HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-11 .. RESlilNTIAL': ,-", ,"""TO"/"-""T7' /'tr_.J_t../1,__ !1 _lu.u.'~... 225 10rth 5th Street . ""d " 07 '77 Spr"'.Y'.gJ7.er.. , v'regen . ~ BuiZi~ng Division 726-5755 ,lob .ccc.:::icn: 1377 Lawnridge 17-03-25-20 Asaescor.: .\!ap .; S>.4bd';:r;"iC1:: Q:.."nC,.: Phil i p Reed 1377 Lawnridge Spfld Add."BS3 : City: n [Xl n n '1......1 Add'; ::icn SPRINGFIELD '.. Tcz !.at II 03140 Pr.ane: 746-3434 97477 Zi'9: Describe il'ol'k: Addition on Single Family Residence Remodsl .'fob';!2 .::Of1:C1 rc:.:B at Applica:::C71 :.on:rCC:;O:'8 2-25-83 Ceneral Pl.:.unbing ::lectric::l. .~!tZ::hcr.ic=l. Westover Canst Co"ser~c~i~ ~~ncer $18,300.00 Value Addr€S3 4034 Main . .~cce.:::= ill io(}' I( )' } .\. '" " 1t. , Si~ed: ~~~ Date: Liac. {# Er:;il't!8 Phone 747-9971/ [~. is ~h. 1'68?011Cibili:y of eM permi: hoZdsr to sse that at! im;pections are .'7'.a.aB at ::11.13 proper tim~# t.J..at ~ch .:ddrBBS is rea.::ab:B ;"rom ehs s:rf16t. and ::hcr the permit c:zrd is t.oca:ed at the [rent of the property. "=ui!.di~.g ~ui.:io~ cp~rot..ed ;!.an. s;..=U rer.-.ain on tho B;J.il.di7t{! $~:c at 3.ll. timss. P.'?OCS!)U,~S POR I,'/SP2':'I'IOfl R,;'OU!ST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) state yoU!' City dssigr..:zted job 1'lur.:b8r" r~qucsccd a~~- w~en you ui~Z oe ~eady far inspection" Contractors or ~~e~s r~e ar~ phone number, :..'iLl be made th~ scme dc.y" requests mcae afta 7:00 a'1I lViU b3 made the ncrt :.larking day. _~,"r.U7:"""''; "'rf"'''''~~:r.,..Cf O SITS :.'lS?EC'::.JrJ: To be made ezcavati.:::n, ~u:: prior t:~ ae: forms. o al~iJr up of U;'lD~R":;[.':'3 ?!.:-'.',f3!.'IG, ?lZC":'.:!Ic.tr l' ,~!::CH;".'iJ-C;':-: To be r.-.ctie oe[o:'t3 c:.ny wor,i( is ':C"Jcrec.. o FCor::1G ~ :O!.','.'DAT:C.'/: ':0:;0 .-:rzC~ aftdl' trenches ~e ezca-Jatad ar~ forms are Bl'ec:iJd, but prior to poul"'i.r.g CC1'lC!'filt.. [] tJ.~'[}ZRG.O/]fJ,'.'!) P:.llf.f2l.....C,. S~R. ::,r.1T!.i', DRAI.':AG2: :0 be r.n::.s pl""~or :;0 /1.~- 'Lir..g ;rer.ches. o UNDERF!..CCR !'!..W!9DG ~ ,'.f::~H.4.VIC:.r.: Ia ~o ~-cs ~ricr :0 ~n3~L~::~on or !tOOl' insu~<:ian or deeici11fi. . ?f:JS1' .4ND 3EI..M: To;e rr.ac!;; prior ~ i7tS::c:.iL.::~n of floor i,...stoz.a::icr. or dBoki",. o [] .=:~~I';.~' _:J':.~./~!!J:'!G_ ~~E~.f?~~A[,. i .',,'Fe.,- A:'II':A!',' ,~'o :.;ork ~.3 ;:; .;e ao:.:erea ~;~~ :r.caa ~r~=ec:i.:::r.s h=V9 ~eer. made :=r.:1 =??!":J~:!.. Fn?E?UC2: mer to ;Zc:zir.g f'(;.cr~r.g mc:t.Q'1'""~a.:.s ar.d b~fore lrzrir4 i.n.apec- tier.. P.1{~}~T.'1t;: .~3t: ~e :"eq'~eGt€d c.f''';;rf' appro!).:!. ~f' raugh ;tur..Dirtg. zlec:r-:.- caL & :::ecr.an-:..:aZ. Al! ~oj~"4 brc.cir.g ~ ~hi:r.n~!!s, 3t-Z. .'l"~at be ,co~Ls;cd. . ,'"10 ~l'~ ia to .~.; ~on.- . coa:.tld ;u::t.1. :h-..3 -..r.;Joec=:.cn. r.flS . bS87I n:ad~ c:.r.d appl'!.n:ed. o w Your Cip~'Desigr~tcd Job Number Io: Q] INSULATIONIVAPO.r? 2.4RRIER I.'