HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-1-8 1L1():5 ' I . Reeeopt .f - SPRI~GFIELO - . i .. RESIDit.'JTlAL" COMBINATIONA~CATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477' BuiZding Division 726-3753 . DBscrib. "ork: It is ~h8 ruponoibiUty of ths permi.t holdsr to sss that aU inDpsctionB aro mad. at t;}IS prope,. time, tl:at "-ah .::ddrIlOO is ,.eada!1!" from the etreet, and th4t ,the p""":t card ie z"cated at the front of tho property. ~Bu.i!.ding l>ivi:ior: approved plan shall remain on tha Building Sit~ at all timGll. . ptwCEDune POR INSPECTrON REQUEST: CaU ]26':371)9 Uoccordar) stat. your City designated job nwr.bsr, job a.Cd.rcs8, Cyp" of in3p8cticn raqucstcd ar.d 101.':8" you t.n;H be 'rGad/j fol' inspeotion, Contraotors or GUn.8:rs name and phons JUlMbcr. R8quCStS ,.sc8i,Jlld b8fol'~ 7 ..00 ~ ..,;a b<llfWie the eame dq. nqu..ta made aft"" 7:00 am ....:a be lfWie tho nat :,JOrki"'J day. q I!\?\, /(1 IOla':Ci.ty o..ign4tsd Job Numb.,. Ia: ~I~ I .J1.''":Ji.....'f r':~.."...~~~ , 0: SITe INSPEC:I0N: To b. I1CdJI afb,. dZ'ccw.-zti,,", but prior tc ..t u.p of ,fo...... , '0 UNDERSLAB PW/(/JIRG. ELECTRICAL & . NEeHAll/CAt.: To b. madii beforil any wrk -LS ';:mJor.d. Date of Application o FOO1'nlG J FOURDATICR: ' To be lfWie afts,. tNnCho. ars uco1X1tcd and form. arc flr.otad, but prior to pouring ccnor.t:. U.vDERCROU."!D PLUJr.JING, SEflrR. w'1TE.Q.' D.QAII/ACE: To ba'rrw::.:ta prior to fiL- L ir.g trenchll'. o D unDE.~FWOR rWf.aJING ~ f.fECHARICAL: To bll mad, prior to \notaUatt.on of f!oor insuL:tio~ or decking. POS1' ARD BEAll: To be lfWie prior co, instaLl...1C\cn of floor insul.a:tion or dooking. IJI2P<;~ .PLrr.mI.'(G. I'J&!;IR rCAL A 'fECH- AN1eAr..: No :Jark is to be cOI:sred w:tit the'B inspBc~ionB hauc bllB7l . tmdc and 4ppl'Oue:!. ' . FI.~EPLACE: ,Prior.CO pU:m:r.g faci.ng matel"i4La. ~ bt;forc framing i.nspsc- tior.. : . . " . . FRAlrrNC: Hu3t bB rBquB:Jtsd af~cr approvaL of l'OUgh ptwrbing, aLsctJoi... ca.t & .7:Gchani.:aL. At!. roofing bracing, & Chimney., et". m:lst be . comptstod. 110 wrk is to bll con.... ccal.d "until thiD inBpscticn has ' . bun mado and appl'Oued. D o o o \UcLL ,rftW ,rD.. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I.'ISPECTION: To bs mule after aLl inBul.::ztian a.'1d required vapor barri.r8 orll in p 14c. but be/cr. any lath, gypsum board or wU covenng is apptisd, and b.forG any. inaulation is concsalsd. O ORIIIALL II/SPECTrOn: To b<I lfWie after aLl. dPywU is in plaClI, but prior to any taping. O HASONRI: Steel l.oaation, ~ . bfltmla, grouting or v.rticals in ClOcordancs IJith U.B.C. SBction 2415. O WOODSTOVE.:. Altsr instal.lation is completed.. ' O CURB & APPROACH APP.oN: After lonns , are erected but prior to pcuzoing .mn...""l'lItll.. O SID::IIALX & DRIVEJo'AI: For all eon- crBts paving L1i.thin streGt right... ol-u:Y, to bD made after all ezca... vating ccmplets I form'lJOrk I cub- baSil ntIterial. in pla:lI. O !"ENCE: lI1uIr. """'l't.te -- Pl'wU.' gatss or movabts sections through P.U.E. ' o ~ '* , siqr.ed: Dctto: ~LaV / - n ,Cj' / [.isc. Ii E:rnircs phone 1.6}(,., -6J'.lL " " I DE,.,01.1T10:/ OR gOl7' 3r.:I~:::'CS I :=J Sani~ 8aJ~r ~c:ppeti .::t p=:,oP':Ot":i l.ir.s =:J Sept':;' tanJc p"..iffP~d or"; li.t'Zad :.nth ;ra:.uJl ] Final - .fl1um aOOVII iti!.~8 al'"1I c:;r.rpl.ttcd . ar.d tJhen :Iemctitior. ia cor.t?lQt~ or struc- turs movod ar.a prcni3.. =Lsanei up. I Hobi III HemSB OJUocking and Sflt-:i.p ~ing connectio"s ... 