HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-8-7 I)It .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLI=A'::IC:l!PERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street S?r":r~fieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 725-3753 Job :.,c=:i,., A) \ Lo LA ('cf( tv fI ( 1 Am..... .'!=, l rJt\DJ-i. r ,) l () "- StJ.bdi.~~ic": ~".r~ \ \)QQ ~Q ... PZumbing !l"cer-:':ccZ .'.f1l::1vzr.ic::l co.",.t"r-.Jcti~ t.crtd",. ..-"-- ~ ~ Qjl~ ' T=:.,t' ()L\"(ifJ::J ~ ( rx..:.sL-s..:<'>=<' .:::c.:e~=: =i vY~ '* Sigr~d' PI ~ \ ro-J Date, ~- )-p\L{ Lise.." e;::;i:t'::s Phone <, l~ u -eA. rupcmDibiZi:::!I of tits p.nl'f'i.: isDld.u- eo eftS :hat" aH 1.MpcCtic'1.8 are r.tads. at: :h.. propu ~imc~ t}'.a.t .ach =ddrQSfI i,a 1'......:.,..: ll-cnt eM .sereee, end that tho pcnrn:e card i.. l..:x:::zted .:It ths [rent of the Property. .;ui~i~4 Jiui~io~ C?Froved FL:n sr~ZZ rena~" on thG ~Zdin? $it~ at aLZ' tim.s. ?-'!O~'UP.~ rOR ;,"'S~E~!~!1 RECU!',~:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state you.r City destfT".atitd job ~ber. job ~CBS. type or in:;p(la~icn rsquencd a:"".d :J.~en ~ou :JiLl. De ready tor ir.spcc~..cn.. Ccrteractcrs or G\..'J1B:'s 1lClB c;n.d phor.e nu~cr. Requ8stS receivsd b.fcl'fJ 7:00 c:: c";Ll b. "",de tlu: ","'. "'='.... requ.e:. ",cde o:'ta' '7'00 "'" <Jill b. ...d. the =. :.x>rkin; d<r,;. . Lf . . ':tour City. Ce.igr.ated Job ,'Iwnb<r Io: 8 0 N oU :leC'U.i-~rl T..,.~",C'!:.C7':" O S-r '7~=':-"""'''.'''''. T^ b -- J.~_ ~,;). _w.....J... .... II .........a e:::av.:t::,,".. .;ut: i'r-iCl' t: BII~ f:mn3. o ai:no u? of U:lD~:~Sr.':'3 ?:"l':J3I.'1C. ?:['EC":'.~rc.tr. <! .~C.~'):14-:;,),G: 70 Dfl mlzri.a befol'~ C'ty wr~ ::s .:ovc!'cd. o F'CtY:r:;c ~ F'OU:!D.1TI~.'I: To b. ma6z af:.zr :rep!cit"3 err a.=C"t:Vat./d cr.d f~:$ ere erectJa, but pri.."r eo pourir.g C~l'ICrl!e.;. Y;:!1!:fC.~:r..'D ?:'~'H3:::~, S::;':;.f!. :/.l-:!.~. D.f!A~:f....t;~: to "II ~e pr-:;or :0 ti.i.- z.tr.g :rer..c;....ils. 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O INSULA'!!ONIVIlPDR SARRI2R n..S?-=C':'!ON: To be r.n.:is atti!1' an ir.8Ul...:;t~n a:"'.a . required tlapor ca:r'!"'isrs ars in p lacs 1:ue C8]Or8 any lath, gyp8'Ur.l beard or u::ztz. covering i.s applied, and hefoN any ir.3'..lZaticn ~s conceaLed. O D.1:fY'.IALl nISP-=C':':!().'1: To be made alter all. CrjwZ1. is in place, but prior to any tapir.g. O ,\{ASONPY: Stael. bea:r:3, grouti.ng ac~or-A~e :.1i:h 241~. O '.IOODS'!'OY!: After i118tal.Zaticn is cc:rrpl.iJ:.d. .., locae-.:on~ oona or tlBl'T:icc:Ls in V.B.C. Secti.cn o CUR!] ~ APPRCACP. AP.f:!']": Aft.:, forma are arectad aut; pl'io1' to P::Ul"";ng .:on...-retB. srD~.lALi( d 'RI!T'.lI.?: Far aU con- creta paving W'"':chin stroeet rigit-:- of-I.JC.Y~ to be ma:iB aJ..tdl' aL!. oUca- vati.:r.g ccmplBta j f'o~ wrk ,f zuD- bass material ~n ?1.a:B. I i)E,'-:OLI':IO.~1 OR :.:a~:; 3::ILDIZiGS ~ S~i:.zr.;/ tur..Jc ::Q;Jec :t ~op.:rt";t'. lir.. =:J SQPtic tank p-..r.:;.a ar.d fitl~ uith ;r:r..:ai , ~-:nwn 6.."'"VQ ita::':S arB c~l.Qted ~hen der.lCz:.~icr. is cor:rplste or st:-...;~ / ture ",,,,ued c:nC pr=i3'. cZ.=s:! 0;>. . I NobiZs i{c~es :J al.ocici.r.g and S.et-:lP :J Pluno.bi~ COnMct::.:ms Sc.J6r and wa:"l' ---, EZectrica!. Ccnr..ct:-::cn - 8wcking.. SQt-u;: ----1 and. pLun-.bing c:1'tr.ac:-ions nr..:se '=11 c:ppl'~1.:~i before requss,;~r.g 8l.lIcm::al i,."PQc-=ia:-: =:J AC:;Bssor~; 3ui.!..:~ng :J Fi71.3.l - t.ft~.;~~r.B3, et::. are c~1.8=.d. s1d.rt";r.g, dscYJI, o o _~C'S: rnwn ca;-;rpl.ts -- Provid" g;;;;; 01' :notJabLe ssctians thrcugi: P.U.E. o ~Zt pro;ec~ cor.di:ians, 3UC~ as :hB ~ns:;~~Zc:-::~n of s:raet :regs. :~~!c:i"n 0;"' ~~ recro<lired Zana.:;cc:pir..;, .::tc.. :roust :,e sac-::st.::c::i :,o:j"ore :;.