HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/14/2008 ;City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 J/~01 1 ( ?C1tl Site Plan Review Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: [KJ t~ite Plan Review Submit:tal: LJ Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: I Ma' or Site Plan Modification Submittal: . , J I I Applicant Name: Rene Fabricant, P. E., S. E. Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Or 97477 I "", ; , Phone: 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 Applicant's Rep.: Rene Fabricant, P. E., S. E. Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Or 97477 I , ^' - _' - '" " ,'- _ " Phone: 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 Property Owner: Scot t Carver Phone: 503-545-4121 Company: Fax: Address: 1993 Misty Meadow Drive, Folsom, CA 95630 ~..~?~ __~~~ l ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-43 Property Address: 3654 Kathryn Ave. Size of Property: 52,715 TAX LOT NO(S): 6400, 6401 Acres 0 Square Feet [RJ Proposed Name of Project: Asphalt Paving for Scott Carver Property I .. -,....:. ~ ..- j _-t'"'; " _ .._~.- \ ~ 1 ~'Ji' \ " Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptron to this appfJcatron. Proposal: Asphalt Paving around existing building & related site improvements Existing Use: Rental of construction equipment New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg_ Gross Floor Area): 5'11 9,~~ sf Si, natures: Please si n and ~rint our name and dateJn the ae, ~o riate box on the next , , - - Associated Applications: Pre-Sub Case No.: ()~ 2fb0>- tiYJDc:; Date: ( l-ijt-Lo Signs: I Revie\A,fed by: \?~ Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Pr\-US00. .- 6(j)0-T- I',,,' \\N:n,~\"}'- _"'_~:;-:t";>".,'1l,:"~"i-l",,,-",,,,:'-_.~','V,"<'"",":1" i~'i,~~.:: ",'':;',1'"'" '(, -'''7'' ~-,'J',i";, ':, "''>::!/T:;;>",:i''t;" <'\' \>'{'''''''~l\':i'''':'',~,'':n,,~>;," ',-\.:",b" '::'~" ,~,"t'-' ,,"""""'";'~"""'':i''^'' Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarran l ~ ~ \ '2_? (0 Z:> , J ( - DU A-vtA 1 nf 1 n Owner Signatures PRE~SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 1 4 Z008 This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent romplota appl'lcatl'on cubml'tt:::ll lI,^/not" cinn::ltut"oc :::lro 1"01"11 Jirad at both ct:::l90C in tho :::lpplil":::lt"lon """ '-'- I ..., II "'''''',. '-"""'1"-' ""'::111"-'1"- ''-'''''''''''1_1'-'1_..- '"' ......."''''''' _...,.. '-01.'-..... 1'-'_"'"" process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. " Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meetmg. r4!)~~ ~nature "--- :' .--.-- ("'"I/): ...7,. LJ bel-- LA--rJ/--U- Print Date: ;/11/0 ~ , , Submittal - Owner: I I represent thIS application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herem or the informatIOn Will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begm processing the application with the information as submitted. ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertalnmg to a ~]]P7J ~ Signature-- ~ ~U)t! -----=;-, Prmt Date: 1//1/1 /J ~ /~~ '---"" p"'\/Ic:",rl 1/1/nR M/'IlIv M::lrlr::lri::ln ? /'If 1 n PRE2008-00005 Paving and Associated Site Development 3654 Kathryn Ave. -17-02-30-43, TL 6400 & 6401 Site Context Map PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O . JAN 1 4 2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax J t, !\I t ! ? ~ , Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00005 Date Submitted: 1/14/2008 Proiect Name: CARVER PAVING 3654 KATHRYN Project Description: Pre-Submittal meeting for Site Plan Review for asphalt paving project for an existing industrial use Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: 3654 KA THRYN AVE Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702304306401 I ^, (', /i I, "U:" ,j ><1 ' ,< i-,,', , "< I , (, '1<1<')(' t I <\, , I}I I" ,,\ ,I " , ,Me"e,tingDate!Tvne: I' ~~', ' "T d J ' 29 '2008 \ I ,<:"-."" ^ A ~ I "", ":"iueSay,"anua~:I':i;' '::}.,: ~':~U":'~'/~' " , Meeting Room' ." 615/616 I' I, 'I i" ' '1:)1, ,:" ,~" IY\. .A~'i:~U,i~,:\~i;\ \, "):', I \' y ''\ , I i'l ," , '\"'i""""" I. I l (~, (" : ,~>t' I l' t~/( 'II I ' ,: C < ' I I Planner i'l II /, I '"" <"i DISCLAIMER: ApplicatIOns WIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and Submittal of the ApplicatIOn for Development ReVIew Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questIOns or concerns, A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PlanlobPnnl rpl 1/14/2008 12116PM , PREaSUBMiTt~l RECiD JAN 1 4 2008 Pre-Submittal ~eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEErIN(} DATE: Tuesday, January 29,2008 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00005 (SITE TENT) CARVER Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-43 TL 6400, 6401 Address: 3654 Kathryn Avenue Existing Use: Rental business Applicant submitted plans to pave around existing building and related site improvements Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Molly Markarian CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00005 3654 Kathryn Avenue IgIC-~T n , , I / '\.. ( ~)' I ~~105 <;! 'c. I~ ~ ,!