HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/18/2008 ;City of Springfield Development Services Departm~ .t 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Site Plan Review Original Submittal Applicant Nam~: Rene Fabricant, P. E., S. E. Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Or 97477 Phone: 541-746-0637 IFax: 541-746-0389 ) ,~~! ", AP.plicant's Rep.: Rene Fabricant, P. E., S. E. Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Or 97477 Phone: 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 - ;~""'_ ,,~->>-~ ~ -) c~- , - ~ 1/ f"~\ ProDerty Owner: Scot t Carver ~~'--~ .!~f- I t~ ~ Phone: 503-545-4121 Company: -------------------- Fax: Address: 1993 Misty Meadow Drive, Folsom, CA 95630 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-43 Property Address: 3654 Kathryn Ave. Size of ProDertv: 52,715 TAX LOT NO{S): 6400, 6401 Acres 0 Square Feet [KJ Proposed N!lme of Project: Asphalt Paving for Scott Carver Property ,,"0:" "" ,."..., , 'q,. .,,, ',' . ',', '.,~ Description of If you are filling In thIS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thiS application. Proposal: Asphalt Paving around existing building & related site improvements Existing Use: Rental of construction equipment 34/ q~L.itl-ntz..Lu \ ~iI.~ 1 ~ -r- - New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 5'/0'5'" sf Si "a.tures: Please si nand rint your name and date in the a ro riate box on the nex,~ page. ~ssociated Applications: 're-Sub Case No.: ~'((...lm~- ()tJoaC:; Date: Signs: Da"ia1AU:'1"I h". ~iii.""'1r.""''''' ...,v- :ase No.: OR (~-~'2Cf \pplication F~~: $ t 31 '5 ,>q. 00 Date: I-.( 1/ C6 / ~ <6 Reviewed by: /}{7- , , Technical Fee: $ ~ fob. 9' J Postage Fee: $ / <..; r "OTAL FEES: $ I LIII (..0 SS- PROJECT NUMBER: fas)~ -D(:jQoi- '-.r~;;),>:Jt.,"'I;, ,,,''f.f''- ".,~'~'i,'il1!~",<!;<,. ,";" ';"'"f;"'':.'',~,!; ',-;:'~"f,""!,,'1':;' "~ -~".? t-!" 1''';' . ~~.,Y' ~t,\~,: , " " f\"i"J :c4"i' '" "I ',~\~,fY"'''1i'',;!i< '(...:,.-':...,~"'";~.)~",i< '0::' ".', ;,<,_"" <'1/' ""'~''t'1':,'"'' Revised 1/1/08 Mollv Markarran 1 of 1 n Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent romploto appl"lrat'lon c:uhmitt::>I Il'MMor c:i,.,M::Ih .ros ::Iro r01"l1 firod at both st::>goc: in tho ::IMplir::>t"lon "'" """ ~ ."'" -' LJ ... ""',. _""1._- -'1::111\001"""""''- .....,'- ......'1"""11..... . "-_ ""'..., I' "'-II'-....t"" 1'-"_"," .. process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meetmg. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal , Owner: I represent this applicatIOn to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application' at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herem or the mformatlOn will not be proVided If not otherwise contained within the submlttall and the City may begin processing the application With the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a t~apP?~ ~natur\!-- ~~ S~ P11I1t' . Date: / //, /p f F (~~ Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal R",,,,,::,,,rl1/1/m~ Mnllv M~rll'~ri~n ") nf 1/i [J Vicinity Map , [2(~he name, location and aimensions of all existing site featu;'es'including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. ~he name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ~he 100-year floodplain and f100dway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision LJ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department mhysical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured.4 Y2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ~oil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed developme.Q.t Qrea.,has unst~ble soils and/or a high water table . Uate KeCelVea: b. Site Plan APR 1 8 2008 ~repared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer Original Submittal Gj--P'"roposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to tne parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings D Location and height of existing or proposedJences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash :receptacles, and signs - 13"l0cation, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional sIgns, and striping Q1Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ~bservance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district G(On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation fJ Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and . dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ~ocation; type, and number of bicycle parking spaces c-:-'" D Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ~rea and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses D...Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectiv}ty between the various phases of the development and accommodating other RevIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 required public improv 'ents, including but not limited t( anitary sewer, stormwater' management, water, o. ..l electricity. The applicant must lI,uicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted. , c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan IT Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer mocation and width of all existing and proposed easements [riocation, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. [2(Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting mocation of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities OLocation, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails / 8 Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, storm water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable lV. Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan ~repared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer [] Planti~g plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system OiOOf drainage patterns and discharge locations deervious and impervious area drainage patterns / G The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater guality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained - ffixisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Q Amount of proposed cut and fill e. landscape Plan Gl'TIrawn by a Landscape Architect [3"Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage D--Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 /' [j' Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system G(ocation and type of street trees ' ) GIist in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting Date Received: f. Architectural Plans APR 1 8 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Mollv Markarian . r:.nf1fl Ongmal Submittal 'GEXterior elevations of afl "'uildings and structures proposecb:~",)r the development site, including height [JI6;nceptual floor plans g. On-Site lighting Plan ~cationl orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached QJi\,pe and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area D--Pflotometric test report for each light source o Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: if Gj/ [3/.r / Q/ / Q/ o 0/ ........0 cf [~( Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in'SDC 5.19-100 , A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00029 DRC2008-00029 DRC2008-00029 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn CTY SIte Plan RevIew + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $155 Paid By CARVER F AMIL Y LLC C;"' ')f Springfield Official Receipt Dl-. .:topment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000235 Date: 04/18/2008 Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received tJ 1170 In Person Payment Total: Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original SubmIttal Page I of I 12:02:41PM Amount Due 13,33900 66695 155 00 $14,160.95 Amount PaId $14,16095 $14,160.95 4/18/2008 Page I of I Rene Fabricant From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11 11 AM To: rene@branchenglneenng com Subject: No Scoplng Sheet reqUired for Site on Kathryn HI Rene, As discussed earlier today (1/2/08) on the phone, I do not need a sea ping sheet for the property you are working on along Kathryn Avenue Having spent a large amount oftlme working with you on the site with you dunng preliminary planning, I feel comfortable moving forward wlo a scoplng sheet Of course, the standard requirements of site plan review would stili apply Let me know If you have any other questions Thanks, Matt Stouder, PE CIVil Engmeer City of Spnngfield, Public Works Oept Phone (541) 736-1035 Fax (541) 736-1021 Email mstouder@cl spnngfleld or us Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 0' . ,., c. 'bn' ',+...; ngma. ,:~'l~ I.,.".. " 4/J 7/08 ,J AN. 31. 2008 9 : 08 AM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 2826 p, 2 ., \. ... ~ ~ ~"\':\ .Il," II" ~Yn~!gtStU TITl!;; INSURANCE SERVICES · ESCROW CLOSINGS _ 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD. · EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. DOX 10211 · EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9'794 FAX: 541.6a7.0924 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. · SPRINCFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 · SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE I 541.741.1961 FAX: 541.741.0619 January 31, 2008 Our Order No.: ELT-54647 AMENDED PRELIMINARY ItILE REPORT Scott Carver 1993 Misty Meadow Drive FOlsom, CA 95630 Estimated Premiutn for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 $200.00 TOTAL Dear Scott: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of December 26,2007, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: CARVER FAMILY LIMllbV P AR1NERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership (as to Parcell), and CARVER GROUP INVESTORS, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company (as to Parcel 2) Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions cOlltained in the policy form. No liability is ass1llt1ed until a fulll'~\O'uJwn has been paid. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 CONTINUED Original Submittal , --"IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreenlandlitle.com .JAN. 31. 2008 9: 09AM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 2826 p, 3 ELT - 54647 Page 2 S\..I1J!.DULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are 110t shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, Or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereoft water rights, clairns Or title to water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or worlcers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCE.r nONS 6. The requirement that a copy of the Operating Agreement and Articles of O"5~ation of Carver Family Limited Partnership, an Oregon limited partnership, be submitted to us for examination. Any conveyance or encumbrance by said Company should be executed in accordance with the Operating Agreement of said Company. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-30-43-06401, Code 19-00, Account No. 1087616,2007-2008, $6,421.67, paid in full. (Parcell) Taxes, Map No. 17-02-30-43-06400, Code 19-00, Account No, 1082872,2007-2008, $2,496.47, paid in full. (parce12) NOTE; The address of the property to be insured herein is: 3654 KATHRYN AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. (parcell) NOT KNOWN. (parcel 2) Date Received: CONTINUED APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal .JAN. 31. 2008 9: 09AM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 2826 p, 4 ELT - 54647 Page 3 NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, CARVER GROUP INVESTORS, LLC, and as of December 26,2007, none were found. NOTE: As of December 26, 2007, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The current vesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows: WARRANTY DEED RECORDED December 27, 1996, FROM CLAIRE M. CARVER AND DENYSE G. CARVER., HUSBAND AND WIFE, DOING BUSINESS AS CARVER ELECTRIC CO., A PARTNERSHIP, TO CARVER FAMILY LIMunV PARTNERSIDP, AN OREGON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, RECEPTION NO. 96-86265. NOTE: AMENDED TO ADD PARCEL 2 (TAX LOT 6400). Very troly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: rIAl uJeJA Jeffrey K. Walker - Advisory Title Officer CC: Branch Engineering Attn; Renee Clough (Fax No. 746-0389) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal ,JAN. 31. 2008 9: 09AM EVFRGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 2826 p, 5 ELT - 54647 Page 1 of 1 Legall:>escription EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 7) FIRST ADDITION TO THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2, Lane ComIty Oregon Plat Records; thence South 890 27' East along the North line of Kathryn Street as dedicated by said plat 531,75 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continue South 890 27' East 170.00 feet; thence North 00 33' East parallel with the West line of said Block 7, 310.37 feet; thence North 89027' West 170.00 feet; thence South 00 33' West 310.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2; Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 7) FIRST ADDITION TO THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2. Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 00 33' East along the West line of said Block 7, 310.37 feet; thence South 890 27' East parallel with the South line of said Block 7, 701.75 feet; thence South 0033' West parallel with said West line 310.37 feet to a point on the North line of Kathryn Street as dedicated by said Plat; thence North 890 2T West along said North line 701.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all of the following described parcel: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 7, FIRST ADDITION TOl:ti.h ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2. Lane COWlty Oregon Plat Records; thence South 890 27' East along the North line of Kathryn Street as dedicated by said Plat, 531.75 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continue South 890 27' East 170.00 feet; thence North 00 33' East parallel with the West line of said Block 7, 310.37 feet; therice North 890 27' West 170.00 feet; thence South 00 33' West 310.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: pp~ ' 8 2008 , , - ..J r, ,a, ,~ , W _A"-" _ J~ ..,&/""(,:: '*1::>0.'2''11'"'''''' ....... ~ J1~ c)__ 60' ,.... JIJO Y' 1M' 't11 ..... 14> _01'" ~ \"'~II..J ,. , II.) III ~ r * I --: ~ I~.: .: I' I I ~ I + I I I I~ 1- " I I I ~ ; I~ I 8 )> I I I .~, I t ~ ~ I I I \j~ I I' ::c I I I ~ I I -< ',,,_, I fN' I .... I _' ~..~ _. ~I '" a, z (rc;~~-;~~~~: ~. r--S\ ~~ '!II ~ ~ JAN, 31, 2008 9:09AM .6lI.'2' - Cb.O .- l~g' - --uJ gt ...d.IL~ ~~'~ *dl''''':':'''' ~ IJI . o : ... '" ~-~ ~ .... 'Co ",,\ OJ ~. 'r..,g G ,\SfJ ~ 10 It:I'....'..'''\..JI... + . to . ..... g Q~ . IJQ' ... 8c.g ~ o 0... III ... "Ar>.o I\) 10. o. o' N CD.. 0'".: ... J'd; -.. ~ ..,... ....~ c~ o l> .,. I < -~ ", O. a'D3'o .... Z ... .. ..$-) C :~.,. ~[g :t~ 11m 'O~~.. ~1r1 gt EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO w Oll ....~ . ~ U iC 0\ o ..j , . , , . ... . . . ... ... . * S~aiLq~ .loot,?, , N C~'lllll _~ 110,37' "" "" "1'-. 'tll 1~(.tJ' N Oll"32'.~ I; 155.91;' ~ ,1) ~~: 0.- ~ ~'. x9cn v. Il>Q '\1l !::l....CJ) s:. ~ Ca.c>> ~:! I\)p..,jo ~!j;i ~l.oI~o2J Ilt' ~~o g;;0l .~ ~~o N~O~[ =~,~' ~~ ,..- - ~g~ ~" ~ OO~~'CD' t ~~6' N oornuo ~ ;w~~, f :~ ;, ;" OJ ~ }~ i1;:~ . I\(ffi~... =..:e;010 ~ N ~ 4> \!I""o ~~ ~'l '" f'>o p~o .~ ". 'In ~ ~;l, ~ &1 -< 'I <> ,~1IO'1~,~.1!!~,7~'//1 III 1'" 143.~b S TREE'. (I) 8 ... -- .. ;;" hl'S >1/ . ~ ~ ~" .. ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ;:; ... 10) ...... i ~ NO, 2826 P. 6 . ~ . ~ , ~" ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 0TZ (;j 8 0 ~ m ::c!:S:~3: ,lp a~~~ !ll ;Q-<~lh ~!~ ~~~a we; 9 c:: ." J> -~~ ~m~~ a Qz -l rno ~r J \ ~. ~ Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal ---.. ~. JJ 1 l ^ f . J AN. 31. 2008 9 : lOAM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 2826 P. 7 Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1, 2001 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leaclt-Bliley Aet (GLBA) generally pmhibits any financial InstItutiOn, directly 0, through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal infonnation about you with a nonafftJiated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of infonnation that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed In compliance with the GLBA, we are pmvidmg you with this docwnent, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Com.pany. We may collect nonpublic personal infonnation about you from the folloWing sources: · Information we ..-eceive from you, such as on applications or other forms. · Information about your transactions we secure from OUr files, or from our affiliates or others. · Information we receiVe from a consumer reporting agency. · Information that we receive froDl others involved ill your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it iB specifiCally stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about YOll. We may disolose any of the above information that we collect about Out custome..-s or fonner customers to our ltffiliatos or to nonaffiliated third parties as pennitted by law. We also may disclose this infonnation about our customers or fonner customers to the follOwing types of nonaffiliated companies'that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint markoting agreements: · Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insunmce. · Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLlC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMIlTED BY LA W. We restrict access to nonpublic personal infonnation about you to those employees who need to know that infomlation in order to provide products Or services to you. We maintain physica~ electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal .JAN. 31. 2008 9:10AM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 2826 P. 8 Privacy Policy Notice Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company, LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Conunonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley TItle Insurance Company, Land Title Insutance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title IllSUnInce Company of America, Transnatiol1 Title Insurance Company, Transnation Title Insurance Company of New York PURPOSE OF TillS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (OLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal infoImation about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a. notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of infonnation that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be dISclosed. In compliance with the OLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title InslU'ance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, Transnation Title Insurance Company of New York. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you frOlU the following sources: · Informa.tion We receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. · Infonnation about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. · Information we receive from 11 consumer reporting agency. · Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal infonnation will be oollected about you. We may disclose any of the above infonnation that we collect about our oustomers Ol' fonner customers to our affiHates or to nonaffiliated third parties as pennitted by law. We also may disclose this infonnation about our customers or fanner customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom We have joint marketing agreements: · Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities llrld insurance. · Non~financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service pro'Viders. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMArrON ABOUT YOU wrrn ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPEC1FICALL Y PElUt.ull BlJ BY LAW. We restrict aooess to nonpubIic persooaI infonnation about you to those employees who need to know that information in ,order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physica~ electronic and procedW'al safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpubllc personal infonnation. D t R . d a e ecelve: APR 1 8 2008 . Original Submittal , EV~RGREEN LAND TITLE CO -JAN. 11. 200S- 9: 09A~;' " -.r,:;--"........ '.1.:. _, -NO. 2319 - p, 2- M,,,__. ii' .. a' .". ~;~ ". ~~ \,. . , , 10 , ~ After mordlu,. rClllDl to: 9686265 lTnrll a c:!lang~ ill rcqllCllM, maD au lat S1~II_ 10: CARV!R J:lArifH,y LlMrrllD PAR'fNBRBHllJ Z!18S1 Oli<l~ SDIlet " Ilugcu, Oregoa 117405 1'Q. ~COllllt No. 108287a and 1oa1S16 1 Hcrs!lber, HUlllcr, Andrews, Nan &: limhb. LLP 180 IlUt lIch AVI:lJuc BugcQc, OmgQlJ 117401 WAllRANTyDDn ctAmB 1.(. CMVI3lt aIld DENYS! ct. CARVllR, huilmld iIlId wif., dolna bllslneJ$ as CIln'er IllDcl\ic Ca.. a ~~~, I3l'5l11on. colWcy 1lDd l\1rl!lll 10 CAA~ rAMIl,y t.rMI]"Sll 1'ARTNBa!lDP, an Om8011 Jimi~ ~p, Ol'8lllet, the [olloWinB"'~i(led re;J proPlll\y. rre. or ClICUIIIbllllCM e.Ecejl~ as SjIOcI1k&Uy ser ~I heRla; PMCBr,. 1. Becin.ams /If tho SOl1lliYretl come: DfLol7,1llack 7, Jllm .\ddidalllO &he A4anIs PIal, lIS planed lllId telmdrd Ia Volmne 1$, ~.2, ~ CoImI)r Oregon PlAt ' ke~otdi, tbeacu Soulh 89"27' Baat a1l111J lito NCIllb IIIlI: of lC.u/uyIa Street IS dedtalle4. bY.lllldlJlaI S3J.7$f.IbJlJetnleJlolntot~ /bou(:ecomlIl1leSollIllS,"27'1lIIt 110,00 r.. ~ Norlb 0"33' llul Jlad/lcI WlIhClle It"UllillO otsBlllBlogk7 !10Jl7 /ti:t,lIte.1l.1o ~onlI S9ez7' Will 170.00 Ccc:t. rhcace $OUlh 0'33' WSC31O,31 fa:c 10 Ihe true goiut ot"e~, IIr ~c/d, L1bo t'ollDC)', Orcgou. I'AlClltIl: ~lltlllo S01IdlwaeeoWrofl.ol7, B10lIk7, PlQ(AddlliOll to 'IlIo Adams .(lf~l, IS lll~ lIIId 1eI:QIlIed III VOlunlc 15, hao " Uuo CoIIIll)' olV,gOI1 Pmt R4c0nb; rhDAce NortII 0'33' Bille alq IIMi WHt I!Pe of 11lId Slott 7, 'lo.s7 f~; rIleI1ce 8our1l89"21' UaatpmlIe/ 11'1111 tile SOlIlllline of S'~J4 DJoQ: 7, '101.75~; lllellCe SclIIIh 0 "33' \V~t p.IraIleJ wllll $l\ld \Vest JiDe 310.3'/ Rer 10 a poilu 01\ tlJe Nortlll!ml of~ BlIlml u d~el~ by ~ plm; tIIC11Ce NOllh 89'21' WeIlt iIIoll"llld Nonh l.in~ 701,75 kcllo rile Po~ of Jeaillllhtl. Ja Sprlngliaid. laiD c~. OrlllOll ~1Ila;.:~"9~A&:C 10.110 TIle lnlD ~lI$idtrDdOll lor lbIa ~~ 1Il1lOac. %EM1Ec.U't6"~F\i,\) 10.00 ~a:.27JP6.lI2A&T FUt.l) zn.1.ll no IJabbky IIJId obll~ollS or Gr.IbroIlIO GIi1I\II' ~ ~'IIU~!1 aad Illigu ~ /fiG IV~ BlId.. ,,'....u~ COIIlal.oedbcrein orprovid4d bYlaw slWl btllillilcd 10 dIIllllllOlmr.ll8hlra, and lerms of lIlY lil~ ilIslll'4llce tCJVeQp lVlIIJrble fO <iIBIuom IIIIdcr lll\Y llu. las~ plIU;y, Ill<! OlQQJolv fhallllave 110 llAbiJiiy or obIisalJDlIIllICllpt 10 die cqrntlhar Mull ''''.;, .,: for ~ llabWI7 or oWJplillll1l atlilsbJe to Gnbtoll mlu AI\Y litle iIlsur,wo polJay. 1111 lllldlalillll!l CODlIIIIed herein IXJll'QIIy do n'ot telley, G~ of my JJabiJil;y or obli~OIlS llIld~ 11IIs IlISlrulllel1t. bur fIIete1y dolInc tile l<<:vpe, 1WU1e, IUld amoum ot 8llch IiAbdJI1 Or ob~, 'hJIs !l'lSTlUIMllNr WR.L Not .w.OW t1S',e OF tH8 PROP!lll.tY DllsCatIu;O IN 'll11S J1l/STRUJ4mIT IN vrOI.AnON oP AP!>UCABLE tAN!) USE LAWs ANI) RllGtlLATfONs. lIJiPOJUUIClNlNaOk Accal'I7NG rms JNSTRtlMl!NT, THl!P.6RSON p.CQIJIRlNG llBan1tE TO THS PaOl'BRTY SHOlJU) ClmCK W11'ff 'l'HS APPROPRlATB Cl1'Y OR COlmTY PLAtOONa bBPAR1'MBNT TO VBIUPY API'ROVSD US.l!S AND '1'0 Dll1'BRMINg &N lTMlrs O~ LAWsurrs AGAINST F;.RMIN(l OR FOUST f'RActfCll$ A~ OBl'!ffi3b J)\/ ORB !O.~ Pall'e I-WARAAmY Dllm I Date Received: ........ APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal ,a- "', J "'JAN. 1 L 2008- 9: 1 OA~Fv~RGREEN LAND TITLE CC "".W" ,.NO, 2319-.P. L '"'' ~ , " .., t" ,:. 11' , . "," ~ 'T- '6. ~~ l~" 968G~G5 IBB PBOI'IlR'I'Y Dl!SClllBEO IN lHIs nlS'J'RUt<f&NT ?MY !lor BB Wl1'HJN A FIa! Pk<mcrJON D18TlUCI' PlOt&CrlNo S1ll.UCTVRES. 'l'1IIs PlWl'!3RTYIS StlllJiC'I' TO LAND US]! LAWs J\ND 1lEGUI.t\1I0NB. WJUCII. IN FARM 01 POIlBS1' ZONES, M.\y NtYr ADmOlllZEl eoNstluC:nON OR SlTJNij OF A a.:..,...~\CB AN]) "AL~n J.bm'MWSii ACWNST p~ Olt POJU!ST PRACl'ICIl8 AS DaPlNBD IN ORB 30.930.IN W. ZO . lll!PORB stGNllm ORACcBPt'INoTHIS JNSTlttlllD3Nr, '1'HB PBRSON ACQ1DlUNCI fEB TO 'Dl:S PllOI>EllfY sIl;OULD CHl!CK W1TB 1118 Al'PloPlUA'l'B CI'lT Ok. cotJlm' PlANNING DBPAR'l'AiB1II1' TO VEIUPY APPROVED USES AND IlXISTIlNCIl OF fIP.I f1\OT5Cl'IoN OOR BTltUCTU1Uls. DATBl) lids 23rd ~ at Deccmbu. 1996. f' fg~- Yn (2 ~ QltcM. Caner ~. tl't S!t L6 "-wJl ) ~ . Calver STATB Of O.REOON ) ) ~. COuNrr Of L.\Q ) Thlc IDfll'ollllllm \VII ggllllowltdgllll ~ mo th!I2!lDl clay Df I>=IllIlttt, 1!l9li, by CIaII'I M. Carver lIIIlI ~I G. ClIMr. .. '."~I.'.I.- ~V~.LCIMll , 1'\l'~'''''UB~M , - "J' ,,:OII"O.lli1111117 rueolt~:~.:. .,,'_ ~'~':fI~. Dr 1DJf ~~ N6ta1y P\lbllo (Or Umgm! M) eonw!JsiOll~: 8/29/98 S'*W IlfON!llfll GouII., of 1luIe - IS, flll4~aalt,"'anoIIllrIhtIDld ca;l'f1do~~lIIollhalll1ih1ll _.....r.r,.00III1ll ~ 2-WAlUlJ\NTY D.EBD '0 te:'96 1J 018 RI.1 2249R Lon.e.w.., OfROAL..,..lo ..... CWnlYCI.m !l), .Q.;p A .,J../,.)I ~ I;lNR .. t,\.' 'l .:; 'j ~ .."j Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal. , : I .~ I' ~ 1 , . , E II \~' . : . ... After recording, return to: , , Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 200f.Of0155 Lane Counly Deeds and Records g g - 1 , __ . .. 'I -. I, $36.00 11z3614320060'601551121033 08/18/2006 03:31:20 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Sln=9 CASHIER 04 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 ~. Arthur J. Clark Hershner Hunter, LLP 180 East 11th Avenue ' P.O. Box 1475 Eugene, Oregon 97440 Until a change is requested, mail all tax statements to: Carver Group Investors, LLC 10792 S.W. Heron Circle Beaverton, OR 97007 Tax Account No. 1082872 Map & Tax Lot No. 17 02 30 43 06400 WARRANTY DEED .. Carver Family LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Carver Group Investors, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee the real property descnbed on the attached Exhibit A, free of encumbrances except as specifIcally set forth herem. The true conSideration for this conveyance is none. The liabilIty and obligations of Grantor to Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns under the warrantIes and covenants con tamed herein or provided by law shall be limIted to the amount, nature, and terms of any title Insurance coverage available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liabilIty or oblIgation except to the extent that reimbursement for such lIability or obhgatIOn is available to Grantor under any tItle insurance policy. The hmitations contained herem expressly do not reheve Grantor of any habIhty or obligations under thIS Instrument, but merely d~fine the scope, nature, and amount of such liabIhty or oblIgatIOns. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLA nON OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON .ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Page I-WARRANTY DEED Original submittal '; " t VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DE1ERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, n=< ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. DArbU: ~/J:Z- ,2006. CARVER FAMILY LLC By: .J,-\jOA~ .94~ 2enysf:.,~c;~rve?, Mana~er __". By: ~~/~ ~ Scott Carver, Manager ' STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on a.uq uS/-- f?- , 2006, by v Denyse G. Carver, Manager of Carver FamIly LLC. F~~--- Offi6iALSEAL - --- ~~ f MARY K. FRISBIE ,. NOTARY PUBUc-OREGON ~ COMMISSION NO. 373925 , '~~ e ~~~~~S~N~!S!O~~ER 11,2~~ L1Yla ,JtJ f{ . r:n fSb & Notary pub!ll for Oregon My commISSIon expIres: / 1- 11 -OJ STATE OF OREGON ) _ __)~ss.____.___ COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) --- -"-'"'="-_..-. This instrument was acknowledged before me on John Scott Carver, Manager of Carver FamIly LLC. af/lOU (\1 J J- Of , 2006, by u "--------------"'. '6)--- , '--'--'--OFFiCW.SEAL I ~ _ MARY K. FRISBIE ) NOTARY PUSUc-OREGON . " COMMISSION NO 373925 l__Y!~~~!2.NpPIRES ~~~~~~~:'; 0'nQrd I~. h-18:b? Notary PublIc f<W'Oregon I My commission expires: I -/ / -()7 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Page 2-W ARRANTY DEED Original Submittal ... ~ E~lHtlIT A Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 7, FIrst Addition to The Adams Plat, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 00 33' East along the West line of said Block 7, 310.37 feet; thence South 890 27' East parallel with the South lme of said Block 7, 701.75 feet; thence South 00 33' West parallel with said West line 310.37 feet to a point on the North line of Kathryn Street as dedIcated by said plat; thence North 890 27' West along said North lme 701.