HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-10-22 ....... ,. . (J~5J/~0. Lane County Authorization for: GG I&-~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN RFVIFW Application~/'~/?_ t'~ PermJ.t # ~/ /V (J /' WW:;SHIP/7 IRAlIG~3 I~Z,2/ I~~{/ S080IVISION/hRTITION (if aP:licable> I !.OT/PhHCSO 'BLOCK I ~~RE~ ~ ~6- , >>~2;~ ~~V'~ s~s CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY "~ I~ ~l~~Zz..~~ ~C..//h~,c::- /~_//77--Y_v .//~~Z/~~ l.c;---. \'r /t:/ ~..??e77 4~~c /.-L:=/-r- ~ ~&?~.~~~~ /~ u-rr ~(' ~.#- Le=c "'JESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - 131: SPECIFIC / I DECLARED $ VALUE SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW . OF?!ltOR 7/2.. [" OF, S~~Y /2. I' OF "NP;o;:ry I "ArER SUPP!.V a 0 Proposed /, ,l'/V"//r #/~, /~g?~~EmtI.ng O;'~ NAME AND AD~ / // _ / /"::. . _ /:7 ~ I ~P~I"7'","3!l-.A /Z7//'~ /~/? ,/~CC;:;///,~A7CS~<~.~#&G"" /r/7~7. C~ZPr-O~/rt?~ L;//;9 / ~(t:: /,' ~r 13?~?ry' ,'~74~~~~S0 ( /?~k4#') 779"'~I.;z;:--?g/? / V-- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ,"'OR PI::RMIT, df,d ,10 hcre!J:,. certify t.hut all infol"lllat.iQII hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property:OOW'ne~ of recol-d; OC<'lL,=rd"::'1>'u"Ch..:>er~thori:>;ed agent. I f-.:.rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in aCCOlJ"llf:r, ....1tl1 tb.l Oc~ Lant! County and the Laws of the State of Oregon poJrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUpANCY will hl< :nadc of m..,. S',]'\lcture without the permission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force Hod effect. dfi rc<;.uircd by ORS 701.055, that if'cxempt the basia for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcOntractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will be used On this project. I HAVE READ AND #~?#-7Q~ (~clc.; E ..J.!l../:;:], Iff? NAME Iple... prlnt' ~ cti~k-60^ d. DATE" FRO~SED USE OF PROPERTY ~ Rc~idential D Industrial o CClinrnercial 0 Public, READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. Y~/~UTHORIZATION 'lAS o PLANNING~ZONING: Zone Af~ Partltlan # ~linimum Setbacks: CL, front CL, side BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! Parcel .. Parcel Size /J'.// p / interic,r rear CQMo\1ENTS: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW--NO SPECIAl PI ANNING ACTION RFnIlTDI'n Date, /c-ZZ-P7d4-. ~ANITATION: s" 1. .. B. P. it >r ... Installation Gallon Lineal Feet Specifications: Tank of prainfjeld , C"""IENTS, ~ _t?~~St\,,- o.~ %~ 4/."~a.,P~{J - ~ ~ A.<<.~." ~- Oate, o PLANS E INATION Ty'pe Group Use COM.'tENTS : Dale: n ~4/ ~. /('V '2-J-/7 ~ PERMIT APPROVED "BY B~LDI~G ICIAL/DESIGNEE loer ORS 456.805(1)) DATE LANE COUNTY DER MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, , 25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C 14-25 R84- r- . . " SETBACKS ;,,=-0 O':'!I:R CC::OlT!O~;5 QP ;,PPRQ'Ji,L ~:US1' BE STR!C':':'~' OE5ERl.'EO. \'rOLA'!'IO:: CA:, RESULT IN RE\"Q- C;"':10:; Of 7!l!S 1'!:R:.l!" CIT;,TIC:: U::OER PROVISIO::S Or LASE co<.'::n'.i r;,FR,\CTIO:: OEDI::';::C~. ;,;m/OR OTIlER Rf."IEDIES ALLOwED BY LAW. \\HEN RE..\DY FOR r::SPCCTIQN, C;,:':' &87-..065. ,\ :-nNVlU:.: Of ;,r LS/,ST 2~ !lOURS AOVA::CE :WTIct: FOR INSPEC- '!':.u:: I<t:'-,LE~-;'S :';~ST ill:: GIV::::. ,la':c the (allowing in::o::::'lat~on caady: rcrmlt number, job dcdres9., type of inspection,. when it '...ill be ready. yoor name 3:1C p~o;",e nu:::ber, and J.:1Y speci.:!l dirceticns to.site.' BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRE:) 1::SPECTlON5: l. 2. 