+~- ~ :1) ,dJ m~. r !:I I I J I" id ~,' . '_I, I'~ Iii 1 1-.' ~ H ~ ,:, OJ, J:, F - - -00, . L Ii t--: t (J) " :n J 1 I td -~cIi M -l-i~r -1 5): 'IIMII.:...I= I~I-~ ! '! ,~yg 1--1 I I d I I SITE Map 17-02-30-43 Tax Lot 6400, 6401 + North PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 4 2008 f " CIVIL January 10, 2008 James A Branch, P E , P L S Rene Fabncant, S E , P E Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E PRE~SUBMiTIAl RECiD JAN 1 4 2008 Staff Planner Plann1l1g DIVISIon Development ServIces Department CIty of Spnngfield 225 FIfth Street Spllngtield, Oregon 97477 Project InformatIon Applicant: Blanch Engmeellllg, Inc For Scott Carver Site addresses: 3654 Kathryn Avenue, Spnngfield TaA Map: 17-02-30-43, Tax Lots 6400 and 6401 Attachments: , PRE-SlJBMITT AL Site Plan Application, Type II F or the "'Asphalt Pavmg for Scott Carver" proJect, and related sIte Improvements The fee for the pre-application meeting, $336, a check from Scott Carver to the City of Spnngfield Seven copies of the civil engineering drawing set, by Branch Engineering, Inc., 10/10 One additional Copy of the site plan reduced to 8 1Iz" x 11", III Three copies of an Email from :Matt Stouder, P.E., for storm-water scopmg reqUIrements One copy of the warranty deed, III One copy of the preliminary title report, 4/4 Three copies of the Drainage evaluation and storm-water calculations 23/23 Three copies of a Technical Memorandum by Damien Gilbert, P.E. regarding a the necessity of a Traffic Impact Study, III r-- STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION / SURVEYING ~ "'~'''''' Dear Planner Please reVIew the attached documents I hope that you find this applIcatIOn complete and easy to follow Below IS a summary response to the site plan review apphcatIOn requirements Application fee: $336 IS attached for the pre-submIttal PREcSUBMiTIAl REC'D JAN 1 J. 2008 .0; Right-of-Way Approach permit application: Does not apply Storm water Management system study: Please see the attached correspondence from Matt Stouder, PE, dated January 2, 2008 Traffic Impact Study: Please reVIew the techmcal memorandum by DamIen GIlbert, P E , 1/1 Project discussion: The property IS zoned as Heavy Industrial Adjacent propertIes to the North, East, and West are also Heavy lndustnal Properties on the south Side of Kathryn Avenue are Low DenSIty ReSidentIal The clIent proposes to construct asphalt pavement around the eXIstmg steel buIldmg on Tax Lot 6401 and some asphalt pavement on Tax Lot 6400 The eXIstmg bUIldmg was ongmally used by Canel Electnc as an electncal contractor's shop and storage bUIldmg The bUIldmg IS presently leased to Salway Supply (a ThyssenKmpp SerVlces Company) SajiFay Supply rents constructIon equipment to bUIldmg contractors and to the general publIc The area outside of the bUlldmg IS used for storage of rental scaffolding and other eqUIpment mtended for rental That arrangement Will remam unchanged A cham lmk fence wIth green slates WIll be constructed, so as to obscure the rental eqUIpment area from VIew from Kathryn Avenue Other ll11prOvements are those which are reqUIred to conform to the CIty of Spnngfield development Code Accessible route, accessible parkmg, Covered bIcycle storage, landscapmg and approaches Presently, there IS no storm-water collection system, roof down-spouts lead directly to the ground adjacent to the bUIldmg Surface water at the gravel area around the bUIldmg collects m puddles A storm-water conveyance system IS proposed ThiS system Will consist of catch basins from the pavement areas and plpmg from roof down-spouts The piping system shall convey storm-water to a dItch on Tax Lot 6400, from there to a bIO-filtratIOn swale on Tax Lot 6400 Storm-water shall eXit the blo-filtratIOn swale and be conveyed to the City of Spnngfield's eXlstmg 24" concrete storm-water pipe at 35th Street Access Access IS presently uncontrolled from the Kathryn Avenue nght-of-way onto the SIte Two 37' WIde approaches are proposed Improvements in the right-or-way Kathryn Avenue IS ummproved at the frontage of the parcels and for 582 feet to the east The asphalt pavement sectIOn IS 20 feet Wide, there are no curbs, walks, gutter-bars, streethghts, storm-water plpmg, or contmuous ditches Future Improvements to Kathryn Avenue for the two properties to the east of the subject tax lots shall occur based on an eXlstmg development agreement On-site improvements Tax-lot 6400 IS ummproved, there are no trees on tlm parcel On tax-lot 6401, there IS an eXisting steel frame 90' x 192' bUilding, bUilt In 1972 The site area around the bUilding IS compacted gravels, there IS no pavement on site There IS eXlstmg electncal service, telephone serVice, samtary sewer, and PREcSUBMiTIAl RECiD water supply piping from the nght away to the eXlstmg bUlldmg JAN 1 4 2008 Water quality measures Roof and pavmg storm-water shall be conveyed to a newly constructed ditch on Tax Lot 6400, from there to a blO-filtratlOn swale on Tax Lot 6400 Storm-water shall eXit the blO-tiltratlOn swale and be conveyed to the City of Spnngfield's eXisting 24" concrete storm-water pipe at 35th Street Water conveyed over pavement shall pass through two-chambered water quahty catch-basins, pnor to entenng the ditch and blO-filtratlOn swale Special site features There are no watercourses, wetlands, or steep slopes on the site, or m the immediate vlclmty There IS approximately one foot of elevation change across the site The site IS sparsely covered With gravel, grasses and clovers Excavation and fill 'Approximately 170 cubiC yards of matenal will be excavated and relocated on Tax Lot 6400 to constructed the drainage ditch and blO-filtratlOn swale, zero cubiC yards of llnpOlied granular fill will be placed on site Trees ,to be removed None Dedications and modifications These are no land dedications to the city assOCiated With this project No proposed modifications are bemg requested Other planning applications or planning actions There are no other plannmg apphcatlOns or planmng actions associated With this property at tlm time I hope that tlm summary IS of some assistance, please call me If you have any questlOns y~CV -' Rene Fabncant, P E , S E Pnnclpal BI (filch Ellgll7ee/'ll7g, lnc (541) 746 0637 9. ' '19A~'j"--'EY E RG R E E N LAN D T I TL E CO,_..",-"..,_ I J AN. 11. 