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all of the following descnbed parcel: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 7, First Addition to the Adams Plat, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 890 27' East along the North line of Kathryn Street as dedicated by said plat 531.75 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continue South 890 27' East 170.00 feet, thence North 00 33' East parallel with the West lme of said Block 7 310.37 feet, thence North 890 27' West 17000 feet, thence South 00 33' West 310.37 feet to the true point of beginning, m Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 EXHIBIT A Onginal submittal If' t' " Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Tax Map 17-02-30-43, Portions of Tax Lot 6401 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered Into this i d- day of ;:::P h ,.. u y U ,2008 by and between CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNER# an Oregon IIml(ed partnership, h~lnafter referred to as the Grantor, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a mUnicipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee WITNESSETH In Consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easements for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargainS, sells and conveys unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement, 7 00 feet In Width, together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and uSing PUBLIC UTILITIES which may hereafter be Installed on the follOWing described property, to-Wit SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed as "PARCEL I" in that certain Warranty Deed to CARVER F AMIL Y LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership, that was recorded December 27, 1996 in Reel 2249R at Reception Number 9686265 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. Said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of the southerly 7.00 feet, by perpendicular measurement, of"P ARCEL I", which strip lies contiguous with and northerly ofthe north margin of Kathryn Avenue (a 60.00-foot wide right-of-way), as said margin and street are shown on the plat of "First Addition to the Adams Plat" as platted and recorded January 27, 1949 in Volume 15 at Page 2 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF,.Jbe I Grantor above named has hereunto set J 'r day of r--Lb~c.-L '"iYv'-cA ,2008 - J CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership Sign ~ (J r:~ Print Name., 'J: "'~.' {jq-!Gvt:;f<.... Print Title rl ~ c...<.-~ , ItS hand and seal thiS Slgn-1f~_ >d ~_ / Print Name]:J&: Nl / ~ l: Ca..g II ~ 1<- ( Print Title h{r4 /I./A Sf;: Q SEE PAGE 2 FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE CONVEYANCE set forth In thiS Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the City of Springfield, a MUniCipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, IS hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By DenniS P Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor Date RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Z 12007107-194 CarverISURVEYlLEGALSI07-194 PUE TL 6401020808 doc REVISED September, 2004 ,"{ ) I , r ~ '. ' Date Received: STATE OF COUNTY OF G "SaunM.Orl~ APR 1 8 2008 } SS \ r-b Original Submittal BE IT REMEMBERED that on this l't.-p day ofl-e , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named b~!~€" ~\Ii::R fr.D J(\,rN S. C~~~e Identity was proven to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say thaUle/6R~ 1s.tbeLa of the Within named limited partnership and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said partnership, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said partnership IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afflxee-Q1y OrfiCI~i1-SeaJ~he d y 'nd year last above wntten ~ I /. ---. , " ".., ., ,.I ~.. ~ A A ~ l Notary Public for G JEFF DEWITT ";. Commission # 1737070 . Notary Public - California ~ Sacramento County !: ~comm.,,~res~b.2?1,1 ~ '+-"-20/1 My CommiSSion Expires J STATE OF COUNTY OF ss .J BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named whose Identity was proven to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he/she IS the/a of the Within named limited partnership and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said partnership, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said partnership IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above wntten Notary Public for My Commission Expires 7.00-FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN THE LANDS OF CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Page 2 of2 ! 'f. Date Received: Recorded at the request of and after recording return to: APR 1 8 2008 Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Original Submittal PRIV ATE JOINT -USE STORMW ATER EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The true and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 1) CARVER GROUP INVESTORS, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor, is the owner of the lands that were conveyed in that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded August 18, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-060155 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 2) CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership, Grantee, is the owner of the lands that were conveyed as "PARCEL I" in that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded December 27, 1996 in Reel 2249R at Reception Number 9686265 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 3) The Grantee desires to acquire an easement for transference of storm water from its lands across the lands of the Grantor to public storm drainage facilities that lie in the public right- of-way to the west that is known as 35th Street. 4) Grantor and Grantee desire to establish maintenance responsibilities for the joint-use storm facilities that will lie in said easement. THEREFORE: CARVER GROUP INVESTORS, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor, hereby grants, transfers and conveys to CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership, Grantee, a non-exclusive, perpetual, appurtenant easement for storm water conveyance including, but not limited to pipes and open ditch, over and under the strip of land that is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The use of said easement shall be subject to the following: 1) Both the Grantor and Grantee shall have joint use of the storm facilities in the easement area. 2) Costs and maintenance of the open ditch shall be shared equally between the Grantor and Grantee. 3) Costs for maintenance and repair of the private storm facilities that are specific to an individual owner shall be the responsibility ofthat owner. 4) The easement is not personal or in gross, but is appurtenant to each and every portion of the lands of the Grantor and Grantee. 5) Grantor shall at all times, and without restriction, have the right to use the easement area for purposes not inconsistent with the purpose of the easement. 6) Said easement shall run with the properties herein described and shall be binding on and inure to the b(;llefit oft11e parties l1eretu, their heirs, successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this PRIVATE JOINT-USE STQ.R1\1WATER EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT on this /;.j day of H-br t.( iLv--l..J , 2008. J SEE PAGE 2 FOR GRANTOR SIGNATURES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SEE PAGE 3 FOR GRANTEE SIGNATURES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PRIVATE JOINT -USE STORMW ATER EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 1 of 4 " " "- '\. CARVER GROUP INVESTORS, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor S'gn A /) f I1/vV-l-, V --' "- Print Name 5: ~. [M-- i.1.....st: Sign LnO/1AL/1,~5;{ ~/UL{/{ /' - d ,~ Print Name, D ~}..j y .J ~ C 14 Q Ii/,:- Q... Print Title H~ t?-j~ Print Title 'h/ ~(t~.~J/ STATE OF C'A I """ COUNTY OF ~{lfO.-M~ 55 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this I + day of \-eb . , 2008 before me, the , underslg~d, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named ~>/S€ b. ( ~ AND, b\W S, Co.e.~who~dentlty was proven to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he'bl'~~ of the within named limited liability company and does acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed of said liability company, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said limited liability company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afflxeckmYOffiClal-~sl the day ~~ year last above written ---z~ ~ ___ ~p_ J C "J<' Notary Public for l.A ,"t......... .. ..... .... .. ... ... .... .... .... .... ... A.. .. JEFF DEWITT Commission # 1737070 ~ Notary Public - CallfornlO ~ Sacramento County ~ "MyComm IExpires,Apr~: 201,1, E t+- c'o - 2.aJ VI My CommiSSion Expires ~ STATE OF COUNTY OF 55 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named whose Identity was proven to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he/she IS the of the within named limited liability company and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said liability company, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said limited liability company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written Notary Public for My Commission Expires Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original submittal PRIVATE JOINT -USE STORMW A TER EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 2 of 4 ," . \. '. CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership, Grantee, Sign A [) ('~ V '-.., '-:-'C Print Name J. ~, Arc v'1::::..""t: Print Title 11 ~M ~ J Sign j _~ f!:nAAN A _.J Print Name D;;;:- IV y S. t=- ~ (fL j-~-/Z !AA.~-.A -Q.. .6 (J n..-/ Print Title STATE OF COUNTY OF OA I ~CIZ2,~ 55 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this I + day of s::;t. , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public I.!J.. and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named ~1S€ b C~ PttJ) ~ brlN $'. ( AR-~hos~t~ was proven to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that h ts-the/a of the within named limited partnership and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said partnership, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said partnership IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affl~mY-oifl{j)-i - eal--l~e_' and year last above written I (~ -- '""" ~ - -- '- ./ Notary Public for ( . A ~.... ~.... ',.I'';E:F DEw~; I I ~ 1: ...... ; Commission # 1737070 t ~ : -. Notary Public - California ~ z" sa. cramento County t J My~~m ~lr~~.6.