HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-4-26 -----,"-:--,;".------ ' ...., ",. ~. CiTY OF Sl'IUNGFIELIJ BUSINESS 726-3753 ., INSPECTIONS 726-3769 225 North 5th Strect BUILDING ~IOVING PERMIT/BUILDING DIVISION Lics /I . Exp. o ~;Q~~^TE~ J~~IBE~~-88'33 C1c9,D3Q~ CD 2sL - \lo'W\bb - -tD s ~ OLD ADDRESS '2-! ~ L{ L'1 'J p-,4- Legal Dcscription Addrcss Building Owncr \{\,\(\t'r~ -; ~Ioving Firm ~- ~c~~ft~n~~srlBsc S\=-.QQ~~~ D~~.~lt~ Addrcss Dcscription of Building <-(0 Squarc Footagc Numbcr Of Scctions ~Ioving Lcngth Bcing ~Iovcd Type ~EI~ Ani>3 ~rniSjd bYS;~i Iding, Di v. ) Lcgal Dcscription \ 1 03 <9 5~4 C04CL)/rA ' , Phonc ~' , Phone Moving Width '2.- ~ Height On Dolly 2.0 I Of Construction~~VALUATION / . PLANS, FEES, AND CHARGES: Prior to rccci v- ./ ing a pcrmit to movc a building to propcrty within thc City, the applicant or his/hcr authorizcd rcprcsentativc must: 1. Submit 2 copics of sitc or plot plan for nCl1 si tc. 2. Submit 2 copics of foundation plan for the rclocatcd building. 3. Obtain a permit covering thc ncw founda- tion, as 11ell as all plumbing/mcchanical and clcctrical work rclating to thc rc- locatcd building. 4. Pay Systcms Dcvclopmcnt Chaq:e i.f al'pli- cahle. SEWER CAP: Buildings moved from within the SEPTIC TANK REQUIRE~IENTS: l'rior to movin!:, City limits shall havc the scwcr cappcd at owncr shall havc all sludgc from thc scptic thc propcrty linc and inspcctcd onc working tank, sccpagc pit or ccsspool rcmovcd hy a day prior to thc movc. If thc inspcction pcrson holding a scwagc dispoal scrvicc li- indicatcs that thc scwcr has not bccn prop- c6nsc, and shall fill samc with clcan bar- crly cappcd, the moving pcrmit will be run gravel or othcr matcrial approvcd by thc revoked. Director or his authorized reprc~cnt:1tivc. I CERTIFY TilAT thc abovc informati.on is truc and corrcct, tbitt aE rCl~I'cd contacts h;i1i~'S becn~dc a~' uth i ations obtained, that the movc will begin at (n Qjcthort ~/JI 0,\. r. d will be complcted by (0 o'clock am/I~on \Lh{l\, 7'"2.- and-tha no ':la cs in thc route will be made without contacting thc tiu~din'g DIvision I also ccrtify that I havc becn informcd that NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE ~ WORKING DAYS, (lAVE ELASPED, I furthcr ccrtify that my registration with thc Bu'ildcr's Board is in ,'full .\ force and cffcct as rcquircd by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if cxcmpt thc basis is notcd hcrcon. Basis for ,Buildcr'sdBoard Excmption:, NA/oIE6-b4(~ &~~ ~(cLl(a j(O~TUR~ ' ;(~I jd) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ;1 Typc of Construction \J IV OCi::uphnc~' NOTIFICATION OF ~IOVE: Thc Building Division will route copics of this application to all appropriatc divisions, dcpartmcnts and Agen- cies, HOWEVER, thc applicant must contact propcrty owners if trces arc involvcd in the proposed movc, IN ADDITION, thc applicant must sccure the approval of all appropriate municipal, county and statc authorities should the movc originatc or tcrminatc out- sidc thc City of Springficld. , . " . Zonc \ [) ~loOd \ 1 Sqllarc Footagc VALUE Application fcc $18.00 Datc Paid _ ~~ Rcccipt Numbcr Pcrmit fcc $60.00 -- Datc Paid lol.