2 0 0 81i11 V IVI I: ..:: ~!..!.. ----..- ~,~ -NO. 2319- p, 2-.- - _ -~ PRE'~;s'uBMjn~i.' REC;D ~- JAN 1 4 2008 ........ ~-'-:-------<Cl,,,~ _._ '.,. ~i- ~E;- ~~~" a , /0. , ~ After NeOrdlne, rawm tar S686Z65 . II Unril : c!l~& il' r:qllC!lcd, IIIIltt II! Ii:( Sl~moclI~ 10: : i CARvmt ~AlYIlLl' LlMITBO PARl'NBRBHI!J 2ll!9 Olif~ Sllllet ii" ~llII~, Ocegoq !17405 1 Tl/Jt ~cailllt No. I08Z1172l1l1d 1081616 H:nl1btr, HU~cr, Andrews, Neill &: Smllb, LLP ISO aUt 11th A~ Bugeqc, OmgQlJ 97401 WARRANTy DEED C!.AlIUl M. CMV~lt ~d DENYS! G. CARVJlR, hlLl~d ~d wife, daWS ~iaes: 1$' C.."er ElBCttic Ca., a ~.lltIleulllp. Or.lll(OIS, Cllrw=y lac! w~rnlln 10 CAR\'&{ FAMILY LIMITED PART~HlP, an OIllSOIl tinu~ ~h1p. Clll/llec, ~ followinS-<lel;ribed ~ proPetly, rree of CllauI1b~w eJ:cep~ lIS S/lCCIDQjjy Be! ~l hercla; PAn,CBl,. I. ll~ tic wa SOlIllIII'e.n come: DfLDI7, IlIad: 7, Pits! ^ddilloo ~ lite , A~ Plat, :If platted 8Ild remrded 10 Volame IS, Pato 2. Uns ~ OlegOll Pl~ ' keCo~, ih= .south 89027' BaIt aJDIIS llIe NOllh Jlln: of K.uhzyu Street IS dedtcGled. hy SBid }lIB! 531.75 feet to lbe 1M polot otbe~ IlIouce llOlIIjnue Soulh 89021' &If 170,00 ~ ~ .!'l0llll 0'33' liur pm/lcllrilh Cbe wUt line ot S!ljd Block: 7 91o..!7 /bet, t!teIlco~onhS9OZ7' WezI170.00 t'u:l.lhenc:ctoulhO'3J' Wcrc310,~7f"uolhe Ime ,poinc Of&eglllllillg, ill ~ficld, ~ a,~, Orcgou. l'A!l.calI: ~lll d1e SDIIlbw~ _ ofl.ol1, Block 7, FlmAddltiOJlla 'I'nB Adams Pm, lIS lll~ lIlld ~llIed lrl VO!unlc !.S. PJBe~, IAne Coliill)' Ol'cgOll PI;; Rewr~b: Iho.tt;~ North 0'33' Ba!! :f:mg 1lJ~ WN~ UlIe of rlll~ D/acI; 7, 3~o.s7 f~: IIleiiQC Soutb 89'27' llutpmtJ111v/d1 tbe SOUllllineof Said DIO(:i: 7. 'len. 75 ~; lhenCe &OlIlh 0"33' \V~t Jl4r.!IIlel wlrQ $l\!a We:t line 310,37 feet to Z poUte 04 ~ North 1IIIll ofJ\atbryn Sfl'lmt ~ d~lealLld by ~r4 pllll; tholll;O No& S9'Z1' W~! iIIo~J lalcll'<olTl1 lina 701.75 teet to rl1~ Polllr of llegillllh)g. III Sptlngfisld, !..arIa C~ty. Oregon ~IIlEC.:1l'96l1DZRtC 10.110 'rhe mi. .cMderanOlllor lIn.I ~W:~ 1B1lODe. ~.~'?6"!l(p1'1,ij) 10.00 21UDEC,27"96_Il2A&T FIIW 2!l.l,l) Tho lIab!Jlry md ob1f~oIU or Gr.lureli 10 G~.e ~ C1~la IUcteaOl'$ ~ 1I1!ign, ~ ~o WllUIlDllea lIlld covenanl$ CQllIaJoed Mzein or provid<<! by Jaw $bill be hmircd to lho lIIIlQ\m~ llBrw-a, an4 (ODDs Of &Dr lille !llilltallcc COV~ ..allabl. to Gralllolll WIder ~ llu. lmmDc:e I"llley, IIld (ltalllorl slllllJ have 110 nAbilily or obli8aliDtI ~ to die ~CIllIh2t:elmbumelllC1l! for ~ UabWI.)' or oblJS3lion is aVBl.labJe ro GRbtoa IIlXIer aay bile WurMec polJoy. TIle /IlnItstiOll! cDlllul/1ed Itettin "^pn:nly do not tellere GWllllll1 of IllJ' l/4bllily or o&li~OIl$ llIld~ llils llISlrulllelJt. bm llIero1y &11m: tile srope, 1WU1e, ~d IIIlIl\JJll of aucllliilbdlly Or obI/piau:. ~ lNSrnUMIlNT WILL ~ot ALLOW t1Sll OF THS PRO~TY DIlsCIUliSD IN 11115 INSTRUMIllfr IN vrOLAnON O~ APi'UCABLE lAND USE tAWs AN!) lUlGULATlONS. BEI'OJlB-SlamNa OR Aoca!'Il~m nus lNmtJM!NT, THBPERsON A.CQUlRINa ~ TITLE TO THIl ~Ol>BRTY SHOt1U) CllBcK wrra tHS A1PltOPRlATIl CITY OR COUNTY !>~G DBPAR'rMENT TO VEIUn' lIPl'ROVBIl tlS1lS IIND 'fO Dll~B I.NYLTMll'S, oN LAWSUITS AGAINST F~G O~ FOUST ~C'l1CES AS I)EFl1'!Sl:> l~ ORll !O.~3lJ 3 ~ !'all; 1:'\\'ARRAmY Dam , IiIJAN.11.200811l119:10A~f--EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CC-..- '--'--"<G'-""~ ,..NO.2319-.P, L ~I "", " ...' '.,,' ,I '1' , . ,,,. a'1- 1f>.. ~41I", · 9Ei8G~f;5 REC'D rlfD PBOPBRTY DSSClUllED IN nas rnsnW~T MAY ~or BB WlTHfN A ~REoSUBM\TIAl t;; PR,oT.BcnON DJ8TJUc1' PROl'&C1'INGSmuCTURES. 'l'HIi PlWl'BRTYIS SlJllJECT TO LAND us!!. L/-Ws AND P.EGt1I"UIONs, WHICIi. IN PARM OR. rlllUlST ZONES, MAY ~O'r JAN 1 4 2008 AU11IOlUZf! CONstRuenON OR SITING OF A lUlSlDBNCB AM> WHICH L1MIT loAWSi AGAlNST PARtrmvlj Oll POJU!ST PMCl'Ices AS DEPINRO IN 0113 30.930 IN ALL ZO . BllPOlmSl'GN1rJGORACCBPl'.INOTHlS lNS~tndIlNT, 'l'ml PSRSON ACQl1lPJNa FEB TO 1liI3 PROl>ER.fY s~OULD CHIlCK W1TH THll Al'PlOPlUA'rB crrr 0& cotJN'l1' PlANNING DBPAR'rAOmT '1'0 VWPY Al>PROVED USES AND JlXlSTBNCB op l'IKS PROTBct'loN roll. BTkUCTOREs. DATBD tills 23rd d~ of Decembl!J', 1995. f'1~ 'n1 C2~ C1~tcM. CaNer STATJ! 011 OREGON) ) ". COuNTY Of u.ml ) ~'M~ Et 16 ~'.h ) DeIl)1Il . Calver ..... '1"l1Jr ~lI1Imlml Will a;l;uowledgQ/ bcfme mo lIJli 23m clay Df D~cr, IP9Ii, by CWtc M. Carver smi IIcIIy&l G. Ci!Mr. ~'n~l.ILs!lAl. "'!';'HV~ J. ClAm( I~'~""'UB~N . f' J' .:O'I~O,Dn917 MreouJ,:'~~.: ~"r.. ~'~'~f1~U!1. 23, l;q ] . ~ ~"'AAAAN1Y DBIlD ," '(' ~ Ntitary Pobllo for Oltlllcn M)' cclQftl!!lion~. 8119198 Slaw of ON!llfll CoImll/ ol'l.lIne-IS, klht~aak,", Wlorlh.IDld \iO\lolY."~"'l'llY1!.d1he1li1hlll ~\IIl~lor""'!'IJt 1] te:'9(. 1J 46 gIll 2249R Lan.~Ofl'Icw.R...n!o LIlo.CNlI1l<:lm. 5)' {l.:P A ..J.';,y CilIIIltlIl;Wn I vi f' j ~ 'I ~ . .,1 : I,LVVO L:L1I"1VI NO, 2196 p, 3 1,1 L BLVD, · SPRINCFIELD, OR 97477 "PRINGFlELD, OR 91477 -. .:141.741.1981 .