HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-7-21 .. RESlDaNTlAL ,. APPLJCATJIlv/PEHMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . Job Location: \ ~:i\4-rl0H.D(\'iU(\~Q...- ABBeaaorB Map K \ rJ OOd "5 Q. 8-- - Tax Lot /I limer: ~)U. "~J lli ~ Addreaa:\~ oo,W\\)\id~ CitY:~~)~~ ' nN~J ...J I . ~.; ., I. SldJdiv1.s1.on: [):.::<,CJ::D ""'~: Phone: '\9.\0- \<-\~ C\rv\-IIG Zip: Describe rlorh: ~dditicn n Remodel n ,',labile lloma .1\ - D ~<p,<?\ I Rcce~pt.'1 di (444 ( -" 0\.-C)CJ\'{\ '~ q&;( Vallie .tC).~~.f...t \.90 lX1te: , J~'il4c. tl BIdrs I\oarcl If(".c. "~~\LJ:f\ '\\.~ ~"'''0))~. dim). 1-::f1!/Jj Extiires ~;:>,~~ .'Ia, Date of Application Cont.ractors W ^cldrp~s ,General ."':::)\''f:'\\.. (cA~ Sll \ O. ~~ \ 1\\ 0 I Plumbing \' ~ !L S:"';"'~ "I?_~ I NechanLcal '<\-11"\ 7~"(\ 'i\ ~ ~QJJ\ ~\~ I Electrical ,'\\ZC.. r~o 'r't' \._...!., ,ISuperv-.!~_in~ Electr:ici:lll X..J: :_.,-~ f/. ~QWlIp^- / P~nnp 14\-"- It is tho rospoTlsibility of the pe~it holder to 888 that all inopectionB arc made at the proper timc~ that each ~SS8 is rcadabZo from the streot, and that the permit card is located at the {:J'ont of tho property. "Bui!diJ'U) [)~vi::1:o-r: approL'ed plan D]u:ll I'emain on the Bu-:.ld'irl!7 ~;'its at all timeD. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST;CALL '/26-3769 (rec:ordcI'J sLate YOUI' City de:Jion..'lted job numbol', job address, type of in3pec~icll requcDtcd w:d w!:ell !JOIl will. bo rcady }'ol' inapection, Cm:tl'actOI';J OJ' o-,.",era r..::mo and phone number'. Req'~c[;tc rucoi-t'ed 'bo/era 7:00 t:.':'I r.>ill. be made the came day, rcqut1DtD made after 7:00 am fJill be roode the next :.JOrkin.] day. ' Aq()(o'l~ ,Rt!mli-rl'r( T'1.,"lr/,F'h:t;1f.<l r:7r SITE INSPECTION: '}'o be nude after' ~ excavation, but prior to Det up of , foPl'1ls. 0, UNDF.RS(.AB PUWBINC. ELECTRlCAl ,e ,MECHANICAL: To be made beJoz'li! any , work ic covered. r:::r- FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be trado L:J after tZ'e11che::J ara excavated and fOPl'1l:J are erected, but prior to pouring cencreto':. O ' UNDSRCROUND PLUM.r?fNC. S.r::IIF.R. WATER, DRAINAGE: To be nKIde priOl' to fil- ,lir.g trenches. r::;:t'. UNDEllF'l.OOR PDllMBINC & MECHANICAL: ' L.:J' To be mada prioz' to inatal.lation of j100r inDulation or decking. O POST AND BEAN: To be made pnor to installation of floor insulation or decking. ,r.71 ROI!CIl PLlDfBI!lC. ET.F:CTnrCAL t. UEClJ- _~ ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be co,..'ered .ur.tit. thesa inspeetior.s have beer. made ar~ approved. FIREPLACE: PriOI' to plccir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. o ~ FRA}~INr:: Must be rcqueated after approtJ.:It of rough plwr.bing, elcctri- ,cal & mec]lQnical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, et~. l1T'J.st bo ;: completed. No fJOrk is to bc con- ....' , cealed until thiD inspection has ',- b6c,n made and approved. Your City DeDionated Job Numbcl' 10: r::::::t IN6'UL/I'/'ION/VA1VU JlARUIRIl INSPF:C'/'IVN: L...