~0l\,t +-~-LD U My CommiSSion Expires STATE OF COUNTY OF 55 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary pUblic In and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named whose Identity was proven to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he/she IS theta of the within named limited partnership and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said partnership, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said partnership IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written Notary Public for My CommiSSion Expires Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal PRIV ATE JOINT -USE STORMW A TER EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 3 of 4 ,I: , . ! EXHIBIT" A" 10.00'-20.00' WIDE PRIVATE JOINT-USE STORMW ATER EASEMENT SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed in that certain Warranty Deed to Carver Group Investors, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, that was recorded August 18, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-060155 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. Said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east line of said lands that were conveyed to Carver Group Investors, LLC, that lies on a line that is parallel with and 7.00 feet northerly, by perpendicular measurement, from the north margin of Kathryn Avenue (a 60.00-foot wide right-of-way), as said margin and street are shown on the plat of "First Addition to the Adams Plat" as platted and recorded January 27, 1949 in Volume 15 at Page 2 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and along said east line of said lands that were conveyed to Carver Group Investors, LLC, NORTH 000 33' 00" EAST 10.00 FEET, more or less to a point on a line that lies parallel with and 17.00 feet northerly, by perpendicular measurement, from said north margin of Kathryn Avenue; THENCE, along last said parallel line, NORTH 890 27' 00" WEST 380.00 FEET to a point; THENCE, perpendicular to said margin, NORTH 000 33' 00" EAST 10.00 FEET to a point on a line that lies parallel with and 27.00 feet northerly, by perpendicular measurement, from said north margin of Kathryn Avenue; THENCE, along last said parallel line, NORTH 890 27' 00" WEST 151.75 FEET, more or less to a point on the east margin of 35th Street (an 80.00-foot wide right-of-way), as said margin and street are shown on said plat of "First Addition to the Adams Plat"; THENCE, along said east margin, SOUTH 000 33' 00" WEST 20.00 FEET, more or less, to a point on aforesaid line that is parallel with and 7.00 feet northerly, by perpendicular measurement, from the north margin of Kathryn Avenue; AND THENCE, along last said parallel line, SOUTH 890 27' 00" EAST 531.75 FEET, more or less, RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 6,835 Square Feet more or less. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal PRIVATE JOINT -USE STORMW ATER EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Page 4 of 4 .J "# "'-"" ,3-;ff.~" - ..:':!-"":" 9' "<f' "~! ~m. _ _ ~~. :r, ..C" ~^",""ff"",,"~~.~::(j~ . , '-#' __,w- · · ," " -"'~~ ~, I . , ' " , " l' ' ,,---' I f "oIi" /'. . "'>~ ~~\:) .".: " _ __ .r-..i>//" ~" ~- I · -; · " . >~\ '/ ~ _ '~M If t'l~" t; · I,. f": I .~ \ : ' \ ' ! <.,<., ,- \~. i'- ~ t' ,.i I <.,<., , /"." , .-- I "':"'.::.- : , : "......,,:;.;~_ I "><..,. I ,t" .'- ~- I f<.,<., f ~.t:. [- A --F 1r i L : ~ L. <.,<., f' to... - ~ l' ~ ~~' ,: - ,:. i "'i :!!il, t' ,I , I ' ",C' I' '\ Ir:;;;;::,,:,.,~.~.. - ': L :"'11 ; ~___.,.L~'_' J" ,. I ,..\ : t ;"f.;;:L------ I'll x' ._"~.., ~ "" -. II , :., ,r '0 " I'~_ ',,-, J!I! . ../ '" I IS ~~'J''''' rfii,' --p".~~_i----..~~-.,;;~----~t? ~L i--L ix---- · - '" -" /.I 1 , ' "~ _ X .-L I I I ,,' ' - · , .~ , ',' '_,_ I, _ _" ,- . ,,' L i' ' ..," --'",,' LL ,." _____,.... 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I I I I I I PR~r"'lNE ExrsTWGPlIL PIl(FOSEDPUE. ""~""'" PAOPOSfOFENCE :=:SPH4l.T PA\ING :SmG s:::-;;:vwa """""aRB ffloI><JSED CONT(){RS EXl8Tm CONT0l.f'l8 o -.,~ I \ "~~ /!II 4~.fO LEGEND <..,.<..,. = ElasrmcC1NC1lETE '''''"'''' EmT#KJGlI~El..EVArlON ElaSTNG PROP&.TY CORta Emma WATER lETER EJOSTH3I1'ATERVAt.\IE OENr;:Il'E"S TOP FACE a: Cl.flS. :: STREET LIGHT WITH ARM 8aS ELECTRICAL PGt.E ~""""""""'" E)QSTWG WNIOt.E (>" " ., [i) ~ ---- ~'l 6 EXl8rm Ffif: HnlRANT Ell'ISTJII(J8a..1.ARD O18rm ELECllIICA.l BOX ;:~N OOIN S"OUT CATCHSASII/ PROPOS([! CFl08SNO I<l '00 011 ~ l~~i KA TI-/RYN / j--j l 1;[ Al;i KEY PLAN "" L- 'I Original Submittal ~ " "'. ~~ ~Q ~. ~ ~ I ~ i ~ / 0:: ~L.JL.J --t:::::> <:></1<0:0:: ~"'"'O :>>L.J>- <(:>0:: . ,,-"'J:'" ~f-(jf-:,Lj <: ~-l ~i:: ~ .:5 t;~t~~~ g a... ~o...OUl~a: 9;:t..u o<l1CJl..01q. ~ I- g:~<J1-~ ~ Vi .~ ' ~ ~ i ~~ "" 51 ~::;i ~ (l) 0:;" ~ S ! "'1 t ~..::Ell ~ rz:l ~~~. l .<:l .,;~j ~ ~ ~~~~ : f,e>~;~ a ~~~~ DATE I res 13 2008 '''=20' SCALE DRAWN BY DESIGNER RF CHr;:ED I Rr ~~OJ%f:1 07-194 SHEET NO C2 4 OF I 1 SN[ET(S) JLa f " CIVIL James A Branch, P E , P L S Rene Fabricant, S E, PE Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E February 25, 2008 Molly Markanan Planl11ng DIVISion Development Services Department City of Spnngtleld 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Project InformatiOn Applicant: Branch Engll7eenllg, Inc For Scott Carver Site addresses: 3654 Kathryn Avenue, Spnngfield Tax Map: 17-02-30-43, Tax Lots 6400 and 6401 Attachments: SUBMITT~L Site~Plan Application, Type II For the "Asphalt Pavmg for Scott Carver" project, and related site Improvements The fee for the Site Plan Review, $14,160.95, a c;heck from Scott Carver to the City of Spnngfield Eighteen copies of the civil engineering drawing set, by Branch Engineering, Inc" 11/ II One additional Copy of the site plan reduced to 8 Ih" x 11", ] /1 Three copies of an Email from Matt Stouder, P.E., for storm-water scopmg reqUirements One copy of the warranty deed, 1/1 One copy of the preliminary title report, 4/4 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal / STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING ~ ~! ~;j; ~~ Three Copies of a public Utility Easement for portIOns of Tax Lot 6401, signed, notanzed, not recorded, 2/2 "-~",' "', ',' Three Copies of a public Utility Easement for portIOns of Tax Lot 6400, signed, notanzed, not recorded, 2/2 Three copies of a Joint-Use Stormwater Easement and Maintenance Agreement, 4/4 One Copy of a letter seeking uemption from the DWP application submittal reqUIrement ThIS letter IS wntten by John Crawford, manager for Safway Supply, Inc , the tenant 1/1 Three copies of the Drainage evaluation and storm-water calculations 23/23 Three copies of a Technical Memorandum by Damien Gilbert, P.E. regarding a the necessity of a Traffic Impact Study, 1/1 Dear Planner Please review the attached documents I hope that you find thIS applIcatIOn complete and ,- easy to follow Below IS a summary response to the site plan reView application reqUirements Application fee: $14,16095 IS attached for the Site Plan ReView ApplIcatIOn Right-of- 'V ay Approach permit application: Does not apply Storm water Management system study: Please see the attached correspondence from Matt Stouder, PE, dated January 2, 2008 Traffic Impact Study: Please reView the techmcal memorandum by Damlen Gilbert, P E , 1/1 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 0" I S bm,~....,i nglOs u Ilnc:!L. __ 1.. ~ * '~~, Project discussion: The property IS zoned as Heavy lndustnal AdJac,ent propertIes to the North, East, and West are also Heavy lndustnal Propert'I-es on the south'sIde of Kathryn Avenue are Low DenSIty ReSIdential The clIent proposes to construct asphalt pavement around the eXIsting steel buildmg on Tax Lot 6401 and some asphalt pavement on Tax Lot 6400 The eXIstmg bUlldmg was ongmally used by Cm vel' Elect7 7C as an electncal contractor's shop and storage bUlldmg The bUlldmg IS presently leased to Salway Supply (a Thyss'enK7'lIpp Sel'V7CeS Company) Salway Supply rents constructIOn eqUIpment to bUlldmg contractors and to the general publIc The area outSIde of the buddmg IS used for storage of rental scaffoldmg and other eqUIpment mtended for rental That arrangement wIll remam unchanged A cham lInk fence wIth green slates wIll be constructed, so as to obscure the rental eqUIpment area from vIew from Kathryn Avenue Other Improvements are those whIch are reqUIred to conform to the CIty of Spnngfield development Code AccessIble route, accessIble parkmg, Covered bIcycle storage, landscapmg and approaches Presently, there IS no storm-water collectIOn system, roof down-spouts lead dIrectly to the ground adjacent to the bUlldmg Surface water at the gravel area around the bUlldmg collects m puddles A storm-water conveyance system IS proposed ThIS system wIll conSIst of catch basms from the pavement areas and plpmg from roof down-spouts The plpmg system shall convey storm-water to a dItch on Tax Lot 6400, from there to a bio-filtratlOn swale on Tax Lot 6400 StOl m-water shall eXIt the blO-filtratIon swale and be conveyed to the CIty of Spnngfield' s eXIstmg 24" concrete storm-water pIpe at 35th Street Access Access IS presently uncontrolled from the Kathryn Avenue nght-of-way onto the SIte Two 35' wIde approaches are proposed Improvements in the right-of-way Kathryn Avenue IS ul1lmproved at the frontage of the parcels and for 582 feet to the east The asphalt pavement sectIOn IS approXImately 20 feet wIde, there are no curbs, walks, gutter-bars, streetlIghts, storm-water pIpmg, or contmuous dItches Future Improvements to Kathryn Avenue for the two propertIes to the east of the subject tax lots shall occur based on an eXIstmg development agreement On-site improvements Tax-lot 6400 IS ul1lmproved, there are no trees on thIS parcel On tax-lot 6401, there IS an eXIstmg steel frame 90' X 192' bUlldmg, bUIlt m 1972 The SIte area around the buildmg IS compacted gravels, there IS no pavement on sIte There IS eXIstmg electrical servIce, telephone servIce, sal1ltary sewer, and water supply plpmg from the nght away to the eXlstmg bUlldmg Date Received. APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittai ,..,'.:[".1.1"; Water quality measures Roof and pavmg storm-water shall be conveyed ~9 a n,ewly constructed dItch on Tax Lot ..