HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 1/14/2008 . ' \'PRE-SUBMI'1 ~:4L DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: J-15-D~ / Dave Puent - Building \/" /Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire V Gary McKenney - Traffic ,/ Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst(Jon Driscoll, Surveying Planner, fYl M itA ' - / PRE-SUBM\1lAl REC'D JAN 14 Z008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax f r- '?F""I f~"" ~ - ~-~- fiJ\.b'\ ~\~gc1~'l WiL~AINGFI~ ,~ ~ :~ ~ - ~ r- - " 1- """ "" , '_ '\oJ J "-^, -, ~ -~,-" " JAN 1 ~" Z008 . Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00005 Date Submitted: 1/14/2008 Proiect Name: CARVER PAVING 3654 KATHRYN Project Description: Pre-Submittal meeting for Site Plan Review for asphalt paving project for an existing industrial use Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: 3654 KATHRYN AVE Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702304306401 DISCLAIMER: ApplIcatIOns WIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal ofthe ApplIcatIon for Development ReVIew. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 wIth any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PlanlobPrmt rpt 1/14/2008 121.16PM f'"'lr- ~ 11',' -\ '--::-7"\, "-,~ r I-U- ~ I~_\' _~ '''''I' '/i,.., 'I ~ I'; 1., 1 1_ :_~ 11 ~'\b t':lU(,,~,l'IL') i ' 'I !. ~"J\V JAN 1 4 Z008 Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATb: Tuesday, January 29,2008 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00005 (SITE IbNT) CARVER Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-43 TL 6400, 6401 Address: 3654 Kathryn Avenue Existing Use: Rental business Applicant submitted plans to pave around existing building and related site improvements Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Molly Markarian bty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 JAN 1 ~ 2008 -'--',,- '"! ' \~" ,~[-,,~,S I ,'_ '> ", ' , b p' I, c \.,1 I!..i ~ j'\bCltt..:'r,hq'it,. I'~ "~J ~ J~ Site Plan Review ~ , ,.- Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: IKl Site Plan Review Submittal: D Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: I Ma"or Site Plan Modification Submittal: Applicant Name: Rene Fabricant, P. E., S. E. Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Phone: 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Or 97477 ,~ ,""" I..",~..... _ ~-:: /" I ....." ~ R , ~ ' , ~~:: . Applicant's Rep.: Rene Fabricant, P. E., S. E. Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Or 97477 Phone: 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 l_i~""'~l'~!'-r~"-~, ......r....~~-.e-" !~~,~,-.!....'~<... --:~,'.... r ..._,_-< ,~I ~ -'~-:;'~-w'''~r.1_1 r','1 ~ _ l< ~_~ ~... , ~~, '_ I r "'" J ~l _ Property Owner: Scott Carver Phone: I Fax: 503-545-4121 Company: Address: 1993 Misty Meadow Drive, Folsom, CA 95630 ~I~" J~=~' - --~ ~ 'i' ~1 ,.~. _,. _ .. ...... _ . 1 - , ~ "; . j"_ - "," ,I ~ " . '... -....~,. , '~; ,.:,.....~..) . ii ~ '" ' ~... __ ,- ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-43 Property Address: 3654 Kathryn Ave. Size of Property: 52,715 TAX lOT NO(S): 6400, 6401 Acres 0 Square Feet [KJ Proposed Name of Proiect: Asphal t Paving for Scott Carver Property .,.::-....::1 ..~I ~?~ -., 1].....,' ',)l,p_~~,_t Jj -~~h.... ~\I.C'- ~ ,~_, _. ~ ~ _~- _. w' 'oR ,,' ~ " ,_-) -, ~ L ~ Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thiS appIJcation. Proposal: Asphalt Paving around existing building & related site improvements Existing Use: Rental of construction equipment New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 51. 9>~~ sf I Si, natures: Please siqn and rint your name and date in the ap ro riate box on the next paqe. " ,... . . . ,,' . . ,. '" .~ -. ". c. .. . . , - - Associated Applications: Signs: Pre-Sub Case No.: elL 'Utftr i'JJ5D C; Date: { J 4/t4S Reviewed by: \(/~ Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ !.e~~~~~.