HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PWT 8/9/2007 , Page I of 4 JONES Terry (Tara) ~ ~~_ ~_ ~~~~~ y ~ ~~~__~_ ~_ ~~_~ ~~~__ __ _~~ T ~~~__W~_ _~_ y_ ~~~ ~ ~ ~_____~~ __~_ ~ ~_ ~ __ ff ~ V~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _~~ ~ ~___v_~_ From: MCKENNEY Gary Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 11 00 AM To: BARNETT Brian Cc: JONES Terry (Tara) Subject: RE complaint about Kathryn ave & Safway Scaffolding Bnan, From Tara Jones in DSD I learned that Safway ScaffoldIng IS on a sIte prevIously occupied by Carver Electnc (3654 Kathryn). It appears tIllS property has never been subject to SIte Plan RevIew. Because Safway was not deemed a "change in use," their occupancy was not subject Mimmum Development Standards (MOS) review. Thus, there are no apphcable land-use conditIOns of approval. Tara IS workmg with the owner on some on-site Issues related to theIr occupancy, and CIndy Mott prevIOusly wrote a le~ter to cease parking on adjacent unpaved properties. My other research and site vIsit found the followmg: -\) " . Kathryn Street IS the boundary between Heavy Industrial (HI) zomng on the north and Low DensIty ResIdential (LDR) on the south. The roadway is approxImately 20-foot wIde asphalt mat wIthin 60-foot ROW, wIth pavement shghtly offset to the south. Ditch drainage on the south sIde abuttIng residential leaves a few places where a vehicle can be parallel-parked off the paved surface; there IS no dItching on the north sIde of the street where Safway IS located. . The Safway sIte is approxImately 1.2 acres contaInIng one large bUIldIng wIth a narrow space around the buIlding for circulation. The remaInIng sIte area IS filled wIth scaffoldIng materials and trucks used for dehvery. None of the sIte appears to be paved. . The industrial property west of Safway IS undeveloped. This combIned wIth the narrow pavement, wide ROWand lack of ditchmg leaves 20+ feet of flat space between pavement edge and property line all the way to 35th Street. This morning I obse~ed 12-15 vehicles parked'head-In, off-pavement, in thIS area (head-In parking IS generally prohibIted by Mum Code 6.005). Gary From: BARNElT Brian Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 3:30 PM To: MCKENNEY Gary Cc: BOYATTTom Subject: FW: complaint about kathryn ave & Safway Scaffolding For context the messages below are available The essence of the Issue IS - does Safeway Scaffolding haye an 8/9/2007 -- -\...J . o rJ , vJ o ..t "< 0' ~ ...... Page 2 of 4 approved land use decIsion/site plan that requires adequate parkmg available on site for employee parkmg? Could you research the files, and Gary Karp perhaps, to see If we have any basIs for compelling them to park on site Thanks Bnan F. Barnett, P.E. Traffic Engmeer, City of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield OR 97477 0) 541 .726.3 681 F) 541. 726.3 78 I bbarnett@cl.spnngfield.or.us From: BOYAlT Tom Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2007 12:17 PM To: BARNm Bnan Subject: FW: complaint about kathryn ave & Safway Scaffoldmg Please ask Greg or Gary to follow up with DSD on this Karp has been the best at respondmg to these 'hlstoncal' Issues Thanks, T From: BROWN Dan Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2007 12:12 PM To: BOYAlTTom Cc: BARNm Bnan Subject: RE: complaint about kathryn ave & Safway Scaffolding Hmmm Might be such an old location that predates that kmd of requirement but who knows? Feel free to direct your staff to follow It up, If you want From: BOYAlTTom Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:56 AM To: BROWN Dan; SMITH Jerry Cc: BARNm Bnan; SOWA Amy Subject: RE: complaint about kathryn aye & Safway Scaffolding Bnan - Please follow up per Dan's bullet below on the traffic safety hazard, clear zone, etc mvestlgatlon per CSR processes I The only other thought I have IS that permitted uses are reqUired to have on site parkmg, unless otherwise exempted by zonmg (Downtown) If this site went through a land use approval process there should be a file history of on site parkmg accommodation for fleet and employees It might be useful to ask planning to research the approval, as well as the requirements of the zOning smce It could be grandfathered legal non-conformmg or simply not In compliance with the zone Tom From: BROWN Dan Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 6:23 PM To: SMITH Jerry; BOYAlTTom Cc: BARNm Brian; SOWA Amy Subject: RE: complaint about kathryn aye & Safway Scaffolding Jerry and Tom 8/9/2007 Page 3 of 4 Amy and I realize that It IS not likely that there IS anything we can do In the way of enforcement The best we can come up with IS the following . Transportation staff can look to see If there are any traffic safety hazards caused by extensive parking of Safway employees that we can mitigate and thereby help address Ms Plageman's concerns Police staff can look to see If there are any traffic or parking violations being committed by Safway employees In the manner and location of their parking Perhaps a Transportation staff person and a Police CSO can team up to VISit with Safway management and appeal to their sense of need to be good neighbors with the nearby residents It's a long shot but perhaps Safway management can think of some way to mitigate the burden they are creating for their neighbors Perhaps Safway management can be persuaded to meet with the neighbors or, at least, with Ms Plageman to discuss the problem Any other Ideas? . . . Is this feaSible for you to do, knowing you may not discover a solution but at least the City will have demonstrated concern and an honest effort? From: SOWA Amy On Behalf Of Spnngfield CMOMal1 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 20074:07 PM To: don_anne Cc: BROWN Dan; SMITH Jerry; BOYATTTom; BARNETT Bnan Subject: RE: complaint about kathryn ave & Safway Scaffolding Donanne, I wanted to get back to you regarding your complaint about the parking by Safeway employees along Kathryn Ave Although It IS legal for them to park there as It IS a public street and there are no parking restnctlons In that area, we will check Into this further I have talked with our Public Works Director and he will forward your concerns on to our Police Department and Traffic DIvIsion. They Will look at any safety Issues related to the parking and may try to talk with the Manager at Safeway to see If there IS a solution to this problem We Will be In touch with you once Police and Traffic have checked out the area Thank you for your emall .It.s Important for us to know the concerns of our citizens and we hope a resolution can be found to help this situation Amy Sowa City of Spnngfield ( ^^~ A _A - -.. -;;: ~ ~ -~ A";-":h-':: - -- - --- --- "A __ _~_~ From: dorLanne (mallto:don-anne@c1earwire.net] Sent: Saturday, August 04, 20077:09 AM To: Springfield CMOMal1 Subject: complaint about kathryn ave & Safway Scaffolding Importance: High I HAVE HAD ENOUGH WITH SAFEWAY SCAFFOLDING PARKING ALONG THE ENTIRE STREET OF KA THRYN - leavmg no room for anyone who lives on that street to have temporary company, yard sales, gathermgs, etc. . .. WHA T DO THEY OWN THE WHOLE DAMN STREET? Mon-Sat they park along the street, sometimes stlckmg out - so It makes It hard to even drive along the street. They told me that they park there big rigs during the day m their parkmg lot so they tell there employees to park along the street 8/9/2007 Page 4 of 4 a bunch of us are having a yard sale this weekend, well guess what no one can park anywhere so therefore the whole advertising, 4wk prep and all the hard work that went Into planning the block yard sales IS rUined because of the parking. . I HA VE HAD ENOUGHIIIII Thank You Dorlanne Plageman 8/9/2007