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Permit Electrical 1993-8-16
" .. ~ .' " 1 ~"" .... ~~ ~""... 1:~" < < . . ,- .' '. .' . ,~ . ~. ;J ->I " '.~ ' 225, FIITII STREET :;'~~~~i~),:.:;;[~~ ' ' ELE~~: f~I'r ,APPLICA'J:ION ~SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 "PP''''~'~.O~~~, ~~, ' .. INSPECTION ,REQUEST: 726..,3769 ." ~'~I' ~H,eij:C(ty~:~oD-NUmber c;?, OJ LoLl OFFICE: 726-3759 don/,ig \ tlO\,~ ' . , , Dst"-l;:2.:.t0.-:-' . ~PllETE"~:;SCHE~u'LE-BELOV ' .- 1. '.LOCATION OF INSTALLAEON,.om.. . ' , ), .'. _ " . , c-J I ",c:;'n I Q~ " ~.:J~..7 .;Nev ;Re.s~'del1tial-Si'ngle or ' ..' Multr":FalliHy "per '<dwe,B:ing 'un'i't... ,Serv udeo: ~LEGAL DESCRIP.TION II D ~ :>, '0 DL.f4DO ,JOB:DESCRIP.TION n 11)UJu ~-k J--:,_~ r Pernii ts ,arenon-'transfera'lile 'and ,expire H'vork;isnot,started ;vithin :180.days 'of "issuance or if york is 'suspendeil ,for 180 days. :2. ....wunACTOR INSTALLATION :ONLY 'ElectiicalClRll!OOlllt8.ECTRIC SERVICF p, 0, Box 2237 2370 W, 7th Place Address Eugene,OreQon 97402 City Phone .;s4-,~.. 11.o<i( ( ,Supervisor License Number ..J...2f).:::-' :s- EKpiration Date 10- I - q", Constr Contr. Number c-.y;q(o r'_ Expiration Date 10 - / - q :;> Signatu~e of Supervising Electrician 7t-1.~ ~ rJ-1l~../ Ovners Nanie~A ,P~.......--",~ Address c../,.., c:..., ~ S, A S-L, Ci ty ~,./ Phone /4/- 4141_ ~ OllNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vh'ich ,is "not intendeil for sale, lease or 'rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: RECEIPT If: RECEIVED ,Bl: ~/I/"~~- Cj(,O ~A 'Items ." . . t.- 'j.' '1000,sg,:.f,t .-or :less :Each ,adili.tional.500 'sq.. :l.t, ,or .portion thereof' , ,Each "Manuf' d'Bomeor Modular Dve 111 ng Service ,or Feeder. ~$ :85.00 , '$.15.'00 ~., $40.00 ;B. 'Servi ces or ,Feeders Installa fion, 'Alterat'ions or Relocafion: '200a1l!Ps or 'less 201 ,amps to 400 .amps , 401 amps to .600 amps 601 :amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50.00 ,$ ,60.00 S100.00 ,$130"00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary .Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see "B" above D. Branch Circuits Ne~, Alteration or Extension Per ,Panel One Circui t I Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit S 35.00 ,:t~ "'-0 $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder-not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation ,S40.00 Sign/OutlIne Lightin" $ 40.00 Limi:ted 'Energy/Res S :20;00 Limi ted Energy/Comm ,$ 36.,00 ,5. 'SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State:Surcharge ,TOTAL ~s: -0 ~ I~ .':lroIS " ....1'. n (, ~ (l''';;J <.04 ~,~~~.J1.~\L""';~-;:+ "?::),