HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-11-16 '1 ............-, .....--"'.. ~ .,~..... -..-....-:...,. -'-'~';'--'.;";".._."-- .c_. ".'.-- '........_~..._40,.' ..:.....~-'-'-'''''"__'...h.;,,;.~.._-"-_.~'-._. _...,.,._',...........o.-''--'~............_ _ ...-;....-""~...___.:; ..~_.....:..~:..;...::.~-..~..~......-...-.;;...:'....-...- ., " 15 ~7bJ-q -- RE5IDENTIA'. ' COMBINATION/APPLICAT~ PERMIT .!:IPr # ~. Building permit 4% PI umbi ng permit 4% Electrical permit 4% Mechanical permit 4% CITY OF SPRIllGFIEW 2~S t:ORTH STH ~'::'.TEET l'P.U:ICFIELD, OREGO,V 97477 8uit..dir'.g DilJi~ 72S-J7SJ Job Location: 1351 Lawnridap Subdi.vision: Ramblina Acres. .~SS'SSO,.s 11ap' 17-03-25-20 _.,. 4th Addition. Lot 15. Bloc~ In Ta: Lot II 3133 Rrucp I nnnn~ Wil.nn PI1one, 747-1358 A~s. 1351 Lawnridae City Sprinafield. Oreaon n rxl n Up 07477 ~ Dssc1'i1:. Work iV.." AdC.i tion Add family room, utility room, & \ bath, .~emod.Z U Authoriaed Ci~J Agent E=f1":..rss Value: $10,885.00 Addrsss USCR COl'!tmctol"S Narrte Giln'Nt. R.A. Rude Construction /'lllJllbi.ng Wa lly' s PI umbi ng 2377 ,Todd, Euqene. OR 34284 244 N. 39th, Springfield; OR 10-14-82 l.fscJumiact. SZ.ctrfoaZ Dells Electric 5151 Blanton Rd. Euoene. OR ?O-lq~-RR170n n-1l-A? CC1Ul~timt Lant1er $ 56.00 2.24 30.00 1. 20 25.00 1.00. 19.00 .76 .$135.20 Phon. , 686-9497 747-6000 4A~-?444 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibilIty of the permit holder to se~ thst all ~spection8 are made at the proper time, that each address is readable fTcom the street, and tha': the pe:-m.1t card is located at the front of the property. ~ All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted a~ no cost to the City o GJ GJ ~ o o GJ GJ GJ SITE nrsPtCTICN: To be made after 0 excavation. but prior to set u? of fono..... F!REPLACE: Prior to placing facing 0 ~teriais and befere framing inspe-=.- t.1on. WQOOSTOVES: After installation! ~s completed. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING,,- EL!:CT!UC.o\L 6. ~ MECHANICAL: To be made before any ~ work is covered. FR..AJfI!ro: Must be reques'ted after 0 approval of rough plumbing. electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing, bracing Ii chimneys, etc. must be . completed. No work is to be <:on- 0 cealed until t~is inspection has been made and approved. CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDtWALK & DRrvEWAY: For all con- crete paving wi~h1n street right- ~f-way, te be cade after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base materi~ in place. FOOTING & FOUNDATION; To be made after trenches are e:tCavated and torms art: erect~d. but prier to pouring concrete. UNDtRGROUND PLUMBING. StwER1 WATER. r-xl DRAIllAGE: To be made prior' to fll- L..:J lIng trenches. INSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulat:ion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and befc_ -II v II any insulation is concealed. ~ UNDERFtOOR PLUMBING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insu13ticn or decking. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may b. required in accordance with Building COde. to be indicatee in ~lar.s or by no'" tice from Building Inspector. POST & BEAM: To be ade prior to installation 0: floor insulation or decking. Q Existino Sewer Line DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be rnde after all drywall is in pLlce. but prior to any taping. ROUCH PLUMB!NG. ELECTRICAL & KECH- ANCI~L: no ~ork is to be covered ~these inspectior.s have been made and approved. D MASONRY: Steel loc3don, bond beams, grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. rINAL PLUMBING All project condi'tior.s~ 3uch as 'the ins~allation or street trees. co~plc~ion ~f the required landscaping, etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. Q FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requestod a:ter the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een mad.e a:1d approved. F!NAL ELECT~ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made un~il the Final Building Inspection has been made and a.,...._..,,_l, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEt..'" ISSUED BY THE BUILourG DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PRtMISES. ~ FINAL HECHANICAL Pagl! 1 af 2 PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REqUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)state your City desii"ated job number, job adcress, ~ypc or inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspec- tion. Con'tractors or Owners name and phone n~~ers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will 'be ~~dQ the sa~e ~y, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGlIA~ED JOB NUM~ER IS' 810798 .~:. ?,:i0n,_',~:::;':~:::i.:,~~J.i;~~~~i~~';,4~~;.,:~;,t'i{~El~;I3iEZ~~:~1:0~;~;:{E;~?:"c~~i~;~J.:~,.' ~A;.~tJ::-:'7i?r}~~~~~--:~i-ii~i;{.?P~~~"f.I~~~E~:~i't~:';;~1 '...::_.'_:..:....:..,_.~_ ..., .:,.,,,,,,:_. "_'_' _'- ,. _.h..'.". I JOB NmmER IZONE 810798 R 1 Lot Squars ~tg. :': of Lot Covered ~ or S~ri6s Total RlIiah-: C:opograp:"y AhlQ 11 ?~L- J (~' Level I I fz' C'f-Jl. '.:/'fi'! <.8.4 Sq. Ftg. c-ara.Jo ISq. FOg. Car;~ Sq. Ftg. A:ce:so:-y Sa. Ft/a. Val:.uz pg'!fTit ~e8 Stn:tR SUrf!r"mvr~ TOTAL CH.4.~CSS IS!lstcm D.vtll~tl"t Charas 11.5 ::: Vaba NA .~ '.. .. -- ..,.-.~,.,.".. "'. " . : . . '. . , -., . '.. --, ..~. "..... ,. 0'", "";' ._.."~ _._L'~~~..:!h~~'':'__~_''~'; 11 P'ge 1 i.. . . REFF-RENCE m'MBERS L-C()r. ,; I . I OCCUPANCY GROUP TYPE!C()~ST~UCTION V-N BEDROO~!S R3 Lot Ty?a )( , Interior I to"; Corner I P. E. P~~LCINor~h LUI-dE!1th:U' lEast I South , West S.tbaakB Faae.: lP'i! I I House '.iaraf"et Accas.i j b' 1 1? I ~ ': ~ I I I '.2!':....-' i FEES I I Ellsrqy So~':es ....;:a1: \: lee w. H. I .~:':';::~C.::B ~~ter He~ter ~o~i S~~~a .~ar.go ~a ..;.:' ?ool BUILDING VALtII:/PER!1IT ~?il 15. 10.ilil5 ~O ::: . I ::: . I ::: . I _____~~0,885. 0 I ~I; () i ? ? 