HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1971-12-30 \, .' ...J . "" ''":'. . . APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PI:ln,\IT l.i\h1 . r:,,'- 2./~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON OWNER !l~~ ,.AJh~n-1 4//-7;;,0; J:Jc/.,.,ier-/ ADDRESS~()'7." /.A>m-~.' ",,1ft.____ PHONF ,1'11' -7 '? "'? r," .. APPLlCANT TO flLL ABOVE HEAVY LINE FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY APPLICATION Roc',.l File..l Checked By: 19_ Rtdg. ... Zoning Dnpt. \1! SUH-COilTHACTOJ\S Foundat ion .... Framing J Roo~ing 'I Plumbing Electric lle:1tinr. Concrete Door lI;lTH!i ne Sheet Hetal 'I. 1'1.-01'1'\;:111 Fl00 ril1f: I II Excavation 1.f;lS0nrv ell rnc t i nr: Ceramic Tile J -~ ~ I I , .I ! Cabinets Fannie,' --- .Painting_ Glass Other ~:, , NOTE: The granting of a Guilding Permit docs not grar,r any right or privilqgc to: (l) Erect any building ond/or sfruclurc or any portion thereof, upon any street, olley or other public pl(Tc~ or porfion the"reof; or (2) Use any building ond/or slruclure or any portion thereof; for any purpose Ihat is, or may be prohibited by ordinances. of the Cily of Springfield. The granting of 0 Building Permit does not affect or prejudice OilY claim of Hllc to, or right of posscssion in, 1he properly described in such pcr~it. . I have read tho above application and know the conlonts thereof; the some is true (Jnd correct. I further slate that I om familiar with the laws Doverning builc.Jing and zoning within the City of Springfjeld and Slate of Oregon and amendments 1hereto, and thot 1ho above building and/or structure will bo built in conformity 1herewith. conlroclor~ SII-fJrlt,,..,,.. I /~".CiIY License No, )(/..:1 {/ ~ Signet=--<-7 ~ ,.-f 0...... A.ppliconl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY BELOW HEAVY LINE LOCATION: Address~ 70 ~n~~ .4/-. Lot n.loc'~ Tract ZONING REQUIREMENTS YARDS, I Front~O ~( Sidn ,.J JA I Reor 'U Zone Distri,.t Board l)f Appcalc Council Resolution N^ Remark... Height Limit.. Bldg. Site Aren Distance Between StructUrl'H Construction: Group: :r __Division Automobile Slorog.... Typc~^, fire ZOIlIJ t-lo.p - ,jll..nllll c.," I ",nl':'" I C"~T - '~"~Nr.~:;;;; ~-;-r.T."~~'~~ T-,::~;;T-;-~".-;;-!-;:;~~-.- ~IJ " -I~ - k1'.W. J 7, 90 . I I j- I I I I I I LIST ITEMS PERTAINING TO TillS APPLICATION CK. I ur.~ '-C!~,.",..~.'~N-,~,~~,~? ~I . _ 2...sE..'~~~!!~~,!"l;.~.:- -----1--- W10TU ~IJ' ...O!?}!}.!?N _ 2-~.:.r:.~~2tj_':I__ _L'?!"~~_I1:~I:"~.~o"~n.o I ollu'n STllur:;Tunt:. -r"'-' .. 51nllr:runr: I 'lIre j o. c. I ...,.~ ,j 6===-..._.__-= =-_._ ,------I-=,~~l. MOleriol, Exler/or Wo/l< ~t. r. ~ Ronf...P1~ ~J.4-I Floors In!f~rior \Voll~ Ceilill'::' ~t:..!!!....___~ "'.0011 .JOt';_~_'I_.L___L--_1 _ '''=_",'''' JJ'.!/...I~~L C-r.....INC JOI!lfS I I I ~-~:~ ,.!~~,,!_T~;W1"I'~ 1 , I , I- I ' f"OUNDATION TYPI! I . 6.(~XIZ/" lOll.!; 'J'- /~ '){,tJ. ~() ~t2.i)"'"I!l~.~__.J~ 1 I /( ~r/ TO'~I_ "~Uj"TlOi'j fI~~ ~ ~.~ ~8',? . $6 !::Icn." "'L~ " Boord of Appeol< Romarks: Minor Subdivision N"', i'\I-a '",' ... Rev. 11-77 .~ ~ .OT C!TY OF SPfn HGF I ELD . PLAN AND SITE DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS: ,-;fa 75 10 U r71..