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Permit Correction Notice 2005-9-2
... c'''''w..~~ """'V.......'\''1l;i'..~'I5''''''~....y,..''j\.,s.f('.''"'lIW~~~~ '..."..,....'I""'~-~ -', City of Springfield / Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth':Str~et:P' ' >-~';. . ", :'~ . ,.... Job Numbrr " Datr: q /tAoS-- . I I ,\ " J01ddres' '1/1 Dbjp'~ O/unbv ~. , V ,~ U/ I 2/ r/o.iIV .().iIY1~ f7"~~ ' /0'1 /'t...JI;'~-J I / /' /.:/.LJ.a.... II' 1 '1 i Gt /II, -li;:"-' 'Jt'l <: !Jul" i';,'.".c ' f YID1.> 0U-1JJ;h gf/l To "~~. - ." . ~/' , ,<~~." (()hJH-..--i:'!', ' per~ If- '~,," c:,\nL' lA ~I jAb. rkr k.k~, 'J /l,S IZt 1&/ ;lft,J:.o /1.... . (./ / ,r!v S )'l-,L 'aJ WA.Jrr ~4.-r' /&, ~ ''''''I:~ Or: .~'-':, . j., , Corrections and reinspection reques(shall be made within.' . c~leI.Ida~ days. "./\Call for reinspection _ ~/g~,", . lnspector' ~,?'t~' . ,'::' , ,.". ..' . , .. , .'., ~~********************* Call for inspection 72~-376.~ '*****. Questic;ms, 726-3759 ~*********************~