-AX: 541.741.0619 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 · EUGENE, OR 91440 PHONE: 541.687,9794 FAX: 541.681.0924 Ri'JE I/'lR i~\) tlnfthl nre~'D rl\ "yUlOiVn 118'\ U'ill.V - JAN 1 4 2008 January 7, 2008 Our Order No.: ELT-54647 PRELIMINARY l1TLE REPORT Scott Canrer 1993 Misty Meadow Drive Folsom, CA 95630 Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200,00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear Scott: Weare prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documentst a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 7, FIRST ADDITION TO THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Volume 15, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 89027' East along the North line of Kathryn Street as dedicated by said plat 531.75 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continue South 89027' East 170.00 feet; thence North 00 33' East parallel with the West line of said Block 7,310.37 feet; thence North 89027' West 170.00 feet; thence South 00 33' West 310.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Springfield~ Lane County, Oregon. . Showing fee simple title as of December 26, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., vested in; CARVER F AMIL Y LIMITED P AR1NERSHIP, an Oregon limited partnership Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy foml. No liability is assumed until a full premium bas been paid. CONTINUED -- "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MArTER MOST"- www.evergreenlandtitJe.com JAN. I. LOOe L: L IPM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 2196 P.4 , I ELT - 54647 Page 2 SCHEDULE B PRE"SU5Mm:~t R~CrD JAN 1 4 2008 GENERAL EXCEl'UONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not sho\l.lIl as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a publiy agency which may result in taXes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the pubhc records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation~ variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title t.l"at would b~ disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnisbed, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, CURRENT EXCEPTIONS -- 6. The requirement that a copy of the Operating Agreement and Articles of Organization of Carver Family Limited Partnership, an Oregon limited partnership, be submitted to us for examination. Any conveyance or encumbrance by said Company should be executed in accordance with the Operating Agreement of said Company. NOTE: Taxes, Map No, 17-02-30-43-06401, Code 19-00, Account No. 1087616~ 2007-2008, $6,421.67, paid in full. NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 3654 KATHRYN AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. NOTE: A JUDGEMENTfLffiNfBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) CARVER F AMIL Y LIMITED P ARThTERSHIP, and as of December 26,2007, none were found. NOTE: As of December 26,2007, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. CONTINUED "' ,JAN, 7, 2008 2: 27 PM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 2196 P.5 ELI - 54647 Page 3 INFORMA T10NAL NOTE: The current vesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as folloW's: wARRANTY DEED RECORDED December 27, 1996. FROM CLAIRE M. CARVER AND DENYSE G, CARVER, HUSBAND AND Wll'h, DOING BUSINESS AS CARVER ELECTRIC CO., A PARTNERSHIP, TO CARVER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN OREGON LIMITED PARTNERSHll\ RECEPTION NO. 96-86265. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE PREcSU~Minb~l REC'D JAN 1 4 Z008 By; Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer cc: Branch Engineering Attu: Renee Clough (Fax No. 746-0389) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM P AlD. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLEDt A MINIMUM CANCELLATION t'b~ OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. 0- w w a:: t- <n ~~ I ~~ ~~--+-------~ ~ 3~ , ! 0 tl .;------ - -- 4,J ~~ ~ ~ '~~A:"'-""'" _ .....- ./__5' ~~ i ~--.....- --. /.$11 , ~ , ~ 6400 :-S 4 ~ - ~-------- q'l ~ THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERT( THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO UABIUTY FOR INAcaJRAOES N comlESYOF w+ E E;~lGREElltj',llJ) l11LE co. S 741 1982 "-> <- ::P- == 17-02- - 3> Ov-- tf- 3 --..J "-> = = 0:> "-> 0:> -", S s 'CI~.~J'rn.- t: i ~a'i(".J:, ~ a7"ru"5:l' ( 1l!~" "r' 'SfIlI'lS~"t: 149M"' 'If>' m <:: n, = G'> = .-.-, m == ~~TG ..F~ ;?,S --- -- - ...'b.... 6401 .-- ::P- = = ~ 6700 ;jJ 6800 ' :!;) 0.60 AC. ~ 0 57 AC. $< .~ ~~. ~ 26.\'3(, ;: :r.~ ~... 2~~II\.:o fT. ~ ~"- ~------~ -;, ~;I?~~ (11f!Q~,~=: ~ i: ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~L, \.:::d'S llnrllV E ~ '2.'.'M7' ~, , -y"- ~ ~; ~~ :--nM' ,,~ ~ 66 ~ ; R - ~ ~ :-----.-----~ .: ~ 3 6500 -, ~ -fOO- ';'J _ ~.:. 6600 ~ ... 0.47 AC ~~ ~~ O~ ([) ,0 "\\J1 ,~ ~{;l!~; t 3lJ41r~o~ '-~~ - ~j ~ . ~:~' ! ~- ~ ~~'&J Ql~ a:a;;,s -, r'" '" If!l:t1)J' ~,. . ~ 1t'iI.27"(J]-' C'" ~ 131 'l"r "h' r,,/#, ",.~~ "r,,.,, ;rr'T77"",I"(''''''''~ .."".,,,,,,,,; -~,,,,,,,~,,, ",/m'-f"",r,., "... ~ ~ ,.)/." -rlfIIT~,. I .. .I~JIYJ,.)#,. I) 11),,,,,, t ~J)/' ..""/,;;IU,,,J u. .,,~ ____ S6:!1-,aT'" ".,3.....a.3 -; -; ,- m <> = ~ ~ \.r () \II KATH RYN AVENUE 1I"f':.I' G\~~'21'OO"l: = 4101 "[P /Q1J~'~4 ~ ""4002 . ~ ~~~:.1 ~9;: ~ 1\ 90'1' ~i l:Zl.,,1 ;'"',...," ..."..., .'\.,.. ""Q~'~"~ I.:f.f. tic'" ~ 180~ ' 1800 ( 1801 '\ ~ '::;).~ L l! .", <t:::- sl , ~ II) 60' I 'Z' , 3000 10 ij~ fl" 2901 1 .tI...r. .g' _r I r;;:,. ~OCl .' BOO o I Cl ! I ~. so' so 4100 (, 2900 11 u: q ~ , .