~'} ,~.. ~ . - , 6400, from there to a bIO-filtratIOn swale on Tax Lot 6400" ., Storm-water shall eXIt the bIO-filtratIOn swale and be conveyed to the City ofSpnngfield's eXlstmg 24" concrete storm-water pIpe at 35Th Street Water conveyed over pavement shall pass through two-chambered water qualIty catch-basms, pnor to entenng the dItch and bIO-filtratIOn swale Special site features There are no watercourses, wetlands, or steep slopes on the site, or m the ImmedIate vIcmlty There IS approxImately one foot of elevatIOn change across the sIte The sIte IS sparsely covered with gravel, grasses and clovers Excavation and fill ApprOXImately 170 cubIc yards of matenal will be excavated and relocated on Tax Lot 6400 to constructed the dramage dItch and blo-filtratlon swale, zero CUbIC yards of Imported granular fill wIll be placed on sIte Trees to be removed None Dedications and modifications These are no land dedIcatIOns to the CIty assocIated with thIS project No proposed modIficatIons are bemg requested Other planning applications or planning actions There are no other plannmg applicatIOns or plannmg actIOns assocIated with thIS property at thIS tllne I hope that tl11S summary is of some assIstance, please call me If you have any questIons ~- ~. ...... Rene Fabncant, P E , S E PnncIpal Branch Engllleellllg, Inc (541) 7460637 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER SERVICF CENTER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477,5240 Tel 541 7262396 Fax 5417477348 WWW subutil com Apnl 9, 2008 Date Received: Planner: MEM 4119 00 ,.-- - Molly Markanan Development Services City of Spnngfleld 225 5th Street SpnngfIeld, OR 97477 RE: DRINKING WATER PROTECTION EXEMPTION REQUEST THYSSENKRUPP SAFWAY, INC. ADDRESS' 3654 KATHRYN STREET Molly, I have received the exemptIOn request submitted by John Crawford on behalf of the SpnngfIeld locatIOn ofThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc. The local contact IS Pat Westcott (541 736.1800). The hazardous materials list mdlcates that the total quantity will not exceed twenty gallons and none of the products contam DNAPLs. Based on the mformatlOn prOVided m the request, the exemptIOn can be granted. This exemptIOn IS granted only for ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc and does not apply to future bUlldmg tenants. Please note that the faCIlity may be mspected at any time to venfy the mformatlOn provided m the exemptIOn certifICatIOn. If at any pomt the condltIons of exemption are no longer met, a Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay District applicatIOn may be reqUired Feel free to contact me at 541-744-3745 for further detaIls or With any questIOns Smcerely, ~(I~ Amy E. Chmltz Water Quality ProtectIOn Coordmator AEC'mk cC' John Crawford, ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc., 140 W. Industrial Way, SUite A, BellICla, CA 94510 Pat Westcott, ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc, 3654 Kathryn Street, SpnngfIeld, OR 97478 \ \SVR-DA T A \ WSCEngnr\Amy Chlmtz\Busmesses_DWP apps\ExemptlOn Request Responses\ ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc _exemptIOn granted_ 4-08 doc ' A TI1)'3oenKr upo Services :ompany ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc. John Crawford Western DIvIsion Vice President Ms Amy E Chlnltz, M C R P M S Water Quality Protection Coordinator Springfield Utility Board 202 South 18th Street Springfield OR 97477 Subject Exemption Request for 3654 Kathryn Street Facility Dear Ms Chlnltz Pursuant to Springfield Development Code Section 33-200 ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc (TK Safway) hereby seeks exemption based on our on-site chemical Inventory and the nature of our busllless TK Safway IS a specialty subcontractor, specializing In the erection and dismantlement of scaffolding on construction sites We are not Involved In the manufacture of any products at the Springfield site Our location In Springfield IS used for administrative functions and the storage of our scaffolding equipment I have enclosed a spreadsheet shOWing the current Inventory of hazardous materials on site and we certify that thiS quantity Will not exceed 20 gallons III the future Please do not heSitate to contact me should you have any questions or require any additional Information Slllcerely, John Cravvford Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Tnvssenl<'rupp S2fv ::W Inc 140 V\! l'lGus:ilal 'I{ay SUI,ef"1 8enJ'~12, t~~\ 9":510 ,Dr"lone (7G 7) 743 0795 ~ raA (7C-:) 745 C74"'r E mal IJllr :i3v./iord@saT\fa}'corn lnterfle<- VvvVvt' sabvay com Original Subm~ttaJ ,~ Hazardous Materials Inventory 3654 Kathryn Street Springfield, OR 97478 Feb-08 Item Desc I Knocker loose penetrant 16 oz can IVV-D 40 12 oz can I motor Oil/gear oil 12 oz can, I aft fluid 12 oz can Ihydraullc 011 (qts) 120/10 windshield cleaner (gal) NOT HAZ I paint thinner (pint) Armor AI (gts) Paint thinner (Klean StriP) 12 oz can I maxlde ant & roach killer 16 oz can Iwasp & hornet killer 16 oz can I conq-r -dust( dust mot spray) 12 oz can 3M hi-tack spray glue 16 oz can 2-stroke oil 2 5 oz I brake/electric motor cleaner 16 oz I battery termInal cleaner 12 oz can Icurtlsal foam cleamer 16 oz can Ipennzoll z4 penetrating 01112 oz can I unleaded petrol (gal) Idlesel fuel (gal) .. IG E Insulating foam 12 oz can I black lack neoprene cement 24 oz acrylic latex caulk (dap) 24 oz P B blaster(penetratlng 011) 12 oz In line super poly tack 12 oz can krylon paint 12 oz can I I I 1 I ....- ~, Conversion to Qty gallons 1 o 1 9 09 9 09 5 05 3 075 3 0 1 0125 1 025 1 o 1 3 03 3 03 1 o 1 1 o 1 5 o 125 2 02 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 4 4 4 4 1 o 1 1 02 2 04 1 o 1 6 06 40 4 Total 1845 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal f James A Branch, P E , P L S Rene Fabricant, S E, PE Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: January 2, 2008 To: Mr Rene' Fabricant, P E., S.E. Branch Engineering, Inc. From: Damien Gilbert, P.E Re: Asphalt Paving Project at 3654 Kathryn Avenue Branch Project No. 07-194 EXPIRES' JUNE.30 2009 As requested, I have researched applicable critena in an effort to Identify if a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) WIll be required by the City of Springfield for the subject project. This is not intended to be an impact study, but is intended to be the basis for determining if further analysis will be required, and identifying the scope of that analysis, if necessary. The subject SIte-is located at the intersection of Kathryn and 3ih Streets in the heavy industrial zone. In Summary, the project 1l1cludes paving approximately 1. 75 acres of existing graveled parking and vehicle circulation areas that surround an existing building. The bUIlding is currently occupied by an equipment rental use There are no new bUIldings or uses proposed with this paving project Based on Spnngfield Development Code (SDD) Section 4 2-1 05A.4, and the criteria of Springfield Public Works Depmiment polley S.O P P #T-6 1, a TIS IS not expected to be required with this project by the City of Springfield, as the proposed paving and the associated landscape and drainage improvements will not generate any new vehIcle tnps on an average day with the exception of the temporary construction related traffic. Also, there is no request for a variance from the transportation provisions in SDD, and I am unaware of any known traffic problems in this area warranting a TIS based on existmg off-site issues. Please do not hesitate to let me knO\v if you have any questions, or if I can provide any additional assistance. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 "--n __, ___~__~n_ _~_______________. . _______'___'____'~rig~nal_~~E~~~~L~__..___._/ CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING 1- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-000296 3654 Kathryn Avenue ~--- Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original submittal SITE Map 17-02-30-43 Tax Lot 6400, 6401 NOfth -~'-.-------~ --,-.-..... -= --'_.:..:::::;.;.,~~~~::'.~'!.~~~' DR4.INAGE EV~r\LUATION FOR Scott Carver property I{athryn A..Tenue~ Springfield~ Oregon I 'I I I II I I ~ovember 17, 2007 i ~ i C", ::-'~. 'T',,~ , )' -~'I\i..?I...,Q i L t 11, -. \,), ~~~] Prepared by q BP,-~NCH ENGI1'JEERIN(j-, LNe 310 F Inh Street Spnngfield, OR 97-+77 Phone \ 5-+ 1) 7 46-06~ 7 Fa~ (541) 7--J.6-03S9 Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal " 'i ,)1 _. _ ~---------n....=-_.~__~ -~......,......~-_._-~.,....,..---=-~--_._- ...... , .~<-':-f- t f , -, , f , , , , " , '- ,0, ~~PE '" ~ r -"-~, q'\J ~-"P~ I \..'::~/~ flU -7:2~~ \~ , y E , r f t , r,' , r f f- f , ;'~ , ;- t , r '1 t r f " Q; ~' ~ '-', T- ~~~ w; ~ 9\~:~;,.;~~-0 ""-",,,~y ,M-.!:75.4Q '"';:. \'JV '::7'-"0 ~ '- ~..... - c,' 7 "' .' , / f f f r f C:9 ~ 0IJ ~ , \' Ci9 ((91 ! '7.tl()O_ ...I~ l.:::.~W.~i2;O \; // ( 1N~.47275 ! -47; '7n,~ _ ", ,-. f5'. 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I~~'~~-; ;A~;-;= ___ _ '-' _u vL.'\=' ::. -O..}[\J;)t TJ::I Q !!sU,HF'4J) PROTECTION AEK4 SIGN I I I ...-/ C ~Ii~i ~ ~l ':;;j=- 15:1 ;;: --....! ::::1 ~ SI ;;;, , ~, <, co, Q::: OLuW w..i-::::- (:}Ul'<:(Q::: ~Q:::ZO ::::-Lu>- '<:(::::-Q:::a c...Q:::I::-J t.w '<:(i-Lw :::I-(J'<:(- --I vw.. -~i- -(:) t:;::r::i-~~ ~Q.OI.!)Q::: 3t/)(J(DQ. :5: '<:(:.r, f'<"):.n z "<:( -.J Cl. :2'>- @I-- ~:J ~;-- 0~ ~--.J "IPo "-\Y-lI~ .A: -<,:;-~<;:,,,,I'-I ' ~. ........?~,..- "'..c 5~/!(i~~,~\i ?\"-\ "'''-/;; ~ 'Y'" #.J ~ If! L!S 3 " ~ I' ~- ~I ~~ =;:::1, .-~~ U5 . ..... r-':: I ~==I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ....." 0 -< ~ ,.. ::::-'10: ~':'.c [ ;:;j1:5~~ ~ -I;;;.,;~ ~ __ ..::~I.s ,-~ _ _ J:. c:! In ~~m ,@j; : ~ G ~ >. " > -.J ::> DATi I 30 O:::roS!:R 20Di UTIIlTY REPRESENTA.Tn'ES UT/!...fTY i R~PRESEIVT A TIV~ CAS IMI l'lt, T ) i CPEe ~-rI:F _EP E~E:TPCP 'suE' : Et' -::AD I ! TON\! - AL9Ej 12_ZPl.,O!ilE (QW~S""'\ I ...