3, " , 4. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and fOrms ~rccted and,when all r:'.;Jterlill~ :or the tOl.lndation arc delivered on- th'c job: ;.?here-concre\e f'rom a ce:1tral mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. Concrete Slab or Under-?loor I~nection: To be made after all ~n-slab or under.floor building" serVl~e equipment, CO:1~Ult, p1p1ng accessories, and ather ancillary equipment items are in place but betore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor, Framir:9 ~ Insuliltion Inspections: To be made after. the roof, all-framing, fire blocking, and tlraC1:1g are 10 ?l,ICe a:1d all ,Hpes, fireplaces, chi::meys, and vents arc complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. ., , Lath and/or Gvpsum Board Inspection: To be made <ltter all lathing and Clypsum board, ;.nterior ~exrcrror~n-prace out aetore any plastering is applied and be~ore gypsum board joints and fasteners... a~e tap,;d ~nd f~ni~h';.d, 5. Final Insoection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL _]\EQUIRED. ~~o Io.'ork shall be done on any par',"" of. the....building or structure beyond the point '. indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official, Such approval shall bG given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required, . ... ... ~..... ...~ .. " ~OTE: All building permits require inspections for the Io.'ork authorized, such as but not limited to; A. Block l1all: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but befo::-e any grout is poured, This InSPectIOn is required tar each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbinQ and electrical inspections have been, made and approved. - B. Wood~: To be made after co~pletion of masonry (if applicable) and Io.'hen installatiOn is complete. Installation shall be in accordance Io.'ith an approved, nationally recognize~ testing agency and the manu(acturer's installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or-5Cptic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections, I, Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile hom~s or as recommended 'by -the manufacturer.' ' ' 2. }lobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter, 3. ~obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready fer inspec- tion within at least 30 days atter occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure, 0, Swimminq Pool: Below grade when steel is in place. ana before concrete is poured,. Above grade wnen pool-rs-installed. ,\PPROVEO PL.A:.S :.lOST BE O~ THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIXES DURU:G \{ORKI~G HOURS. TillS PER."lIT WILL EXPIRE IF ',,'ORK DOES NOT BEGI~ WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS St:SPE~DED OR AB;;i-lDONED FOR :.\ORE THAi-l 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION :.1AY OCCUR IF THIS PER.~IIT WAS ISSUED O~ THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFQRHATION. A:lYONE PROCEEDING Pi,ST TilE POIl:T or REQUIRED INSPECT10:1S WILL DO so AT TIlEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE ~ ALTERClATIVE SEI,'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTE}lS: 1. Permita shall be ~ffcctivc for one y~ar from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder sh~ll notify ~he Lane County Department of Planning and Co~~unity Development by submitting the installation record !or~. The Department shall inspect the constructio? to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate Ot satisfactory completion' to the permit; ~older. If the constructi"O:l. does not c"Ompty with su-ch ~rules, 't""" '"'''''i>"..t:ment shall notiry.