~,;;Jiff,r,';~!!\~*,':;1{'~~"'1lI;"~'~Jlf~I~l\-:i'\~(~-'~~'$y,,;,~,,~~~,,,;,~,~.,\~,!!-~~<;~r.r.~l~:!~;'~~'~C~; ~~'I~:WlS~~t:,!"'1 Revised 1/1/08 Mollv Markanan ~ ~ ~ \ /1-'1 (0 ~ I J ( .. 0-0 A1IV\ 1 nf 1 n r:~~\I~ :" ~~'1 \ ~~-;f ~\ II r-l~ / d,,~\ ,j ~ J ",l" ,i"_ ,I [" J, , B ~'i.b t...'(:::-.fu..~J~~~~: ~~ .fl~I:J\c# U Owner Signatures JAN 1 4 zeD8 This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete appl"lcat"lon c::ubm"ltt::l1 rhAlner c::innarur""s ::Ire ron"irod at both st::.gec:: in th"" ::Ipplir::lt"lon '-....... ......1..... .....,,,...............,::11"" '- ....._1_'1-....... . ................ "II",,"W '''''_'''1 process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the mformation in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meebng. daQt~ ...7: Jbff /A-rII-t_r- Print Date: JIll/Of I' Submittal - Owner: I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herem or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertamIng to a co~rjr7J ~ Date: / /1/ j;) ~ Qnaiure- ' / /. " ---r c;lA>t! L~~ pnm !:l~"'c:~rl 1/1/nl=l Mnllv M::.rk::.r;::." ") nf 1 n CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00005 3654 Kath'ryn Avenue ,II~JC-S:r II I , I 1:,\ ~ ~'l,',',:,.I--'-T~--r----'--:'-'---'-'--' -~E ~.J:~_~~ i I . P ~- ~ -. ~ . : h- I l-en . '+.!l J,' tri ~ 1 i 1 I (T) ~ ~ 1/' 1_ I J I' f_i, .KMit. ~ ~'mnE~h [I, Ii III HI r I [L"=~1-C-llr-lf~ /" . I il -en ; I J I i ~ ,I 'o~ j I I :r: I I-F ,- -0011 1,/ 1I..l.! ,I HI...... ,.I,d -~oo i ::n j -, I~' i 00. ~ ~I -:r: I I pi 1 , ~J M1 - I 0) I ' , i I I I' LI= III .-co I -~ j jI , II I co LI I II I ,'~dl 1 ; I I :::L,LJi!,) _ ' L-.....l " JI SITE Map 17-02-30-43 Tax Lot 6400, 6401 . North ~ " . r January 10, 2008 ;-,-...~ ,"11\ 1',-~\:11;1 ~/-,~.'--'l\) & ~:.~r-">;l' jrj~~~ IJJ:L, I:\~~~J U Staff Planner Planmng DIvIsIOn Development ServIces Department City of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Street Spnngtield, Oregon 97477 JAN 1 4: Z008 Project Information Applicant: Branch Engmeel'mg. Inc For Scott Carver Site addresses: 3654 Kathryn Avenue, Spnngfield Tax Map: 17-02-30-43, Tax Lots 6400 and 6401 Attachments: PRE-SlJBMITT AL Site Plan Application, Type II For the "Asphalt Pavmg for Scott Carver" proJect, and related sIte Improvements The fee for the pre-application meeting, $336, a check from Scott Carver to the City of Springfield Seven copies of the civil engineering drawing set, by Branch Engineering, Inc., 10/1 0 One additional Copy of the site plan reduced to 8 7't" ,~ 11", 1/1 Three copies of an Email from lVlatt Stouder, P.E., for storm-water scopmg requIrements One cop~ of the warranty deed, 1/1 One copy of the preliminary title report, 4/4 Three copies of the Drainage evaluation and storm-water calculations 23/23 Three copies of a Technical .Memorandum by Damien Gilbert, P.E. regarding a the necessity of a Traffic Impact Study, 1/1 " / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING , . Dear Planner Please review the attached documents I hope that you find th1s apphcation complete and easy to follow Below IS a summary response to the sIte plan reVIew application requirements Application fee: $336 1S attached for the pre-submIttal r ~', I~! 'L~ ,1~ l~L' II I [: F~ ::- ~1I~~ D ~\).