'QJllr and tJa~sr ........., EI~~icat Conneotion - Block~r4, Bot-up ~ pl.wnbing conr.ooticns 1r."":3t ;OS I7?provsd bBforc requs.ttng el8J:,.;.caL ~r.Bpsc:ion .k"':rC--:rI{f. decko, o All projeot conditu,ns, such as 'tits inst4llation 0-, S~lIt trss., coi.Tpl.Jti.:m of ;it6 Nquil'fld ~~capi.r.g, cto., must bll satisfiod boforll tJ-.s Bt'ILD1;-;C Fr:tAL ~n !:. rlquGBt:zd. tINAL BUILDINC: 1'h1l Finai Building In8peotion must ba requllDtll:l attllr :411 Final numbing EL.otricaL, and Mechanical Insp8otiono havolb8s", madll and appl'Ou~d. . o FII/AL PLUMBING' 0, FINAL NECHANICAL o FINAL. ELECTRIC~L " '0 . o AAr.L UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST' BE ACCESSIBGE, ADJUSTlfEN! TO BE HIlDE 'I1T NO COST TO CI'!l I P.;.;~ 01: ; '( I I.fob Nwnbcr:C( ICOler I OCCUOOrlC11 arcA. LOT TYP~ Interior Corner Panhandle cut-do-sac l~on(?: ILot Sq. Ftg, ,~ "I lot C"veragt: g of Stontls Total Hei.ght i Topography I lITEM SQ.FTG I~hin I GcJ>aag I r.aroort I~CC~~80rll I I TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (va'UCJ 1.5 % Bui"Lding PBl"mit StD.te Surcharge Total Charg.. I ITEII Fi.rturos NO. Re8~entiat (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer kwat111 tl Plwnbing penr,i t State Surcr.arge Total CharOp.8 ITEII NO. Res. So. ftn. NGLJ/Extsnd Cil"Cuits I Tamporary 581'1J1.C6 I Eleotrical Permit Stato Surcharoe Total Chart:es ITEM I furnace !!TV'S I Exhaus t Hoo..:1. I Vent Fan l Woodstove I NO. I FEE . I Permit I3suanca Mechanic.:zl Permit Stato Surcharae Tota I CMrQeo i -- ENCROACHIIENT -- I SeC"..iritll Dapoait IStoT'aOIJ IUair! tenan.::a Panni t Total Charnas I Curbcut ISw."""lk I Pen:!t1 I Electl'ica I l.ab.l I~.kv>...\.\l\n ~- I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' X Value FEE CHARGE I I 1 1 ",I ( ':::> .uU I t .::, .W . f) ~ I 1:='J/ L:::S I . CHARGE' I 1 1 I I I I ! . f'EE C/lARCE Referer.ce Numbers: L-COc' #: -.. J I Lot Faces - I I P.L. (North I~~: :h IWe.t Type/Cor.st: ,. Bedrooms: I Ener(l}l Soul'(!es Heat Access. I Water .'Ip.ntn1" I Hange I Fireplace I I WoOd' tove J I TllOe Setbacks House Ga1'C1ae Fees 1 I 1. ,. 1 I Building Value ,& Permit This pernrit io gronted on .the e:s:pres8 condition that the said construotion. 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the ~inance adopted by the City of Springfisld, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating th6 construction and uoe of bui.1.dings, and may be Busplmded or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said ordinances. . IPlan Check Fee: I Date Paid: Recsipt II: ISign.a: Plumbing Permit No perBon ohaU construct, install, aLter or change any new 01' existing plumbing or drainage system in 'whole or in part, unlos8 such peraon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operat6d by th6 appli- ; 'cant. . Electrical Permit Where State LaJJJ requires that the electrical. work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pe~it shall. not be valid until the Zabel has been eigned' by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit . PlaIl Ezaminer va.. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compl.t.a application for p."",it, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work perfornled shall be done in acoor- dance with the Ordinances of t1uJ City of Springfioldl and the La:.1s of tho 4 State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt b. mad. of any BtruotW". without pGnni8sion of th. Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors and enpl~yecs who ar~ in compliance with ORS 701.055 witl be usod on this project ~,C)-=) J5-'7<::;; ~'~ 5. ~ ~ ,~~.d.d1.b. ~ ;'/./~ ^ t!)( {).W. g,J,[' b' K. 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