HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-18 .,' "", ~'. ., Rcce~pt ,iI I ( ? ::J(p .. RESID.nIAl" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 ..~:'-_.. Job Location: ;) f. c; () LCi.A..vlLl ./ =if- ',~ :0.. AsaBsaor. lJap # / '70 3 .;J 7 10 Tcz Lot # () Vr?ofJ Subdivision: Q.me1": (b )on~ r h (ff ('f ~ ''2-(}Oq 11/, I Off! Phonc: 1 z~ -12.1:)1 Address: City: ~M' n Additicn n Remodel p;q Uob-:.le Roma (Dats of Applicaticn if-fg--ff (,:ont"l'actors General numbing Electrical Me::har.ic.::l COMt:rueti07t Lend" ~AIJ.PN I( -z. Zip: DB(J;;%O - M ~ ;nff 0- vf Value Add:res~ /YI !-I If . J/'~ ,', Sigr.ed: Date: CC c..(-/tl-fi Lise." Eroir(!s Phone It ia tluJ J"flapon.tt'tbiZity of tns pennit hoZde to 1166 that all inopections are mads at eM proper tim&., t".at 6U:Cn :.dtb-SS8 is roadaDZ", fl"Om eM atreet, and that the permit caN is located at the front of the property. "Oui.?dirtg I>i.ui::ior. approved plan s1u=l.1. remain on tha BuildiTJ{l Sit~ at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job number.. job aCi.rcss.. typo of in3pocticn rC'flAcstcd ar-.d when you win be ready for inspection.. Contractors or Owne:-s nc::me end phone number. Re'flAcs~s received before 7:00 a-::. :..'il.l. be made thG same day.. requests mc.d.e afta' 7:00 am L1il.l b3 lOOde the nat ::JOrking da~.. Reaui~r.a In~op.cticnR O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be rmde after excavation.. but prior to se: up of fOrn/s. D. UNDERSLAB PLIJ!.IBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECHA:JIC:.L: To be made before any wrk is covered. . o roOTING ~ FDUND.1TION: To be madB after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pouring concrete:. UNDERGROU,'.'D PLUMEING, SEWER., W.1TE!i, DRAIllAG~: To oe made prior to fiL- .l.ir.g trenchec. =:J =:J. UNDERFLOOH PLUI..'BI.'lG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instal.Z.ation of jLoor inBu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To. be made prior to installation of floor ins~Zatior. or decki"ii . ROUGH PLU!!BI.'iG_ ELECTRTCA!. I. !.fECH- ANICAL: No :.Jerk is to be cOI.'ered .ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approve':. FIRF:PLACE: Proior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. I FRA!!T!H:: Must be requeDted after ~ approv~l of rough pl~bing.. electri- cal & mechanical.. An roOfing bracing ~ chimneys.. etc. nr~st be ;.completcd. //0 lJork is to be COrl- ....i....cealed until this inspection has eb6~n made and approved. ~ ::J ::J .rOW" City Desigr.ated -!ob Number Is: U l/1~ULA~'jUNI VI1POFl BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insuZ.::ti.:m cr'.d .. required vapor caITiers are in place . but 1::efore any lath.. gypsum board or t.XZU covering is applied, and before any inaulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dryuan is in place.. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location.. boiul beam:;.. grouting or vc'!'ticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: ccrrrpletcd. Afte'!' instal.lation is <i'l?0333 'DEltOLITIO!.' OR ;~:OVEZj Bl..'ILDI;;CS ~ Sanitary Se'..JCl' ::apped at ~opcrt-~ l.ir.s ~ Septia tank ;r..c:pcd a:1d fit.z.a~ uith ara~(lZ :J Final - r,'hen above ite.":'ls are ccmploted ar.d when demolition is complsto 01' Btru~- t.U1'C moved CZ1"1d pr::m1.aes clea.ned up. Mobile Hemes E:J Blocking and Sat-:.lp '~lWTIbing connections -- 8ctJcr and LJa:er , Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking.. sot-up and plumb~ng connections rrr.J.st 1::0 approve':' before requesting electrical inspoc:io~ ~ Acoessol"d Building \7"f Fin.::.l - Aftcr porcr.es# ~etc. are ccmplet~d. I skirting.. decks# D CURB & APPROACH AP.'WN: Afte:- forms are erected but prior to pouring con.::rete. SIDEWALK I. DRIl'EWAY: For all con- crete paving L1ithin stroeet right- of-LX;y.. to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- . base rrr:.terial in plaoe. D D PENCE: Whcr. complczte -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . o o All project conditions.. ouch as the i.nstallation of street trees, co::rplotion of tits required landsccpir.g.. etc. # must be satisfied before the BUILDI/.'C FINAL can be raqus8t:zd. :=J FIlIAL PLUI,!BIIIG ~ FIliAL I/E:HANICAL :=J FINAL ELECT8ICU =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buil.ding Inspection muSt be requeGted cfeer the Final. Pl.W1lbi"3 Electrical# and Mechar.ical InspectiontJ kava bee" made and approv2d. -ALL f.fAI:HCLES AND CLEANOUTS }lUST BE ACCESSIBLE.. ADJUST!!E:l'!' TO SE f.!.