HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-9 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 '1Ia. SPRINGFlELD .. . ,Job Location: 140.<> f 1lt,J/J/C---LQ6t=: / #~I Al G. F, ELJ) ASDeSGOrS ~ap # Tc: Lot # Subdi.,..;sion: Cimer~," 9-ND <\- 'B~ ~ Addzoesa: , 40s- LAw N ~ or. eo City: SfJR..1 /JG. H 8 .D I ~"'~" n Additicn n Remoc.eZ r---l ~~b~la 80m3 Phon., 7d-6 -i3'1.s- Zip: en 4-77 . .'?cceope'< (., (j(J('JY jS~, 6,0<0 l-/ 'tJfD . t2 /) 6,~O ,cOD J{O/o cf/)6,10 ~* Describe !\'ork: ']:10 :!. 'PI LL So'Lftf<- "R.e. &f.lIU!.€'5 ;;SV 'r' '- M~.JJ[ b:>e-P1E'571c. Sot...M I-kr ~ SY5rem . Date of Applic:::zticn t:ontl'Gc:ors I ~-q-'i?';:)...., Vclue d!S()(). ()CJ Addres3 Lise." 39:l7:?, ::JiJ-/h:J. pA General ~ ~A1< ~.(~P.8 :)Ic:jj 'PRA-I f..tf . ~"'(.;. Plumbing ThuJ: ~ p~ IYJ-I>IJJI, 011.sv? AuJAb--'t' ~FU(. Electl"";caL Mechar.ic::: Z. Con8e~~ction Lender :::d: .I%) fJ''IY<'r.L Enil'cs Pr.onc /:,>)If- '14/ '1 "V~ - jjfS- {61 It is the responaibility of ths permit hotder to ses that aLZ incpections are ~ade at tha propar tim~, that each ~8SB is ra~~~~Z. from th8 street, and that the permi t card i.s l.xated at the front of the property. Aeui!di~.g [){.ui=io~ app!'ot,oed pZan shatz remain on thE eu-::l.d-::ng Sit~ at all times. P.'?OCSDU;~E POR IN5P~C!'rON R~QlEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designa.tsd job I'IUmber" J'ob aaQ"CSS" type of in3pec::icn l"!3qu.estcd CV".d when you -.li.~~ :,e ready for inspection" Ccntl'act<;rs 01' OI.me:,s ~e end phar.s ~.bCl". Requests receir.;~ cefer. 7..00.:::-: :..>iZz. be r.rzde the same dc:y" requests mGde afta' 7:()O a'1! tJiLt b3 ITrlde the nat :JOrk-:.n; da-:i. 1;"'" City. Desigr.ated ,Job l/wr.ba IS:_~~ () as _'qtmm:~t>1 "....-'~rt>'!t~:p7'q O SITE INS?EC':'ION: To be nrlae e:cavation, ~ut ?~cr tc set forms. o after up of UNDERSLAB PLl!:.fBI,'IG. ELECTRICAL d NECHA:1ICA~: '1'0 be made before any work is ~ot1cred. o POO'!'!:/G ~ FCU,VD.4TION: To be ma.de after trencnes are :t:Zcauated mul foms are erectad, but pr:.cr ta pour1.r.g CCncre=G:. UNDSRGlWUND ?~[}N7JI:YG. SEWE:.9.. ;.I,1TE".!, DRAINAGE.. To:-e r.r::..::s prior to ii t- l.ir-.{J ;rer.c;..ss. o o UNDE.'?F'LOOP. P~W~r.IG ~ NF:CRANICA[,: To bQ made prior to in3taLZction of !tOOl" insulation or decking. POST A,VD BEAU: To be madt: prior to installation of [toOl' insu.lation 01' d41cking. R{)UC"d ?Ur.,!i3['.~G. ~r.EC':_f?!CA!. .>) MECY- ANIC,J,l.: No :...lOr'/(: is ;0 ot: cOL'el'ea- ur.tiZ these ir~oectiar.s hcve beer. made ar~ ap?r~ve~. FI:~EPLACE: Prior to pl.c.cir-.g fc.r.r..r.g mataMaZ.s and bejore framing inspec- tior.. o o o D FRA.'~nlG: Must be r'equssrBd after approv.;.Z of rough pZwr.bing, aZectri- cat.. & mechanicaZ. AZ~ roOfing bracing & chi.