- f~ DATE: / c::L - 'J--? ~ '7 "7 r hereby agree that the site development for the subject property and building I.lill conform to the details shovlIl on the attached plot plan and to the follo\'ling statements: 1. Excavation and Fill: A site grading plan may be required in or accompanying the plot plan, 'describing in full any excavation and/or fill necessary to prepare the building site. 2. Drainaqe: No drainage channels on the property \'Iill be disturbed or ne\'l channels created except as sho\'ln on the site plan. ' 3., Off-Street Parking: Private garages and/or automobile storage space required by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Springfield \'Ii 11 be built concurrently with the main buildings of \'Ihich such garage or automobile storage spaces are accessory and \'Ii 11 be maintained as private garages and/or automobile storage spaces for such main build- ings. Automobile storage spaces \'Iill be completed for occupancy (clll'b cut, driveway installed and area leveled, oiled, blacktopped or concreted) prior to the final inspec- tion and clearance by the City Building Inspector. 4. Genel"al: I \'Ii 1 1 obtain full information from the City on sewer locations and depths and street grades so that the building, plumbing and driveways \'Iill meet same. I hereby understand that I am responsible for any damage to existing public improve- ments caused by the building operation and agree to repair or replace damaged sections at my expense. I further agree that I \~ill abide by the conditions imposed on the plot plan and site development by the City Building Inspector, and/or the City Engineel" and agree that the City may delay any requested inspection and/or cease construction unti 1 such conditions are fulfilled. All information shOl~n on the plot plan is aCCUI"ate <Ind correct. No construction \'Iill be commenced until the filing of this agreement and the final approval of the plot plan has been given. SIGNE~1I""~ ADDRESS:P/?~A;/' ~s/ PHONVY7-~..2--5'--) PLOT PLAN AND SITE DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS A. ~ddis f.llo\'ls: , -- Or ~~ B ILDING N"PECTOR Lot Block ~'~-7? DATE CITY PLANNER DATE " B. Approved subject to the following conditions: (1) SANITARY SEWER: Accepted _____ Under Contract _____ Bond Required No connection until accepted by City . In lieu of assessment charges due (2) DRAINAGE: To curb -ro-roadside ditch To cut-off system Urlve\'lay cul verts requi red -----Other ---- ----- (3) STREET: Graveled = Improvement agreement required _____ More R/W needed ____ Paved \'lith (out) curbs Under contract for paving - see obligation agreement (4) SIDEWALK: \'Ii de curbs i de on Setback ----- (5) SPECIAL STRUCTURES REQUIRED: Retaining \'Ialls ____ Engineered foundations ____ Min. Floor Elevation Other (6) EASEMENTS: Platted Recorded Additional Required (7) OTHER: Required adjustment of clean-out(s), manhole~ and/or catch basin(s), \'Ii 11 be accompliShed at no cost to the City. cay ~nglneer Revie\'led by Date '\ ~ ~. .s.,' ~. .', .-- ._-- . . . , 1- , , . ::--:::.::::--:: '- '-. ~~~'~y -- ---- -.'----- ---------=:.._-~~~., ,'.' , '<-. - -- ~ ----- '.' . 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EtlG.ENc; ?'KEG?'N ,1",,611",,,, 7(;$ CJ<7k t;/ ,f;;/7/P Pn.-TWt7: 6'AF" I"f!l 4t?8 /"/2 5-';; /d :J/,/;l;~ '. I'd r II" n\ I'd P. KNdil " '" . OREGo'N ~ M4.RCH 7. 1.-.&7 . CLYDE A. RANDALL 205 I ..... " r , . I . v") ..~~, \ .. . I:' o1tJ7S ~ ..., etY Sf Sffll~'GF-rnD. OREGON 'Ill.. ("). , _, " "., ~... . /fHE CONTENTS ~EIi'EOF IM.VE IigEH IIEVIEWED AND APPROVED, ,WITH'1rNrAlTE~kii6'Ng IflO/{JAf&!J IN COLORED PENCIl, BY THE 5E:~~" ~J;~~E~~~~ENfS As IN/T/ALED'tl d~ DatS Recelv&L..._uu.uuu. "'u, u'::""""::::: . .' ~~ ..".. . "I~ ~lJ'T ~ fIR P . . !lJ!J\%,:::c::c""""",,,, 8y ENdk. f(f{PTr. f(!/f.~~: ~af!/,.::::::":::.::::.""u...u,,,, Bor . IWfu.I1fEPTr. ~~~~~W. qal~,./;;,;,?,,,;;-~-7~ ~~~... ~te ~.w['Qed to A~o!icant ~.W.J.(="'J8BY\:!;~ I