HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1992-1-13 .-....:;::::._h . "__ ~.~- .'~ 'SUILDING .'., ~-~- I (!!ffiJC!1?~(.];I~<i.]'" DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1- I~.~~ * -'. "IV ~ . ,'. samER ~P1f REQUESTED ~ P 447 890 7~8(d . ~ .. =- , ~- Mr. a rs.. u' ey ( 21 Laura Street~ ringfield, Or~gn~7f77 \ GUIG150 97477iOO05 iN 01/15/92 RETURN TO SENDER NO FORWARD ORDER ON FILE UNABLE TO FORWARD RETURN TO SENDER L "' . I.. _____~ ,J G " \.,' , :. " < .... III "'." "'0; "'Ill a:.. Q~ Q III -> ~ i!? ZIlI a:Z; ::l~ t:; 6 a:." ~ III ,,~ o III L>Q. .. E - 0 u , ~, \ SENDER: . Complete items 1 andlor 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3, and 48 & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. (~_,', . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back jf space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number . The Return Receipt Fee will provide you the signaturo of the person deliverec !o and the date of deliverv. _ I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. ~ Addressee's Address 40, 2. D Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. Art cle Number 3. Article Addressed to: ~ . .~. Mr. and ~rs. quigl~ 2150 Laura Street #39 Springfi~Jj, Oregon 97477 -G " 2150~~ura Street #39 P447RQn74R 4b. Service Type o Registered )(]I Certified o Express Mail o Insured o COD o Return Receipt for Merchandise Date of Delivery RE: 17. 18. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) I .WPP?;~MESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 5. Signature (Addressee) 6. Signature IAgent) PS Form 3811, November 1990 cD g'.!/ .- ~ "Ill "", ~ '- ~'a. j"i o u > III ...a: ;:E'" z;" f-~ a: , , -v- i ....J .{ -<.\ DEVELOPMENTSERWCES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT , , 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 January 13, 1992 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. and Mrs. Quigley 2150 ,Laura Street #39 Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Temporary Occupancy Dear Mr. and Mrs. Quigley: Today, January 13, 1992, a Temporary Occupancy liaS granted to you to occupy the manufactured home located at 2150 Laura Street, Space 39, Springfield, Oregon. As a condition of the Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the following items no later than February 13, 1992. ,I 1. Permanent steps with handrails need to be constructed at all entrances to the home. I have enclosed minimum construction specifications for your information. 2. Skirting with required ventilation needs to be installed. An inspection will be conducted on February 14, 1992 to ensure compliance. If the items are not completed by that date, the Temporary Occupancy will expire. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. CJ1l)~J ,j" "pp" ~ Building Services Representative ~ . i. ., ,. " TEMPORARY STEPS ) to- . IL ~U[ J '\~IL 7.~'- " II '.~' .',,' ..7'T....r-~J-. . ;,'.:~:'.:;:A~:~';;;~;~~; ~.~.~ . . .'....' .. ~.,.." L. '0' . . ...'.' '......-:lnln.-' . , . .:~ :h: .' :!" D~ _I --L <4~ Iliad run nol lCIu Plltn 0" .,., 7.1/?" ( .. O1:aX) 101 inw;ud 5V1ln 112' (mox) lor glng doors. oulW:lfd 5wlnnin d .. 9 oars. .,. .' ST:ATE OF OREG' , ' ; TI ON YPc,arSt~ps & Landing. .,.."