-1 7'0 be nKIde atter all insulation a~".lt " required vapol' barriers arc in place but befort! any latll, gypsum board or wrlll covering is applied, and before any inau III tiorl ia concca led. r::;::r DRyr'AJ.L INSPCCTION: To be mado L:.J a[tor all. dJ'Y/JaH is in place, but pl'iol' to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. location, bond beam::J, gl~ltina 01' verticals in accordance 'lJith U.B.C. Section 2415. O MOODSTOVE: After inDtallation is ccmpletcd. o CURB & AI'PROACII APRON: After forma w'e cre~ted bll t pr-ior to pouring ,x)n~1'ete. SIDEr'ALK ,e DRIl'Er/AY: For alt. con- cI'ete paving within Dt1'ect riaht- of-t.X;y~ to be made afte,r aU e:rca- vating cu~)leta & fo~ work & cub- ba!Je lOOteI'"ia'L i~ pla~e. DF:UOLITIf}!I OR /.JOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani~ary Be'.Jcr :apped at P~OPCl't!i 1.ir.o =.J Septic tank P".lmpcd and fiZZC~ L1ith ara~el I Final. .;, r/hen. above items CD"'e ccmpletcd .--J and whon demolitior. is complot" 01' st:-u"- tUrD nIOlJod and premises :leancd up. Mobile I/cmes :::J Bl~king. and SBt-~p ,I :::J Plumbing connections 8C1JOI' and water' :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, sat-up and plumbing connections l7T'.Jst 1;e approved before requesting electrical inspection :::J Ac:essol":;i Buit.ding . . --, Final. - AftIJ1" p::Jrches, ski;ting, docks, .-J etc. are canpletcd. o '.::.." I i , , . o D !'ENCE: Whcr. compl.;:te -- Providc' aateD 01' movable sections through P.U.E. .._~'. ',' ,.., - All:'l'r'oj,~~:t VOlltUtt'otm, mwl: nO till! i,m/taUnt-ion of Dtz'cat trocs. co."='P1,ation of t;I~" , required la'ldtwcpir.a, etc., must be saHsficd bc{o1'o the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquoDt:zd. : t " ... ~~NAL BUILDING:/' The f"inal Building Innpcction must be requeDted after tho Final Plumbina! o Elcctrica'L, arid Mechar:ical Inspectiona have been made aruJ approved. I.,M_',\ ~\ ';.\.-,\ ~ I ~11!'{, ,'.f,iN!fr.'U,,':; ANn (.'{.!.:11Nf.lll'{':: ,'fot,'I' m: /If.'!''':::.':m!..!', An.rIl:-;7~!!!.:,'I'!' 'J'(} !Ig J.!M"W .I!'" NO ('r..lS'f '1'0 Cr'!'Y D~L PWNUItlG ;.- [21 FINAL MECIIANICAL I ,...j.....fINAL ElECTRICAL j . ,~ o ." -. . 1/",,:.. or :~ I Curbcu; I sidew lk 1.C't!n:;:o '\ I Electrical Labet. I I Mobi1.8 lIomo J1dd~ p~ ~u.u ~CI.CD ~. . , . . , I JOB NO. IZona: Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f lot Couarag. .f of Sto,.;... Total Height Topogl'a?hy' I I ITEM s~.FTG ~D.