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Permit Electrical 1997-4-2
" . ej SPRINGFIELD... zoninq, anddces'n~t '~~q"l~"n:~:1'J ~"~i"~~..Il(".'/ji1; ,*Q. . approval. u....,..."c...:c._ ~ ~ Zonino /.-Dt2- ELEcrRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 974 1'h:o_ ~-- 2.-- 'i. . 726-376.9 1 Ci ty Job Nwnbe... q 7 () ) I J- Authorized Sigr.aiura U'l!.l-' ' 3. COHPtE~B-FEE SCHEDULE BELOV 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1'- LOCATION OF INSTALLATION /07'S L A-vJf.e;L A. Nev Residential-Single 0'" Hulti-Family pe... dvelling unit . fttbOOrt1:~J~ 10 J- Service Included: It!,!ms Cost Sum 1000 sq,ft. 0'" less -+ $ <6""'5 .... JOB DESCRlFTlON 85.00 ~ (,J11l6 N'er.v )-It>v ~ t.f' Each additional 500 I~ sq. ft or portion I .... pe...m'i ts are. non-t~~nsferable and exrhe thereof $ 15.00 15" - if york is not started vithiri 180 days Each Hanuf"d Home 0'" .of issuance or if \lork is suspended fo..- Modular Dvelling .180 days. Service or Feeder $ 40,00 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Services 0'" Feede...s Electrical ContraCtor LU, ~U(S Installation,. Alterations e{J;c,r or Relocation: Address #7, S J1~~ "rte.. \ Ci ty SP FIP . Phone ~7 ~ol("LL . Supervisor License Number ,3.6Glb-<; Expira tion Date jt) -I - r 9" Const... ContI.'. Numbe..- of <63 ').( Expiration Da~e L~ r- ~7 Signature of Supetvising Electrician .. x:x::l- __()", a /./- · ri\llle...s Na,m:)ff ~rn j JIh J m . Add..-ess i./ g~ <;h tll.eu Sfrl1.f.. t- - I Ci ty:r-J'na~I'{f{1 'Phone.'7Lf7-D<{ / I. O\INER g.~TALLATION The installatioh.is being made on property): ovnvhich is not intended for sale, 'lease or rent. .' . . Ovn.ers Si~ture: . .'. . , DATE: Uh /4f.--_ RECEIPT. ~:' ... (,))y tL.f 1... RECEIVED BY: 'tt', 1Yt-l'/l ----' 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50.00 $ 60,00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40-.00 C. Temporary Se...vices o....Feede...s Installation, Alteration 0... Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 201 ~mps to ~OO amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80,00 Over 600 amps. 0'" 1000.volts..see "8" above D.. Branch Ci...~~ifs Nev, Alteration or Extension Pe... Panel .' . .O~e Circuit' .Each Additional , Circuif.or vith Ser~ice or Feeder.Peimit. . . $ 35,00 \ . $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Se...vi~e/feeder not included) -Each installation Puinp or. irrigation $40.00 Sign/Ou tUne Ugh dng $ 40.00 Liilli ted Enetgy'/Res$ 20.00 L.irriitedEnergylComm $36.60 5.. SUBTOTAL OF. ABOVE 5Z.State .Surcharge TOT~.,' . -\- ?:F'b M,'f.<\{\ ~~ ~ Jtn> C; ~. $ ICJ f( ~ ""'- ~