ed, Plumbing Permit No pereon Dhall conatruct, install, alter or change c:ny new or e..-isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such psrson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:rcept that a pe:oson may do plumbing work to property which is 0lJTI8d, leased or operated by the appli- """t. I I ,. I I Electrical Permi t Where State [,aL) requires tr.at the electr>ical work be dons by an Electr-ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall. r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Elecrncal Contraator. Mechanical Permit Plan &xcminer va1;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~NED the compl9ted application for permit, end do hereby certify that aU ir:fo:mation hereon is true and cOl'rect, and I f.uther certify that any ar.d all work perfoMfed shall be done in ac~ol'- I dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thz La:..;s of tha '... State of Oregan pr1l'taining to the work descr-ibcd here-::n, end ::hat NO OCCU- PANCY wiLZ be nnde of any structura withou.t permis3ion of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I further certify that O:1Zy contractors ar.d e-:rp'L"yees wh~ ars in cor.rpLiance lJith ORS 701.0S$ will. be used on this project jJ-d1;~ p~~ Signzd -- ~ 1\ ~ ~-Y' /rr.z-- '7/ - J