~RE SUM \~p I ~~A -EG ISJEJ i 3AR'" 11-1CG~;- I St, \' S~ljER (PR/VA TE' i STEVE Clt::Af, ! SA" SEII'EP (DUBI-X) I DENN' WRIGrlT I 3iOR!'1 DPAII'",GE STEI'E G~At-...rv' I !PR/l.rE' I SiOPA' ~~AINA~= I I;:) J3_,:) ! "!po :-1 II.... JD~'IY ~ 01:;" 7" , I 10_ G~;;;AO[; "-~- c-~ - .......,-......:. ; "=2C' OHONE :JPAWN I 'l}J.. .~~~~:6E. B v I r54'l 7:..::.37071 DESIGNER! (54/ 7~.!~::7J:; I , ' C..J'CK-O I ">..W .tJ::;~-P5071 - ~ : ':Al ..: :__ ~ r E r _ 7..~... =-0 ~ -cROJEC'I I 5.1/ 72=~5605 1 NUMBER [ '54'. ",;.leIC 1 SHE:T NO i '5"', 720-56,: C 1 '5.' .~;:"J,O 4 : 5.1' "20229.1 7;)i" 1 0 ShE:~(S) JLS RF RF 07-19..! Clrcu~ar Cne~~el ~~alysls & Deslgn Sclve6 1~l~h ~2nnlng's ~Q~~tlCD O~.)en Ch3.nnel - UniforITl flo;,: WGrKS~eet N3me: Carver COITuTlen"C, 103 IJJ Solve For Actual 0epLn Glven lnput Data' o 50 fL o 0038 fL/::-::: o 01J o 30 cfs Dli3JTleL:er S lC1Je IVIenning I s n I:Jlsch6rr;e. CCIITll:)u-cecl P~esul ts Dep-c21.. , . , VeIocl ty, . f lov! l-_Yea. Crltlcal DepL21.... (=2:lLlC2~ Slol:Je. ~ercen"( Full. , full CalJaC l :.-~/ 'J 36 I"C 1. ?8 ~ 1:; s o lS, s= ,=) 28 :!:-c o 0081 fL:/f-: r-;~.96 g~ o -::,:::' CIS Q ~v:n~ @ Ot.11 .-/ _.J.-.' . o -'::7 Cf3 \J.6D t\z~O~I\-..1-;:: SL.:.J:)=~.:..,==-=~l} :y::\ucle l~t!.IT1J:Jer-. JlJ0~~ f~r13nr.!.el flc'\fT !\1Jcc~~_~l2, -\J~~S2..0r.L ~). ~~ , " .... '\ ~\ .... _':J:::J.. '3~ 5~~Ot~ljS ~d - ~IJa~~~~G~~~ c~ o~~ss :i:;~3-=::d !\12"C!lC!(:s, Ir1C Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal 7f ~I I ':l, . Vj 3/ Zs Cl~cula~ Cha~n21 A~alys~s 0 ~es~Q~ Solvei 1,ll~h M~~~lng's Eq~~~~o~ Open Channel - UDlform flol~ WorkshEe~ Name: Carver COI[1JTlen ~. 1J) 2,c Solve :or Actual Depth Glve~ I~pu~ Da~c: 0larne-;:sr Slope. Ivlar!r-~lng' S !l Dl2charl]"2 0.67 ~L 0.OC57 ft./:t o 01.J o r ~ r ~c c~s CO~PU~EQ Re2ul~s: De~=-th. . . Velocl ~y. . FIO\r! _~ree~. o 38 ft 2 77 fps 0.21 3:L [I 36 J::L: 0.0072 f:./f~ 57 41 % C2:"l'=.lcs.l 0ep~n. Crl T-lcel SlOlJS Percen-c f.J.ll.. :l.ll~ Cc:l=:\aclt~i '::WF:)~ @ 9 4D. ~roude I\ft:.m~::)e:':'. o 92 Q S9 o () / cis ( ~ 1;) \^I l S SUJJCl-l L:.lC c.l.:1 cis Date Received: I i APR 1 8 2008 Origina~ Subm.~tu..; Or.>=~l =~l==D:J.S~ ?2-;:!1\~ IV10CI_12, \T-::2--32..C<~1 _11-/ \:=) 1991 :: c='~ S.3 L. s;:~ ~1E :..tl:) j ~ 1 -.J, S:cc<)~: S l(is r( \ \<c -;:s ~- I)t:.l-~- I :J5:'J': f I 4~!1')., L-.J C1~cula~ Cha~~el Anal~s~s & Deslgn Solve~ K~~h Man~lng's ~Gua~lon Ope~ Channel - Un1fo~m i~ow Wor~sneE~ Name: Carver C:OlTJT1Srlt: lc l':1 Solve Fo~ ~ct~al Dep~h Slve~ Inp~L Dc~c [).lo_me-:.er SlOl=>E: 0.67 f~ 0.0044 f~/fL O. (11] O.6:!. c::s 1\13n.nlng's !l ='1 SCf2.c,rge . Comp~~ec ResulLs' :C'Sl:;-ch. . . fYS"l.1r~e I\JI~~:)S~ 0.43 I-c:. 2 5J fps 0.24 sf 0.37 2:1:. 0.Ge73 f-c:./~~ 64 6; 56 O.Sl cfs o 87 cis 0.13 (flow 18 Subcr~~lca~) Veloclty E10.V; J-.~ea c~~~~cal :Jepch. Cr.l ~lcc.l 8101:>e. ?Ercer!-: ?u=-l. Fl' ~l ,= arae l-:Y CI\~}._)-~ @ 940. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal (1~=-~~-~ ~.r!~~-~::-~s=:" ~'i:Y\I\~ Ivl,:,c5ule: r ',,]SYSlr-"':'Il ~, ~ / \-- ... - ....... '"l .l.~':; ..L ~~~3~5d ~~S~~~~3, ~~C =:; :S~C)Cl}:si:s ~,j 11!~~E~J~~~y, c~ 06705 r::;" ; ~/'!') ( /...-1 C~Ycula~ C~annEl An~lysls & Des~gTI Sol~ed ~l~~ M~~nlngls EQJa~lOn Open Channel - Unlform flow ~or~SG~S~ Name C3~ver CQITllTleE ~. lc1 Ie Scl~e ?or AC~U6~ Dsp~~ Gl\Te~-.!. ~r_l)l-.l-:' Dal:a Dlarne-cer. Slope. lIii3nnln?' S n. DlSC:~crge. 0.83 f-c 0.00.26 ft/ft [I. ::; 13 0./0 cfs Com1:~~ed Results: :09l=>L!:1. . . . \" e 1 0 C =- -c y f lOlrl p_rea. r:rl I..-=-cs.l ~el:)Lh.. C~lt~cal ~~ope.... percen-:: ~Jll... :L:.2-l Cs.l~acl"CY QrJj~_x @. 94::C) . f ~()1J.j2 NUITl}=:'E 2: 0.48 I-C :2.16 fps (] 32 s::: 0.37 f~ 0.0063 ft/ft ~7 76 % 1.11 c:::s 1 19 CIS o 61 (fl~~ lS SU!Jcrl-clcal) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal J92~ C~~nn~l ?loT^- ~loj~ls, ~~r5-=-S~ 3.42 'e) ~~~l ::::~S-C:3~ !~le-crJ.cL55! 1:-_= * ~-; B~()\=,~l-:'52-(j~ F_c -- \l\;c.-:2r~::~~~!, [, ': 7 J 8 {:, ! / I <1"2 !".- .-' Cl~cu~ar C~annel AnalYS1S & Deslgn Solved ~l~h Man~lng's E~ua~lon Open Chennel - Unlform flow worKs~ee~ Name- CBr~er C0IT1FI2Dt 2-e If Sclve Fc~ hc~uBl ~ep~h GlveD ~~put DCLa. Dla]T',ete~ S 1 Clpe _ . _ . !VIannlng 's n Dlscherge o 83 f-c o 00:-9 f~/f::: o 013 o 79 cfs C ()IT 1=> 1.1 '= e d Resul-cs: :Jep~h .. _ . Velo=l ty. _ ?lcv; l'xea. Cr 1 tical IJel::>-ch C:rlLlc6.1 Slc)l=:>E.. :Percen"C F'L~l. . 0.40 I:: 3.G4 ips 0.26 S:I o 39 IX o 0064 f"[/f~ 48 49 % 1 67 cfs :'..111 CBpacl:::y Q!\i.p-_X @. 9 4D _ . . =-::- o~d e l\iuITLj:)e r . . 1 79 CIS o 96 (flow lS su~cri:::~c~~) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal Cli~~~-~ =l~s:-lncl ~'loiv I\JL:;cl-,_~e 1 ~J-s:::s:..crl :J. ~~ , ) , -, '"'\,-........ ., .1:7 .::^ ~ E::s~-=c_cl TVi" C.T tI r)(-~ c: - -'-' ~-- ~ ~ ~ r I_lc. ~ ~: ~~COkSlee ~d ~ \^i3-:2~~l~~~- , C-c t=lc~03 0<:1 (I '7 2- / V_' C~rcu~ar Chen~el Analys~s & ~es~gn Solved w~eh Menn~ng's ~QUe~lQn Open Channel - C~~Iorlli =lo~ Worksheee Nellie' Carver C :JfTl111e rl -:. 1 ~ 3 a Solve F~r Aceual Depth Gi'7erl Input. Dat~. :Q~al11eter Slope I\1cnn~::1g I s n. I'lscharge o 83 Ie o 0038 fe/Ie o 013 0.96 CIS Compuee,j rzesul"Cs: :Qei:JL~. . . Veloc~ey. ?lav:Area. ..... Cr2-e~c3.l Depeh. ::::rlt~cal Slope. ?ercsrlL Full .. ?ull Cal:Jo.c:it:.~I" o 52 f-: 2 69 IDS o 36 SI: 0.44 __ O.OC67 fe/Ie 62.73 so,: 1.34 CIS 1. 44 CIS o ~-, (f10i,ro' ~s SUbCYlL2..cc,j,) Q!vLZ'.X @ ;: 4 ~ . ~~':>UCl9 1\1 J.rnJ:;er . Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal C'l:=er1 :r.!.s.~r~==- :rIe,),,; ~"I::<=---21::::, -J~rSJ...C)l-: 5.~= \':j =-l~~;::::Cl~ I.~2Lfl.~C~~, In/=:. ~ / 2,=::-c<Jl::,s=..ClS ?~o ~ .., r- ,- "1 -1.J':-'.l. \/J3t2~t~IJ~.Y , 1:\ ~ --: J~, Cz/ r.,.,)/ / "7 'J 0:) Clrcular Chennel Ana:y~~s ~ Deslgn Solvec wl-ch Man~ln;fs Equct:10~ Open Channel - GnlfsrB flow Wcr~shee~ Name: Carver COIT@ent:. 5 2ha Solve For Ac-cual Depth G~ven Input: Da-ca Dl aIils-cer Slops... Manning's n Jlscnarge. 0.33 ft o 0,,),:19 f-=./f-c o 0 l3 o IJ3 c~s Compu-ced Resul-cs: Dep-ch. . . VeIocl -cy. . :r 1 CJif\T A~e c. . Cr2.tlce,l l)ept:~.. '::::rl Llcal Slops PerceTl-C rull... . rull C3,l:'cKl-cy.. Q !"Il'.x @. 9 4 D . . . . froLlce Number.. 0.0'5 ~-f- 2.65 ~l~S 0.01 s:;: o 09 ft 0.0081 ft:/fL. 19.02 % 0.38 CIS o ~1 CIS ') ,- L~L.) f ::E 1 :Yv\! l S Supercrlt:lcall Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal I-~a~~-=~-.:l. =V~S-c1-1C<~S. ~r_=. - 37 :='i-:,\~~'32-'J2 ?-\j - -,I\-C-=-:=:~~JL:.~~- I 'JS-~S - . {-..\~=-2r~ 1::l5r_~-:2..L r ~O~I\-r !vl:)cl....!.~s, \\J-e~sl==-.!- --; I, C. J ~'::::J ...:.. 7' 71, Co I f,.'-:., Cl~cLlar C~annel AQalysls & Deslgn Solved Kl~~ ~32~~~gls ~Q~a~~cn Open Channel - uniforA flow Workshee-c N3I1le Car\'er COIll!'TLe:-l-C' 2a 2b Solve For Ac-cual Vep-c~ Glven IQPu-c Da~a. Dlame-cer Slope. . . . . . . I\la.rlnirls f s n Dlscharge 0.33 ft o 0042 it;'f-c 0.013 o 03 CIS COI1lputed Resul-cs Del:JI.D. . . (I 11 .c _ LL 1 17 fl:):=: 0 03 sf 0 09 ~t:. VelOCl ty. . ? 10"\^i J,T Eo a . Crltical Dep-ch. C~l L~cal S lOlJe . ?ercent Full. . ~ull C:;,pac2. -:y. QIJj.LJ~ @. 94D. . . . f~oJ.cle ~1~Ii11)2~. C.0081 f:./f~ 34 J7 % 0.12 c~s 'I "~ I.) . -,-': C.;=~ -Q o ~2 (f~o~ lS S~]~:rl~~cal) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal '~: l:"~~-l \=-r-~:: r.:.DE: ~ r J.. 01 J ~\~=-)c '-"'..L 'C r J::;': S2..c'rl .5 __ - \ \(___ I ~9?=- 1-: 2 -== ~ -C 3. j :VJ-== ---=-r~ :)(] S , ~~- -L.!...!._ . _, I ~,r'=<) l: S ~:; -S ?~cJ y it\~ 3. -ce r ~=\iJl~i I -~ _ L- rJ~~J2 / In' ''''/ 7 ') ~ (/~! I C~rcular Cha~nel AnalYS1S & Deslg~ Solved Wlt~ Ma~nlng's ~~ua~lo~ Open Cha~nel - UTIlform =low Workshee-c Kame Carver CC'lT'-l'Len t 2;0 ':::c Solve For AC"C06l De~-c~ Glve~ I~pu-c Data. I: 1 3IT'.e -c'2 r ~lope !V]an,c~~g I S n Dl2'=~3:r-ge o 33 f-c o Oe53 f:./f-c o [J 13 0.13 crs CompL-ce~ ?esu~-cs. Der:t.h Velocl:'Y. F 10"0i }'_!'2 a . Crll:=-cal Dep"Ch C.cl tlcal Slope.. ?e:::cen-c r'Jll.. n 8 x c' 0 1 ~ I S .5 ~ 1 5 c IS 6 l I flO\I,;" ~s \ :1J.ll C::;..l:;aCl-C}'. Q!'ILZ'_:>': @. 94::J . ? F) U r5 e N ;.1:r;-j]:)'::: r Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Origin...J StaumiUc.J \=)~.J2[~ r::_:J.I_Il:=:=- .r ...:...)\/" IV1(=lj-..l~c, \121- .::~C\~-~ :3.-:1:--, ,.. " ...... .- ---) ...!...:;':;;;- ::c~5-=-cJj_ IV~~-=-_ncl(~':; I - , , T =;7 :::~~-C1C)1:'Slde :_,"] 7' \/\-3~-==~:)-j=---\-, ~"[ D':7C3 I[!...,,, I -, C~rcu~~r C~a0~el ~nalysis & Des~gn Solvec WlLh M5~nl~g's EqucLlon ~pen ChEnnel - Unl=crm flow WorkshsSL Name. Carver COlT'Tcen t.":'C 2 d Solve F2r hc~u31 De~~h Gl~Te~ I~put Data- D.lameLer Slope lYI::;nn::...ng's n. D.lsc-,'1e.rge. o 50 l:L 0.0093 fL/fL 0.013 0.38 cfs CJlli~0Lee Resu~~s :;::'eotn . Ve2.oclty. FIC)\^J }._:-es 0.31 It: 2 98 fps o 13 s:r: o 31 It: 0.0089 f:'/I"L. 61.78 % o 54 CIS 0.58 cis Crl tlcc.l De,-::ll:~: Crlt:lcal 210pe :?ercent r'-2ll . :r 'J.ll C a~='13c i t ~y7 Q!\'L;X @. 94cD. . . :r 2::"" 0 LlO S 1\1 u.rnJ:Je ~ 1 (i" _ . _ .J (f~ow lS SupercrlLlca1) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original SubmiUaL__ ~~\~n =~~~n~~ :~OI^1 ~lo6~~~r \ -===..- .=:=-CTl :J , , , L. ' _'55_ 3~ss~~j ~e~ho~sf -~=. 37 3rco\s~6e ~j T ~a:.ert~r~. ~t: J5702 Izj I 1..-__ ( r- 5 Clrc~lar Chan~el Analysls & Des~gn Solved ~T~~h ~Ie~~~ng's Eq~e~lon Open Channel - Unlfor~ flow Wcr~2~ee~ Name. Carver COTILmen t 2d "0 "- - Solve ?or Ac~ual Dep~h Glven InpuL Dcta. Dl3.me::er Slope. l'lannl':1Q t s n Dl5ct12rge o 50 f~ o 0064 f~/I~ 0.013 0.41 CIS COITL!,Jcl"Led PesoJl ts: Dep~h. Velocl ~y. . FlovJ P_Y23. Crl ~lcc.l Depth.. Crl~lCc.l Slope.... ?erceDL f1211. Full Capacl~y Ql'I}"X @ S~D.. ?r0Llde l\Tl.LlnJJer. 0.38 I~ 2.59 IpS 0.16 sf 0.33 ft 0.0093 f,=/f~ 75.11 % 0.45 cfs 0.48 cfs 0.76 (flow lS Subcrlt~cal) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Origm3! SLliJmittc:.1 u~~~ (_~~n~e~ Flov Ma6~l~, \2rS~O~ 3.~_ c; ..... - ,,-- ~'::':J~ ::f -=- ~ L 3'j 11::: ~rl =<~~5 , -..