HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1987-4-13 .-" -~ i. ../ ,~ .. . . MINUTES OF THE CONTINUED MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1987 The City of Springfield Council met in Continued Session at the Springfield City Council Chambers, 225 North 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 13, 1987, at 7:10 p.m., with Mayor Richard Gorman presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Gorman, Councilmembers Larson, Reed, Morrisette, Beyer, Barry and Decker. Also present were City Manager Ron LeBlanc, Finance Director-Recorder Anne Pflug, City Attorney Joe Leahy, and members of the staff. . BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mayor Gorman added Business from the Audience to the Agenda. 1. Linda Mann-Raybould, 865 North 65th Street, Chairman of the Springfield Economlc Development Association Board, indicated her concern to maintain momentum on PIIP and continue efforts at economic development. 2. Chris Matson, 225 West "E" Street, stated the debate held earlier on PIIP with Councilmember Larson was not convincing and he was still opposed to PIIP. 3. John Nelson, 580 City View, stated he felt placing PIIP on the ballot agaln WOUIO be a mistake and future urban renewal efforts would be affected. He suggested only the Booth-Kelly site of the PIIP program be submitted to the voters. Mr. Nelson also requested the PIIP matter be delayed until further study could be completed to review concerns raised by the opponents. 4. Everett Cross, 568 South 53rd, suggested the Council postpone placing PIIP back on the ballot in order to provide additional time for review. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Trailer Permit Compliance Agreement. City Manager Ron LeBlanc briefly reVleweo tne memo ot Aprll ~, 1~~/, from Planning and Development Director Greg Winterowd regarding the agreement for Hazel Toftdahl. Realtor Rolly Korinek indicated the potential purchaser withdrew his offer because the Council delayed action from the April 6 meeting. Mr. Korinek stated he had not seen the revised agreement, therefore, the Council deferred action on the item until later in the meeting to give Mr. Korinek an opportunity to review the changes. \.::;;~~ Lc...v.n___ J .. Minutes . . ..' Continued Meeting April 13, 1987 Page 2 ") ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 5374. AN ORDINANCE CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTDRS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, AT A ~P~~IAL ~L~~11UN IU O~ M~LU UN IM~ l~IN UAT ur MAT, l~O/, IM~ 4U~~11UN U~ WHtlHtK UK NUl IHt S~K1Nb~ltLU tLUNUM1L UtVtLU~MtNI AbtNLY MAY ~UNU IM~ PK1VAI~ lNV~~IM~NI lN~~NI1V~ PLAN \PllPI U~INb IA^ lN~K~M~NI rlNAN~INb, K~r~KK1Nb ~A1U 4U~~11UN IU IM~ ~L~~IUK~ Ur IN~ ~IIT ur ~PK1Nbrl~LU ~y IHt LUMMUN LUUNL1L rUK IHtlK APPKUVAL UK KtutLIJUN, PKUV1U1Nb rUK IM~ MANN~K Ur ~L~LI1UN ANU ALL ALI~ NtLt~~AKT rUK ~AKKT1Nb UN ~A1U ~L~~11UN ANU U~~LAK1Nb AN ~M~Kb~N~T. Councilor Beyer stated he felt SEDA had reviewed all options available when developing PIIP. He indicated his support for placing PIIP on the ballot again. Councilor Morrisette supported placing PIIP on the ballot. Councilor Barry indicated he felt the plan provided for flexibility to develop major sites and should not be limited to one site as suggested earlier. Mayor Gorman stated a "no" vote would indicate a desire not to promote change and growth in the City. He felt it would be a waste of money to redo the plan and felt additional promotion and explanation of PIIP was necessary. It was moved by Councilor Larson, with a second by Councilor Beyer to adopt the ordinance. The motion passed unanimously and the ordinance was adopted by a roll call vote of 6 to O. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Trailer Permit Compliance Agreement Continued. Realtor Rolly Korinek lndlcated hlS support tor the changes ln the agreement, however, commented that Mr. Perry's name should be omitted. Mr. Korinek also suggested the Council act quickly on future property sales so as not to lose interested buyers. City Attorney Joe Leahy indicated a change should be made to the last line of paragraph one to read as follows "...with all applicable City of Springfield building safety codes." It was moved by Councilor Beyer, with a second by Councilor Decker to direct the staff to execute the agreement with the changes as mentioned, and when appropriate, to return to the Council if further action is necessary. City Manager Ron LeBlanc indicated the agreement would be recorded in order to notify others interested in sale of the property. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilor Larson, with a second by Councilor Beyer to adopt the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously and the following item was adopted: 1. Resol uti ons -) a. RESOLUTION NO. 87-17. A RESOLUTION REGARDING REFERRAL OF THE PRIVATE INVtSTMENl INLtNIIVE PLAN ~UK THE MAY 19, 19~/, tLtLTION. . ... Mi nutes . . ./,',: Continued Meeting April 13, 1987 Page 3 -, ) ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilor Larson, with a second by Councilor Beyer to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ATTEST: dn/~/~.j~/JJWMA/;U~ AiepU'tY'Recoraer . I ../'