~ -", "" 900Z t 1 Nvr O/~Cf.l \qH~Y\\~n~ .JAN. 7.2008 2: 28PM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO Privacy Policy Notice NO. 2196 P. 7 PRE~SUBMiTTAl REC'D JAN 1 4 2008 Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, Transnation Title Insurance Company of New York PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bli1ey Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its afflliates, from sharing nonpublic persona! information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a not1ce of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the, categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA! we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart TItle Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insuranoe Company, Transnation ntle Insurance Company of New York. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you froro the following sources: o Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. o Infonnation about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. . Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency- . Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender, Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above infonnation that we coHect about our customers or fanner customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on out behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: . Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer fInance, securities and insurance. . Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMI IlbD BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal infonnation about you to those employees wflo need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal mfonnation. ' JAN. 7, 2008 2: 28PM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO,2196 P,8 Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1, 2001 PRE~,SUBM~TIAl RECiD JAN 1 4 2008 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm.Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliatesl from sharing nonpubIic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of infOlmation that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Company, We may coHeet nonpublic personal information about you from the following souroes; If Information we reoeive from you, such as on applications or other forms. · Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates Or others. · Information we receive from a consumer I'eporting agency. · Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal infonnation "viII be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this infonnation about our customers or fOImer customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perfonn marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreetnents: · Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finanee, securities and insurance. · Non-fmancial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERM111~D BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We mamtain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nOl1public personal information. ( PREcSU~MiTIAl RECiO JAN 1 4 2008 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: January 2, 2008 To: Mr. Rene' Fabricant, P.E., S.E. Branch Engineering, Inc. From: Damien Gilbert, P.E. Re: Asphalt Paving Project at 3654 Kathryn Avenue Branch Project No. 07-194 EXPIRES: JUNE 30 2009 As requested, I have researched applicable criteria in an effort to identify if a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) will be required by the City of Springfield for the subject project. This is not intended to be an impact study, but is intended to be the basis for determining if further analysis will be required, and identifying the scope of that analysis, if necessary. The subject site is located at the intersection of Kathryn and 3ih Streets in the heavy industrial zone. In Summary, the project includes paving approximately 1.75 acres of eXisting graveled parking and vehicle circulation areas that surround an existing building. The building is currently occupied by an equipment rental use. There are no new buildings or uses proposed with this paving project. Based on Springfield Development Code (SDD) Section 4.2-1 05A.4, and the criteria of Springfield Public Works Department policy S.O.P.P. #T-6.1, a TIS is not expected to be required with this project by the City of Springfield, as the proposed paving and the assocIated landscape and drainage improvements will not generate any new vehicle trips on an average day with the exception of the temporary construction related traffic. Also, there is no request for a variance from the transportation provisions in SDD, and I am unaware of any known traffic problems in this area warranting a TIS based on existing off-site issues. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide any additional assistance. "- / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING Page 1 of 1 Rene Fabricant From: To: Sent: Subject: "STOUDER Matt" <mstouder@cl spnngfield or us> <rene@branchenglneenng com> Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11 10 AM No Scoplng Sheet required for Site on Kathryn HI Rene As dIscussed earlier today (1/2/08) on the phone, I do not need a scoplng sheet for the property you are working on along Kathryn Avenue Having spent a large amount oftlme working With you on the site With you dunng preliminary planning, I feel comfortable moving forward wlo a scoplng sheet Of course, the standard requirements of site plan review would stili apply Let me know If you have any other questions Thanks, Matt Stouder, PE CIVJ/ Engmeer City of Spnngfield, Public Works Dept Phone (541) 736-1035 Fax (541) 736-1021 Emall mstouder@cl sprmgfleld or us PREcSUBMrrt~L RECuo JAN 1 4 2008 No virus found In this incoming message Checked by A VG Version 7 5 516 / ViruS Database 269 17 13/1207 - Release Date 1/2/08 11 29 AM 1/2/08 PRtcSU~MiTIAl RECofO Ji,A.N 1 4 Z008 DRAINAGE EV ALVA TION FOR Scott Carver property Kathryn Avenue, Springfield, Oregon November 17, 2007 ! EXPIRAT,ON DATE: It..'A~ 1 Prepared by BRANCHENG~ERING,INC 310 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 8" ''''' ,,'Iv b,1f:l-:' ~.....c (V__~<~~~ ~,,<o ~<.