/SP::C':'ION: To be ::ru18 after all i118Ul.::ti.::m cr-..d raquired vapor tarriers ars in p lacs but csfors any tath, gypuum beard 01'" wll covering is cppli.ed, (:rod before any insulation ::s conceaLed. job aacrcss, type of i.r~pec~icn. Requuts l'tJceit:ed eelcre 7:00 c:1 830963 DFUOLITIo.~r OR ;~:.?v::.:: 3{JILDi,7GS =:J Sani:ary Se:JBr ~apped =t ~~p.crt-:t' Zir.Q ~ Septi-z tank p'.o."?o:d c;;nd l::LZ.~ with ;ra-;,.:. ---, Fi.nal - [ihen abCV4il it;e~s CZ-"'e co:::pZetcd --1 ar.c when ier.:cE:ior. is car.r:;Z,a:,a 01' st:"..I':- tUre moved ar~ pr~~es :le~ned up. D.f:?Y'''/ALL INSFECTIC,V: To be ,~de after all. Cr:fl.Xl!l is in. place, bu t prior to any taping. O ~\fASO.I/R'!: S:~e:t l.caation, b~ D2ama, grou..1.ng or v6l'ticals in aacor'"4zce with U.B.C. Section 241S. O ',J()ODS'!'OVE:: Altar installation i.s ccmp~.a=€d. [:J o CURB & .4..PF_f?CACH4P,~N: Att-=, f'o~s ae are.::r.;e:d but prior to pcrmng .xm::rete. SIDEJlALX d DRIt'EW.l: For aZZ ccn.- , crete paving ~ithin. street right- oj"-t.:c.y" to be mad6 aj'tiJl' all. 6:':::::'- vatino ccr.roLe:e & form !.X:lrk j ~uO- OOS6 ~t;er1:al in pla~6. NooiZ,a BomBS =:J BLocking and Sat-up . =:J Plwr.bing conn.6c:i"ns -- 8~Br c:r.d wa:4ilr . --, EZectr--;caZ Ccnl':6c:::On - BLocki~, set-up ---.J and pLumbing cDm:sctions IT..:.st ~B G?P1'DI..',d before requ6st~ng s!ec:rical ins;:6c:i.o~ ~ Acces~o~~' 9ui.l.:i~r.g ] final - Aft~r ;:l'Cr.BS, at:. are C~lol,,;~d. ak~rti.n.g, docr~, o o :ENC!: ;{her. co:.l"ol..to -- ?rov1.de ga;;s or r:fovahZe' sec::icns through P,ll.E. o o fINAL Pr.UgSI:/G AZZ pro.fee: oonci=i.o7'ls, ,3UO.:: as ehe :'.ns:aZZa:.ion. of a~re8t :r.BS, ;:c::'i,,;!.a:':'''J1 ;J; ::~ required landsccpir.g, etc., must biZ satisfi.ad b,-:/o'l'e tr.a 3L'I!.DI:.'C pr,~'At =an .:e r3q-~u:.:zd. CJ(j. fl:IAG .'!S",A:/ICAl Q PINAL 3UI!.DI.VC: The Final 8u::Zdi.ng Ir:spection ."':"~St bll reauaa::ed ;f~er :i:.1 .:'i.,...::l ?t:.L'r.bina- Elt:?ctrical., r::nd .'lecr.lL-'~C:;Z Ir.apectic1'lD ;'.ava been :ria.de ar.d =pprovBc. W FI:IAL E!.EC':.UC:':' ~ o .ALr, NA:'IHCL'GS 'AltD CLEANO!JTS .'tUS': 3E .~C:ESSI3r.E. AtJC:S:.'~.~',!, ':0 3E .~!o1tE :!1" ;'.'0 -::s: r'J Cr:'! f ?='iB ! ol 2 I JOB NO. 830963 R-L (;'C:.Cc.n,c..., Cr7'J.:;: B-3 l.OT ':'!?! , :::"".C!: ILot Sq. F~. ,~ "I l.a: :.jVe't'~. I ' !.~ of 5tor-;es I.... .. .. ':J . . I.O...C!. ..a'%.cnr: I . I :'O?ogrc:::ny 1!!'E.'.f I:r-::" 1,:,,~~c.;J i ! :.21":-::'2"': I. I :iC::~S3:n"J I "0 -~G .:,....:. I I Addition S.D.C. ?OT.~[, ;'AU'!' IVC:'~i:J 1.5 = 3uiZding Ptmr."';: State Surcharge ~otaL [;}-.a-rgea I II:~,\I I :L~.JJ'es IRe5idznt~Z (1 bath) Iscr;it.:J.!"':! Seucr> I ;;c::e~ I I NO. i I PL;.qnbing Perr::"; t State SW'cr..arqe TotaL cr.c'f'ces 11I'DI I.~es. Sn. Ft:1. IN~/~end Ci~~;s I Temporary Service I 1:10'1 12 dr I I EZ6::tl"'~Ca L Fe~ t: $t::.te Sur::;..ar-::e TotaL O.l1!'ces I I::~.'1 I ?:.trr..:::C.lZ 2TU'S I E=haz.:.s t Hood I Vent Fan I . I :J::;ods"to-.;e I ,,~ I ""I I Extend ductwork Peme 133U::11Ce .'