HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1987-3-19 I :(/ I ' PRELIMINARY i' ~IY~~I~~~~X ~3~~~p1~r~,~R~7~ 741-1981 \ TITLE REPORT ELT-8l58 & MARCH 19, 1987 EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COHPANY 1317 NORTH 18TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ~ .~ ~ DEAR MRS. GREGORY: YOUR NO. E-445 We are prepared to write Tit~e Insurance covering the following described premises to-wit: Lot 15, Block and recorded Records, Lane 4, HILL VIEW ADDITION TO in Book 14, Page 24, County, Oregon. SPRINGFIELD, as platted Lane County Oregon Plat showing fee simple title as of March 13, 1987, at 8:00 A. M., vested in: HAZEL TOFTDAHL and CIT FINANCIAL SERVICES as tenants in common Subject to the usual printed exceptions, and 1. Mobile Account No. Home Taxes, Serial No;-17 03 27 41 04400, Code 19-00, 4054134, 1986-87, $306.51, paid in full. 2. Subject to the requirements and provisions of ORS Chapter 481 pertaining to the registration and transfer of ownership of a Mobile Home, and any interest or lieris disclosed thereby. 3. Public Utility Easement as shown on the recorded plat. 5 feet) (East 4. Conditions and Restrictions as set forth in Trailer ~~[mit Compliance Agreement recorded November 15,1974, Reel 716, Reception No. 74 48927, Lane County Oregon Records. CON TIN U E D " ,I~~~ 0'.-\^. -r"'- / . , ~-' _-----J~ \'-:" ,~~:.;'~ "'n. /' 'I ~"""r ,:\ 0 c-.., ,.... , /. . J~ , . .. , tr.I.~' / ,~/l.!o. ,~o:'if~ I "'", '.! ,'- ".:" '--. .~ ~,"..- L'; '" .~ - . c..,.. -..... ,.,.et)"'- '1" ........... " ~~S.... ii ~ I/{f' s.w. c.., ...... '''''' ............. '..~ ...:.. .',' " JACOB HAt.STEf.1). r,.", , '......... "; I I 0 L.C. NO.47 ...... " I.......... ~ ~-. ~ r-... ..---,...,....,.......... 0 ~ ........ ~~.. ....,-.....,_..1 ...... ,. 1:--...... "e-__4 _~."C..'''''~'H.(...,. ..:.... . ~~ ............. -::.~ka)r~~--=-............. G}> SP~ ---- ",.riU"L~~ ~-:'aIlH7 .~ ....' ..... '-............ '. ~ ...JN~.b --A-'Jt~n. ............ "" y,.-,/:'I -tt I' 10:- , '-, '- ........ ... . 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JUDGMENT SEARCH has been made against GEORGE G. PERRY, and as of March 13, 1987, we find none. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE By: }!hI ~ cc: Accredited Brokers Attn: Roll ie" NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. lj . ~ ",' ,'. . . . . /i".,,'"(l';'-"--- &tj~';':::T ..., 'i.;.lb~r';7 1P.AILER PER:U; CQHPLlA:ICE AGREEIIEIIT 7/t rf- The under.19ned, 'uot Toft'.hl I/II"/}7,1 . 1n ccnstderat\on of the 'ssuance Of I' / J{ '( permtt under Sectton Z9.28 of the C~~rehens'Ye Zoning Code of the CIty of Sprln9flold-1970. doe.'hereby covenant to and with the 1 City of ~prln911eld that hel.helth.y will eomply with and do h.r.by acknowledge notice of the fol1aw1ni condttions of use IS set forth In .ub.ectlon (a) of S.ctlon 29.26 01 the Compr.hen,'ve Zonln9 Code 01 the Ctty of Sprln91leld-1970 a. lollows: (In' pertinent part) ....U.. (of .uch mobile home Dr trall.r)... .hall be terminated and disconttnued upon any of lhe following events: Owner.hlp 01 the lot Dr traIler Dr ~blle home I. changed. Occupancy of the tratler or mobile home is changed Ift.r Sept~er 1. 1970. Substitution or re~lac~ment of t~e tratler or ~blle home unless the substitution or replacement"s of greater value than that being 10 located and used prior to September ,. 1970. prov'ded that Iny such substitution Dr replacement must be owner.occup1ed tn order to be .llowed under tht. provtston. If the use or occupanc, Jf the tra11er or mobtle home is dtsconttnued for more than stl (6) oonths..the use or occupancy ~ay be resumed only by a .peclal pennlt by the CIty Council." (t) (II) (tit) These cond'ttons apr1y to the real property (upon whtch a perm1t to malnta'n a ~btle ho~e or tratler has been granted) descrtbed wtth parttculartty as follows: Property Oescr'pt'on: Address : \S66 Laura Street Lot 15, Bloek ~. Hili VLew Addition to Springfield, .I, platt.d and rccnrde.1 In Boo\!. 14, rASe 2~; Lana County Oragon flat Record.,' Lan. r.ounty. Oreg.)n. There's no QOnetary constderat'on for tht, transactton. Dated this 10th day 01 July " \.9.lJ.. 197~. PROPERTY OlmERS: . . . . I' '. I II ," I. (' .' l' 'J" -:' .' I -:I; ,L,I-;.,. ..-I. - .' STATE or OREGON) ..: COUIITY or . "', ) Perso~~11y ~ppc~red before ~e ~ '.'-7.,J :;Z:/"d" LI and aCknowledgetl that _~../'-.i~ ueculcd ti.1 sar:t: freel:, anO volunur'i1y ~or the uses and purposes ther~in na:.,':d. Cd..'{'" /~; .' 197 74 C/ . ..\ - ,'.' ..' " . .-d.v/~. C' ;Ic(....<--~.J I:Ulkl;t r IUl.v.,. tUH UI;tllIJ:I '.1:/ Cu.~~Is;'nn l;)fr1rp.\r- f /977 '..,,, t ..~~ :'1: " ..-' 1 J