~ Main Cr.:raae I Caroort AccessorII I i IS.D.G. TOTAl, VAWE 1.5'% tval.UCJ Building Pormit Stato Surchargo Totat Charges I ITEM NO. IFutures I R..id.ntial () bath) .: I Sani tory 'Sowel' - Water' L:f?.r~/d-i1'V ~~~ f\~,,, plumbing Permit State Surcr.lU'!J6 . "Total Chal'(f08 17'EM Rt!n. So, rta. New/EXtend CircuitD' \ I Temporary Servico Electrical Permit I Stat6 SUl"cMroe Total Charges i ITEM NO. I I Furnace .rrfU' S I Exhauo t llood I Vent Fan , Woods tOJ)8 'N\,"'~~ ~ermit IGlJuanca ", . \.,',' ~: . ~ . J~Me.::hanical permit' ,':l\t ' \ Stato Surcharae ","l', . ,,'. :' ~ . ,i Total CMraoD -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC".,l.,.;.t-'l I StoraiTo DarJODit Maintenance I Permit I Total ChaT'170S ...\. I TOTA'" AMOUNT DUE:'~ . p. _ "/J;7p 9-9-87 , . 7i>~ 7fc,zr# It/g~~ '-- /5'.~1, ',' Electrica I Perm it SOLAR ACCESS Occuoancl/ GrDU:J. 1m.. TYPE Interior Cornel' Panhand Ie Cut-de-sac X Value ?p'"U 'XJQCn\ FEE X/G.c,.., \ I I\L\lo.~ I '\ 0~ I \6~.~:) CIIA/lGE I I 1 /..,; -- F~E CIIA/lGI> I NO. rt" rJ)fS:> f) 0; fD ?r; . f:j::) \.\0 I 7~ <00 I. FEE CIIARCE ,'." \ S.iC::O ~ f I \~.~ il.5 \~.15 ". j'I," 'I, .,', '\" '~I~.!)J REQ.- , /... L-COG' ': ,. \ ,. > 'type/Cor.n t: . Time Bedrooms: I Dot FaceS - I ' Sntback" I P.L. Nouron r.nl~q~ A~con3. INOl.th lEast ISouth I"nnt F:nnrq!' So;~l'r.rJ3 !leat flaim' !{(mLm' Han(lo1 Fircnlace Wood::;tol.:e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit in granted on the exprcIJ!; condition that the said construction GhaU, in all. respectG, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted Hy the City of Springfield; incZudina the Zonina CrdiMItCG, regulating the constructicn I and use or huUdil1g:;, and may be Gu(;pcmded or revoked at C:l:Y time upon uic-, lation of an.u pl'oviaionCJ of naid OrdinancalJ. , . IPln" C/taek Fan: ,")1 f). !:J ~ I Cate Peid: 1\ _ ~..J~::l, ~ IReedpt II:.' f4f':J/U I Signed: H) If'i\ ) Plumbing Permit No pernon ahall com~truct3 instalZ" alter or change G.ny n,~tJ Cl' a=iating "':'plwnbina or drainago Gynte:n in whoLe or in part" w:l.eGs ouch persoll 1.8 tho legal. pOGGosr.or of a valid pLumbar'o liccnGGJ except tr~t a pa~son may do plumbing woY'k to pl'oporty whidl is owned, leased or operated by tho appLi- cant. . .'..... ___ .J I f{liere State l.a;.) rcquil'cr. that tlw clrwtricaL lolOrk b.:! done by an Electrical Contractor, the electr>icaL portion of thi3 permit GhaLL not be vaLid until the lAbeL haG been signed by the J::Lectrical ::ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I ~ ~Jf~\.~ PUm t:xam1-Ilnl' \ - \~-ffi Llate I H.1VE CAREFULLY gXAMINED the completed application [or permit, and do hereby certify tl~t all i~fo~tio" hereon i8 true and correct" and I further certify that any arn aZZ work performed sJ~Zl be do~e in accor- dance wit11 the Ordinance:; of thn City of springficZd~ and t.lt:; La-,;s of tha ~ State of O}'eU.:Jn p.;:rtainill9 to....tho work described hcrein~ cl:d that NO OCCU- PANCY wiU be nnde of a'1!! str'lwtUl'e withou.t parmiaGion of the Buildi,lg Di- viaion. I fllrthm' certify that O:lZy contractors mid e:npl.:Jyees wi:o aro in compliance with ens 701.0S.S wiU be used on thia. project I' i2 ftGd ~ 7-ct 1- B'''l (Xzt(: ~