<[B::,..cnic::L Permit State Sur::~!1(: '7',,=,~! crC'!".,~n -- E:.'C.-:;'CAC.~'.~!~:,r':.' Se~~~;tu D2~03i= StOl''2qe 1"1a-=:rttencr~a I Pcrm-i.: I TctaZ C"flCl"1CS I Cur.;C'.c~ ISf-deJaz.:c. io t :I!!n::e ! 2!.lc:1'-i.caL , i Jfobi L,a Herne [cheZ I :'OTA~ .tNOU.'IT DUE:" SOLA~CCESS FEE more Ir.r:er-:.cl" Corne:- PIZ1lha1".dle C"'..tl-de-saa x VaLue I I I I I $18.300.0@ I , ' I 88.0@ 1 ~1 91.S; , Ci!A?G~ I I I I I CHjJJ~GE lS.00 lS.00 I .60 I 1<;,fiO I. CHAReE 6.00 10.00 16.00 {;11 16.64 ' I I I I I I I I $123.76 ?::ca 2 . .' .;c.. L-COC" 1 i J j 1 J REQ,- T;F)e/Cor.s~: S-N I I Er.el"GU Sour~e3 II II II II II II " 3ed.....'or.:s: I L.c: :::r.ces - I I 2.:-. .liIOl"-;h lEast ISoz.o:it IWest !:;~il 5eti:a~":s I HO:.i3e I C-::zrc.ce I I I ::e:;: I A.,;;ce3S. I I I "i ;"a1;~!, ::<?a~.:?r' Ranqe Pi. roeolc.ce ;"coa.7:o::e Fees Building Value & Permit This pe~t'ia granted on ;he 8=pres8 ~ondi:ion that the sdid.~onst~~c:~on shatt, in all respects, confo~ :0 the Ordinar.ce =dopted cy tha ~~t: ~f Sp'l""~r.gf:.eld, -::11C~:..c-:.ng :he Zon"':ng Crd-:.r..ance, reg-..tL::.tir:g ;r.a CCr.3t:-:I.::-:..;n and :J.Ge of ~u.ildi.r<.gs, and m:;u be Ju~'Oende.:i or revoked at cr.:: e~;,71e :.;~r: vi.c- Za:ion 0/ ~y pr:miaior.s of ;aic Ord~r.ances. " Inan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRee&::?t #: IS,:g"ed: 26.40 2-2S-83 660478 Linda Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instaLZ, alter or cr.ange any r<.eW cr tJ:.'is::.ng plumDir~ or drainage systen in ~hoZe or in part, unless s~ch ;erscn is ~r.e legal possessor of a vaLid pZumoer's license, e=cept tr~t a pe:-son .~? do pl:Ar.:oing :.iork to pl"opert":j which is or..med, laased 02" operated by the r:;;p}i- cant. , . Electrica I Perm it Where State [,a:J requires tr~t the etect1-~cal work be done by an Ele::~-rical Contractor, the electricaZ pOl"::ior. of this peI':'ilit shalt roOt ba valiC ur.tiL the Zabel has been si@ted by the Electrical ~ontrc:a:or. Mechanical Permit I I. I I I HAVE CARSFULLY !XANINED t,~ aorr.pZated =;;pl.:.cation for pe1"!il-;t, ::::nd do I hereby certify that aLl. i~fo~~t-;on ~~reon :.s true ar-d ccr~cc:, ar~ ~ f..l.r~r.er ce'!'t:.ly -;hat ar.y crt! all. ...:ork. ;:12r[o-r:r:ed shall 08 do:1e in .::ccoro- I dance ~th r;h.z Ordinances of ens City of Sp'l"";ngfic:Zd, and ::h~ i:C";3 of tb .. Stata of Oreg:m pzrt.:zining to ~r.B :JOr.ic desc:-;bcc here"':n, cr.c: tit.::::; NO CCC:J- I PJ.:ICY !JilZ. ba ..reds of O1y 3t;:"".4c:;:.u>a wi:ho~t p3!'m"':ssio!': of tns 5u:.Zdir.'l ,..;~ vision. I further ~e'!'tif~ t;.~t o:1Ly ~cr.tractol'S <u:d ~l..;Y6es 1,,;;'.0 .;;,...s in I c.a~pZiance with CRS 701.0~S wiZ! be uS6d en this projz::t I I Lorne P1eger 3-4-83 PLan Z=.....-ni."!er ,..'a;;,z 1:?kt~ 1~-/'~ '/11/%3 J~' Sigr..2d