~ r6C LINK FENCE '<J.4-- q, <J.<V \),."\<-:>9-''\''- e;." o<V t..,,& ~ ~ {" Iv fl,,'bc-yc.; '0 &- ~D4.. , ~';<v '?" r< "" .;. h. _ ~_~~....---~~~_~",,,,,,,:l - ~", - I : I I , 1 II 1 I E_ Q" ....0,,0 .;:....~(.. ':l <J y.....O- ~1 "'" ",,':.i.L~, ':l a<V ,,' <Y ,~<& <==.; /'';G:",H~ !,,-,"" ,1" ~.4j::l ,,- ~ -EX W- ,,'" .' X 416 415 X ,," ~ bOp x~q-'?- W ---BAN ---- ,X ,<0 . ---OHP ---- -6 87M ,," .' X 0~TYP:"<O:~~B3 6" STM- 41B 49B t>..,\<-:J~ + S C5lJ , .,<0 X .J .,," X RIM * 47540 /NV- 47440 RIM .. 47530 /NV. 474JO "X ," . "",I .' 1 ----7 ---- "'-",<", . '^ '), t:Z'\ ".'- ~ :X RIM" 475BO iNv 47390 TYPE -A- <0 1" X ~ :" . g,<< ~~ ro""b<s,;;} X b:i(J6 ""'"'~ INV" 47485 '~ ~ ~~- ~ --- III !NV.. 47390/ .'" .' X :..'\'0' X t><l ~ TFC ~ ,,'" ,,- . 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'" NOTE SIGNAGE TO BE ATTACHED TO STANDARD WEIGHT 2" STEEL PIPE ceNTER OF SIGN TO BE AT 60" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE BASE OF PIPE TO BE CAST IN CONCRETE FOUNDA nON @ Pp1IEAIJ PROTECTION AREA SIGN UTIIJTY REPRESENTATIVES UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE GAS (NW NA TJ ELECTRICITY (SU8) GREG STIFFLER ED HEAD TONY T ALBEr HERB SUMNER BART MCGEE TELEPHDNE lOWEST) WA TER ISUB) SAN SEWER IPRIVATE) STEVE GRAHAM SAN SEWER IPUBLlC) I DENNY WRIGHT STORM DRAINA6E I STEVE GRAHAM _IPRIVA TEl STORM DRAINAGE I DENNY WRIGHT IPUBLlC) FIRE I AL GERARD PHONE (541) 342-3661 EXT 8376 (541) 744-3707 (541) 744-3715 154/) 484-B507 154/) 744-3756 I 154/) 726-3665 I (541) 736'1010 154/) 726-3665 (541) 736-1010 (541) 726-2294 !3 ~ o ~ "'l: )., (,) ~ (:) "'l: 0:: OL..J . kl-~ (:jVi'<Co:: Zo::ZO -L..J>- :> :> 0:: . ~0::J::5 L.J '<CI-L..J >::'I-O~k Z >::::-1 ~(:j 0 f-~I::~~ li: ~CLOIJ)O:: a:: 3(1)OlOCL ~ g: '<C (I) tor) (I) Cl :::: "'<( -.I ll.. >- I- - -.I i:: :::> c5 S bt1 C Q ~ "," ::. I-< "'.. ~ MQ t o~ " Q.() 1 ~ Ul ~ I::~S 'C ",,~.. Q ""~~ .3 (l) ",,,,,~ (l) e'B -S ~ g~~ ... ~ 0 ...... bLIrz.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,0 Q QJr-.l"-~ " ~ .00 C'? S ... UJ.c~S ... ..c:: :9~cb~ " <:.l ........~..c: ~ ~ ~6~~ ... <tl -8 ... or-."d'~ " .....!:l.I[)L. " >=Q ",OO_,.Q ::: ~ Ul ;: G DATE 30 OCTOB[R 2007 SCALE 1"=20' DRA WN I BY DESIGNER I CHECKED BY PROJECT NUMBER SHEET NO C4 JLB RF RF 07-194 7 OF 10 SHEET(S) ~ - L/Z3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Manning's Equatlon Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Corrunen t: 1 a 1b Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Discharge. . . . . . . . . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capacity..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number. .... PREQSUBM~TIAl REC'D JAN 1 4 2008 0.50 ft 0.0038 ft/ft 0.013 0.30 cfs 0.36 ft 1.98 fps 0.15 sf 0.28 ft 0.0081 ft/ft 71.96 % 0.35 cfs 0.37 cfs 0.60 (flow is Subcrltical) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 3/ lJ Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 1b 1c Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter. . . . . . . . . . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge........ . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number. . . . . PREoSU~Mnl~l RECIO JAN 1 4 2008 0.67 ft 0.0057 ft/ft 0.013 0.58 cfs 0.38 ft 2.77 fps 0.21 sf 0.36 ft 0.0072 ft/ft 57.41 % 0.92 cfs 0.99 cfs 0.87 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 v ~*#; 4-/~3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 1c 1d Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge.. . . . . . . . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capacity..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... PREoSUGM/Tt4\l REC'D JAN 1 4 Z008 0.67 ft 0.0044 ft/ft 0.013 0.61 cfs 0.43 ft 2.53 fps 0.24 sf 0.37 ft 0.0073 ft/ft 64.67 % 0.81 cfs 0.87 cfs 0.73 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 ~)".,JJI:l 5J~3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth M~nnlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment. 1d 1e Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge........ . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty... ....... Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth. . . . Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capacity..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... rRE~S~Gi\i~nt~\l R~CiD JAN 1 4 2008 0.83 ft 0.0026 ft/ft 0.013 0.70 cfs 0.48 ft 2.16 fps 0.32 sf 0.37 ft 0.0063 ft/ft 57.76 % 1. 11 cfs 1. 19 cfs 0.61 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 ~ ""J.r~Jt r it; / ~3 Circular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Conunen t: le 1 f Solve For Actu?l Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge........ . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Critlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... PR~cSU~NlmAl RECiD JAN 1 4: 2008 0.83 ft 0.0059 ft/ft 0.013 0.79 cfs 0.40 ft . 3. 04 fps 0.26 sf 0.39 ft 0.0064 ft/ft 48.49 % 1.67 cfs 1. 79 cfs 0.96 (flow lS Subcritlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 ~~,11:':f.~;." 7/ ~3 Clrcular Channel, Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth M~nnlng's Eq0atlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 1f 3a Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge. . ... . .. . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capacity..