}W R.s1.cip5t~mbcr Numbcr of Blocks ovcr 6 0 .60~ Amount ~n~ ) SC\1cr Cap $1.1f.OO ..A% Statc Surcharge u Datc Paid \~.()c)*:l<<2) ~POliCC Departmcnt Willamalanc Park and Rccrcation bRainb0\1 Watcr Fire Department -Pacific NW Bcll Group W Cablc -Northwcst Gas 1Lanc Transit District =Lanc COllnty A f, T OTHER - - speci fy Plain Storics: (;lving' Units . DATt!-/cJ-'1t9- ' Groui; ! K3 T-M d<ft2 ~ I ,')..p' j(/t4!( I' ,~ .L$I.Hl" ~ERMIT VALIDATION ,-' BUILDING MOVING ~IT ........ I. Applicant to furnish (except as i nd i ca ted ) A. Old address for building B, Legal Description C. New address for building (Building Div, will furnish) D. Legal Description E. Name, etc. of building owner F, Name, etc, of moving firm G. A description of intended' use H. A description of proposed route 1. A description of the building . . II. Applicant to contact property owners if trees involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictions as necessary, Ill. A site or plot plan, and foundation plan must be submitted for the new site (2 sets) IV. Plans must al so be submitted for any other work relating to the relocated building. V. Fees & Charges: A. Application fee due and payable at time of application B. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permit issuance C, FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF VI. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY A. .Plan check data collected B, Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies PERMIT CLERK t:l1~OO~I~~~~^C1~& \~1AJ TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: (;.aVT(Z4e;17:?fL Bl~fQJ&.A'11.Cf2 J ,<:: t2/:cP,..A fALL P-oIL ~ ___'TA'_ T~c. (,~7_ /hvO ShP1'M"""1 OP /2940;..RfI? Sf (;;.tv1t1_ c,eo<"S I...-c. ? 70 & ~J1P(l..J7) - 70 P~77i'cr ~L,i7~S SIr,A./kL G"1cu;. MCm?.s TO &- /""fJ,yt;""l~ 7D A<.5J~ /t./teA ~ ~ //r::,7i'2 /""O/~v ~J Date ~/ 1Ci'? ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: -, - 2) CON\~,-Ol1- ~O ~ l2...E;>~S"=-\..E; ,\Z-01L I::=:U.- '. ., Dt:::.~~ "TO 1=!'l)BL.-\C- \~u'T\b.s ( \'.~. L.l)(t.e> .C~..,.-rt~ ~'-.)~\ t=l~) ./ ByD.R..... Date4 -'2..\ -~'2- ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: By Date .< " ....'t I" ,:il...":/[ >. \~ '\. ?1~~~~//7 'c>O / ",r $: . '\ ' - '--- , -~_._.:.-.';' ,,;,\ (. '.r ~ -, I.. ,;:'/{f 51 -1~ ~ 1< ; ,", ~, '< ~ ~ ~ I :',~JS1~,1 ~I. ^'<, I - ~ < - ..... fL WiNG ~ ;; . "'"(f ./- t'~ / slti ___.2)'-' . " ~ '" i C - - .... '- M A IN ~:Lr~ II I ~"c.'~V'J~=1 ' aU I "~.U.S,t.,,,,, ~;o ~ I OL -".p,( f":'~H DC,::: -1t:SCjOTT iOL r!~ =>Lr~/C M - _, _i'.(Y' ~ M ~ L.: .::. ~ .:' \..'-' ~I L ~t ::::1 'I:' cu..; "t' NiAi. 1'- ;',t.q"'FR I J I J _ "~.:: ;t tMUUV~{;~_ ~_I.'...I". ..... k. .... G ST. _ _ ftl "r v: , :t ... ,,1 F::-I I ~,_ . - ~J f ~ ~ E..... I _ . ~', -'-I ::: I _ <'; l: a ~ ~I ;h- i- ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ 126' t RO*-=iib "'" < .1\. W.IIt ~ lil" \ ..."., ~I - l: "" "t:; ~-,~ ou.~:J.::~... 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