~ 3L'I!::r::c :r.~'AL ::an ';8 l'z'tLlsBc.:d. :=:J Fr,~'A':; P!:J:..'!J!.':C =:J :!.7~{. :.':::.:u.:l!O,l. =:J ;::'!.':AL !~::.C;I:~;; '=:J o ~~!:IA;' 3!}I~:)!"'/G: 11:e FinaL S1.lil.di.r..g !r.s?ec:i.on ~t bs reque3taa -;f:.uo ~hJ F~n.:::.L P!ur.:bin; !'!.,ecr:ri..zaI., and. Nscnar.ic::i. Ir.spec:i:m3 ;:aua ceIln mea., a,...d appl'olJ~:i~ o 'A'::': :.!A.W!':~!! I.,VO Cr.rANCll':S .'fU~ ge .~C:!SS:Er.S, .J.C.ii':Sr:~:,": :0 9r ,~~1Cr ~!:' .",.0 ::S!' :, Cr:! '?=;II! of 2 I Jcb Uumber: ffl()~ I O~ Zona: Ocauvanc~ G~ LOT TYPE ' : Lot Sq. Ftg. ;' ~ DJ" tot C.:Jverag;; J ,ij of Stories , i Total Height ~ ~"opogT'aphy 1 ITEN SQ. FTC I iNain I GcPaae Carvcrt Accessol'LI TOTAL VALUE I (va,uc) IS.D.C. 1.5" BuiLdir.g Permit State Surcharge Total Cha:>ges i ITEM I NO. I FEE I Fixtures I,~esidentia~ (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer .1 I Water I I I PZwnbing Pam t State Surcr.azoge Total Charaes i I~'EN ilO. I [Res. Sa. fta. I NaJlExtend Cil'cui ts , !Temporary Service I Ele:JtricaZ Perrriit State Sur~harqe Total Charces II7SN I ?urn=ee I E"haus t '(ie. . !!TU'S Hood i Vent Pan. I floodsto:Je '1 I I I Permit 13suanca Me::hanic:ll Pe1'Tftit State SUrchar>a€ Total Charap.G ENCROACHt.:E.\'T -- Se~~ritu Daoosit Storage IUaintenaru:e I Permit Tetal CharGes I Curbcut i Sidew.~k I Pen::'!e I Electriaa l Labl1 Z I Mobile H::>me ~(YU I I TOTAL Al.fOUNT DUE: ~ FEE FEE Interior Cornel' Panhand~e Cul-de-sac x Value CHARGE CHARGE, I I I CHARCE I I 111<.. CO I ,- I I~.CJCJ I Refe~er.ce ~umbe~s: L-COC .~: I I T"De I I I I I .--:----1 THpe/Cor.st: ..-\ BI1~~:rooms: ~Ene~du Sources Heat I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North East South /lest ..- Fees Setbacks I House Caraae I I I I J I Access. rvate~ Yp.ater> Range Fir>ep lace Woods tove I I I '* I I I' Building Value & Permit This permit'id granted on the express condition that ,the said construction , shall~ in all respocts~ conform to t~e Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including the Zoning CrdinanceJ regulating the construction and use of buildings~ and may be suspended or revoked at c:.ny time wpon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~es. !Plan Check Fee: Ivate Paid: IReodpt #: ISiil"ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct~ install~ atter or change any new or existing plumbing ot',drainage system in "whole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licen8e~ except tr~t a person may dO plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appZi- "~t. . , Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electncal Contractor.. the electriaal portion of this permit shaH roOt be valid until. the 'Label. has been signed by the ELectrical f:ontractor. , , Mechanical Permit , PLan Exczrm,ner uar;;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAl'o1INED the completed appLication for permit.. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct.. and I further certify that any ar.d a'Ll work perfor:ned shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and th~ La:us of the. * State of Oregon p:zrtaining to the work cescr>ibcd herein~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde of any structwre without pt3rmission of the ~ilding Di- vision. I further' certify that only contractors ar~ enployees who'are in compliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this project ~,~ aaC::--;- ~/~9