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number. . . . . 'I .. t I, f " " '~::J PREcSU~iVWnb4\l RECID JAN ], 4: 2008 0.83 ft 0.0038 ft/ft 0.013 0.96 cfs 0.52 ft 2.69 fps 0.36 sf 0.44 ft 0.0067 ft/ft 62.73 % 1.34 cfs 1.44 cfs 0.71 (flow lS Subcritlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc.. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 "'L.t"t'"~'}",I#~ B/~3 Clrcular Channel Analysls ~ Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Corrunent: 5 2ha Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter. . . . . . . . .. Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge... .. . . . . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... rRE~SU~I~\TIf'~l RECiD JAN 1 4 2008 0.33 ft 0.0419 ft/ft 0.013 0.03 cfs 0.06 ft 2.65 fps 0.01 sf 0.09 ft 0.0081 ft/ft 19.02 % 0.38 cfs 0.41 cfs 2.23 (flow lS Supercrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 ...,~...I~ 'Yt3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mahnlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 2a 2b Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge.... ..... Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltical Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number. .... Ii'~ C'"1 n, ~"" "-.-,-, -l ~fPf"jn ~ J~~~,,~ij~~V~~ ~ li~< l~~v 0 JAN 1 4 2008 0.33 ft 0.0042 ft/ft 0.013 0.03 cfs 0.11 ft 1.17 fps 0.03 sf 0.09 ft 0.0081 ft/ft 34.07 % 0.12 cfs 0.13 cfs 0.72 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Metho?s, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 ~. :-..i -" If(" 3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 2b 2c Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge. . . . .. ... Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... . ~ -. "':'''-- -. ----:\ \ '0L:0v;i'\ ~ 'U~b"ld\lJ'ldutib ~ U~~'ll6 HI:, \:1llJ JAN 1 4 2008 0.33 ft 0.0053 ft/ft 0.013 0.13 cfs 0.26 ft 1.80 fps 0.07 sf 0.20 ft 0.0101 ft/ft 78.88 % 0.13 cfs 0.15 cfs 0.61 (flow is Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 ...~ or j.... ~ 11~3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 2c 2d Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge. . . . . . . . . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... ~R~cSUDMiTIAl R~CiD JAN 1 4 Z008 0.50 ft 0.0093 ft/ft 0.013 0.38 cfs 0.31 ft 2.98 fps 0.13 sf 0.31 ft 0.0089 ft/ft 61. 78 % 0.54 cfs 0.58 cfs 1.03 (flow lS Supercritical) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 I ~! 7- :3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 2d 2e Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter. . . . . . . . . . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng 's n... Dlscharge. . ..... .. Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . crltical Depth.... Crltical Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... F\~"~~ ~'1~ .. ,- :- 'tt,j ~,';'::(':IVIr1 ut'l.\Ic "'tJ,viJdv In H:d!" hl;,,\,} IJJI JAN 1 4: Z008 0.50 ft 0.0064 ft/ft 0.013 0.41 cfs 0.38 ft 2.59 fps 0.16 sf 0.33 ft 0.0093 ft/ft 75.11 % 0.45 cfs 0.48 cfs 0.76 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 1'3/ 2.3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon ..~::. Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 2e 2f Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge. . . .. . . " Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal ~lope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... "",-.~ n"U':1"1 r'r"7" ~ R~I\'D 11.1)",') '~,,\"\:ILI'.')1 Ii "II I; iL\ " '_;"'~ _ II n u'l.l'c "" ,)~ ","bU, UJ/-~ "~6"", JAN 1 &. Z008 " 0.50 ft 0.0047 ft/ft 0.013 0.41 cfs 0.45 ft 2.20 fps 0.19 sf 0.33 ft 0.0093 ft/ft 90.01 % 0.38 cfs 0.41 cfs 0.49 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 /4/ ~ 3 ,....\ .. Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 2f 2g Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge... . . . . . . Computed Results: Depth. . .. ........ Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Critlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... r.'D,r.:,,~r,JTI~~riilll/:'\~ fl:r,p~~ U~b '~'~31=HVDb U Ub ~ ll'~b~ ltJ JAN 1 4 2008 0.67 ft 0.0050 ft/ft 0.013 0.50' cfs 0.37 ft 2.54 fps 0.20 sf 0.33 ft 0.0070 ft/ft 54.52 % 0.87 cfs 0.93 cfs 0.83 (flow is Subcritlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 < -. J'5/ I ~3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment. 2g 3a Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge. . . . . . .. . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... rRE"su~~~mf~l RECiD JAN 1 4 Z008 0.67 ft 0.0063 ft/ft 0.013 0.53 cfs 0.35 ft 2.81 fps 0.19 sf 0.34 ft 0.0071 ft/ft 52.78 % 0.97 cfs 1.04 cfs 0.93 (flow lS Subcritlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Manning's Equatlon J~/~3 Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 3a 6 Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge........ . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltlcal Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... r~~ 'v 1'"''\ "'--'~q ~.-,r,iD I , \, !,l \ I! I'll Ijl'"JI(" I ) ~ "':Ie ~'\ ,'\ I r- I hI!:, ~)~'l-If~,~ j ~u ,1'-" 'l.6\lJ 1 JAN 1 4: Z008 1. 00 ft 0.0045 ft/ft 0.013 1.49 cfs 0.57 ft 3.21 fps 0.46 sf 0.52 ft 0.0062 ft/ft 57.19 % 2.39 cfs 2.57 cfs 0.83 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 17! 2. 3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth M~nnlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 4a 4b Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge. . . . . . ... Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltical Depth.... Crltical Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... 