~tKe~j'lct"mit holder and shall r~quire satisfactory completion before issuing the certific~tc. F~ilurc to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion Io.'ithin a reasonable time constitutes a vio- "'lition or ORS ~5-l.605 to 45...745 and this rulc-: ~ -.---. - ., ~, -- Setbacks - Subsurface S~wa~c Disposal Septic ~ Drainfield From: l:'lterior propcrt.,' lines Ed<;;e of road rl<::;ht-of-WdY RUlltiinq ioun('lat~on ~clls. oth~r water sources la' 10' S' 50' 10' 10' 10' 100' . -... ."-_.~ .' ~ - " j ~\ ~ ~~ -</. '" <6!>- ~/ ~- _-3:.--- " .. r- , . . S~p+'C TO..I\\<' ~I- I.. IW,,, "( _4.. "1~~ ?\" ~ , " S6 .3 . ...- 1/1.1 I ~/O'---; " 2~' 3 II \ \ \ I \ ,\0' \ ~ I , 1/ / I I I 3' 10 " J9'f ~;i'6" ~/- / I 36' ;1 / ~ //0;;- , I - 5)// :-,0 - -j / ~~ " -:i I r 20'2 .' _\..~ -. ( , '13.55 '_. -,y'*" ./ II jl I I , . . , .- .r-" . . . . 111" , . . .. . .I~ iD ". I It . .~ f , w . .~ ',:; r ~ . . .~ .~ l:l ~ . . I I' I , . .'! . !' ; . .~ 0 , 1" ~ . .~ c'__ --. ., . --- ----- - - .. -- -- . . I IV!: ~) 1...,'1NE COUNTY ., APPLICANT REINHART, JIM .TU' 1 703262.1 0:~404 SUBDIV NEV! BLDC TYPE: USE I': BDI'lMS 0 . OWNER NME RE:INHART, JIM . . CODE- . I':)PPL NO r'tenON DESCrUpTION Bp Bp .1W Eli'" '. BP . r" ~'l.. MECH . "llf" ... ..... pCI( 1...1::: . ~:'FIX/HATH : SI,m: FT. lHf~:. ME:CHANICAL FEE: STATE SUI,CHAf~GE PI..r'tN CHECK FTT . DE:PT ENV MGT RECEIPT I 319087 DATE 102287 ADDR.2404 LARA LEE. SPRINGFIELD, ORE:GON LOT . BLI( . UNITS 001 STORIES IBLDCS 001 PHONE 741 1307 ADDR 2404 LARA LEE. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION 10[E DrW. 11' '.I~ iD .It ~ < .1 FT. F<AIN: FT ,_.to< ':)/'. LC 3190B7 SDSV 60.00 w "0 .' w ... r I; '.~ l:l .~ j0 I CK ..1 8 -j l' .~: 2~:)i:' , , . CrnG: SEQU: .Tr'tKEN r!: r r'tpp j BY. f~LI.j ['(-I F'P SDS. SI pCK (JTi'1 ISS , ' 2 ,~ E:ST. COMPLETION DATE DEpOS I T lH; 60.0,0 . . . o ~ .~ .. . . ACTIVITY INFORM A TION SHEET T>,:l\ .{fr\ L1:YllJ .--' '~I" an" , ~ I.ounty - .......................-.................. Orp-"-'''''''--.'' Please complete all Items above dOlled line FILLING OUT * LINES WILL GET YOU INFORMATION ONLY {Jbg 9~ ~r-() *DATE 10 / .;lJ.. / '07 * PERSON ACTUAL ~IU~ST V,, c..'t\. fkt 1 ~fo ~ d t Sco 'f+- ~~o:t:TY ~11'\'\ '\ ADDRESS <i-'h'C! I 'e" ~-\-. ADDRESS ~P.Oc./ CITY S f'i:fl STATE DR ZIP CJ70( CITY $J) t d. TELEPHONE (BUSI '7'/{", ~~~ IHOME) '1%-(o'5&;'6 TELEPHONE (BUS) '7~l.rSol'-l LP..p * PROPERTY ADDRESS d qtS> c./ 5d..r-a.. ~ , '3.t:>-! d . OR ' . G MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in Ihe Assessmenl & Taxation Depl.) 17' t/c5 cYb'L/ !t?wY STAFF WILL DETERMINE_ <1..l\...Y' ~ 4:~.n ha..r--+ df~.~. STATE oe. ZIP 97cf77 (HOMEL7 ~ 7- / ~ '7 Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tnx Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: * R E QUE S T (describe what you want to do) +i a.u...., ,/>11 C. f~ ,..-j::\"fov1 -IO/l () . 5-R ..olL.M -' ACRES ~ ~opti; +tu1..J.. ~ eO:::Ul Directions to site.:lin U [1 5 '1-,", .A;t;u...rl J,..., d/~kJ:.1 B4d~. Jl:Lb .-i~ ~Y\ cf.I~\~m1r\, ~~ "d.q \i-Il..l 41"U,+ Pi' 6~ e;n Wa'j Jx-MJ/1 12. ~.J dci..,........JI-,..aJ t-u..0 D 1.., ~a..AC<.. ~, . ....................5taff Use On~.................... Comments: Land Management Division, Public Works Department 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 687-4061