~DE I.'!' foO C~ST TO Cr!Y I Pa?e ! of 2 IJOB No.~O"333 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- L-COC-':< t.- I Zone: OcCUr:mnc1l c4 'f:..;pe/Cor..st: . Be::.roor.:s: -'. Lot Sq. P'- LCT TYPE: I Lot Faces - I I Erl(]r~u :O"..ll'ces Ture ..". S of lot COlJerogc Interior I Setback~ .'tea... I P.L. I House , Caraae I Acce... II Water' .4i'!a~"'!' !I of Stories Corner INorth II Range Toeal Hei.ght Panhandle lEast II FireDlac(! Topogr<I?hy Ck1.-de-sac Isouth I I II Wooa;;tove IWest I I II lITEM j Iobin I I Gc:rl1ce I Carocrt I AcccssoJ"tI , SQ. FTC x Value TOTA~ VALUE IS.D.C. I Va~UCJ 1.5 :r Bu.ilding Permit State Surcharge Total C1uL"'gea lITE:!-! Fi....-tures liO'1 I I I I FEE CHARCZ Residential. f1 bath) lsanitaru Sewer I I I (t; ,0'0 I . '7."1 I I [,J,7,t) I . Wcter Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Teta! C1".1z1'ces lITEM I ;:C,;. j Res. So. fta. jNGW/EZtend Circuits j Terrrporary Service I n:;: :,;,i:;..HC::. I I I I I I;"'). 0"-' I , ./5 I [0.7,Sf. I I I I I I I I I. Ele~trical Permit St::te Sur~ha.rae Total. Cha.1'ces lITEM I PuM1.:zee ETU' S I F.=haus t Hoo,1, I I Vent F01l , I W:Jodsto:Jc ;;C. I r- CHt'JICE Permit'Issuance Ma=hanic~l Pe~mit Statc Surchcroc Tot~ 1. Ch.'7.1"al'!I -- ElJCROACHHE}.'T -- JSe~~ritu D~~03it Storaoe Mai71tenan::r. Permi t TotaZ Charaes eurbcu: Si.dm.>alk .re~a I I 3~,oOi t.7s1 I I ro~. 2.51. electrical Label Mobile Hame r;/c.... :orAL AMQu::r DUE: 4 Fees I I I Building Value & Permit This pcnrr~t in granted on the express condition that the s~id. construction shall~ in all respects~ conform to the Ordinance adoFted by the City of Springfield~ including the Zoning Crd:.nance~ regulc:ting the ccnatr'..!.:ticn and uce of buildings~ and m2Y be Bucpended or revokec at cr.y time upon vic-! lation of any provisions of Baid Ordir.ances. I . , I I , . I Plan Check I Date Pa;d: I Receipt U: IS,:g,:ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon chall construct~ instalZJ alter or change any new ar e--isting plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in partJ unless such percon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenseJ except tr~t a person may do pl~bing work to properr~ which is ownedJ leased or operated by the appli- cant:. '. Electrical Permi t Where State LaJ,J reauil"es tr.at the electricaL work be done bu an ELeerncaZ Contractc~J the elec:~~cc:l portion of this permit shall r~t:~be valid until the Label has been signed by the Elecrl"ical ~ontrc:=tor. Mechanical Permit P tan ExclTl'1.nel' LJO.r.,:: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application fo'!' permitJ and do hereby certify that aU i'r:fo~tion hereml is true ar..d corrcct# and I further certify that any ar~ all work parfo~ed sr~ll be do~c in accor- dance with the Ordin::271ces of tite City of Sprin(1ficld~ and th= LJ..:s of tho * State of OregQn p~rtaining to the work described hcreinJ cr~ that NO OCCU- PI.NCY win be rrrI.:ic of any structw'e withou.t p:!rmis3io:1 of the SuildiJ1g Di- uision. I further certify t~t o:1ly contractors ar..d enplQyecs who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project ffku--.(2 Me ;~_", Lf-(f-W Signzd /. '" Date to' " q I , /~~~~:k;" //~: ~, fYlO ,( % ~:~, ;; (~/ ~~,Lj- 'l.4J/./ :;~ . ~.. /// / .// 'e - // / /~,../.> /// / /'.";- / "," \ :/;/> , /~/. '../ " ..,; ~ /'./ : 3 ./ '.'"/ ,/ /' ~ '; ( : ;'/:::;: . . ,:' . /';/: ~ \' 10' /. /<<-;/ /> ;/ '. /..' ./ /' ./ '/'".' ,"" /" .~ ' ./ "'/....' .4 .-- -. ..---- - '.-, .-... #~ " LL 30 '-"'r' . sMd . ',' ,ft, . ;.~._----...\" ?rope.d :",'r,(,. t-.l-51 +- , ~ /' o~ . ~~ '. '. ',' iJ5 .. /', /' , " ,,\ 5'-r ~'re Itydl'an \-: O. h.." "c,'" , Il, 11). i '. I Sf-reer :/taJ mOil r-q Lorrq Y'rtob)'/ Thrk: r'nv ~ mv5 ? hl'l L pe.. l ~ 1 \P