18'\r.:; ~I F'V ~f.;;',I\ 1 1I"21,'i~ n;b~t",JI)~~,d~: I~ ltc_\:? lid JAN 1 4 2008 0.50 ft 0.0055 ft/ft 0.013 0.36 cfs 0.36 ft 2.39 fps 0.15 sf 0.30 ft 0.0087 ft/ft 71.81 % 0.42 cfs 0.45 cfs 0.73 (flow lS Subcritlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 f~! 2.3 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Manhlng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Conunent: 4b 6 Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge........ . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltical Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... f'''''[' l)'nC,C\N-"',\" ~'-''''''r[) I~l "':l \ t'lt: ' I (. I: h'l -,rl,..f/~""'IJ hb "'~U:)JVb\ ~ bl}" ~L,\0 I JAN 1 4 Z008 0.67 ft 0.0045 ft/ft 0.013 0.67 cfs 0.46 ft 2.60 fps 0.26 sf 0.39 ft 0.0076 ft/ft 68.63 % 0.82 cfs 0.88 cfs 0.71 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Clrcular Channel Analysls & Deslgn Solved wlth Mannlng's Equatlon J 9/ Z 3 Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: 6 7 Solve For Actual Depth Glven Input Data: Dlameter......... . Slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mannlng's n....... Dlscharge........ . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity......... . Flow Area. . . . . . . . . Crltlcal Depth.... Crltical Slope.... Percent Full...... Full Capaclty..... QMAX @.94D........ Froude Number..... hl[>\i~ ~r.U~:7~r;~1rJl\~ qr,::('~D' n'i.b"\)\J"')n~luJ kds ~;~l='lc7 I JAN 1 4 Z008 1. 00 ft 0.0050 ft/ft 0.013 2.16 cfs 0.71 ft 3.61 fps 0.60 sf 0.63 ft 0.0071 ft/ft 71.30 % 2.52 cfs 2.71 cfs 0.78 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 . ~ \ T..- ~I.., 7-0/ Z 3 Trapezoldal Channel Analysls & Deslgn Open Channel ~-Unlform flow Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: dltch at 340' west of entrance Solve For Depth Given Input Data: Bottom Wldth. . . . . Left Slde Slope.. Rlght Slde Slope. Mannlng's n...... Channel Slope.... Dlscharge....... . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty........ . Flow Area. . . . . . . . Flow Top Wldth. . . Wetted Perlmeter. Crltlcal Depth... Crltlcal Slope... Froude Number.... PRE~SijufimITAt m~CiD JAN 1 -1 2008 2.75 ft 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.030 0.0030 ft/ft 2.68 cfs 0.59 ft 1.55 fps 1. 72 sf 3.05 ft 3.98 ft 0.31 ft 0.0241 ft/ft 0.36 (flow lS Subcritlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Verslon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, ct 06708 Trapezoldal Channel Analysls & Deslgn Open Channel - Unlform flow ZI! Z '3 Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: entrance to ditch Solve For Depth Glven Input Data: Bottom Wldth. . . . . Left Slde Slope.. Rlght Slde Slope. Mannlng's n...... Channel Slope.... Dlscharge....... . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty........ . Flow Area. . . . . . . . Flow Top Wldth. . . Wetted Perlmeter. Crltlcal Depth... Crltlcal Slope... Froude Number. . . . fr~''''~ ~I' ~~'-" "~T~tI"\l 4r:t\>~ D hb"\-,','" "hlt! Ii" "- l 'l-,~ tV JAN 1 4 2008 2.50 ft 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.030 0.0030 ft/ft 2.16 cfs 0.55 ft 1.48 fps 1. 46 sf 2.78 ft 3.64 ft 0.28 ft 0.0248 ft/ft 0.36 (flow lS Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Verslon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Trapezoldal Channel Analysls & Deslgn Open Channel -.Unlform flow 7..7-1 Z 3 Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: dltch at 170' west of entrance rr~' :>"1:-"\ "-rl'~ 1 Ij'.r."'('\i:i) ~ ({b"'~)t';')U~L\~:,f~!:., [t~\:111:J Solve For Depth Glven Input Data: Bottom Width. . . . . Left Slde Slope.. Rlght Slde Slope. Mannlng's n...... Channel Slope.... Dlscharge. . . . . . . . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . Veloclty........ . Flow Area. . . . . . . . Flow Top Width. . . Wetted Perimeter. Crltlcal Depth... Crltlcal Slope... Froude Number.... JAN 1 ~ Z008 2.50 ft 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.030 0.0030 ft/ft 2.42 cfs 0.60 ft 1.53 fps 1. 58 sf 2.80 ft 3.73 ft 0.30 ft 0.0245 ft/ft 0.36 (flow is Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Trapezoldal Channel Analysl~ & Deslgn Open Channel - Unlform flow Z3/~3 Worksheet Name: Carver Comment: outfall at bloswale Solve For Depth Glven Input Data: Bottom Wldth. . . . . Left Slde Slope.. Rlght Slde Slope. Mannlng's n...... Channel Slope.... Dlscharge....... . Computed Results: Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . Velocity. . . :. . . .. Flow Area. . . . . . . . Flow Top Wldth. . . Wetted Perlmeter. Crltlcal Depth... Crltlcal Slope... Froude Number.... f '\-;-' ;1~ 1":'\ ,-~y.'i\!.l f"r,"~gn &)dibcl')J;J' )~'j~d III=>\:~ r(~~\:? U JAN i ~ 2008 4.00 ft 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.25:1 (H:V) 0.030 0.0030 ft/ft 2.95 cfs 0.49 ft 1. 47 fps 2.00 sf 4.24 ft 5.00 ft 0.26 ft 0.0235 ft/ft 0.38 (flow'ls Subcrltlcal) Open Channel Flow Module, VerSlon 3.42 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone r"ity of Springfield Official Receipt Jevelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000033 Date: 01/14/2008 I :22:36PM Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00005 DescriptIOn CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By CARVER FAMILY LLC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tJ 1083 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 33600 $336.00 Amount Paid $33600 $336.00 r,-~/'i"~rr -:", f1~nri~ ! ~l 1 \: / t I ~, t ..!~,~ LJ JAN 1 <4 2008 cRecemtJ Page 1 of 1 1/14/2008