~ (I , ( ,j""t'l ,lL ~ ~"'":J"'\c'l ~ Right-of-Way Approach permit application: Does not apply JAN 1 ~ 2S08 Storm water Management system study: , Please see the attached correspondence from Matt Stouder, PE, dated January 2, 2008 Traffic Impact Study: Please review the techmcal memorandum by Damien GIlbert, P E , 1/1 Project discussion: The property IS zoned as Heavy Industnal Adjacent propertIes to the North, East, and West are also Heavy Industnal PropertIes on the south side of Kathryn Avenue are Low DenSIty ReSIdentIal The chent proposes to construct asphalt pavement around the eXIsting steel bUIldmg on Tax Lot 6401 and some asphalt pavement on Tax Lot 6400 The eXIstmg bUIldmg was ongmally used by Caner Electnc as an electncal contractor's shop and storage buildmg The bUIldmg is presently leased to Safway Supply (a ThyssenKrupp Sel'Vlces Company) Safivay Supply rents construction equipment to buildmg contractors and to the general pubhc The area outSIde of the bUIldmg IS used for storage of rental scaffolding aQd other eqUIpment intended for rental That arrangement wIll remam unchanged A cham hnk fence WIth green slates will be constructed, so as to obscure the rental eqUIpment area from VIew from Kathryn Avenue Other Improvements are those WhICh are reqUIred to conform to the CIty of Spnngfield development Code AccessIble route, accessIble parking, Covered bIcycle storage, landscapmg and approaches Presently, there IS no storm-water collection system, roof down-spouts lead directly to the ground adjacent to the bUIldmg Surface water at the gravel area around the buIlding collects m puddles A storm-water conveyance system IS proposed This system wIll conSIst of catch basins from the pavement areas and pIpmg from roof down-spouts The pipmg system shall convey storm-water to a dItch 09- Tax Lot 6400, from there to a bio-filtration swale on Tax Lot 6400 Storm-water shall eXIt the blO-filtration swale and be conveyed to the City ofSpnngfield's eXIstmg 24" concrete storm-water pIpe at 35th Street : Access Access IS presently uncontrolled from the Kathryn Avenue nght-of-way onto the SIte Two 37' WIde approaches are proposed Improvements in the right-of-way Kathryn Avenue IS unimproved at the frontage of the parcels and for 582 feet to the east The asphalt pavement sectIon IS 20 feet WIde, there are no curbs, walks, gutter-bars, streethghts, storm-water pIpmg, or contmuous ditches ' Future Improvements to Kathryn Avenue for the two properties to the east of the subject tax lots shall occur based on an eXIstmg development agreement . . ' ~ On-site improvements Tax-lot 6400 is ummproved, there are no trees on thIS parcel On tax-lot 6401, there is an eXIstmg steel frame 90' x 192' bUIlding, bUIlt in 1972 The sIte area around the bUIldmg is compacted gravels, there is no pavement on sIte There IS eXIstmg electncal servIce, telephone service, sarutary sewer, and l r-", , :~' ," " ~ k,: f"~,:,,,; 0 Mtl\'~ ~""IJ4uJ~~1 ,::;I ~:J water supply Piping from the nght away to the eXIstmg bUIldmg , ",' ,- JAN 1 ~ ZC08 Water quality measures Roof and pavmg storm-water shall be conveyed to a newly constructed dItch on Tax Lot 6400, from there to a bIO-filtratIOn swale on Tax Lot 6400 Storm-water shall eXIt the bio-filtratIOn swale and be conveyed to the City of Springfield's eXIsting 24" concrete storm-water pipe at 35th Street Water conveyed over pavement shall pass through two-chambered water quality catch-basins, pnor to entenng the dItch and bIO-filtratIOn swale Special site features There are no watercourses, wetlands, or steep slopes on the SIte, or m the Immediate vicmIty There ~iS approXimately one foot of elevatIOn change across the site The SIte is sparsely covered With grav~l, grasses and clovers Excavation and fill ApproXimately 170 cubiC yards of material wIll be excavated and relocated on Tax Lot 6400 to constructed the dramage dItch and bio-filtratIon swale, zero cubiC yards of imported granular fill wIll be placed on Site Trees to be removed None \ Dedications and modifications These are no land dedicatIOns to the CIty assocIated with thiS project No proposed modifications are bemg requested Other planning applications or planning actions There are no other planmng applIcatIons or planmng actIOns assocIated With thIS property at thIS tIme \ I hope that this summary is of some assistance, please call me if you have any questIOns -y~~V ;:> Rene Fabncant, P E , S E Pnncipal Bl anch Engmeenng, Inc (541) 746 0637 I' ' . I I I 1 , \-', - \ '\ ,-~ ~ /~ \ ~ --.