'litis pcrr.r;t is grantsd on tiul ezprGas c~i:~-:.on ~ha.t ths said cons~ oha!.!, in aZZ l"f1s::sc:~, confo~ ~ the O:tdinar.:es adoptsd by the Ci7/ 0"; Sp2--:.ngfield, incl.:.Lding tM Zoning Ordinancs.. r~.lZat.;.ng ::i-.s acr:- str>..tction and use of 11'J.i.l.dings, cznd."1aY ;,S S'".lB';Qr"..ded or rrJoked at any time upon uioZati~n of an~ provi- sions of Ifaid Ordinances. PZan CMak P.. $16.80 DatePaid 11-12-81 Raaoipt # B57618 I 58.2 I - I PLUMBI/1C PERMIT :vo. :EE CRARGE 4 .~i.:tures 5.00 20.00 Water- SBf'Vtcd 1 S!1mta1"-l Stl'.Jer l() ()() SUBTOT..L Stat. SUraharg. TOTAL CHARCES I INO. I I ? I I Sa. Footaad NtN ar E.timtBianICinu.'ti Te::mo!'ar'..f CU":st:ouc:Um Servic;~ chanoe SU!!TOTAL sel%t~ Swochtzroae TOTAL CRAP.r.ES No person shatz. aonstruot, inst::zZ-l... aL:-er or a~B any nBti1 or eristing plumbing or d:Jt:::.nage Bys':llm in whole or in part, unl4itss BUch persor: is :he :,gaz. possessor of a valid pz.~,r-'s Z.iaer~8, ~c'pt that a person may do plwnbing L.'Ork to pro:er~J wr.-:.ch is """"d, Zeassd ar opll1'atlld by the "",Ziacnt. .,n nn Existing sanitary sewer will be under new addition- expose and call for inspection before installing foun- dation. New cleanout requirement. 1 ?n <1 ?() ELECTIlICAL PERMIT , FEE CHARGE 1C:: nn JIhmoe Stat. LaJ.t requ.irs8 that ths d~ect:-ica: tJOrk bd dons by an EZlIctrical C?ntractor.. ti:le dZ:ec~caZ por- tion af thi. penmt .hall not be .aUd ,,,,tiZ tlul 3,2- of'Z has been .ig7z1ld by tho ;;!.aatria=Z can_~'or. Th& EtsctM.aal Safety ~ does not requ.-:.rd ::z :'8:'son to obtain a lic:ens. as an "lectricicn ar.dlo1' IIlec- tricaZ co"ltr!:wtor to male. an Blsctr-:.aal .;.ns,;.:ll.:tion "" propsrt"~ which is owned by 1ri.mseZf or a .~&:be:' of his imm8diate family which is not ir::sn:::ad .eo:r sale, lBa.BB or rant. 10.00 Check extension S.E. cable with city electrical inspection. 125.00 I 1 ()n hI: nn MECHANIC.4L PERMIT I:'m. J:'IJ7OWf"!,tt -mJ'S E:::naust Rood < Vent Fan I Wood Seave/Rlmttl1' I I~it ;~~IIP SUBTOTAL Stato Stu'cnal"'(fO TO'!'AL CHM1GF:S FEE C1/.4RGE I , I QOL1 I 10.00 I 1Q nn ?f> 19.76 3.00 I E!lCllOACHNElrr I Ser:u.r:ty Deposit I Storage I Mai"C~e Ip.""':t I TOT.1L AP.OlItlT DUE C'".ll"b~t Sid_Zk I Ft]1tau I ::l~tl"iaal Lab.Z I 'tOTAL AMOUNT DUE -"-.'_''''~-:-Oh...,~~..-_."... .._."..',H..._. ...,,,.....,....;..c,,... I ~tz(.r h-~-~ I I HAVE C.1REFUUY EXAMINED tlul aonrp!.atlld appZiaati07'l foI' pe""':t, and do heroby certify that aU information Mrean is truo and correat.. a1Id I j'ul'tlu!r al11'tify that any and aLZ "'I'k pc1'fOl'med .hall be do"" in aaaor-' I danae IJtih 'lis OPdi=.. of ,lis City.af Spl"i.ngfieZd. and tho La:.1s of 'Iul Stat. of Ozo<:g"" plU'tainin!! to ths "",.k dasal'iblld !ull'oin, and that NO OC- , CUPANcr witz be nnds of any Str-.lOturB :without permission of ths Building . : Division. I !,.athBr certify that only ~tl'actors and employe88 who are in compZiance wit:h ORS 701.055 will bs used on t:hi3 prooject. aC2L / ~/;~f! t1:s BuiZding Site at alt $135.201 j .Jt.anea ./ /.. Building DilJisicn app1'O"JBd pl.tr1 shall remain OJ'!: times. '::;--::-~r-::-:-:--:--:.:~-;.~:' -.;."-:.7':-=: ~.-: -~--=- .:~~ '~'f", 'u-:-::r :... -;-' .._--:~.,.... '7"-':".'-":-::":~~.... +_. :..~: .-..,^~~.-::::::r:~~7-';.~.~~~'!-?-'}r,.::~.,,?:,:"!?'~ l