~cys, etc. ~~st be . compZOlted. .'to work. is to be con- . ceaZ.uI untiZ :his ins"ectien r.as . bsen made cn.d. appraL'ed. O INSULATIONIVAPOFi BARRIER I,'lSP~CTION: To be .md.e after aLl. insuk:ti-::m c-..d '. required vapOl" barriers are in place . but eefcre any lath, gypsum beard or watz covering is appLied, and before any inaulation is conceaLed. O DR'f'''/ALL INSP!C!'ION,o Tc be r.:ade after all CryIJaU- is in place, au: pr-~or to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona beams, grouting or ver~icaZs in accord:;nce :.r; th U. B. C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'iE: AftaI' instaZlation is acmpZered. o D CURB & APPROACH AP.~N,o After joms are are.:::ted but prior to pouring aoncl'eta. DEUOl.ITIO!! OR :.JOVE:; 3UILDI;U;S :=J Sani tary SB'JOl" ~apped ::t p~opc;rt:t. lir..a ~ Septi.::: tank p~~ed a~~ fiLL~d ~;th ;ra~8~ :J Final - rrnen ab...-vs ite:::s are cc.-:r.:;leted ~ ~ ....., ..... ar~ when _e~~~~~r. ~B comp~e:e or s~~~. ture moved ar~ ?l"~3eS =leanad ~? , Nobi Za Hemas ~ BZocking and Sat.:;,p ~ PZumbing connect-:.cns B~er and wa:er ~ EZectrical Connection - Blockir-~, set-up --J end pZumbing connections ~~st ~e app~~~id befort: requeBt~ng e!ec:riaal ir.s~ec=io~ :J Ac.=es::;o'l";:i SUi lCing :J Fin::.l - Aft;:]l" ;:;rcf:es" etc. are cc::1ple:~a. s~l'ting, dOlck.:J, o SIDEWALK & DlTIt'!T.,rAY: For aZl. con- cre~e paving ~thin street right- o f-uc:/, :0 be made after a Z! e.=ca- vatina::cmoZete & fol":':1 wl'k .i ;;:ub- base ~terial in p'~e. o AZL croiec~ cor.di=io~~, 3~C~ as ~he {ns:aLlcrion of s;reet erae$, ::~~to:~~n Qf tn. required landsccpir.g" c:c." rr.u.st; be satisf~ad befor's tr.s aUILDr."'G F!.'lAL c~n :,e rsqussc3C. o ~C'It'IAl. ?LU/.fSI,iG o FINAL ,'.fEr;P.A.'lIc'~l. o FINAL ~!ZC':'RICAL o o PINAL BUIf-DING: The Final. EuiZding Ir:s,",6ction r.rust b6 recr.J.ested c:~':er :1:e Pinal. ?!um.bir.; El~c,;riaaL, and .'>!8char:ical Inspeeticr.3 ;".aua beer. made ar.d' appl"ov~:L '. O ITNCE: ;{her. ao.1!ploita -- Pro:Jide' gates or movabls sections t;hl'cugh p.u.e. ~tll{ m~//J~ "ALL MA/lHCr.ES AND CLEAtlOUT2 .~IUST EE....ACCESSIELE. .J,D./US7':~,'!T TO, 3E ,'.1.1:).:' !;:" ;':0 :-:57' 70 CITY I ':J,....v of:: I JOB Ncf<L~,!)l{/9 I -- 1 Zone: Lot Sq. F~. : .jf lot CJl)erag~ # of Stories Total .:feight I I Topoqrc:phy IITEN I Main l~cc2. I iC.:~r.:"'"; I. 1.-iC~t;:~SOl"'.J I I Is.D.c. TOTAt t'ALUE l:,.'C"UC) 1.5 " . BuiZding Permt State Su:t'ch::rge Total cr.11::-ge3 IIT!M i FL.~es Residential (1 bath) i Sani t.::.1"'-! Sewer I :W'C:€.." I PZ;,u:rtr;r.g Pem:i t State SUI'cr~e Tota! C'r.c.r'ccs I ITS'\! i Res. Sa. fta. New/Extend Cil'~~its Temporary Service I Ele::tl""~caZ Permit St.::.te SUI'~ha.."'ae Total CJ:c.!'ces !."