HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1985-7-22 . ,e PAGE 1. MINUTES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION BOARD PROJECT: JOHN HYLANn rGNSTRllfnON. 1 q4 1 I AIIRA STRI'n D.C.# 85-6 DATE: July 22, 1985 Meeting Information A. Staff Members: I"orne Pleoer. BI.Jildino piv.: Gri>o'Mntt..P1~;'riinn'.'ri,;v',;R;'n";n T,.~f'f'i,.. 100 r,.,i3milo, Engineerinq; ~like Hudman. Fire Deot.: Tim HarilF'v_ Rai'nhowWatpr: Virnil I.nnlov S.U.B. Electric Engineering Dept. B. Applicants Present: 1. Owner (s) : 2. Agent (s) : ,-3. Others Present: D. C. # 85-6 is ( ) Approved , (X) Approved with conditions (see Section 18.02. Springfield Zoning Code). ( ) Denied - you may appeal this decision to the Planning Commission. Reason for Denial ( ) ( ) Continued until - more information is necessary. Referred to the Planning Commission Reason: APPEALS A decision by the Board may be appealed to the Planning Commission. !he appeal may be filed in writing with the Planning Department within ten days of the Board's decision. The decision of the Planninp, Commission shall be final. REVOCATION Development Coordination approval or approval with conditions shall be auto- ,matically revoked if any development -and/or construction is not commenced within 2 years from the date of approval. Conditions of Development Coordination Board Approval: 1- Improvement of the Laura Street frontage of this parcel including additional paving, curb and gutter, side~lalk, storm drainage and installation of one 130 watt LPS street light. The street light may be erected on an existing pole if' one:is appropriately located along the property frontage. ' Public improvements shall be'engineer designed to City of Springfield Engineering Standards. Coordinate specific design and construction requirements for these improvements with the City Engineering Division. -' 2- A 10 ft. wide Public Utility Easement is required along the West (Laura Street) frontage of this property. Submit a Meets and Bounds type legal description of the property to the City Engineering Division for preparation of the standard easement agreement form which shall then be signed and returned for recording. ,(3~:-, :!" The landscaped area along, the Laura Street frontage of the property may be affected by the street widening; coordinate landscaping intensions with the City Planning Dept. ...... . . (2) . 4- All areas used for parking or circulation of ' vehicles shall be paved with a mlnlmum of 2" of asphalt over 6" of crushed rock base. The paved area shall be des i gned to slope at a minimum of 2% grade to an approved intercept drainage system which conveys the drainage to the City Storm Sewer System. The open ditch along the East side of Laura Street shall , by culverted as part of the frontage improvements. Coordinate this improvement and the desired point of connection to the City Storm Sewer with the City Engineering Division. 5- Since access to the rear of this parcel is intended to be'via the adjacent property to the North which is owned by E.W.E.B., a copy of a joint use access agreement allowing this use shall be submitted to the City Building Division. 6- Access to the rear of the property for fire protection purposes shall be coordinated with the City Fire Marshal, Mike Hudman. 7- Coordinate specific requirements and charges for water service with the Rainbow Water District_ 8- Coordinate specific requirements and charges for extension of Electrical service with the Electrical Engineering Division of S.U.B., and with the City Electrical Inspector. NOTE: Questions regarding the above items should be directed' to the appropriate staff members listed of the first page of these minutes. These minutes were transcribed by Lorne Pleger, Building Div. representative to the Board. , , ,