~ ~ ,J"l~"" ' " '"I, -;",,1 V f JAN 1 <~. ze08 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: January 2, 2008 To: Mr. Rene' Fabricant, P.E., S.B. Branch Engineering, Inc. From: Damien Gilbert, P.E. Re: Asphalt Paving Project at 3654 Kathryn Avenue Branch Project No. 07-194 EXPIRES: JUNE 30. 2009 'As requested, I have researched applicable criteria in an effort to identify if a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) will be required by the City of Springfield for the subject project. This is not , intended to be an impact study, but is intended to be the basis for determining if further analysis will be required, and identifying the scope of that analysis, if necessary. The subject site is located at the intersection of Kathryn and 3ih Streets in the heavy industrial zone. In Summary, the project includes paving approximately 1.75 acres of existing graveled parking and vehicle circulation areas that surround an existing building. The building is currently occupied by an equipment rental use. There are no new buildings or uses proposed with this paving proj ect. Based on Springfield Development Code (SDD) Section 4.2-1 05AA, and the criteria of Springfield Public Works Department policy S.O.P.P. #T-6.l, a TIS is not expected to be required with this project by the City of Springfield, as the proposed paving and the associated landscape and drainage improvements will not generate any new vehicle trips on an average day with the exception of the temporary construction related traffic. Also, there is no request for a variance from the transportation provisions in SDD, and I am unaware of any known traffic problems in this area warranting a TIS based on existing off-site issues. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide any additional assistance. ,,- / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING , \ . Page 1 of 1 'If ,. Rene Fabricant From: To: Sent: Subject: "STOUDER Matt" <mstouder@cl spnngfield or us> <rene@branchenglneenng com> Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11 10 AM No Scoplng Sheet required for Site on Kathryn HI Rene, -J As discussed earlier today (1/2/08) on the phone, I do not need a scopmg sheet for the property you are working on along Kathryn Avenue Having spent a large amount of time working With you on the site With you dunng prelimmary planning, I feel comfortable movmg forward wlo a scopmg sheet Of course, the standard requirements of site plan review would stili apply Let me know If you have any other questions Thanks, Matt Stouder, PE CIVil Engmeer City of Sprmgfield, PubliC Works Oept Phone (541) 736-1035 Fax (541) 736-1021 Emall mstouder@cl springfield or us "\ Fl\- I' f I \ ---,; 1 'J ~-:Jr~ \ I r' I I I \ 1 ~--. -, .-.... 1 1,\, ,',' ,'I, "1" ""'0 ..l::i ",#.1'-1/1,'1 It, {\I~;~ if I JAN 1 ~. 2008 No ViruS found In this incoming message Checked by A VG VersIOn 7 5 516/ ViruS Database 269 17 13/1207 - Release Date 1/2/08 11 29 AM 1/2/08 , ~ E.... LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location: PRE2008-00005 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Site Plan Tentattve) Carver - Molly M _SP _ConfRm616 Tue 1/29/200811:00 AM Tue 1/29/200812:00 PM Start: End: Recurrence: (none) PREoSUSMfTTAl REC'D JAN 1 4 2008 Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees: LAFLEUR Karen, MARKARIAN Molly, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submittal Meetmg for a Site Plan Tentattve has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 29, 2008 @ 11'00 - noon m DSD 616. The planner assigned to this application is Molly Markanan. The applicant submitted plans to pave around existing building and related site improvements Please confirm your attendance at this meeting. Thanks . Karen 1