-T'~,\! f\..a>n::ce ETU'S : E=haust Hood , Vent Fan. I I ;/aodsto:;6 Perrrri t I:;sua:nce Me:;;..anic::l Permt State Sur~hc:r'!1€ 1'rJ1:n7. eJ-..ar'7P.<; ENCRCACHNENT ISe~~r";tu 'e~o3it I Storcqe I Mair.-::enance I Per::rit I Total C't!a1"?:cs I C'gbC".J.: [ SidewaZk i ~en.:'e I rZectroical Lebel . ! ,\lobi Ia Hame t Z'OT..tL ANOU.'lT DUe:. SQ.FTG SOLAR AtlE S S Oc~:;w.c:J GWd;i: LOTTY?:; Ir."taricr Corner Panhandle CuI-de-sac X Value s,iJ7) , Z/) 5.2-0 l'/t;~ i I I I I'VO./ Ne'l I I I i CHARGE :;,-. 67J r ZO S,2o FE:': C.=iA.=lGE CHARCS '?=.ga 2 ... . . "L-COG~ REQ.- T"::pe!Cor.s:: 3e~oor.:s : I Lot F~ces - I I ?[. tNOZ'1,;h IEcsl:' IS~rh IWest I I 2'!'1.2Z'C'.J Sour~es I I Heat II I I : I I II i 7':./'::e Se::bccks I House I ':araqe I ! I Access. ;';ctl1Z':Jf'.f1t~'!" Ra1"..qa .':'-:..ro8olc.ce rvoods::o!,.'q Pees I I I I I I I I, I I I I, I I I I I I I I I, Building Value & Permit This pe'l"m'it i3 gl'c:n::ed on the eX;Z'ess condition ::hat the a,did. C01'1stl"'~c~ion sh~ll~ in aIL !'espect3~ aon[orm ~o the Qrdinar.ce adopted by the City of E'Ori.r.gf-:..eLd. i7'.c!u.dina ;he 20n-:..7'.o Crodinance. roeaulc.tir:g ;;;e ccnst1"'~~::icn ~.d us~ of buiidir~s,~ar~ m~y be~suopend2d or reuokec at cr.y time u;or. vic- iation of ar.y pr,vis-:..or.s of aa-:..d Ordir~ces. I Plan Check . Date ?a-:..d: I.~eadpt #: ISi&""ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instal!, aZter Or' change any 7'~~ cr ez-:..sting plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole Or' in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor' of a valid plumber's license. ercept thAt a pe!"son may do plumbing work to property whiah is ~~ed, leased or operated by the app~i- ,cant. . , Electrical Perm it wr~re State LaLJ requires tr~t the e~ect1'ical lJOr'k be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eZec=r1'cal portion of thia pe~it shaZl not be vaZid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , Mechanical Permit P t.an E:ca:Il'l.r.el' va:;a I. I I HAVE" CAREFULLY ~XA.'1L"cD the coryleted ~pt";cation tor pe~i::, ~ do hereby certify ;hat all i~fo:-.a=-:.."n rt2!'eon is :rue and acr:>cc:;, cr.d I f~I'tr.el' certify that any ar.d ail lJOl'k pel'jol":7fed ahal! ~e do;-:e i~ ac::or- dance :.lith the Ordin....."'71cesof tr~ City of SpI'ingf-:..d.a, and tit.:: LC:..;a of :;;"3 State of Creg,:;n pcrt.::.ining :0 the uor.i.:: desC":"ibcd here-:..n~ c:r.d ::r.a; NO OCC!J- PAllCY will be r.rz.:.e of any s-::'Uctu.ra withou.t p.nomis3io:-: of the 3uiiding Di. ~i3ion. I further ~ertif~ that o:-:ly contractors ar.d ~l"yees who ~a in compl";ance ~th CRS 701.055 will ~e used on this projzct . I /U '. ! I:) -f~i~ j I 0 ,qO~ -.< J Da=a . ..ngr.3a