."".... . ReqUirements' ..:..,.........":..:..,..............,"".".'..,,,.....,:,..,""~. _ Coot Wldlh~ ". r .!i~ e:l . .~ ~ r ';'~; . Il4ndrad' .~,E~:::n~7' ,/- , : . .". ," / . " .,.. / ... , ,. J. ~// J- ' /- " - *, - <-. - <... .- , .' '. ...... .. . ~ :. : . Guardrail /. ,..., .~ "-'r.-:.~-r~- I' f : I, JG' minimum 1 ! :' I j; . I I -L I i,l ~ .~ ~- :::> - - ,.7 - L.nding - - . > .- ~. ,;t Guardrail ___ ~ 'pacing ..... IMn .. PERMANENT LANDING, & STEPS homes. shall. he :rccessihle hy 1:i'ndii11:.s-, ',slcps, r:\Inps., or. ulhcr appro\'cd .mcans, al a minimum.. uf i ~. I' . '. I ii 'I'e,i'por:try. sleps mUSI be ellnslri.ca'ed in cunfurmance 'Wilh: Ihe Slale Slruclural "Spe'cially Clldc. (Chaplcr 17 :Ind 33.) ::~ .., '.. .;i .,\I:inufaclurcd I \\'u dours. TEMI'ORAltY STEI'S: '. 51 cps: , lI:lndr:lils: (!:) STEI'S & LANDINGS: 1.:111 d i 'lI:s: . NOTE: . MANUFACTURED IIOME ' ,l'lJn~h & Slcp and Landing Rcquircmcnts . " , · Sleps shall nnl b: less ilHln 30 inches' in widlli., · Slep ri.li;. shall nUl be grc:tler Ihan 8 inches.: .The. grealesl ,. risc height.on' any, StC)l shall nol eAcced Ihe smallesl by more lhan -J/8 inch. . , · The SIC I' LUll shall nOI be less Ihlln 9: inchcs and lhe grcatesl run on any slep' shall nOI cAcced Ihe smallesl .by mo(';:' Ihan 3/8 inch., " . . . · The llip slep shall not be more Ihan .7.lfl inches', below Ihe noor levcl of Ihe door opcninl:. · No landing is rcquircd when lemporary :steps: arc 'provided. ,Temporary steps shallbeidentiried "TEMPo'RAR Y" by paint or stencil. on the . riser> See OrCl.:on: Administralive RulCs, 814.23.070(2)(b). .'- . , . ' '",: ~. . . '. '~. · j'landmils.' shall he Ilrovidc(J for sleps ha'ving: four or more risers. . ,'. : . · Handrails shall be placed nOI less than 30 inches ,o.r: morc 'than 34inc/.les above the nosint; of ,he . lhreads.' . (See example.) " . , ' · The hand grip ponion of handrails shall not he less Ill:In 1.1/4 inches. or' more lhan 2 inches in cross- seclional . dimension or shape. · Sleps :ind landings shall. ,comply wilh all the requiremenls for, '.Iemporary ,sleps . and, in addition. shall comply wilh Ihe fullowing requirements: . . A landirig shall bc provided when a door swings outward. · If the door swings jnwartl, Ihe landing shall .001, be lower lhan .7~lfl inches from .Ihc noor level of Ihe . doo~way.. .' · If lhe door swings 11111 ward" lhc .noor or' .Ianding shall mil ,be more lhan 1(1. inch lower.lhan the lhreshold ,of lhe' doorway. , , . · A landing .musl be :LS wide as lhe:, door and shall have,.a Icnglh equal 10 lhe widlh of Ihe door. · If Ihe door swirfgs lllllward over'lhe landing,;;1 shall nOI rcduee lhe landing to less Ihan one half ils required 'width al. any position of ilS s~inli: nor by. more: ihan 7 inches when .fully open. .' All landings more than 30 inchesaliove grade shall be proleeled by a gnardrail. . The guardrail shall nOI be less Ihan 36 inches. high...... Open guardrails' shall h:ive intennediale rail~ or :lll ornalllclltal pallern such, Ihal a sphere 6 inches in dia.meter cannot pass through. · Mobile. or manufaclured homes shall be accessible by landings, sleps; ramps or othcr approved means al a minimum of Iwo doors. . . Scrccn .doors and Slorm tloors nl:lY swing lIyer 'sleps' or landings. , , . , :.:.' . "