-...-, ....!.... _1 L. . 37 3:!:ool::'sl::-~e ?c, ~\I\~ =-'- r: E: r t1-L ::-j - , (15:1:13 Cl~cula~ Channel Analys~s & Desl~n Solved wlth Ma~~c~L~'S Squat~o~ Open Channel - Unlfor~ flo~ WorKsheeL ~ame' Carver Cow~en~: 2e 2f S81ve ~C~ Ac~ual Depth Glve~ Input Data. Dlarrte~er . 2l :;pe. . . . !V;cmrllng t s n. Di sC}-1.arge . 0.50 =~ 0.0047 fL/fL 0.013 0.41 cis CORpu~ed ResulLs. Del:::'Lh. . . -v~e2.ccl t~l. F lOit\J~ J-_ree. 0.45 f,: 2.20 fi:)'; 0:-~9 sf 0.33 ft O.OJ?3 fL/IL. 90.01 % 0.38 CIS 0.41 cfs 0.49 (t~QW l~ 3UDC~~~lC5l) C~lLl=al Depth. CrlLlcal Slope.. Fe~C:cn L Full.. rLl2. CcP2ClL~i. QI\l_~"\ @. 940 D . . . . r~oude I\Tumber. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original submittal ,~) 1- SIl ___rl:::Ill~:::_ ?~C\\r-l ~'lC>~>L:.i2 r ....} /1.......' -.l.-=_ .., ::' C ....1 \.-=~-~2..:)1-.!. \ t__! :-l6-=:-S-=~_~ !'fJ-==L~-~()j_s r - - _) I .::;= ': :-_-~.s 2-': e -II 1 3. -: 2 :;..- ~J I~ ::- .,i :"]-03 ~..o .l.-. _, =~-l::. "/ '- -10"'"") ~~j == I fi ! I 'I '1") v"J C1rcular Channel Ana~ysls & Des1gn Solved wlth Mann1ng's Equatlon Cpen Channel - unl~orm flow Worksheec Name' Carver COw~enc. 2f 2g Scl~e Po~ Actual Depch G2.. \7er. Inpu~ DaL.e. D1ameter. . Slope. IVJann1ng I s n Dl schc.rge. 0.67 it 0.0050 f--=-/f-c 0.013 o 50 cis CompuL.ed Pes~l~s: Dept.h. . . . . Veloc1 L.Y. . Flow Area. C:':-1t.1C3l Depth. Cr1 -cicc,2, Slope. :?ercent Full.... rul~ C2paclsy. . . . . Q!li~X @. 94D. Frouoe N~~Jer, .. :. o 37 f-c 2 54 fps 0.20 sf 0.33 ft 0.0070 fL./:;:: 54.52 '% 0.87 cis 0.93 cis 0,83 (flow lS Subcr1L1cal' Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Sub'rl,ttz.l___._ JpE~ ':Q5~~sl ~l01~ ~ ,.. - - ~\lC=-:LI...:..~ \'~=--52..=__.!. 3.~~ ,~ \ \'-- J l~-] 1 ':-,3.-2 5 "C ~ .:~ I'v 1 e '= l~ :; =~::: , ....:.._':"'--- . - 37 3~o:~s~6e ?d T 1~E~~~~J~~Yr C'67C1? j'7/ ( '7 ,":J [r -! Clrcular CheTInel Analysls & DeSl~n S~lved wl~h Mannlng's E~ua~l~n \ Open Channel - Unllorm flow wor~s~e2~ Name: Carver Com.menL: 2g 3a Solvs ?or ACLual Depth Glven ~nput Data. Dlame-cer Slope. ]\1 a !lnl2g I S n :Ln scharge . o 61 ft 0.0863 f~/IL o 013 0.5J CIS C00PULSd ?esulLs: DS1:)-ctl. . . Vel~clty.. F lC'hT ..L...~ec. CrlLlcal DepLD. CrlLlcal Slope. :?erce:n-c rl.lll 0.35 f"[ 2 81 fps o 19 S I 0.34 :Et o 0071 I"[/:E-:: 52.78 % 0.97 c:Es 1 C4 c f s o S~ (flow ~s 3ubcr~~~=61) Full CapaclLY. Q)\~_Z._Z @ 94D :- r I~ ~d s }\"iUJ.T'J:)2 ~ !Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 ,if'l,~,: ^ \1:"",,4,", '{'I " 'YiI~~~llliIj ~~I/1i.J.~_. __, ~.~.~^'''=-''''" '~\l:~}~ ;~~_:;...Cr-l~~ ~ -L Jill IV1C)r:li-1.l2 I \Jsrs~c~ -.. -<l-, .).~~ / ( ), , '- , .... "....... "1 ..l...5J...!... ~~ES~~j ~~~n2d~, ~~= 3: :C~C<J}":'El\js?C1 -.- -,\IC-:ST~)t~=--~-, C-c C6!IJ3 ! 0 / / '7 ,"), v" Clrcular Channel ~nalysis & Deslgn Eolved ~l~h Manning's ~~ua~lon ~pen Channel - U~lior~ flow WorKshee~ Na~e: Carver COI:"GTlen t. J a 6 Solve F~r Ac~ual DepLh Glven Inpu~ Data. Dlameter Slcpe. Mannlng I s n D::...scharge. 1.00 f~ 0.0[14:5 :E-t::/=~ o 013 1 49 CIS CompuLed Rescl-t::s. I:epLh \le2-:)cl ty. ::=-loiN )'I_reo,. Crl"Clcal Dep~h Cc.. ~lcal Slope. ?e~c:enL ~ul~. ?ul~ ,= 3.1=>ac 2. ~~l . 0.57 :LL 3.21 fps 0.46 sf 0.:52 0.0062 f~/ft :57.19 % 2.29 cfs Qf'1)'1.X @. 94jJ. . ~r()IJj9 !\fLlrnbe~ 2.:5: \...-.1-;:, C.. 8= (flo.v,' 18 SUJ::!c::1--::.:c.::cl) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 . , ~ il~' T ' Onglnch ,_ ~, )m'lU.;;L_- '=;o-=rl <~.- r2.5=-_l12J... ? 2J.)'l'l iv~ol~ u.J..~ , \J-=~-~~:'\l~ ~ ^ ~ J.-:!:L .... ,........, r, "1 _::J::;;...!.. 1-23-:::::: -=~.<:~ I\12L~1=,d s / T 3/ ~rcl:)v~.3l':.e .?Ij -- ~,\Ts_-:2r}JL.lr~-, ~ '- 1=16703 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Sc~ved Wl~~ Mannlng's 2QuaLlon Open Cnannel - Unlform flew Wor~shee~ Nane: Carver COffi.!llen L 4b LL=o -'-" 501-\72 Fo~ P~c~Llal DS1J"Cr1 Gl~sn Input Da~a :Q~aJllSLer iJ SO ::"-c o 0055 f-c/f-c 0.013 0.36 ::fs Slope. I\la_:rl~:l..ng I s n I'ls;:::har,;e COK~u~ed 2esul~s. Depth 0.36 L-C 2.39 fps 8.15 sf o 30 :!:-c 0.0887 f~/fL 71 81 % o 42 cfs o 45 C2:S G 73 (~lo~ lS SUbC~l~l=6~) \leloc:... L:.\i . . :r 1 CJ\A,i ~~rE: a Crl ~lcal Depth.. :rl::lcc,l S2,ope ~'2rce:--!-c ?Jll ?ull Cepacl-cy. ,:!Ivl?J.=< @ 9 4D . . ?rc.'e-.de ~'.Ju.i1'.}=,sr. Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original SubmIttal =) l=\~~.!. - - "-~ ___.:. ~ :111:::_ -I I c' .).-=:...::'.. ..- ......., 1-' .- .L::' J _ \' ~~- 3lClr.:. I,:": ! ~_L:J\<; !\lr-='i)"'::"J..~ i-:c ~ s -::: =' =\~e -:11:' ~.3 I - ~~ aTC~l~S~~~ ?d 7 I~\ ':' -; ,3 ~,\;:::-=~2- D~~~,- I '- ~ __.1........ . ,~ I / I / ~l F ! L- 3 I r;!..j {...-, ~ ( L-3, C~rcGlar Channel An31ysls & Des~g~ Solved wl~h Man~ln~'s EQuatlon Open Cha~nel - Un~fo~~ flow Workshee~ Name' Carver "" :'JITUl1ent: 4}:) 6 So~ve Fer Actual Depth Glven Inpe~ DaLa: Dlarneter Sl:::Jpe !'jann:;'::1g 's n I'lscharge. o 67 fL o 0045 f1:/fL 0.013 o 67 CIS CompULe~ Resel~s. Dep~h. . . Velocl~Y. ?low pxea. Crl t.leal I)El:>t~. Crltlcal 310pe .. Ferc2nt :ull. 0.46 f-c ~u:;'l Capacl~Y. Q!'~_"-.X @'. 94[' . . froue-=: N'.-:.IiJ:Jel-. 2 60 fps o 2E: SI o 39 n: 0.C076 ft/f-c 68 63 % 0.82 CIS 0.28 I__J...~ 0;:1 (Ile1;! lS S'l])c:-l::lcall Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original SubrruU.a1 =ll:;-:::~-l I=';: c..r-.:.D '== l :r ..1 \:)\/\1 ~Vl :)\') i....!.l S f -- , \/=l~l\.~Ll -::, I -' . -= ~ - l ,--) J...'::i::J_ H~~.;"C:::j j"lc"L.l-_:'-:1S Ir-l=. -- 37 :="~~()\:ll~S2-j2 ~Ij_ ~ \\;6tert\...lr~-{ c=:. :=1':~03 19/7'2, ( ---' Clrc~lBr Chcnnel A~alys~2 ~ DeslgG So~vec W~~~ ~GnLlng's Equa~loD Open Channel - UDlfarm flow Worksheet Name Carver CornJnen t . 6 7 Solve Fo~ Ac-cuel Dep-ch Glve~ Inpu~ Dete. Dlarneter Slope I\1Je.nnlng-' s r1.. [;:l..scha~ge. 1 00 f-c 0 00 0 I-c/:::-C CJ 01 2 16 cfs 0 7:!' :L"C 3. 61 -1'-" rc ....!...1.-/ .:::;. 0 60 SI Comp~Led Resul-cs: Der)tll. . . \Teloci -cy. FL::vJ Area. Cr~ ~2-cc.l Del~Lh.. Crltlc61 Slope ... Percer~"[ ?ull.. Full Cap3.c l -cy . QI\1}-_X @. 9 4D . . . . 2rouoe rJ'lffiJJer. D 63 I"C o Oe71 f~/f-c 71 3[1 -% 2.5:2 CIS :2 71 Cf2 0.78 (ilo1~ ~s Subc~l~lcal) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 '- Original submittal _'_:'-=:Il -. , __Ilci~~l:::::-1- ? L=-' '"T Tr__'_I_ 1\1",) _1 '..1..l 'C r I. ~2..-S-=-<:\~-! :: ~ .., : = J -I -\ ~ i ..L::':;I.J... ::~ 2.=: L>:;.O I\lE"[:r~O=3S, -:-nr -- ~ ~ ~=:=lC:::3-=-5e ?~C~ -- i!\-C_L9~-JJI__=:~r", C-;: 0 S 7 C 3 T~apezoidal Channel ~na~ysls & Deslgn Open Chcnnel - UTIlforro flow ~Tc:kshEe~ I~ame: Ca~ver COJllmen-e Qlt::ch at:: 340' hTest o~ entrance SolVE: For Dep-eh Glven Input:: Dat::a: BOL ~om \lv-ldth. Lef~ S~de Slope . Rlgh~ Slce Slope. Mannlng's n...... C:r-_c,nnel Slope. Dlsc~arge. CCllipLLeo ~~sul~2: Dep-eh .... Ve-LOcl-::::Y . Flcl\tl }lrea. . ? l':'~N -;rop 1';ldL~l. . . Wet~ed ?e~l~2~e~. Crl--==-cel 2ep-cll Cl-l -=2..C~~ SlOlJS. ?rollcLe I\TurrJJE:Y. =' l:=-lc- r1 '--=: 1.-1. a Dl:. 2 ~ :- ~ : \/\1 I,~ I:; ~ 1...12- c :t3.2 ~ -= c:1 !Vl= Lh~\l:_S I ~=--12 . 2.75 It:: o .:2S'l (Ei:V) 0.25:2. (H:V) 0.0:3 0 o OC30 ft/f-c 2.68 c:Es 0.5S ::="C l. :5 5 ~lJS 1.72 SI 3 05 LL:. 3 93 IL:. o 31 IL:. 0.0242. ~-c(fL o 36 (flo1~ ~s SU~c~ltlc21) Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal " :=: 2: =: l C l-l :.. -1 ~ 1-\ - ' ~~/? 1 -:'7 ~~(,)CJL:3-=-5-=== ?~d ~ -\IT::-_-=Slt\ll~~-, J6-;O~ - ' !-C; ,/ - r'" ( . ~ , 0/ _ T~epezoldal Chcnn~l Analysls & Deslgn Open Channel - Unlfo~~ flow '/1/ v ( 7) l,.-...\'1 Wo~ksnee~ Name: Carver Co~~ent. eDt-ranee to dlceh .:: ol-\Te ?or DelJth Glven In~~~ Data: Bot:.~:::lIn Wldth. Left- Slje Slope.. Klg~t- Slde Slope. Monnlng l s n.. . . ChaImel Slcpe.. 02-SCrL3.1~ge . ::! 50 I-c 0.25.1 (H:V) 02:5:1 (H.V) o OJO 0.0030 It-1ft 2.16 eI,::: CC)::;'tyJ.-cS:t rtssl.ll ts De~:J-ch - 'v-elC)Clty . F lc\A,I -"'.rea. Flow Top Wldch. . . We~tej Per~mete~. Crlclcel Depch... Crl~lc~l ~~ope.. ~ ?~cl~jc.e ~'Jt:.mt\er. o 55 IL _ 48 =ps 1 46 sz ~ l3 f-c. 3 54 It o L Co TT o 0.248 fC/IC J 26 (flo~T is SG~cr~~lcall /' Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal FJ~=' C: ~-_ ~::. ~ !'2.Tl -= 1 :::' 2- ::)~,\;- IY~:-J C I.) l:=: , \J2r22-0::! ':! /1 ') {..-. \ .... . --=........ \ '-- / ~~, ~ 1 ~:::~'::~CI~ ~\{jc:-C::-10C::: I ~r~_= 37 ~r~~~s~62 F~ ~ ~B~S~0~~}T, '- ~ o ,5 7 ~J :: -z.z..! -; - ') { v_ Trcpe=Oldal ChGn~el A~alys~s & De5lg~ Open Channel - Uniform flow WorKsheet Name Carver Co::mTlen t: ch tch a L :!. / O' 1'Je S L C f en Lre::1Ce 3:)1-/e Fer DepLh Glven =nput DaLe 30tL0r1 irhdth. LefL Slce SlOlJe Rlght Slde Slope Mannln;- 's n... C~E.nne2- Slope ~l s(:I1a.rge 2.50 ft 0.251 (E'V) 025:1 (H'V) 0.030 0.0030 fL/ft. 2.42 ci's l..- CompuLed ResulLE. CrlL~c31 Dep~n... Crl ClOG2- Slope r~Ou.C:.S l\'t:.::rcber ... 0 60 fo - '- 1 53 IpS 1 58 c;-C ~.L 2. 80 I"C ") '/3 fL -' 0 30 .r=~ ~L DelJL.c_ . Ve2.oc l t:l . f lO'vJ l:.reB . Flo~ Top 1~ld~n. . . WeLLed :CerlITl2Ler. 0.024:5 f-c/ft 0.36 {~low ~s Subcr~~lcal, Date Received: , APR 1 8 2008 Original Submitta. I,=~:-~_f). I=:-~~!'~r:s~ ?~(J~I\- ~,f~OjU~S, \j-e=---3l=\~~ = ~~ I' .- ) ,~ ; ~9?i ~~2S~~~ IJ!s~~c:s, ~~C =7 2rG0}:5~j~ ?j - ~~at2~c~~~~r i_~ O~~J2 ~rapezoldal Chan~El Analys~3 5 ~Esi?~ Open Chan~el - Unliorffi flow -.. ,.,., ! L.)/<jr-; ( ././.:' \1\~c)r-"~5heel Ne.rne: Car\.Tsr Co~~en~ outfa~~ a~ bloswale Solue ?or Depth Glven Inp0~ Data: BG':~OIT1 Wlc~~h Lef~ Slcle S18I>e Rlgh~ Slde Slc>pe ]\1a:1n~ng I s n... C:f1c_nnel Sl':)}.=>e. :Jl3c:llo~\~e . 4.00 r~ o 25 1 (H.V) 0.25:1 (E:V) O.O::?O o 0030 f~/f~ 2 95 CIS Ccmp~~ed FcSU~LS: F~O-t^,i .l"_~S5. a 0.49 r~ 47 IpS :2.00 sf 4" 2 4 IT ::1.00 :-c C 26 1.. ,_ Q.023 fL/fL S.38 :loi;/ l5 S'0bcrl"Clcs.l) Del:::>~h. . . . Veloclty Floll\- Top WldUl. 1~E~~ed PeYlID8LEr Crl"C~ccl Leptr-;... C~l-clCcl ':::lope ? r (J tJ G S ~ \1 UITLJ := r . Date Received: APR 1 8 2008 Original Submittal i-:3-~s-c~j l~s~r~:{.::; fiT ~'"; 3~,=-()L~~:..j-= :.j. ... i/\~~L.S~~='~::Y- f t__ ~ Jr~70S C) ~=!~':-l 1:.r1. S ;-l:'-~ ~ 1 r ~ :,- l ~\1 ~ :~lJ ~-= \-S~ ;:;~C\~ ") ~ 2 - . \ - I "'i :) ,:;...,